Fly Away Home Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the Fly Away Home script is here for all you fans of the Anna Paquin And Jeff Daniels movie. This puppy is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of the movie to get the dialogue. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and all that jazz, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. At least you'll have some Fly Away Home quotes (or even a monologue or two) to annoy your coworkers with in the meantime, right?

And swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards -- because reading is good for your noodle. Better than Farmville, anyway.

Fly Away Home Script


It's Dad.


Why are you here?

I came down from Canada.

I've come to take you home.

What do you mean?

- Well, I mean...
- Where's Mum?

Tell me.

Mum died, didn't she?

There was a foot of snow here
when I left.

I apologise for the mess.
I haven't had a...

I haven't had a chance to clean up.

I've been really busy with, you know,
this, that, the other thing.

I haven't done any work to speak of
on the house in nine years.

It'll be really nice
once it's all finished.

Trunk. I'll get the trunk.

Well, the bed looks nice.

I ran out of storage space
in the workshop.

I'll clear the junk out
in the morning.

- Make it just like you remember it.
- I don't.

You don't what?

Remember it.

I'm really tired.


Good night.

You didn't think I could fly, did you?

What did you think?

I wouldn't go and brag about it.

Oh, well, that's actually
a pretty good landing for me.

He's headed to a museum in Montreal.

I was thinking:
A goatee or clean-shaven?

Give him a beard.
Then he'll look like you.

I'm gonna be real busy.

I'm behind.
I gotta deliver him and...

I'm gonna be in the shop a lot.


I'm not a baby.
You don't have to hold my hand.

- What's that?
- I won an award for that.

From the Canadian Society
of Inventors. Not bad, eh?

- What is it?
- It's a refrigerator.

Very original.

Moo goo gai in a pan.

It's real easy to make.
It says so right here.

You like peanut butter? Remember,
it had a real peanutty taste?

- I'm not eating that.
- The peanut butter makes it good.

The peanuts, there's
an oil thing that happens.

Why is a spaceship in the barn?

That's the Lunar Lander.

Remember when I built that?
It was the winter... and your mom...

You and your mom left.

Remember, she thought
I was crazy for doing it.

I was too.
I had no money and a busted ankle.

Colder than hell.

But I just couldn't get over
that whole moon trip.

Why did you build it?

The Lunar Lander, think about it.
It's up there right now.

The original one.
They left it there. It's parked.

So we needed another one.
So I made an exact replica.

Yeah. Every home should have one.

I've been offered a lot for that.


You must be Amy.
I've heard a lot about you.

Hey, how you doing?
This is Susan, a friend of mine.

This is for you.

It's a welcome... Welcome.

Do you live here too?


Yes, I do.

Sometimes I do.

Excuse me.

So, what's cooking?

So! That went well.

...clearing the corner,
fixing the bed, the flowers...

...and everything.
I mean, it's just great.

- No problem.
- We were really beat when we got back.

She's different
than I thought she'd be.

More complicated.

She used to travel all over
and tour with her mother.

Singing in a club in Tokyo.

A week later, recording in London.

They were on the move a lot.

Get out of here!

What do you think you're doing?

Hey! What do you think you're doing?

We haven't had the meeting yet!
We haven't voted!

You're totally illegal!

I'm gonna get a lawyer
and sue your ass!


Amy, look.

I'm sorry about that
but these people...

They want to build this development.

We've been fighting them because
it's going to ruin the community.

I don't care.

Yeah, well, okay. I just wanted
to explain it you. That's all.

I don't care about any of it.
I'm not going back to school anymore.

- I'd rather die than go back there.
- Amy.

Why did all this have to happen?

Who are you?

They were coming at me
through the frozen food section.

It was just truly awful.
Their lips were so blue.

- Oh, wow! You gotta be Amy.
- Yeah.

I gave you Silly Putty
for Christmas once. You ate it.

You remember, Tom?

She took a bite of a slipper once.
Swallowed it.

What's he doing here?

He's your uncle.
He's helping me catch up.

Tom uses me as his beast of burden.

I lug pig iron for Michelangelo.

- That's the bus.
- Dad, no.

- Books, shoes, hat, bag.
- No, no, Dad.

- Where's your bag?
- Wait, listen...

David's got the bag.

- Homework!
- Dad, I've got...

- We're coming. We're coming!
- Dad!

- Okay, go.
- Just wait a minute.

You're going to school. You belong
in school, every day. Period. Go!

- Go, go, go, go.
- Oh, Dad!

Today, I want to move on
to another important figure:

Sir Allan Napier McNab.

Sir Allan was elected... the Upper Canada
Legislative Assembly... 1830.

He was its speaker...

...from 1837 to 1840...

...while the Tories
were in the majority.

And he was the Prime Minister...

...of the United Colony...

...from 1854 until 1856...



Hey. How'd it go today?

- Quite awful, thank you.
- Sorry to hear that.

It'll be better tomorrow, I'm sure.

Susan and I are going to a meeting.

Uncle Dave is gonna stay
and feed you... you with your homework.
Math tonight, right?

- We'll be home by 10.
- Don't worry.

Be in bed by 8:30!

What, decimals? Fractions?

Math can be really fun.
It really can.

Call him on that!

By destroying the marsh, they've
accomplished their objective...

...which is, there's
nothing left to save.

It's a done deal.

And it's an outrage!

There are laws against this.

I want to know who amongst you
is going to enforce them?

The Chair recognises Sam Tufts.


...I'm proud to be one
of the "they" you speak of.

As a farmer, I don't have
the luxury of an outside income.

My land is part of the package
because I can't make a living off it.

If I don't sell, how will I
send my kids to college?

The Chair recognises Glenn Seiferts.

I'd like to say it's not
this project that worries me... much as the ones
that'll follow in its wake.

I don't believe many of you
want this to happen.

I wish you'd consider the fields
and streams your children play in.

The clean air, the clean water...

...the general peace of mind.
And let's not forget the animals.

They're on the brink of leaving here
forever if this permit is passed... think about it.

- But you tried!
- I have enough to deal with.

- I've got enough on my...
- Shh!

Hey. How you doing?

What time did she go to sleep?

What time did she go to sleep?



I don't even remember falling asleep.

Well, now we know why
she was going to the marsh.

- Is it okay for her to sleep here?
- Oh, yeah. She'll be okay.

Can I keep them? Please?

Hi, guys.

Good morning.

You've got to feed them
every two hours.


And they need a lot of attention.

What they need is to learn
where to poop.

Come on, they're just babies.

Look, they're not going to be able
to stay in the house.

If you put them outside, owls and cats
will get them. And they'll die!

- There's your bus. You've gotta go.
- Are you sure you can handle this?

Yes, I'm sure. Okay?

Go to school. Go. Now!

I hear they postponed
building for a year.

Who knows? I don't believe it.

My daughter found some goose eggs
in that mess.

They wiped out some birds
when they went through there.

They hatched, now I've got fuzzballs
in my house. I don't know what to do.

- Wild geese, yeah.
- Yeah.

That was one of the last nesting
places for them in the area.

- You just inherited more problems.
- Great.

Geese learn from their parents.

Everything from what to eat,
how to fly, when to migrate.

When do they migrate?

Late fall. But without
the parental influence...

...they'll get the urge to fly,
but won't know where they're going.

- How do I take care of them?
- A little grass and grain for now.

I'll come by in a couple days and see
what you got, and if I can help.

- That would be great.
- Good.

Hey, hey. Come on, goose.
Hey, goose.

- How old is she?
- Thirteen.

They grow up quick, don't they?

I wouldn't know.

It's amazing how they follow her
around like that.

Yeah. It's called "imprinting".

The first living thing a goose sees
it assumes is its mother.

They'll follow her anywhere.

It's important to note
that geese are tough birds.

The way they've been displaced,
I'm amazed they're not extinct.

But they've learned to adapt.

Where do they go?

That's the problem.
I get calls all the time.

They land on people's front lawns,
the golf course...

That's why we have Ordinance 9314.

Ordinance what?

Ordinance 9314:

"All domestically raised geese
have to be rendered flightless."

It's better known as "pinioning".

It's actually a simple procedure.

It's quite painless.

What do we have here?
Come here, guy.

Please leave him alone.

Your name's Amy, right?
Amy, these geese belong to the Crown.

- What Crown?
- Queen of England.

- Pinioning?
- I had no idea.

It's for the good of the goose
and the people.

You take the wing and just shave
a bit off the cuticle here.

What are you doing?! Stop it!
Stop it!

What the hell are you doing?

- Watch out!
- Easy.

What are you doing?

What the hell are you doing?

What's wrong? I'm trying to help.

What happens when they start to fly?
What happens when they migrate?

They'll be zapped in power lines.

- Get off my land!
- Listen!

They could be carrying parasites
and disease...

Stay off of my place!

They'll be clipped, no matter what!

If they fly, I'll confiscate them.


Amy, I'm sorry. I didn't know
he was going to do that.

I promise I won't let anybody
hurt them, all right? Open the door.

She's your daughter.
You have to figure it out yourself.

I've tried everything.
I've been nice to her.

I've been tough on her.
Nothing's worked.

I think the bottom line is...

...that she doesn't want to be here.

And I'm no better father now
than I was when she was 3.

- At least you're here.
- Yeah, I'm here.

It's okay.


Hey, Barry!

How you doing?


- I got those battens for you.
- Thank you.

You've missed some good flying.

I got this straight-up elevator
off a cliff burble...

...I must have gone up 2000 feet
in a minute.

Where is this place?

It's 52 miles.
I got my bird in the truck.

I can't.
I got a bit of a crisis here.

- You want some coffee?
- Yeah, sure.


Get out!

It's the compressor! I just...

- It's the compressor!
- Get out!

- Get out!
- It's the compressor!

- He's so weird!
- You're right, he is.

I miss my friends and my room.
Who was that guy?

Just a guy. He didn't see you.

- He did too!
- No, he didn't.

- He did.
- No.

Why did he bring
a man to chop their wings off?

Your father didn't know.

- He did, and he's coming back.
- No, he's not.

- Amy, listen to me. Listen to me!
- No! No!

I know I can't replace your mother.
Nobody can.

But if you let me,
I can be your friend.

The first rule of friends is
they have to trust each other.

I promise you, nothing is going
to happen to those geese. Nothing.

I won't let it, and neither
will your dad. It's a promise.


- See that weld?
- I see your finger.

- It's dark!
- No, it's behind there. The weld.

I got it.

How fast do they fly again?

- Thirty-one miles an hour.
- Oh, God, there's no way!

Yeah, it's slow.

- Makes for a really slow aeroplane.
- They're aerodynamically perfect.

What's that principle?
The guy that...

- Bernoulli.
- Bernoulli.

If the wing is curved, airflow moves
faster over the top. It goes farther.

Less pressure on top,
ergo lift...

...ergo flight.


Ergo what?

Have you turned the gas on, Tom?

Yeah, now it's on.

Turn it off.

Make up your mind.

Turn it off until the engine starts.

Then turn it back on.

This is the kill switch. Clamp it
in your teeth. If you crash...

...your jaw relaxes.
You won't get cut up too bad.

- Fly on, boys!
- Everybody clear?

- We need a bigger engine.
- Yeah.

Wake up.

Hey, hey.

Hey, guys.

Hey, guys, come on.

Hey, geese, come on!
Come on, geese! Come on, geese!

Come on.

You could fly real high with this.

Or end up a pile of ground round.

There's only one way to find out.

Come on, Tom. Come on!

Oh, God!

Oh, my. What a ride!

My feet can't take this anymore.

- See that one?
- This one?

That one's Fluffy.

- And that one's Featherbrain.
- Featherbrain?

And that's Grumpy. He likes mud.

What's that little guy's name?

This one? I haven't thought
of a name yet.

He was born with a limp,
so maybe I'll call him Gimpy.

That's pretty good.
It might give him a complex, though.

You might think of something
more strong.

Like John, or Thor.

Mac, or something.
Oh, I got it. Igor!

- Igor?
- Yeah.

Like in "Frankenstein":

"Master. Master, follow me!"
You know?

That's good. I like it. "Igor".

"It's alive!" You know.

I had this idea...

...about the geese.

I've been watching the way
they've been following you.

Even when you're
on your four-wheeler.

It occurred to me that they just might
follow my aeroplane too.

- No way.
- Amy, look.

They're gonna try to fly away.
That's what they do.

They're migratory.

They go south in the winter, just as
their ancestors have always done.


We can keep them in the barn.

Sure, we could do that.
It's kind of like jail.

We could also clip their wings.

Doesn't matter.

They'll want to go south, where
it's warm and there's plenty to eat.

I could show them the way
by flying with them in my plane.

My geese won't have anything to do
with your crazy ideas.

She's right, Thomas.
This one is way out there.

Okay, look. But this could work.

According to the books...

...they learn the landscape
by following their parents.

In the spring, they come back
by the same route...

...exactly, to the same place.

Right there on the front porch.

Our problem is that your birds...

...don't have anybody
to show them the way.

So they'll take off and get lost,
or get shot by hunters, or worse.

They're not gonna follow you.

But they might if you help me.

Believe me, this could work.

I promise you, it'll be okay.

I promise.

Come on, guys. Come on.

That was close.
We'll get it.

Hey, guys! Come on!

It seemed so perfect. I'm used to
my ideas not working out at first.

Yeah, but she's not used to it.

You got her all excited about this.
Now she feels like you let her down...


Broken promises are the worst.
It's better not to promise.

I'm having trouble figuring it out.
I didn't say I was giving up...



Oh, God. Amy, please.

Talk to me. Talk to me, Amy.

- Hi.
- Oh, God!

Oh, sweetie. Are you hurt?

I don't think so.

You're crying.

Yeah, I thought you were...

Suppose I built another aircraft.

And then taught Amy how to fly it.


Look, the birds will fly with her,
she'll fly with me.

I could lead them all south.

You're joking, right?

She nearly broke her neck yesterday.
This is a joke, right?

No, it's not.

It's a great idea.
We can make it work.

The birds follow me, I follow you.
We all go south.

It's brilliant.

I knew you could think of something.

It's the most stupid, irresponsible,
harebrained scheme I've ever heard...

It's the only way they'll fly
with her. That's the way it works.

What is wrong with you?

- I thought you liked the geese.
- I do like the geese!

It's a lot more dangerous for her
to drive on the expressway.

It's the safest ultralight out there.

- It has to be safe as possible.
- But it's pricey.

I don't care about that. It has to be
simple to fly and gentle to put down.

Well, yeah, it'll fly
at 28, 29 miles an hour.

- Really?
- Or even climb at that.

There you go, fellas. Enjoy it.

Thank you very much. Take it easy.

Turn to the right.
Lean. Lean to the right.

Push far to the left. That's it.

Remember, you've got 34 feet
of wing tip up here.

It's kind of like having
real wide hips.

All right, let's make a hard right.
Hard right.

Good leans, like you're flying.
Good girl.

Keep the bar pushed down.
Really bringing it around.

You got it. I'm not doing anything.
It's all you, Amy.

Beautiful! Good leaning.

Go hard to the right, just like
we're flying. Now, swing to the left.

Lean it, lean it, lean it!
There you go!


Nice and straight. Bar centred.

Nice and easy, eyes straight ahead.
Hold on to the bar, Amy.

Smooth. Push out on the bar.
And up we go!

Thattagirl! Thattagirl!
You're doing it.

You're doing it, Ames!

Get the bar, right about there.
Get it up there. You got it!

I've been around
a lot of flyers in my time.

- I think you're a natural.
- Do you really think so?

Some people are, when it comes
to flying. You're one of them.

The wind is coming
from right straight at us.

So it'll go right under the plane.
It's gonna be perfect.

- The plane's gonna be a lot lighter.
- I know, Dad.

Your takeoff roll will be shorter.

You'll climb real fast. But still,
do the smooth push-out with the bar.

Now, I'm coming up right behind you.
Just make passes around the field.

If your engine cuts out,
glide down onto the field.

Don't go anywhere except the field.

- Yeah, I know.
- You're gonna do good.

Lift prop.

Mama Goose, come in.
They've flown the coop.

Mama Goose, can you read me?
They've flown the coop.

Mama Goose.

Come in, Mama Goose.

Amy, can you hear me?

Amy? They've flown out.

- Come in.
- Mama Goose.

Amy, can you hear me?

Mama Goose, is your radio working?

- Tom, do you read me?
- Yeah, Barry, her radio's out.


I don't believe it!

It works!

Mama Goose.

Mama Goose. Come in, Mama Goose.

- Maybe the jack's no good.
- I'm about to give her a visual.

Hello, Papa Goose. This is so cool!



Can you hear me?

Can you hear me?

Yeah. Hey, who's that
on your right shoulder?

Long John!

Look, they're really flying with me!

- So they're flying now, are they?
- What do you want?

- I came by to say hi to your father.
- He's out.

He told you to stay off our property.

- Where does he keep the aeroplanes?
- What aeroplanes?

Well, I know he's
planning something crazy.

- Who's the new guy at the house?
- That's my Uncle David.

He's got a black belt.

We call him "Killer".

Okay, Amy.

I'll see you again.

You can count on it.

Hey, that... Wait a minute.

That's funny. Just go...

...and I'll play, okay?

Ready, on three. And spit. Go!

I just think that we need
to have very clear notions...

...of when we're going to fly
in the day, when we're gonna land.

How long you're gonna lay over.
And then where you're gonna end up.

- That's the most important thing.
- Do me a favour. Get me some maps.

Just, like, go down...

Just go like:
Here's us, here's Florida.

I'll look at the map
and pick the route.

I'm gonna make a call
because I know this guy.

A bird guy... North Carolina.
- You're kidding.

He knows, like, migratory paths and...
We called him Birdbrain.

Yes, but this idea
of using aeroplanes... reintroduce
migratory flocks. It's...

Look, I'm sorry.
It's absolute nonsense.

Can you imagine thousands
of little tiny aeroplanes...

...buzzing suburbia at 4 a. M...

...showing the birds the way south?

The birds wouldn't follow a plane.

But they do. I've seen them do it.

It really works, if it's done right.

And if geese can do this
then maybe really rare birds... whooping cranes and
trumpeter swans can learn it too.

We can start new flocks...

...and give them a crack
at a comeback, you know?

Do you really think
you can pull this off?

Yes, sir. All we really needed
was a place like this.

Well, of course, there is a catch.
It's right over there.

These 300 acres are all that's left
of what used to be thousands.

In the '30s, the government set this
aside as a wild bird refuge.

But with fewer birds wintering here,
it's been encroached on.

Some people have made a lot of money.

If no wild birds show up
by November 1st...

...these chaps are
just itching to take over.

November 1st? Really?

So if we're here by then, it's ours?

No, not actually yours.

- The birds'.
- Right.

It's perfect!

I sure hope you're right. I don't
want to find out I'm in trouble...

This spot that we found, it's perfect!
It's just perfect.

- But we don't have that long.
- Can you land there?

- Perfectly.
- Okay.

Good, flat surface right near.

- Stop moving back. I'm pushing.
- I felt that.

Squeeze it down a little bit.

Not so it hurts.
Well, it'll move back and forth.

Let's see how it looks.
Get your finger out of your nose.

Nice move, Tom. Very good.

The journey will take
four days of good weather.

Thirty nautical miles
to Lake Ontario.

Then 30 more across the lake
to the U.S. Of A.

Now 65 miles further on
is rendezvous number one... a farm outside
Franklinville, NY.

Day two, we're going to Pennsylvania.

Across the Appalachian Mountains,
120 miles to rendezvous number two.

On day three, we fly over Maryland,
east of Baltimore.

Then south across the Potomac
to the lowlands of Virginia.

On day four, we go along Chesapeake
Bay to the town of New Hope.

From there, it's just
10 miles to Valhalla.

- How are they doing?
- They're panting hard after 20 miles.

I really don't think
they can go 150 miles a day.

They've got it in there somewhere.
Wild ones can fly 1000 miles.

- They're thinner afterwards but...
- We gotta go earlier than that.

Two day's weather cushion isn't enough.
I say we leave by the 22nd.

Good idea. Barry and I will get
the camping equipment Wednesday.

We got a lead on a boat.

- The GPS and radios are due tomorrow.
- October the 22nd.

- Yes!
- 22nd!

We have one week
to whip them into shape.

We've gotta push them to the limit.

Wild geese average five,
six flight hours a day.

That means we've got to get ours
up to four. Then we'll be okay.

You've gotta be the leader,
and be tough on them.

We can't let up. The wild ones
are already heading south.

- Mama Goose, come in.
- Hello, base.

You've got one very
unhappy bird down here.


Goose Ground, put your
radio next to him.

Mama Goose, go ahead, we're ready.

Igor! Stop fooling around.
We're leaving by the end of the week.

You can do it, lgor.
You can do it. Come on.

Mama Goose, we have a liftoff!

I don't see him.

Dad, do you see him?

I don't see him.

I lost him behind the house.
I don't know where he went.

Wait, I see him!

Amy! Amy, watch out!

Here he comes on your right wing.

Igor! Dad, Dad, I hit him!



- I hit lgor, he's down!
- Listen to me. Look behind you.

You gotta take care of the others.
Let's turn around and head home.

Roger. I'm turning east.

Igor! Hey, goose.

- I don't know if we'll find him.
- We'll find him tonight. We have to.


See him?

- Igor.
- Goose, goose, goose.

I don't believe it!

He's lost some primary feathers.
Don't worry, they'll grow back.

He's not going to be able to fly.

He's got to go with his brothers and...

- Careful!
- Take it easy.

Let's just get him home.
We'll think of something.



- Oh, I gotta go. See you, guys.
- Where are you going?


- Good?
- Good.

- Goose Mobile, phase one complete.
- Roger, Papa Goose.

Don't worry, I'll take care of it.
Have fun with the kids.

Yeah. Yeah.

The buzzard is out of the nest.

Good, we're into phase two
in five minutes.

Because animal management
is everyone's business.

We're all responsible
to protect nature.

To look after the well-being
of the creatures that live in it... we take care of our pets.

Does anybody have a pet at home?

- A hamster!
- Rabbit!


- Nice office.
- Can I help you?

Well, I hope so.

My brother and I were camping...

...and the weirdest critter
got in our tent.

Just waltzed in. Nasty little sucker.

I have no idea what it might be.
I was wondering if you'd take a look?

- You brought it back? Alive?
- Out in the truck.

- Phase three in two minutes.
- Hunky-dory!

It's right out here.
I really appreciate it.

Did you bring gloves?

- Oh, God!
- Where is it?

- It got out. You have kids around?
- What did it look like?

A big cocker spaniel.
Only he had a... Almost bald.

Fur just around the neck.
Very spiky around here.

You go this way, I'll go this way,
and we'll meet back here.


You be careful. Be very careful!

It's very temperamental.
It's very big.

- Get up, get up!
- Thank you, guys.

Final phase is one minute away.

Our own area is blessed with a rich
cornucopia, if you will, of wildlife.

Beaver, bear, badgers...

- Check it out!
...grey foxes...

Yeah. Beetles...

Not the old rock group but...

I think it's Amy. Hey, it's Amy!

Mama to Papa, that was so cool!

I just made a criminal
out of my daughter.

Now we'll both do time behind bars.

Dad, stop being so dramatic.

Look, it's just beginning, Amy.

We've gotta make nautical miles by sundown... across Lake Ontario...

...cross international lines without
a permit, carrying stolen goods...

...without filing a flight plan,
without any official approval...

...four days behind schedule.

We're on the edge, my dear.

Let's start a slow climb. I want
plenty of altitude over the lake.


Father Goose to Wet Goose,
how do you read?

Loud and clear, Father Goose.
How are you doing?

Headwind's picking up.
What's our ground speed?

- Down to 21 knots. How's your fuel?
- Two hours at best.

We're past the point of no return,
so it'll be landfall around dark.

- Sir, you'd better look at this.
- What do you got?

- No idea. Very unorthodox signature.
- Hey, man, that's Newfoundland.

I've got some awful
tired birds back here.

Landfall in about five minutes, Amy.

Sir, it's still heading
straight at us.

- Any contact?
- Negative, sir.

We've gotta go.
Give me full alert, red alert.

Papa Goose to Wet Goose,
we won't make it to rendezvous one.

Roger, Father Goose.

- We're on fumes, we've gotta put down.
- Roger.

We'll tie up and wait
till we hear from you.

We just lucked out. I got a visual
on what appears to be an airfield.

Stay on me, we're going down.

- Let's do this, men. Scramble field.
- Scramble field. Code One.

63 Romeo, on final and holding.

- 63 Romeo, position and hold.
- Roger.

63 Romeo, waiting for takeoff.

63 Romeo, hold your position.
Unidentified traffic on short final.

They're landing? Here?

Tower, this is 43 Tango.
We have the bogies in sight.

Hey, guys, this is really strange.
I suggest you call security.

Oh, great.
The rudder's coming loose again.

Hey, what's that? Dad?

Who is it?


- Freeze!
- Get down on the ground!

Stay down, Amy.

What's going on?

No gifts, no produce, no flowers.
No Cuban cigars.

Oh, yeah?

That's a lot of stuff for one camper.

Well, I'm a serious camper.

What's the cage for?

I'm also a paranoid camper.
See, I sleep in it.

Keeps the little furries out.
Doesn't do much for the big ones.

All they'll do is
look at me and drool.

What's all the gasoline for?

That's for my portable generator.
For my VCR and blender.

Nothing like a scary movie
and a piņa colada in the wilderness.

Open the back.

Sir, it was an absolute emergency.
We had no idea this was...

- Stop playing with those birds!
- Yes, sir!

It was either land here
or in Lake Ontario.

We're really sorry.

You put this entire military base
on full alert.

You caused us a mountain of paperwork.

Not to mention setting two of
my pilots back emotionally 20 years.

And you're really sorry?

We promise we'll never do it again.


Just as long as you promise.

- A little closer together.
- Smile, this is for the morning paper.

A little closer.

- Thank you. That's it.
- You got it? You're okay?

Talk about being at
the right place and time...

...Ed Nichol was at the Niagara Air
Force Base this morning and shot this:

It seems an unlikely pair
sneaked into the high security base...

...with a flock of birds.

Yeah, real birds.
You know, the flapping kind.

Have you heard about
this kid and her birds?

14-year-old Amy Alden
and 15 Canada geese.

She's leading them south
in this really big goose.

This is for real.

They departed from
Niagara Air Base at 5 a.m.

General Hatfield says he has never
seen such an inspirational sight.

- All present and accounted for?
- Roger. Hey, listen to this.

...she's got pet geese or ducks
or canaries or whatever...

...and she's leading them south...

In other news, Amy Alden,
a 14-year-old from Southern Ontario... on a mission
over New York State...

The birds have names like Igor,
Stinky, Long John and Featherbrain.

...anyone would actually shoot
and eat these marvellous birds?

I like them with an orange sauce,
with wild rice.

Flat on their back, golden brown.

- Dad, how much further?
- Ten more miles, Amy. Not far.

Dad, look at that!

Where are they going?
Hey, Long John, come back!

It's the wild ones.
They're going with them.

We have to follow them
or we'll lose them.

Hey, where do you think you're going?

Dad, they're shooting!

Let me try and head them off!

I'll try to get in front of them!

Here they come.

Holy shit!

They're down.

Set up on a short final to that field
at your 11 o'clock.

You people don't give up, do you?
Now you're poaching off of planes.

- I ought to blow a hole in you.
- Ma'am, listen.

Wait a minute.

Isn't she the little girl
I've seen on television?

For those who think all news is bad...

...have you heard about the Aldens...

...flying with the birds?
- No more bird jokes!

They're leading an orphaned
flock of geese south...

...on an unprecedented
500-mile odyssey.

...nice place, about 20 miles out.

First thing tomorrow, if we can
separate them from the wild ones.

...I saw something out of a dream.

I want to know something.

What happened between you and Mum?

What did she tell you?

She said you were both artists.

And that was difficult
to begin with...

...because artists
can be selfish sometimes.

That's true.

She said you were both to blame.

We couldn't have been all wrong.
We got you.

But you hardly ever came to see me.

Well, New Zealand's pretty far away.

That's a really lame excuse, Dad.

It took me a long time to admit that
letting you both go was a mistake.

For a while,
I just buried myself in my work.

I was afraid, Amy.
I was afraid, angry...

Mostly at myself.

I'm really sorry.

Come on, geese!

- We have to get on 95.
- 37.

Yeah, we do. We have to end up on 95.

...moving northeast. It should
allow good flying for the Aldens...

...with the possible exception of
fog in the upper Chesapeake area.

Their destination is a coastal town,
now coming alive in expectation...

For 1000 big bucks,
Richard Cartwright from Pimlico, MA:

How many geese
are following Amy south?

In honour of Amy and her geese,
here's "Birds of a Feather".

I had me a damn turkey once
that wouldn't follow me anywhere.

Goose Ground, we're in the soup.

My high-tech navigational
equipment isn't working.

- Could be batteries.
- Oh, no!

- Dad, how could you forget batteries?
- I don't know.

- I think we're west of Baltimore.
- Sounds about right.

We'll come down slow,
and land if we find a place.

What does that sign say?

Yeah, okay. Roger, Papa Goose.
Over and out.

Dad, watch out!

Amy, stay on the main street!
Just stay on the main street!

- Look at that!
- That must be the goose kid!

It happened just after 2:00...

...and folks into two-martini lunches
in Baltimore may swear off them.

The plot is thickening down south.
Diane Brawley reports.

What we have is an
increasingly nasty confrontation...

...between Greenies and tree-huggers
against forces of economic progress.

This is the realization
of a lifelong dream for me.

I have men and machinery committed.
I can't walk away...

...just for a bunch of ducks.



Papa to Mobile, our estimated time
of arrival, one hour before sundown.

We have fuel, so go on ahead
and set up for our arrival.

Roger. We'll see you in Valhalla.

This is Goose Ground signing off.

Thanks, Goose Ground.

Dad, what's wrong?


Uncle David, this is Mama Goose!
Come in! Come in!

- Have we got time to eat?
- 17 north.

Find a place to get some real food.


- Damn!
- Are you okay?

What are we gonna do now?
How will we get there by sundown?

I think I dislocated my shoulder.

- You'll have to take them alone.
- Can't we both go in my plane?

There isn't enough fuel for both
of us. It'd be too slow.

We wouldn't make it on time.

It's only 30 miles, an hour away.
You can do it.

I can't find my way without you.

Yes, you can.

Because you're like your mother.

She was brave, you know.

She went off, followed her dream.
Nobody helped her.

You have that strength in you too.

I wish she was here now.

She is.

She's right next to you.

She's in the geese.

She's in the sky.
She's all around you.

She won't let you down.

I can't leave you here.

Yes, you can.

You take that plane, those geese,
and you fly away.

- Bye, Dad.
- Go.

Follow the river until you reach
the town of New Hope.

Then turn southwest
and follow the coast for 10 miles.

- Look for a lot of cars and people!
- Goodbye, Dad!

Go, Amy.

We're gonna start before sunset.
All right, start it up.

We're gonna start.

On the surface, it seemed
so simple and harmless and clean.

But it's gotten complicated
in the saga of Amy and her birds.

Colin Beardsley reports.

So far, no trace of Amy, Thomas
or the geese. They've disappeared.

- Can I hitch a ride?
- Join the party.

Oh, my goodness!
Is that that little girl?

Zoning Ordinance number 3185-7... now in effect!

This is private property!
Please remove yourselves!

Everybody! Everybody, please!

My daughter is up there by herself!

If you be quiet,
we might be able to hear her.

Just listen to me for one moment...

Shut that thing off!

She's coming!

I don't believe this.

Special thanks to SergeiK.