Audition Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the Audition script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the Ôdishon Takashi Miike movie.  This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Audition. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You won't hurt my feelings. Honest.

Swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts!

Audition Script



Dear Mum, Get well soon.



Tell the head nurse to stay.



Ryoko, Ryoko...



Ryoko, Ryoko






I'm sorry,



 5:28   PM



I brought this for Mum.



  years later.



Hey, let's go home.

The waves are too high.



Dad, no luck again?



You don't understand.

I'm only after the big ones.



I prefer real life girls

to imaginary big fish.






When you grow up,

you'll understand.



It's called romanticism.



Yes, well...



I have done the planning.

I'll bring it tomorrow.



Yes... Hello



Sorry I have to go.



This is too big for us.

We'll share it with Rie.



You don't bring friends home

anymore. Is everything OK?



Did you know that black

sea bream originate as males?






When they reach   cm long,

they become unisex.



Then some become female.

-Oh really?



What about this one?



We saw ovaries.



Did we?



I don't know very much

about ovaries.



You don't look young anymore.




-You look very plain.






Hey Dad, why don't you

get remarried?



Why do you say that?



I just simply think so.



Thanks for the dinner.



It's your turn for the dishes.



It's like a ceremony for worshipers.



They're pretty much the same,




Happy people wouldn't

go to that kind of concert.



The whole of Japan's lonely.



Are you?



You too, right?






Ueno wants to change tomorrows

meeting from   to  .  pm.



That doesn't matter to me.

I'll be here.



I'll drop in at Starts and

then meet Yoshikawa tonight.



I won't be back at the office.



Any changes and I'll call

you on your mobile.









I'm going to marry soon.









To whom?



Someone you don't know.



Congratulations anyway.



You're a busy man!

-It's alright but...



The profit margins are

getting thinner.



How about you?



Don't you know?



The movie industry is profitable.




I'm lying.



It's like a survival game,

or a game of torture.



Is it no good?

-Seems like a bright future ahead.



But I don't know

how long we should wait.



Yoshikawa. Didn't you say

the same thing a year ago?



Did l?



Awful girls.



No class and stuck up.



Stupid as well.

Where are all the good girls?



Japan is finished.



Let me say...



I intend to get married again.



Well, what made you

decide to do that?



Which one?

-I haven't got one yet.



My son said to me that I look old

and I should get married again.



That's the story.



You look old...



How are you going to look for one?

An arranged marriage?



No, that's not my style.



I wish there was a very nice

woman hiding somewhere.



What kind of female are you

looking for? Preferably young?



Not too young?



She could possibly have a

job, and some training.






For instance, playing the

piano, singing or dancing.



You ex-wife Ryoko

was like that.



Certain training gives people




A lack of confidence brings







It'll cost you more.



She need not necessarily be

a professional.



I don't want to fail at

marriage at my age.



I'd like to have enough time

to observe her.



I'd like to see many women

then choose my ideal one.



What are you laughing at?



Am I expecting too much?



I probably am.

-No, I can handle that.



I have an idea.



Have an audition.



It'll be a romantic story.

Remember your documentary?



Love triangle between dancer,

patron and a Down syndrome boy.



Teamed up with a German TV station.



I'll rearrange the story.

Any problems?



I don't see any problems, but

we're going to audition?



Trust me.

Have I ever disappointed you?



Well no, but...



The heroine is supposed to be

in her early   's to   .



The conditions are that she be a well

trained person. No problems, huh?



Wouldn't it be fraudulent?



This audition is not only about finding

you a wife. It's part of making a movie.



If we collect enough capital,

we can make the movie.



The story isn't bad.






Am I supposed to marry

the main girl?



No, a girl with that much talent

wouldn't marry you.



They aren't the marrying type.



Really good ones will always

fail the second interview.




-Those are about  % of all applicants.



They are quite attractive.



Smart, with a good upbringing.

Traditional and well trained.



Wishing her to be your

son's wife?



I don't get it.



Why can't she get the main part?



They are not unhappy.



Happy people can't act well.



And another thing. I have a plan to

work with FM, I'll combine this.



Make another program

called "Tomorrow's heroine".



Trust me.

I'm a pro at auditions.



This is Yoshikawa. I'm in

room number  . Coffee?



Is coffee OK for you?

Bring two coffees please.



I'm in a middle of a traffic

jam, I might be late...



Please hand that tape to

Mr. Kaneda.






Tomorrow's heroine



I'm just wondering

where you are?



Wonderful things might happen. If you

encourage yourself a little bit more.



Every star has their defining moment.

Hepburn and Julia Roberts.



They led their own lives

prior to becoming heroines.



Tomorrow's heroine is living

at the same time as you are.



No, tomorrow's heroine could

be you yourself.



I'm home.



Here we go.

-You're home early.



That's right, I've got to

work at home tonight.



Please heat up your dinner.

The bigger dish is for Shigeto.




-See You on Monday.



My daughters here this weekend.

I've got to go shopping.



That's nice.

Hey Gang.



Please put your washing in the basket.









-It's me.



Yoshikawa. I'm

checking the applications.



They're all good, right?



I don't know what am I

supposed to do?



It's like buying my

first car.



Don't mix your car and wife.



I intend holding the audition

next week. Choose    applicants.




-That's right.



Alright. I'll let you know.

-Don't trust pictures.



Composition can be more useful.




See you.




Choose    from all of you?



You're home?



Why don't you knock at

the door? You just arrived?



Yeah. Dinner?

-I'll eat later. Why don't you eat first?






I'm having a guest tonight.



Girl friend?

Give her my dinner.



Thank you.



What did I do!



Asami Yamazaki.



Classical Ballet for    years.



I'm not sure that I can make an actress of

myself. And you probably won't choose me.



I was simply attracted to this story.



I studied ballet, but damaged

my hips when I was    .



I was devastated as I intended

to practice in London.



Ballet was my priority.

So my dream collapsed.



It might sound exaggerated,

but it's like accepting death.



Living is another way of

reaching death.



I think I know these facts very well.

That's why I applied for this part.



When was this dinosaur living?

-about the latter Cretaceous period.



The later part of Cretaceous




That's a Sauropod right?



Good. What about the dinosaur

that has the Syracuse model.



I don't know.

-Do You want to see?



Hi! Good evening.

-Good evening.



I'm his father.



My name is Misuzu. Nice to meet you.

-Nice to meet You too.



I often see her on the train. I thought

she was pretty. Then tried talking to her.



Good job.



I'm interested in biology.

He showed me his books.



We ate your dinner.




Was it his?



I'm sorry I ate your meal.

Terribly sorry.



I will cook something for you.

-Don't worry about it. Take it easy.






Good boy.



Let's go for a walk.



Shigehiko, make sure she gets

home alright. -Of course.



OK boy, come on.



Let's go Gang.






Well... I feel like a criminal.



I'm ready.



Let's start.



Pleased to meet you.



Please sit.



My name is Yu Tanaka.



Please have a seat. Are you nervous?

-a little bit.



Sorry, you are the first one.

-That's OK.



We're going to tape you.

But don't worry. -OK.



Do you mind if I ask what

your father's job is?



Well... my father's...

job is...



What can I say?



Next one.



I'm going to ask you frankly.

Why did you apply this part?



Have you ever had sex with

someone you don't like?



Are you interested in drugs?



Can you act a little bit for us?




-Go ahead.



What music do you like?



Which actress do you like?

-I like Mituko Mori.






I used to love sports.

At school, I played...



Did you ever want to work

for the sex industry?



I have a friend who is

working in that area.






What are men to you?

Have you ever seen Tarkovsky movies?



Ren Osugi.



We have some sex scenes. Can you

handle that? -No problem.



Are you psychic?






May I ask you a question?



Can you smile?



What kind of men

don't you like?



Yoko Sugimura.

Nice to meet you.



If I didn't have confidence

I wouldn't be an actress.



Excuse me.



When I was   mother decided

that I'd be an actress.



Can you walk around the chair?



Turn around.



Next please.



Nice meeting you.



It's time for a break

from our schedule.



We're    minutes late.

Let's take a     min. break.






You don't seem too enthusiastic.



Don't tell me you're

not interested anymore.



It's not like that.



Like what?



I'm nervous myself.

I need to use the toilet.



I lived in Paris for   years. And have

come back to Tokyo as a designer.



I can't think about anything

else but being an actress.



My office was only for adult videos.

-Keep her for another job.



I'm not satisfied being

called a cover girl queen.



This scar is from my  st suicide

attempt and this is from the  nd.



I've been to an asylum   times.






Emi Kitani.

Pleased to meet you.



We finished your

interview before.



But I haven't finished

what I have to say.



You have nice career, why

do you want to be an actress?



I think I've been doing

very well, but...






I'm a children's nurse.

My work is very hard...



Next please.



Ms. Asami Yamasaki.






Asami Yamasaki.

-Have a seat



Sorry for the delay.

-It's OK.



Have you done any movies

or TV jobs?



I've had many opportunities,

but actually haven't done any.



Do you belong to any agency?

Not really.



But I'm on keep

for a record Co. director.



But we haven't contacted

each other recently.



Which record company?

-Ace Records.



Could you tell me your

personal contact's name?



Japanese music dept.

Director Shibata.



Since you quit your previous

job, you're unemployed?



How do you manage your daily expenses?

lf you don't mind telling us.



I help at a friend's shop.   times a week.

-What kind of shop?



A small bar in Ginza.



The owner used to be a class

mate in voice training.



If I keep my costs low,

I have no money problems.



Don't you want to lead

a luxurious life.



Too poor isn't good.



But I can afford books and CDs.

That's enough for me.



Can I ask you about ballet?






You damaged your hips.

-That's correct.



It must have been awful to

quit what you'd been doing.






I must sound a bit rude but...



Your writing says that quitting

what you liked...


            almost similar to accepting death.



I was highly impressed.



I think everybody has

similar experiences.



In your lifetime when you have

something beyond your control.



What can you do but accept it?



I think that's life.



I mean...



I was amazed a young girl

like you understands that.



I think you live your life

in a very thoughtful way.



That's what I thought.



Thank you very much.



Are you finished?



Thank you for coming.



We may contact you later.




Excuse me.



May I call the next one?

-Let's have a     min break.






Please tell Mr. Ito I'll be late.



What do you think?

-She made me very nervous.



I wanted a cigarette.



You decided on her before

the audition.



I like her much more than

her nice writing.



I think you live your life

in a very thoughtful way.



It's not an interviewer's

comment. I was stunned.



Don't joke about that.

She really impressed me.



I'm sure she's a serious

type of girl.



She is better than her photo

and may also be good hearted.



But I don't like her.



What's wrong with her?



Something chemical.



Can't say exactly what's wrong.

I just don't like her.






She looked nice, but...




One of those girl things.

I don't understand girls. Do you?






Hey dad, about your remarriage. Preferably

someone who cooks better than Rie.



Why are you in such a hurry?



New discovery of another

dinosaur, from Argentina.



That one could be older

than Euraptile. Really.



I'll be busy collecting




Take a bath.



Yes, hello.



Sorry for calling so late.



This is producer Aoyama.

I interviewed you today.



Thank you for your time today.

-Not at all. Well...



I wondered if you might have

some time to talk with me.



Of course. I'd love to see you.



When would suit you?

-Anytime would be fine, during the daytime.



Really. Let me see.

For instance...



Good night.



This is the Aoyama residence.



It's me.

-How is it?



About Ms. Yamasaki.



Without suspicion,

I called Ace Records.



It's no big deal, but

something didn't seem right.



What is it?



Director Shibata isn't

at the company.



To be precise,

he isn't there anymore.



He's been missing for a year.



He just disappeared.



I'm nervous.



Please relax, I won't ask

you any special questions.



You only ask of me to enjoy

this nice food and talk?






That's the best request

I've ever had.



Just one question.



Your director contact.



Mr. Shibata?



I'm sorry I said so at the

audition but...



In fact I've never met him.



I don't belong to

any actors agency.



I was advised to answer you like that.



Is that so?



I didn't mean to tell a lie.



It's OK. I've clarified that

question, that's no problem.



Here we go.



Looks wonderful.



Go ahead.







I hope I'm not asking you

too much but...



If you have some free time,



I'd like to talk to you more.



I don't have anybody to be

frank with.



If I'm good enough,

I'd love to.



Really? I'm very happy

about that.



I'll try not to bother you.



I don't mind any place.



Even on the telephone

would be fine.



I'll write my mobile number

on my busniss card.



Please call me anytime.



Thank you very much.

Thank you for the meal too.



I've decided.



I don't care about the movie,

I'm interested only in her.



Don't worry about the movie.

I'll handle that matter.



But don't be too hasty.



You wanted to have some time

to observe your prospect.



Why are you so negative about

her? What's wrong with her?



I only think that life

isn't so easy.



She is beautiful, classy

and obedient.



Such a woman not having any

boyfriends is unthinkable.



I checked out her associates,

none are accessible.



The bar she was talking about

is also an unknown.



We can't reach anybody

who knows her.



I wasn't born yesterday.

I won't be fooled this easily.



I trust myself over some

others evaluation.



If there's any trouble, I

can solve it.






You said I could find my

ideal woman from an audition.



I appreciate it.



Hey Aoyama.



Promise me one thing.

Don't call her.



Hopefully it's my miscalculation.



It's going to effect your

whole life.



Don't be so hasty.



Cool down a bit.



Alright. I promise you.



You're not sick are you?



It is rare for you to

take a day off.



Since I've worked for you,

I've never seen you like this.



Oh well...



It's good to have a break.

You might be a little tired.



Since your wife died, you've

worked very hard for your son.



Forming your own company which is

doing quite well. You work too much.



I wish my husband was like you.

My life would be easier.



You must have a nice




I'm sure you do.



Men can't maintain without

female support.



I've finished.

I'm going home.




-See You tomorrow.



I'm leaving.



See you.



Do you have something

to tell me?



Not really.

See you tomorrow.






Hello... This is Aoyama.



Really? Good.



I thought you wouldn't

phone me anymore.



If l told the truth you might

think that l'm a heavy woman.



I've been longing

for your call.






So how are you?






What's so funny?



I never thought about having a date

with you again. So l'm pretty excited.



Here we go.



I never asked you about your

family. Are they fine?



They're fine.

-You're from Tokyo right?



They bought a house in Chiba.

Just moved in last month.



My father loves golf, living

in Chiba is more convenient.




We are not that close.



But not that distant either.

Quite an average family.



Do you still work at

the bar? -Yes.



Is that in Ginza?

-It's in  th street.



Called the "Stone Fish". Funny name.

-the Stone Fish?



Shall l come for a drink?

-Thank you...



...but the owner

interrupts my private things.



If you don't want me to

come of course l won't.



I'm just curious about you.



I won't lie to you,

definitely not.



I promise.



Can l tell you the truth

about the movie?



Someone else got the part?

-'lt"s not like that.' the movie itself.



Actually the sponsor didn't

like some of the story.



We had to suspend it.



In the worst case it might

not come out.



Oh really?

You might be hurt.



Not me. But you might be.



You read my composition

didn't you?



I never thought about me

getting the main part.



It's OK. The good thing is

that l met you.



I felt wonderful seeing

myself in the mirror.



Joining images of myself

and beautiful things.



That's incredible, l trained

myself hard to release pain.



That's why l could

tolerate hard lessons.



But eventually l lost

my precious ballet.



It's hard to forget about it.



But someday you'll feel

that life is wonderful.



That's life isn't it?



Thank you.



Living alone is a hassle.



I have nobody to talk with.



There were some guys

that approached me.



But you are the first

one to support me.



Warmly wrapping me and

trying to understand me.



Let's have dinner soon.

-When will That be?



Sorry am l pushing you?



I'll call you.



Yes l'll wait for you.



Here is fine.



Please stop the car.

She's getting off.



Thank you very much for today.

-See you.



Good night.




Take me to Okusawa.



Can l talk to you for a moment?




Well well, the drapes are dirty.







-You found a girlfriend.



Am l right?




You look a little different,

sometimes you even smile.



She is only    years old.



She's closer to my age.

Must be very beautiful.



I'm the same as you. I like the beautiful ones.

-Don't get cheated.



I'm much cleverer than you.



Have you proposed to her?



Not yet.



We are going away this weekend.

I'm going to propose to her then.



Good luck!



I'll introduce her to

you soon.



Let me check her out first.

I trust my hunches.



Because you're in love now.



Well what can we do before dinner?



I know this place whose cook is very good.

He provides very nice food.



But he has a terrible mouth.



There is a little museum close by.



If we leave now, we

could still make it.



It's about    min. by car.



After that, we could go

to the harbor.



It's a little harbor but

it has a nice coffee shop.



They serve nice cheesecake.



Their desserts are...



Come to me.






Don't take off your clothes yet.






Look at my body.



I burnt myself

when l was little.



I want you to know all about me.



You are very beautiful.



Please love me.

Only me.



I understand.



Everybody says so.



But l hope you are

different from the others.



Only me.






Only me. Please love me.

Only me.






Is that Mr. Aoyama?

This is the front desk.



Yes. -I'm terribly sorry.

You must be in bed.



We tried calling many times

but there was no answer.



Thing is, your partner left.



We want to confirm your stay.



Sorry to call you so late,

but we need to know.






What you are saying is

she disappeared?



Nobody answers the phone.

There's no way to contact her.



I don't know exactly where

she lives either.



What happened in the hotel?

-I told You all about it.



But normally people don't

disappear like that.



We might have misunderstood

each other some how.



I just want to talk to

her face to face.



Yoshikawa, can you find

out her address?




l've only got her resume.



It's impossible.



Why don't you forget about her.

-I can't do that.



I can't finish everything like this.

-I know l can't convince you but...



I suggest you to forget

about her.



You're saying...



That l...



went too crazy about

a young girl.



Eventually being left alone

like a pathetic old fart?



Yes, you are.



What's the matter with you? You said

that you weren't born yesterday.



Whatever problems come up,

you fix them, right? Oh come on!






It's OK.

-What's OK about it?



It's OK now. I won't

ask your help anymore.



I'll look for her.



I'll look for her myself.




Shimada Ballet studio.



Excuse me?



Excuse me but...



Are you...



Are you Mr. Shimada?



I'm the one who called

you this afternoon.



About Miss Asami Yamasaki.



Go home.



Let me be frank with you.



Did you have any problems

with Asami before?



I just want to know

how to contact her.



And l'm looking for a hint.



Did you see her?






Did you hear her voice?



What do you mean by that?



Did you touch her body?



Did you hold her in your arms?



How was that?



Was it good?



Did you smell her?






Go home.



 th Street.

The Stone Fish.



The Stone Fish.



No one is there.



Are you closed today?



That bar closed about a year ago.



That was huge mess.

The owner was murdered.



Do you know an Asami

who used to work here?



Asami? I don't recall.



Normally the owner worked

here alone.



Asami was supposed to work

here   times a week.



Some kind of a mistake.



Excuse me...

Why was the owner killed?



I'm not sure but people talk

about some sort of man problem.



She used to be associated with

a music industry guy. She used drugs too.



Did she get murdered here?

-the body was chopped up completely.



It's a    year old building.

The whole thing is tilted.



We saw her blood flowing

through a gap in the door.



The other mystery was...



The police tried to recompose

her body together.



An extra   fingers and an

ear came up.



An extra tonque as well.



Isn't it a terrible world?



Meal time, Gang.






Hi, this is Shigehiko.



I'm going to stay at my

friend's house tonight.



It's none of my business,

but eat properly.



There's some Yoghurt there,

please have it.



And Gang was hiding. Underneath

the house, please feed him.



Talk to you later.



I'm sorry.



How have you been?



I never expected we would meet again.

Sorry to be childish.



I never asked you about your family.

Are they fine?



When l was little,

my parents got a divorce.



I was sent to my uncle's house.



That was a terrible place.



I only remember being abused.



My uncle's wife was

that sort of woman.



I have many scars.



If it's too painful,

you needn't talk about.



No, l want you to know

all about me.



I was forced into cold baths

in winter, l got pneumonia.



She pushed me down the staircase.

I broke my shoulder bone.



The doctor worried about me.



He sent me back to

my mother's home.



When was that?



I was   years old.






My mother remarried for

the  nd time.



I've reduced the scars.



But my step father...



Hated me so much.



He's got disabled legs.



Staying at home all the time.



I did nothing in a

dark room everyday.



Until my mother came home.



I'm sorry.



It's not a normal story is it?



If you dislike me

please say so.






I never imagined you'd

had such an agonizing past.



Because ballet supported me.

-You had talent.



I'm not sure.



But when l danced it

purified the dark side of me.



That's the reason why

l never tried to kill myself.



I think... you're wonderful.



I've been looking for

someone like you.









This is an opportune time.

Let me introduce you. This is Asami.




She isn't good for you.




She's a very fine woman.



No... darling no.



I want...

I want you right now.






That was a little mistake.



You made love to me.

Only once.



I expected something from you.



Was l stupid?






Forgive me.



I'll do anything to give

you pleasure.



I like doing this.



What are you doing!

Stop it.



Look, you've got a hard on.



Stop it!



Extra   fingers, an ear...



...and a tongue too.



You only love me.



Only me.









Dance for me.









Dance bitch!






...for me otherwise...



I'll torture you!



Dance. Please dance for me.












Good girl.






This wire can...



...cut meat and bone very easily.



You are wonderful.



I never felt unhappy.



Because l'd been

unhappy all the time.



Please stop!






Males need female support.



Otherwise they can't maintain.



Let's have an audition.



My son told me that l look old.

Why don't l remarry.



That's why l decided.









You can't move any more.



I've paralyzed your body but

your nerves are still awake.



You can enjoy the pain.

and suffer incredibly.



You guys collect many

girls from auditions.



Make them fail.



You contact them later.



Just wanting to have sex.



Everybody is the same.



Deeper, deeper...



Deeper, deeper...






Words create lies.

Pain can be trusted.






You can feel pain. You can study

about the human body as well.






This is the most

painful point.



Am l right?

Then here too.



Here as well.






Deeper, deeper...



Deeper, deeper...



Deeper, deeper...



Here we go. Underneath the

eyes is also very painful.



You only realize what kind

of man you are. When you feel pain...



...then you understand. When you

have a very agonizing experience.



Your son called.

Shigehiko, right?



Your son has to have pain,

then you'll understand more.



Stop that!



Stay away from my son.



You love your son too?



You're a liar.

You only love me, right?



I've only got you.

You have so many others.



I don't want to be

one of those.



Even if l give you all of me

you won't be mine completely.



Everybody is the same.









You can't go anywhere

without feet.



This wire can cut

meat and bone easily.



Stop it!



Right foot please.



I'm home.



Dad, are you awake?



My friend got sick all of a sudden.

So we called an ambulance.



Are you there?



What happened dad?



What's going on?



What happened?



Are you OK?



Well l will...



I'll answer your proposal.






Your proposal...



I accept.






It's like a dream.



I'm so happy.



I applied for the audition.



I was the...



Luckiest one.



Because l didn't become

the heroine of the movie.



But l became the real heroine.



Deeper, deeper...



What's wrong dad?



Who the hell are you?



What the hell do you want?






Are you alright dad?






Call the police...






Is that the police? This is

the Aoyama residence, Okusawa.



Please send an ambulance.



My fathers been seriously injured.

And one woman too.



I don't know the details.



His left leg has been chopped

off and is bleeding badly.



The address is Okusawa  -  - .



I thought you were very busy.



I don't know your job so well.



I might sound heavy.



But l've been waiting for

your call for a long time.



I never expected that

we would meet again.



Sorry to have been childish.



It's a hassle living alone.



I didn't have anybody

to talk with.



You are the first one to support me.



Warmly wrapping me.



And trying to understand me.



It's hard to forget about.



But someday you'll feel...



...that life is wonderful.



That's life isn't it?

Special help by SergeiK