The Fly II Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the The Fly II script is here for all you fans of the Eric Stoltz movie. This puppy is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of the movie to get the dialogue. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and all that jazz, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. At least you'll have some The Fly II quotes (or even a monologue or two) to annoy your coworkers with in the meantime, right?

And swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards -- because reading is good for your noodle. Better than Farmville, anyway.

The Fly II Script

There's something wrong.
I can feel it.

Now, stop screaming,
take a deep breath and. . . .

Something's wrong, goddamn it.
Do something! Help her!

You're too excitable, Mr. Borans.
Take him somewhere to calm down.

Screaming will not help anyone now.


Hold her steady.

-Why wasn't I notified sooner?
-Sorry, Mr. Bartok.

We called when labor began.

Oh, my God!

Just get it out of me!

Come on! Get it out of me!

No! Just get it out of me!
Get it out!

You said it wasn't gonna be like this!
You promised!

Push, Ronnie.
It's coming.

Push, push.


Cut the
umbilical cord Get the Pitocin.

We're losing her.


All clear.

Is there something moving in here?

All clear.


She's gone.

Dr. Jainway, do not think
this child is a laboratory animal.

I want you to take care of him
as though he were my very own.

You will all answer to Dr. Jainway.

She, in turn, will answer to me.

I, in turn, will answer
to nobody but God.

From God's mouth to your ears,
that is the chain of command.

Is that understood?

Here we have
an average 1 1 -month-old child.

And here we have our
1 1 -month-old child.

As you can see, his life cycle is
dramatically accelerated.

Now, these are aberrant chromosomes.

Obviously a product
of genetic mutation.

These are all dormant, something
in addition to accelerated growth.

And his non-genetic characteristics?
His learning abilities, for example.

He's got a photographic memory.

He doesn't just learn,
he consumes information.

And he never sleeps.

Is that so?

Do you like him?

Well, as a clinical subject,
I find him astonishing.

But he does try our patience when
it comes to medical examinations.

I think it's time our young guest
and I became acquainted.

We're not interrupting, are we?

Not at all, Mr. Bartok.

What a handsome young man you are.
Do you know who I am?

Yes, you're one of the people
who lives behind the mirror.

Well, my name is Mr. Bartok.

I'd like you to think
of me as your dad.

Martin. . .

. . .what's that behind your ear?

You know, it's knowing the right
magic word that makes it happen.

It's a real magic word, a secret word
that you keep locked away. . .

. . .inside your heart
and you never tell anybody.

No, you don't tell anybody,
and that's what makes the magic work.


Martin, are you listening to me?

Dr. Shepard. . .

. . .I don't mean to be rude
by not facing you.

But those tests are far too simple to
demand my full attention.

Besides, I'm almost finished.

So am l, Martin.

I just have to time you on this maze,
and we can both do something we enjoy.

Very impressive, Martin.

People, may I have your attention?

I've grown tired of your
trivial influence.

Another outburst and I'll be forced
to make an example of you.

You've outdone yourself.

But what else does it do?

Keep still, Martin. Stop fidgeting.

Is Mr. Bartok gonna visit today?

You know how busy he is.
He has that project in zone four.

Oh, yeah.

Can I go visit him?

-Of course not, you're not allowed.

Because you don't have
zone four clearance.

How much longer do I have
to take these shots for?

As long as you would like to live.

Why don't I have clearance?

Because you're only a zone three
project. You're fidgeting.

It's normal behavior.

I read it in a book for mothers.
Want to see?

No, thank you.

Now, sit still or Mr. Bartok
will be very disappointed in you.

You know, I got this disease. . .

. . .so rare, there's only been
two people who've ever had it.

My father.

And now me.

They even named it after him.

It's called Brundle's
Accelerated Growth Syndrome.

The doctors say it means I'm growing
up a lot faster than I'm supposed to.

Which isn't so bad, I guess.

But I think it also means that
I'm gonna die a lot sooner.

Which isn't so great.

Today is your lucky day, Martin.

Lamb chops and French fries.
Your favorite, isn 't it?

Yes, sir.

Initiate sequence, please.

It's okay.

It worked! He's moving around.

He's still alive!

How the hell did he get in here?

What's wrong?

-Happy birthday.
-Thank you, everybody.

Blow out the candles.
Don't forget to make a wish.

Martin, the whole team
wants you to know. . .

. . .how happy we are to share
your fifth birthday.

What's your wish?

You know what I want?

Your privacy.

And I think it's
about time you got it.

Say the magic word. . .

. . .and make the mirror disappear.

-I don't think I should go too far--
-Nonsense, it's a beautiful day.

Fresh air will do you good.
You should get out more often.

You mean, this is mine?

This is my place?

Your place.

Your private place.

No more mirrors, no more prying eyes.



So do you like it?


I know it hasn't been easy growing up
in such a clinical environment.

Due to your unique affliction,
it's been unavoidable.

You've been very good to me.

I don't know how to thank you.

Perhaps I can think of something.

I'd like you to consider taking
a position here at Bartok lndustries.

-Something challenging.

To keep you from being bored.

A match for your intellect,
your creative mind.

I'm talking about a job.

Five years
and millions of dollars later. . .

. . .and what we have is--

What we have
is the world's most expensive. . .

. . .juicer.

The greatest invention
in the history of mankind. . .

. . .and we can't get
the damn thing to work.

We're like chimpanzees trying to
figure out how to operate a car.

Your father was a brilliant man.

Brilliant, but erratic.

When he died,
some of his secrets died with him.

You could finish your father's work.

You're as brilliant as he was,
perhaps even more so.

I don't like these things.

It's because of the dog, isn't it?

How long will you
hold that against me?

It was a tragic mistake,
but that's in the past now.

You must concentrate on the future.

The future is right here
in this very room.

Imagine a new era of surgery
without incision.

Cutting people would be primitive,
a thing of the past.

All the things that would
become obsolete overnight.

That's what these machines represent.

A new age.

If you want personnel. . .

. . .Dr. Trimble and his people
are at your disposal.

If you want to work alone, fine.
It's your choice.

Martin. . .

. . .we did everything we could
for your dog.

Take comfort in knowing
he didn't suffer long.

And one more thing.

Your father kept a record
of his progress.

Before you decide. . .

. . .Iisten to your father.

We've just seen the
first teleportation of a human being.

Dr. Seth Brundle,
how did it feel going through?

It felt like a stutter.

A what?

A stutter, you know, a hiccup.

A slight dislocation
of my physical life.

Not unpleasant, just a little
interruption of rhythm.

At first I thought it didn 't work.
I thought I was in the same telepod.

And now, how do you feel?

I should feel exactly
the same as before...

...but I don 't. I feel very...

...energized, very coordinated.

I feel as though I work better
physically, you know?

Everything seems to just work better
than it ever did before.

Why should that be?

I don 't know. It's possible that...

... the teleporter
somehow improved me.

In reassembling me, it might have
seen where things could be...

...improved theoretically,
and it did it.

I told it to be creative,
and maybe it has been.

How can I help you?

Do you have any organic matter
that I can borrow?

Excuse me?

A potato, a plant, something living.

You'll have to speak to maintenance,
and they won 't be in until 8:00 a.m.


Well, thanks anyway.

Hey, got a visitor.

It's Bartok's brat.
That kid gets away with murder.

Don't worry, he'll get his someday.

Nice catch.

What is this?

A fly.

An artificial fly for fishing.

I guess you don't fish.

I don't get out much.

I'd go crazy without some diversion.

CRT burnout till 3:00 in the morning.

I heard Bartok was good
for advancement.

I've been here six months,
and I'm still computer filing.

Graveyard shift, no less.

Are you new here?

I've been here five years.

Five years and you still work nights?

I work days too.

When do you sleep?

I don't.

You don't?

I got that in California.

So what are you working on?

The most important invention
in the history of mankind.

With my cactus?


I'm talking change beyond imagination.

The big leap from Stone Age
to microtechnologies.

Would you like to come up to my lab
and watch, Beth Logan?

I have to give you
points for originality.

You don't believe me?

Look, don't take
this personally, but--

Should l?

I love living on a houseboat.
It's peaceful on the water.

-Hey, wait a minute, Martin.

I can't go any further. I don't have
any clearance for this sector.

Poof! You have clearance.


What did you just do?

I've broken down the cactus's
molecular structure. . .

. . .and teleported it
from one pod to the other.

And. . . .

What's that?

It wasn't supposed to do this.

Something. . . .

I'm sorry.

You keep it.

I have to get back to work anyway.

But I enjoyed meeting you,
Martin Brundle.

Maybe you should
beta test the program.

Beth. . .

. . .would you like to visit me again?

-I don't want to disturb you.
-You wouldn't.

You see, I have no friends here,
only acquaintances, and. . .

. . .I would like us to be friends.

-Is that possible?
-I'd like that.

I, um. . . .

I get a dinner break every night
at 1 0:00.


Why don't you come down here? lf you
like, you can help with the telepods.


Maybe we could fix my plant.

Hey, Marty?

What's the good word?
Got yourself a girlfriend now?


Too bad.

Nice ass.

Last night, I slept for two hours.

The longest I've ever slept.

I'm not willing to attach any
significance to it.

Why not? It means I'm slowing down,
stabilizing, becoming normal.

It doesn't necessarily follow.
You're just working too hard.

If you were undergoing a metabolic
change we would have found it by now.

You're missing my vein.

That's what you get
for not sitting still!

Now let's try it again.

I don't think so.

A friend of mine in specimens
division asked me up there tomorrow.

They're having sort of
an office get-together.

Do you want to come?

Will there be people there?

Yeah, there usually
are at get-togethers.

But nice people.

You'd be surprised.


So that's your genius.

He is cute.

I told you, but he's shy.

I hope he's enjoying himself.

I've never seen anything like
it before in my life.

What is it?

We don't make them,
we keep them alive.

It's so ugly.

He's our pride and joy in specimens.
Our longest running engagement.

Two years.

That's been alive for two years?

We call him Timex.
"Takes a licking, keeps on ticking. "



Leave me alone.


-Martin, what's the matter?
-I said to leave me alone, Beth.

Talk to me.
I thought we were friends.

-I didn't know--
-Stay out of my sector!

You no longer have clearance.


There was an unfortunate incident
in the specimens division last night.

Someone broke in
and caused some damage.

You wouldn't know anything
about that, would you?


He's lying.

Of course, he's lying.

It seems our Martin is growing up.



I'm sorry.

Don't be sorry.

I missed you.

You did?


Come here, I want to
show you something.

Okay, close your eyes.


Oh, gosh.
Look at it.


Come here.

Where you going?

Martin, what are you doing?

You can't do that.

It's all right.

Initiate the sequence.

No, I can't.


Trust me.


That's wonderful.
How did you do this?

I started from scratch.

Trimble and the rest asked the wrong
questions, made the same mistakes.

They were too close to
the problem to see it clearly.

Scientific myopia.

They thought of it in terms of
methodology, of physics.


But you have to be able to open
your eyes and admire. . .

. . .the beauty of the process.



What is this?

Just a little accident.

Well, it's getting all infected.

You'd better have it looked at.

I have to go now.

It's just an infection.
This antibiotic--

Don't patronize me, Shepard!

This is obviously not an infection.

What's going to happen?
Will I lose my arm?

Of course not. Now this injection
will clear it up right away.

You're going to have to trust me.

I don 't trust you.
I want to see Mr. Bartok.

-There's no doubt.
None at all.

Early stages of genetic metamorphosis
have been showing up on tests.

His aberrant chromosomes
are not dormant.

Now that he's reached full maturity,
they're growing. . .

. . .changing, becoming more defined.

How fast?

Like wild fire.

You know what to do,
what preparations to make.

Get on with it.

You having a problem, Ms. Logan?

My card isn't working,
it's not opening the door.

Nothing wrong with your card.
It's just not your door anymore.

-What're you talking about?
-It looks like. . .

. . .your transfer to
the day shift finally came through.

Just like you wanted.

Systems analysis?

This is in a building across town.

We've already sent your
personal effects over.

That's what you get for fucking
around with Bartok's pet freak.

For your eyes only.


May I help you?

Yes, I'd like an outside line, please.

I'm sorry, sir, all outside lines
are busy. Please try again later.

Thank you.

Bartok lndustries, may I help you?

I'd like to speak with
Martin Brundle.

There is no Martin Brundle here.
Please try again.

Now, you listen to me.
I know--


-You all right?
-Oh, my God!

I've been trying to call you.
You okay?

Something is happening to me.
I don't know what.

I was transferred. They found out.
Bartok knows about us.

We never told anyone.

Because he saw us.
He videotaped us in bed.

That's it.

He's found it.

You'd better call Bartok,
tell him the kid's pissed.

I see.

We lost video completely.

Where is he now?
-Could be anywhere.

You're not allowed in here.

Get out!

You don 't know
anything. I was there.

I upset Brundle. He was trying to
cure himself, can 't you see that?

You gotta help Ronnie,
she's pregnant with his child.

You and I are gonna be
very good friends, you think?

Well, I know we are.

I want us to--

I want us to be more than friends.
I want you to think of me as your dad.

You mean this is my place?

Your place, your private place.

No more mirrors, no more prying eyes.

Go on, take a look.

A fly... into that...

... transmitter pod with me
that first time.

The computer got confused.

There weren 't supposed to be
two separate genetic patterns.

And then decided to...

...splice us together.

It mated us, me and the fly.

Now you know.

A rather rude awakening, but at least
we can drop all pretense now.

Martin. . .

. . .you will soon become. . .

. . .the most unique living creature
on the face of the earth.

No, I won't.

There's nothing you or l,
or anyone can do to stop it.

I'll take my. . .

. . .medications, my injections.

They're merely water. . .

. . .placebo.

We had to give you some
sense of hope, otherwise. . . .

You. . . .

You. . .

. . .want this to happen?

Of course, I want it to happen.

You're the prototype. . .

. . .for a whole new age
of biological exploration.

With you as the model. . .

. . .and the telepods as the tool. . .

. . .Bartok lndustry. . .

. . .will control the form
and function of all life on earth.

Calmly, Martin.

Accept it.

This was planned from the day
you were born.

We'll do everything we can to make it
as painless as possible for you.

I loved you.

Get Scorby.

Scorby, report to
the main station. We have a situation.

Come back!

You guys, stay here.

You want out?

You have to go through me, Marty.

I enjoyed that tape of you
and your girlfriend.

Girl goes like a jackhammer,
doesn't she?

I don't want excuses.

I want him back.
Is that understood?

Yes, sir.

Are you ready for me, Dr. Trimble?

-Yes, Mr. Bartok.
-Let's get on with it.

I'd like to see these things work.

-What the hell is this?
Just bypass the damn thing.

-Son of a bitch.
-Trimble, my patience is wearing thin.

Sir, it seems the head of this project
has seen fit to install a password.

-Martin has installed a password?
Yes, sir.

We can't access the system without it.

Well, feed it words at random.

He's booby trapped it.

The first wrong guess we make would
automatically erase the programming.

"What is the magic word"?

"Abracadabra. " That's the magic word.
Everybody knows that.


No, there is a real magic word. . .

. . .and only Martin knows what it is.

This is the word that
makes it all happen.



Clever boy.

-Don't be frightened.

Oh, my God.

What happened?

I didn't know where else to go.

You need your medication.
We have to get you back.

There's no medication for what I have.


There never was.

They were all just. . .

. . .waiting for. . . .

For this. . .

. . .to happen.

I had to see you, Beth.

Do you want me to go?


Then help me.



All right, let's go.

Thomas, go upstairs.
Chris, help out.

-Anything upstairs, Thomas?
Only a cat.


Go check the dock.
Chris, go with him.

The girl?

She went with him.

Well, get back here
as soon as you can.

Yes. Don't worry, sir, we'll get him.
It's just a matter of time.

That, sadly, is a luxury
we don't have.

Go away.

-We have to talk to you, sir.
-I said piss off!

Seth Brundle was my father.

Striking family resemblance.

Little big for 5 years old.

I have a chromosomal malfunction.

I'm growing at an accelerated rate.

No shit? That's fascinating.

Well. . . .

Listen, it's been great.

Stop by again some time.

Perhaps I should invite you in.

I saw you on the videotape.

Don't sit there!

You were there
the night my father died.

He was working on a cure.

That's why you dragged yourself
out here? To find out about a cure?

You're my only hope.

Oh, kid. . .

. . .the last thing I am
is anybody's hope.

You really don't want
to hear about this.

I have to know.

Brundle stole my girl.

Your mother.

Got her pregnant, caused her death.

Dissolved my hand and my foot
with fly vomit.

I had no love for the man.

He bugged me.

As for the cure he was working on. . .

. . .he dragged your mother. . .

. . .kicking and screaming
into that telepod. . .

. . .that they might be fused together
in one beautiful body.

So your mother blew his brains out
with a shotgun.

There's your cure.

Go away.

You bastard!
Where's your compassion?

I had to give it up.
It cost me an arm and a leg.

It cost you more than that.

Your father was right about one thing.

If there's a cure, it has something
to do with those pods.

That. . . .

They won't work.

You're a bad liar, kid.

If you found the answer,
use it.

Martin, did you find--?

It's nothing I can use.
So forget it.

Let's go.

You should talk some sense
to your friend.

They'll be looking for your car.

My Jeep's in the garage.

Just. . .

. . .get out.

-Let me just call Bartok.
-No, I'm not going back there.

He can help.
I'll tell him about the tele--

-That's a dead end.
-You haven't told me why.

The only way I could save myself
would be to sacrifice another life.

I'd like a room, please.

All I have is a queen size.

Is that okay?

That'll be fine.

Cash in advance.

Brundle vanished late last night
with co-worker, Beth Logan.

There has been speculation
that Ms. Logan was kidnapped...

...but this has yet to be confirmed.

Number nine. . .

. . .Miss. . .

. . .Smith.





Martin, stop.

Please don't run away from me.

I don't know what to do.

I don't either.

Martin, I'm not gonna leave you.


How peaceful that light is.



You. . .

. . .should go.

You need help.

You don't think I can take care
of myself?


You can't walk.

You're getting worse.

I'm getting better.

My body. . .

. . .is growing. . .

. . .stronger.

I feel good.

You don't know what you're saying.

I do know what I'm saying.

Until now, I've been nothing more
than an open wound.

Defenseless. . .

. . .weak, vulnerable.

Don't you see. . .

. . .I'm healing.

I'm healing.

It wasn't clear to me for a long time.

But now. . . .

I can see so much better now.

Beth, if you stay a while,
I'll show you a magic trick. . .

. . .you'll never forget.

Martin, what about the telepods?

You must tell me
what the magic word is.

The word is. . . .

It's a secret word.

Do you remember this room, Martin?

This is where you were born
the first time.

It's proper that this is the place
for your rebirth, don't you think?

You're growing so quickly, my boy.

Any prediction how soon?

I'd say at least a week.

Martin. . .

. . .if you can hear me. . .

. . .I wanted to tell you
I'm thrilled to have you back.

How it was naughty of you to run away.

I forgive you.

I should thank you. . .

. . .for the magic you worked
with my telepods.

Don't ever forget that, Martin.

You're a magician,
not an escape artist.

Welcome home, son.

Nothing's wrong with me, you assholes!

Let me go!

Where's Martin?

Where's Martin?

It's dirty work, Mackenzie,
but somebody's gotta do it.

Make sure you don't miss anything.

You'll be pleased to know you
show no signs of contamination.

Please, sit down.

You really have no choice.

Where is Martin?

He's doing very, very well.
Thank you.

Resting comfortably.

But of more importance right now. . .

. . .is you telling me. . .

. . .the magic word.

Dr. Jainway?

Dr. Shepard?

What's wrong?

What's happening, man?
What is it?

Back in the O.R.

You were alone with him all that time,
just you and he.

He must've told you something.

You have no intention of helping
Martin, and you never did.

You're not going anywhere.

Bartok, Martin got out of his
cocoon. He's out there somewhere.

-Has anyone seen him?

Dr. Jainway. She's dead.
He killed her.

Control, this is Bartok.
Listen carefully.

I do not under any circumstances
want Martin injured or killed.

He is to be contained.

Anyone responsible for damage to him
will answer to me. Is that clear?

Yes, sir. Code four alert.

Code four unit,
quarters 12, 14 and 17.

Subject is dangerous.

All zone four units to be armed.

This is to be a live capture.
Repeat, live capture.

Control, at the end of corridor A,
something's moving around down there.

There are no other exits.
You've got it trapped.

Sick him.

Let's check it out.

-Has anyone found him?
-Not yet.

We're not exactly sure
what he looks like.

Hold it. You wouldn't believe
what I'm looking at, sir.

Whatever it is,
it's dragging a body.

What direction is it headed?

I'd have to say, Mr. Bartok,
it's headed right in your direction.

Seal the door.

Get reinforcements.
We can trap him in the hallway.

-It's got a security card.
-Erase the code?


I've got him.
He's right outside Bay 1 7.

Send reinforcements right now!


Great, just fucking great.

Come on, freak.


Sorry guys, looks like I lost him.

There's no sign of him anywhere.

It can't get in here, can it?

Nothing gets through those doors.

The upper doors have a manual lockout.

Vargas, let's get him.

-Jesus, look at that.

Medical emergency, Bay 1 7.
I got two men down.

I'm going after it.

Paul stay with him.
The rest of you let's go. Come on!

-Just tell them to kill it.
-Don't be an idiot.

I need a live subject.
Martin is of no use dead.

He's right, Mr. Bartok. Your
Martin's already killed three people.

That's tragic and sad, but I haven't
come this far to lose everything now.

Clever. Clever boy.

Control, he's in the air
ducts headed for zone four.

Control, where's that air duct lead?

Hold on, hold on.
I'm getting it.


Bay 1 7, observation level.


-Don't shoot, idiot!
-Kill the damn thing.



Vargas, get out of there!

I want him alive, damn you.


We're outside Bay 1 7,
we're cutting in.

Spray the room.





Where are you?

No. No, no!

Martin. . .

. . .I know you can understand me.

Don't do anything rash.

I won't hesitate to kill you
in a second, if I have to.

I almost wish it didn't
have to end like this.

Goodbye, Martin.

What are you doing? No!











-I'm all right.

I'm all right.

Special thanks to SergeiK.