CQ Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the CQ script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the movie directed by Roman Coppola starring Jeremy Davis and Angela Lindvall.  This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of CQ. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You won't hurt my feelings. Honest.

Swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts!

CQ Script



This is my bath water.



There it is,

going down the drain.



My soap.



My passport,

with no occupation on it...



but I'm a film editor.



That's my Nagra  .



Actually, it's not mine.

I'm borrowing it from work.



I'm borrowing this film, too,

because I'm shooting everything.



This is the little fern

that Marlene and I bought...



when we first moved in together.



Wow, it's grown.

It's just been a few months.



I bought these shoes for her.



They do not fit her

and she still wears them.



This is my strong French coffee.



And this is...really stupid.



Or is it? I don't know.

Start again.



Paris, September  st,     .



Time is  :  .



These are pieces of me.



Me in pieces.



I'm trying to find

what's real, what's honest.



The total opposite of the film

I'm editing...



which is a sci-fi picture

about a secret agent...



Codename: Dragonfly.






Wake up. Wake up.



Rise and shine, Dragonfly.



It is time for you to wake up.



It is a beautiful day today.



You have many secret missions

to accomplish today.



It's so early.



It is  :   in the afternoon,




Can't I sleep?



I never get to sleep.



Would you like to hear

your horoscope?



It's good today.



Mystery will be revealed

when the moon makes its orbit.



I love a mystery.









Seek you out from undercover



Could you be my lover?



Together we can fly



Together we can fly






The water's freezing.



We are making cinema together!



We are making revolution!



Did I ever tell you that I was

the one who discovered her?



You're wonderful. Oh, yes.



Like that. Yes.



Very good.



This is Marlene sleeping.



She's mad at me today.



I asked her if she passed

her driving test.



Don't you think I would tell you

if I had passed?



Leave me alone!



Yesterday she was happy.



Everything is important.



It's all in the details,

they say.



This is the beginning

of a new cinema.



It's so delicious.



It's personal,

but not pretentious.



-It was beautiful.




It's such an emotion

to see a film like that.



-Daring. Mature.

-Why are you in Paris?



-Which vitamin do you prefer?

-Let him speak.



Gentlemen, we can find out

more about a man by his dreams.



I guess I've always been

a bit of a daydreamer.



Always interested in film.



A lot my thoughts...



my little notions

of things and feelings...



are like little scenes

in my head.



I guess I want to show people

what I think about.



What I think is touching

or sad or funny...



Oops. I didn't realize

you were filming.



It sounded like

you were talking to yourself.



Just because you film every

possible thing in your life...



doesn't mean you'll understand

yourself any better.



I'll tell you everything

you need to know.



Go ahead. Turn it on.



Go ahead. Tell me.



You're a warm person...



but closed off emotionally.



You're self-absorbed

and live in a fantasy world.



-Come on.

-Let me talk. It's true.



You've come to Paris

to find your life...



but it is in front of you,

and you won't admit it.



You film all the details

of things around you...



as if that would

bring some understanding.



I just want to capture

what's real and honest.



And what if it's boring?



Did you ever think about that?



It may not be interesting

for others to watch.



You're mad at me now,

aren't you?



Come on.

Let me fix your hair.



I'm just thinking about work.



We've been cutting the ending

for two weeks now.



The director has no idea

howto end the picture.



And he won't admit it.



Kiss me.



What are you thinking about?



She stands there,

looking at him.



She leans closer and says...



I love you.



And we have the ending.



It all comes together.



This shot is not finished yet.



They emerge from the tunnels...



and the sun rises...



and we see

she's joined the revolution.



And so...



it ends with

a simple declaration of love.



It ends with a beginning.



Yes, a circle. Circle.



Sort of circle.



It's great.



Is that the original ending?



You don't have an ending!



We make an action movie

with no action!



It doesn't make any sense!



I haven't shot the end yet.



My vision is to subvert

the audience expectations.



I want the end,

not with a bang...



but with a whimper.



No picture of mine

ever ended with a whimper!



We need a bang!

The picture is not watchable!



If you're thinking of changing

one frame of my revolution...



-You're off the picture!




Each moment I spend with you,

I'm losing money.




shut down this production.



What are you saying?



You're off the picture!



Fabrizio, I don't

want to see him ever again!



Go! Go away!



-You're afraid of this film!

-You're not director!



-You fascist! You go away!




It's the young actress!

She's gone to his head!



Finalmente. Eh?






I have seen this happen

many times before.



A director falls

for the leading lady...



and his judgment

goes to the toilet.



Fabrizio, fire everybody

involved with this mess.



I have made    pictures,

and this is the worst.



See if you can bring in...

Felix DeMarco.



The young director.

Call him, now.



One, two, three, four.



Break on me! One, two, three!



Break out.

Something's not right here.



Felix DeMarco.



Now, if I'm being

totally honest...



which is

the point of this film...



just hearing his name

fills me with envy.



And I don't even know why

I care so much.



They can do whatever they want.



I have this film. My film.



So much has happened

since yesterday.



I lost my job.

I need to find a camera.



No more borrowing film.



Need to conserve stock.

Stay on track.



Everything's changing,

becoming clearer.



I feel like it might be

all over with Marlene.



I need some time

to figure things out.



Maybe we should live apart

for a little while.



No. It's me. It's all me.



She'll slip into bed

without a word...



without even a hello.



Maybe a scowl...



and I'm going

to stop her this time.



I missed him.



Did you miss me?






How was your day?



How was your day?



Don't get it. Let's kiss.



Hello? Hey, Pippo.



Really? What, right now?






They fired everybody

this morning...



and now

they just hired me back...



and I have to go to meet

the new director.



You're going now?



Till the weekend.



I'm sorry.



Call them and tell them

you'll go tomorrow.



There's nothing I can do.



I just get back,

you fucking ass!



Why are you leaving me

right now?



I'll make a nice salad for you.



I have to go.



I'm sorry. I'm going to cut.



Let's go again.



Can we get some more blood?



-Thanks for coming so quickly.




I'm glad you're still working

on the picture.



Do you knowthis young director,

Felix DeMarco?



Yeah, I met him before.



He's an ass. Over there.



You look very scary,

and action!



A certain number of virgins

must be given up to Satan.



I now give you to my master,

His Highness of Darkness...



where you will slumber forever

in the tomb of Satanic blood.




Print that one.



It was perfect, everyone.

Let's go to lunch.



Come on, baby.



You are getting better

and better every day.










Follow me.



What this picture needs,

Felix, is you.



It needs youth,

and also...a better ending.



Felix, this is Paul.

He is the editor.



I knowthis guy.

How you doing?



You did sound on

the speedway picture, right?



I pulled cable for you.



I was awful at it, though.



Enzo, Paul's also done

the second unit on the picture.



Second unit.

That's fantastic.



Go ahead and tell Felix

the plot of the picture.



I would tell you myself,

but I'm lousy with English.



Go on.



It's a science fiction film

set in...



It's a good little idea, Felix.



You'll make it great.



Use the footage we have.

Cut here, cut there.



Add some action,

more of the girl. Very sexy.



I like it sexy, Enzo.



Keep telling the story.



-It's set in the future...

-The year is     .



We have one hell of a setup.



Real sexy stuff.



Go ahead, Paul. Go. Go.



There's a group

of revolutionaries...



hiding out on a moon base...



and there's only one answer.



Gentlemen, I want

to thank you for attending...



this emergency

security session.



This visual report

will illustrate our problem.



Recent intelligence reports...



indicate that a band

of youthful revolutionaries...



have set up a secret base

in the far out region...



of the dark side of the moon.



Their leader is a man

who's known as Mr. E.



His many followers

regard him as a great poet...



orator, inventor,

and expert in martial arts.



He appears to be leading his

group in training exercises...



which we believe are linked

to a plan to attack Earth...



to spread his dangerous

anarchistic philosophy.



Not since our troubles began

way back in May,     ...



have we seen

such a cause for concern.



Most distressing

are the reports...



that he has developed

a top-secret weapon...



which we feel we must capture

to preserve our way of life.




we're left with only one option.



To use Agent Codename:




-But she's so expensive.

-And so difficult.



I know she's exasperating,

but we need her.



Now, I've arranged

a teleconference.



Please, Agent Dragonfly.

We had an appointment.



I need my sleep.



We need to get down to business.



OK. What is it?



Your mission is

to infiltrate the community...



by whatever means available...



find Mr. E, and

take possession of his weapon.



He's pretty cute, isn't he?



Please. Are you prepared

to accept this mission?



I'll take the mission,

but you know how much I cost.



Of course.



We're relying on you,




The future of the world

is in your hands.



So, are you prepared

to take this mission?



If you can meet my price.



That sounds like fun.

I love science fiction.



I could probably

make this amazing.



I want to tighten it up...



reshoot some things,

fix the ending...



because you don't

seem to have that...






I could start once

the vampire picture wraps.




While Felix shoots...



we continue with the trailer

and the looping.



Felix, give the editor

your thoughts on the trailer.



Stick to Felix like glue.



Hear his ideas, his visions.

Write it.



Yes, we have to go.

We have another projection.



The Three Killers, no?



It just hit me.



I know howthe trailer

needs to be.



Are you going back to set?



I'll let you know if

I get any other great ideas!



And we're up! We're back!



I want two cameras

and another here with me!



We're going to do two!



So, we finally meet.



I like what I see.



-I'm Paul.




-Very nice to meet you.

-Nice to meet you.



The director's still on his way.



I'll just get us set up

in the meantime.



Sorry about my voice.



My apartment's flooding.

I'm getting a cold.



You'll be fine. Maybe it's...



I was just...



I was just...



-Would you like some tea?




Paul...Felix is missing.



Go ahead and get

the session going. Come on.



Yes, yes. People, come on.



-Ever done this before?




It's pretty easy.



There you go.



So, we finally meet.



I like what I see.



I have a mission,

which I intend to accomplish.



I love you.



I love you.



I'm so in love with you.



Do you love me?



I'm in love with you.



I love you.



That's OK.



Changing rolls. Sorry.



You have an eyelash right here.



If you blow on it,

you can make a wish.



I wish cats could talk.



You're not supposed to tell me.

It won't come true.



I'm sure it'll come true.



My cat's pregnant.



I wish I could talk to her.



-Can I get you to sign this?




You must be the director.



How exactly

you want me to do this?



With a lot of authority,

or maybe more playful?



Who is Dragonfly?

She's a super-sexy secret agent.



But that's top secret.



Dragonfly is coming.



-How do you like it? Good?

-It's great.



You hear me? One, two, three.



You hear me?

Dazzling? It's OK.



Dazzling is terrific.

Dragonfly is terrific.



-Everything else good.

-It's great.



Thank you. Thanks.

Just try them.



Where'd she go?



Out that way.



Who is Dragonfly?



Hi, Valentine.

Felix DeMarco, the director.



How are you?

Sorry I'm late.



I'm just...crazy.




we already finished.



Oh, great.

Want to get a bite to eat?






-Do you have any francs?

-Yeah. I do.



I'm fresh out.

I know a little great place.



Do you use The Method?



Do we have to do this now?



Yeah. That's the thing.



I have to do it,

even if I don't want to.



It's the only way

to be honest and real.



Have you seen my light meter?



You didn't tell me your father

was coming for Christmas.



I'm sorry. I forgot.

He's on a lecture tour.



Just be passing through

the airport for an hour or two.



Asked me to meet him there.



You never tell me anything.



What was the actress like?



She's a nice girl.






Am I in frame?



Today is December   th,     .



I have to stay focused.

Complete honesty.



Do you love me?



You know how I feel about you.



You just want me to say it

in front of my camera?



Why can't you just say it?



I sew your ripped pants.

I trip over your camera.



I love you, of course.



I just don't

want to run out of film.



What are you looking for?



What do you mean?



What is your biggest wish?



That cats could talk.



Something that girl said,

isn't it?



What are you talking about?

You're being silly.



I thought you had to be

totally honest in this film.



I am.



You're being ridiculous.



Who said that? That actress?



You want to sleep with her!



-Now, that's ridiculous.

-What is your problem?



I can't believe you!

I just don't understand!



We need to talk.



Hey, Paul.

Ready to go to the party?



Let me drive.



Did you pass

your driving test finally?



Maybe you can drive

on the way home.



I got a call from the hospital.



Felix was in a car accident.



Smashed up his Alfa.



The doctor said he was OK.



Just broke his leg.



He's getting out of

the Dragonfly picture...



taking a break.







I want to recommend you to Enzo.






I think

you should finish the film.



I know you can do a good job.

You're a talented kid.



You have helped

the picture a lot.



I have seen that...



in the second unit shots

I have gotten.



The footage

of the cosmic rays...



that was your idea.



It's a good idea.



We talk to him tomorrow.



It is sonic boom

of the Concorde.



It's so fucking amazing.

We're living in the future, man.



...acting is to the scenario.



I found this great place

in St. Germain.



Would you excuse me one second?



I've got some big news.



Can't you see I'm talking

to someone right now?



Give me two minutes.



Excuse me,

you were saying?



It's called

theater of revolution.



It's going to be a movement,

a voice, a poetry workshop.



I'm sure you'd love this place.



-Did you hear about poor Felix?

-I hope he's OK.



He's so talented.



Working with him

is so much fun.



I remember once,

when we finished early...



and he took us all

to the go-kart ride.



Oh, God! Come here.



-That nobody can deny...

-Hey, babe!



For he's a jolly good fellow



For he's a jolly good fellow



It's Felix DeMarco!



That nobody can deny



That nobody can deny



Thank you. Thank you.

So kind.



Ladies and gentlemen...



I'd like

to make an announcement.



I'm sure

you've probably heard...



about the mad events

of this evening...



but we're OK, right?



But there's one more thing

that happened.



I asked Brigit to marry me...



and she said yes!



And so, we can't wait

one moment further...



and we're

setting sail tomorrow.



Don't stand around

staring at us!



Let's dance!



Dad. Dad.



Hey, you all right?



Yeah. I misplaced my glasses

on the plane.



Thank you very much.



Let me hold your hand.



Hold on. Wait.



I took a sleeping pill,

and I ate all the ice cream.



It's good to see you.



Good to see you at Christmas,

even briefly.



Wait a second.

I brought you something.



Thanks, Dad.



I had a dream the other night...



and I thought of you.



Well, you were in it.



I was watching these...



hideous films of Vietnam

on the television.



And I had

this deep, desultory dream...



where I met a son

that I didn't know I had.



And he looked like you.



You were there, too.

Two brothers.



But then I realized that

he was a soldier in the war.



And when I woke up,

I had these...



these feelings

of worry and of loss.



And I wondered...



this is curious...



could I have had a child

by another woman...



and never known about it?



Isn't that a curious thought?



I think about it

sometimes and...



What if I met a boy

and he looked like you?



Maybe it's really my son.



Sometimes I'll be driving

down the street...



and I'll see someone

who looks familiar...



like it could be my brother.



You know?



So, maybe it's true, Dad.



It is possible, Paul.



I wasn't always faithful

to your mother.



When I was your age...



all I could think about

was women.



It was like a disease

or a curse.



I think I know

what you mean, Dad.



Kids are nice.



When do you think

you'll have some of your own?



I don't know, Dad.



Have you thought about

coming back home?



Your mother wanted me

to ask you.



I don't know.



Excuse me.

We found your glasses.



Oh, thank you.



Thank you very much.






I think it's time to go.



I'm very glad for you, Paul.



I know you'll do well

in this new job of yours.



What is it?



It's a science-fiction film...



about a futuristic spy

named Dragonfly.



That's interesting.



Your grandmother

used to call dragonflies...



the Devil's darning needles.



She told me that

they come in the night...



and stitch up your mouth

if you use profanity...



or were otherwise voluble.



This isn't exactly about that.



Maybe you can use it somehow.



Thanks, Dad.



You never know when

some little overheard story...



or image can find a place

in your work.






-OK, see you.

-See you.



How was it seeing your father?



It was nice.



He told me about

this strange dream that he had.



I'm going out to get some milk.






Give me some screaming, girls.






Now give me some moaning.






You did good work

on the trailer.



Thank you, sir.



Fabrizio says you know

the space picture...



better than anyone else...



and thinks you should take over.



He usually knows

what he's talking about.



So, you make some shorts,

films, things like that?



-I'm working on a film.

-Come here.



Now, there are

two kinds of movies.



Those with an ending,

and those without an ending.



This movie needs an ending.



I've made some fifty pictures...



and this is my advice...



the ending is the most important

part of the movie.



The part that people remember

when they leave the theater...



but everybody works on it last

when they are exhausted.



So, listen to me...



and figure out

howto end this picture...



with an exciting twist.



And that we can do it

in two days.



Yes, that we can shoot

in two days!



I'll be in Rome

for the holidays...



and Fabrizio

will get you out there...



and you can show me

what you're thinking.






And you...astonish me.



I'll have a cocktail.



Your cocktail is ready,




Attention, all comrades.



We will soon be ready

to leave our lunar domes...



to descend

and bring change to Earth.



We need to be free...



to make love all day.



Every day.



Must be free.



So...we finally meet.



I like what I see.



I've been expecting you.



Hope you're not disappointed.



I knew it was only

a matter of time...



before they sent in

Agent Codename: Dragonfly.



You've got quite a reputation.



Really? Tell me about it.



Work with the revolution,

Dragonfly. Join us.



I have a mission...



which I intend to accomplish.



There she is!






Preparing boosters.



Stand by.



There she is!




too many loose ends here.



This gun...



What is so special

about this gun?



We got a Christmas gift.



Have a look.



It's a present from the guys

in the screening room.



What a temper.



Andrezej was so mad that day.



The mysterious, dark figure.

Who should that be?



Paul, relax.

It's just a movie.



I can't find reel seven here.



What is this?



Oh, Madonna.



Paul, reel seven.



It will take me days

to put it back together.



A message.



It's written in the code

from the movie.



Yeah. Film   .



Checking code book.



All right. D-e...



"Defilers beware.



"Defilers beware,

exclamation point?"



Who sent this?






Oh, God, Andrezej.

It has to be him.



He has a key to the door.

This is bad news.



Damn. I knew it. He's crazy!



And you know what?



I'm sure he cut the brakes

on Felix's car.



Jesus. You know...



I'm calling the locksmith.



You know what?

You better watch out, Paul.



Damn. He's crazy. I knew it!



He cut the film

in a million pieces.



I want to see your soul

in action.



I love you.



Take your time. Not so fast.



-I love you.

-Like that, yes.



Say "I'm in love with you."



I'm in love with you.



-One more time.

-Shut up.



Transmission breach.



Need assistance.



Need assistance.

Ship's been damaged.



Hey, you got my message.



Come in.



It must be freezing out.



I've tried everything

to fix this...



but I can't figure out

how it goes back together.



Let me take a look.



You look cold.



I'm all right now.



We'll be out of here in no time.



What are you doing on the moon?



I don't know.



I think I'm lost.






what happens in the end?



I don't know, but don't worry.



We're going to find out soon.



Hey, what happened?



Are you OK?



Was someone here?



I'm just sad.



I'm losing all my patience

with you.



You talk to your camera

night and days...



but you never talk to me.



Why don't

you say anything to me?



What should I say?



I don't know what to say.



I'm sorry you're sad.



Come here.



I don't know what I'm doing.



I don't know

if I have any ideas.



They want something that

I'm not sure I can give them.



Maybe I should just go to Rome

and tell them...



"I don't know what to do

with your idiotic story."



It's not even my film.



And this ending...



Paul, I'm glad

you're saying all this to me...



but I don't care about

the stupid film.



I care about us

like we used to be.



Come here. Come here.



Now go.



Go to Rome.

Do what you like...



but just remember that you

bring everything upon yourself.



That came for you.



You spent all your money

on a camera.



You are here.



These are good, don't you think?



It's very nice.



Not too bad. Sit down.



Good, good, good.



OK, so...



do you have

a great ending for me?



I recut most of the picture...



to make it

shorter and clearer.



And one of my ideas

is to take Mr. E's gun...



and make it

a little more special...



so it can temporarily

freeze people.



Freeze people. Sounds good.



And that's how

they plan to take over.



What about the ending?



The alley...



Dragonfly's running,

chasing after the guy.



What happens?






I have a few ideas.



That's the problem.

You got too many ideas.



We just need one good one.



Look, son, this is

my thirty-seventh picture.



I've worked with some

of the best in the business...



and I've learned

a few little tricks.



One of them is to always try

to make the audience...



wonder what's going to happen.



And then at the end,

you tell them...



but you surprise them

a little, eh?






Look, it's New Year's Eve.



You are going to the party.

Come with us. Let's have fun.



Oh, my little monster.




Come on, come with us.



Paul, go ahead to the party.



Have a good time.

We'll be right back.






There you are. I've been

looking everywhere for you.



Listen, I know you've been

working on that ending...



which is exciting

because it got me thinking.



This ending has to be fabulous.

I imagine a new scene.



I'm parachuting

down to Earth...



Where did you go?

You just left me standing there.



Excuse me.

I'm talking to my director.



Thank you.

I think I'll just walk.



Hold on.



There you go.



-Are you English?




What are you doing here?



I don't know.

What are you doing here?



My friend is waiting for a boy.

He's in the army.



They haven't seen each other

for one year.



He wrote her and

say that he would run away...



from the army

and meet her here tonight.






It's a whole new decade...



but it still

feels the same to me.



So, let's hear it.



So, Dragonfly's

running through the tunnel.



She comes to the figure

hidden in the shadows.



And the figure emerges.



And the figure...



Your book!



That cats could talk.



I thought you had to be

totally honest in this film.



-Absolutely pretentious.




You're just fucking blowing it.



This film is too fractured.

It's confusing.



It's an aggression

for your eyes, for my eyes.



Especially the shot

where you sit on the toilet.



Where's the story?

Where's the structure?



I don't care about this person.



Do you think you are clever?



I just wanted

to make something...



that would reflect

who I am, who I was.



It was a difficult

and confusing time.



What's the point?



What am I supposed to do?



And regarding that space project

you're involved in...



there's no snow on the moon.




-You should knowthat.



What should I do?



You need to connect things

so they make us feel something.



You surprised me.

I didn't see you there.



-You look beautiful.




Would you please let me know if

I'm not doing something right?



It's my first day, so...



It'll be fine.



Remind me about the scene

in the story...



right before

the one we're shooting.



You...I mean, Dragonfly

had just barely escaped...



with this special gun

from the dark side of the moon.



How does my spaceship

get fixed?



I came to the moon

and fixed it for you.



Then you landed safely in Paris.



Landing successful.



Please notify the Corporation

that the mission's complete.






You didn't knock.



I wanted to surprise you,

my darling.






Tell me,

how can you resist her



Until your lips have kissed her



She'll be a mystery



Please don't try to stop me.



I'm sorry.



He kills me?



The gun doesn't work on you.



Why not?



I'll explain later,

but what happens...



is the gun actually

has a special property.



The revolution

depends on this weapon...



The gun freezes people.






So, what happens next?



Incoming call on cine-com.



Do you have possession

of the package? Please respond.






I'm sorry.



Bring it down. You all right?



Sorry, I didn't realize...

I'm fine. My foot...



All right, we'll go again.



It was our fault.

Bring her up, please.



Someone stole the exposed film.



Paul, go.






Are you scared?






-You OK?




-You sure?

-I'm fine.






How could you betray me?



Destroy my artwork,

you little shit!



Do you think that you can

make a better ending...



by putting in your car chase?



What about the theme?

The story?



Have you

thought about that, Paul?



-I wasn't trying...




Don't move! I'm warning you!



I'm sorry.



It's a big opportunity for me...



You want

to knowthe real reason?



They are afraid about the film.



They're trying to keep

the youth rebellion suppressed.



A film can change

the course of the future.



It can invent the future

by making ideas concrete.



That's why when I heard

you were changing the ending...



I was forced to do this.



I had an idea.



I had a new idea for the ending,

that maybe she...



the Corporation, its center,

betrays her.



The revolutionary get

their weapon back in the end.



Promise me that, Paul.



I promise.






I've been working

on a personal film.



Personal film?



With no compromise, right?







see about you.



I'm old.



I can go now and write

my personal work.



Nowthat I have something

to write about.



I have to ask...



Did you make love to her?



Did you cut the brakes

on Felix's car?



Remember, Paul...



always stand

next to the camera.



Your actor

will feel you there...



and will be playing

just for you.



I can't believe it.



Bravo! Did they catch him?



Who was the son of a bitch

who stole the film?



Just some old guy.



It doesn't matter anyway.

We got it back.



It's all going to work out.



We'll get the final footage

tomorrow on the stage.



-You did good, Paul.

-Where's Valentine? Is she OK?



She was fine. In fact,

I think she enjoyed herself.



She just left in a rush.



She asked that you call her.



She said it was important.



Antonio, come on, eh?



Hi, it's Paul.



You got to come here quickly.



Oh, my God!






Come look.



They were just born.



I like to document

all the things of my life.



I found you.



I was cold.



Thank you very much.



All right.






And action.



But how?



You're me.



Quickly, we're in danger.



Nice try, Dragonfly.



Go, go!



My father built

the Dragonfly robot...



for the most dangerous




He modeled her on me...



her looks and

her lifelike qualities.



But the Corporation

programmed her...



so that

she couldn't betray them.



She wanted to help you,

but she couldn't.



That's why I tried to help.



I knewthe revolution

needed this weapon...



so I took it to give to you.



I did it to help you,

to help the cause.



I believe in this revolution...



and I believe in you.



We were in love.



We are identical

in all respects.



In all respects?



In all respects.



All I really did was stitch

together things from my life.



Things that made

an impression on me.



Just put a little piece

of myself out there...



try to organize it,

take a look at it...



make some connections,

some sense of things.



I think that's

all the time we have.



Thanks a lot to Paul.



-Excuse me.




I enjoyed what you had to say.



Thank you very much.



By the way,

do you know Felix DeMarco?



Do you think you could pass

this script on to him for me?







My dog knocked over the tripod,

and the camera kept running...



so I kept it all in the film.



...things around you...



as if that would bring

some understanding?



I just want to capture

what's real and honest.



And what if it's boring?



Maybe Marlene was right...



but each one of these images

brings up a feeling or a memory.



I can smell Marlene when

I see this shot of the soap.



I found her drivers license...



and I tried to reach her

by calling her mother...



and Marlene answered.



When she heard my voice,

she hung up.



I thought that my film

was going to be about...



looking at

all the pieces of myself...



but, Marlene...



I got you in pieces, too.



So this is the end...



or is it the start?



Of what?

Special help by SergeiK