Okay, here's the scoop. I've got a few movie posters, postcards, buttons and stuff that I'm trading away because: (a) They're cool, but I already have duplicates (i.e. Fargo, Go) or I've got oodles of weirdo movie stuff, and people are telling me I would appear to be borderline obsessive. So I'm weeding out the ones I don't want anymore, as to halt to potential of all the poster tubes in my closet tumbling down and crushing me at any given moment. So I thought I'd let you browse through the collection, see if anything catches your eye. After all, you're here, you must be some sorta movie buff, right? What I'm looking for in return is other movie memorabilia in return, like other movie posters, press kits, promo items, that sorta thing. If you don't have anything like that...make me a reasonable offer for one you like. I'm sure we can work something out. Anyway, check out the the list, and if you see something you dig, e-mail me at drew@script-o-rama.com.