Gilda Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the Gilda script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the Rita Hayworth movie.  This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Gilda. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You won't hurt my feelings. Honest.

Swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts!

Gilda Script



To me, a dollar was a dollar

in any language.



On my first night in Argentina,

I didn't know about the locals.



But I knew about American sailors.

I knew I'd better get out of there.



Put your hands up.




Get going.



- A cane like that is handy.

- It is a faithful friend.



Mostly silent,

but talks when I need it to.



That's your idea of a friend?

You must lead a gay life.



- I lead the life I like to lead.

- You're a lucky man.



- What are you doing here?

- Saving your life.



- He only wanted the money.

- But you'd not have parted with it.



- I don't think I would.

- How did you get the money?



- Gambling.

- I'll leave you here.



I'll do the same for you some time...

give you a cigarette.



Why not try some real gambling?



- Isn't it illegal in Buenos Aires?

- Yes.



There's a casino on the

other side of town. Here's the key.



But don't go. They won't let you

use your own dice.



- I didn't think it showed.

- I make my own luck, as you do.



In any event,

they won't let you in without a tie.



The spot is not on your nose, yet.



- Who is he?

- A loafer.



Would you like a fine perfume,

suitable for nobility?



We have a talcum powder

as soft as raw silk.



- Towel?

- Thank you.



- Hey, who's she?

- A harpy.



- How would you classify me?

- Peasant.



Place your bets.



Place your bets,

ladies and gentlemen.



- Number  .      pesos.

- No more bets.



Number two, black.



Place your bets,

ladies and gentlemen.



- Two chips.

-      pesos, sir.



Cut... The player's allowed to cut

at any time.



Of course.












As usual, I made my own luck, and I

knew when to stop letting it ride.



The director wants to see you.



Is Brooklyn

across the river here, too?



Let's go.



- Hey.

- Thanks, peasant.



- Where is he?

- Don't worry. He'll be here.



- How about      pesos a piece?

- You can't buy your way out of it.



Wait a minute.



All right, Casey, Huerta.



- The man with the sharp friend.

- I said not to bring your own dice.



You really had me fooled last night.



I thought you were someone, not just

the manager of a gambling joint.



- My name is Ballin Mundson.

- Johnny Farrel.



And I'm not the manager,

I own the "joint".



- And I don't like to be cheated.

- There isn't a dice table...



Nobody wins that much at   

honestly. You cut the cards well.



It took me years to learn.



You ought to be in jail, but I'm

obligated, since I saved your life.



- You should be more careful.

- Get out of here. Don't come back.



You're being very stupid.



- Probably.

- It's better I gamble on your side.



- I don't like my people cheating.

- I cheat with my own money, sure.



But with your money, I wouldn't

have to cheat. Think it over.



I think I will.

How much time do you give me?



No hurry, take a minute or two.

Excuse me while you decide.



Not you.



You shouldn't hit a man

who has his hands behind his back.



You can have two friends. I can be

very faithful... for a nice salary.



I must be sure

there's no woman anywhere.



- Gambling and women don't mix.

- The very words I use myself.



- Shall we quit talking about it?

- There was one?



Get this, I was born last night,

when we met in the alley.



No past and all future.

I like it that way.



He let me ease myself to the top.

At first, I just watched the play.



By the way,

about that time, the war ended.



Great news. I thought

we ought to celebrate, too.



Yes, of course.






I have to take a trip. I may be gone

for a while. You're in charge.



- You've been promoted.

- Do I get a raise?



No. Fair enough?

But you do get  % of the profits.



- I'll take  %.

- You're sharp.



Almost as sharp as my other friend.

But not quite so obedient.



- My other friend would kill for me.

- That's what friends are for.



To us, Johnny.



To the three of us.



It makes me laugh now, me being

so sure it was the three of us.



I soon found out. I remember I was

preparing for the Saturday crowd.



Funny I'd remember

what day it was, isn't it?



- Isn't it enough?

- For a peasant?



Mr. Farrel, Mr. Mundson is back.

He'd like you to come to his house.



After all, I run the place.

He calls me Mr. Farrel.



Isn't that better?



You'd think a bell would've rung,

some instinct of warning.



But I didn't.

I just walked right into it.






- Ballin?

- He'll be down in a moment.



- Isn't it great having him back?

- I hope it will be the same.



Johnny, is that you?



- Hello, Ballin.

- Come up here.



What are you crying about?

You look foolish.



- Where's the canary?

- How did you know? Come...



This is where the canary is.



Quite a surprise to hear

a woman sing in my house, eh?



It's quite... a surprise.



- Gilda, are you decent?

- Me?



Sure, I'm decent.



Gilda, this is Johnny Farrel.

Johnny, this is Gilda.



I've heard a lot about you,

Johnny Farrel.




I haven't heard a word about you.



- Why, Ballin!

- I wanted to keep it as a surprise.



- You should have seen his face.

- Did you tell him why I'm here?



No, I wanted to save that as

a surprise too. Gilda is my wife.



Mrs. Ballin Mundson.

Is that all right?



- Congratulations.

- You congratulate the husband.



- What do you say to the bride?

- You wish her good luck.



- Good luck.

- Ballin says you believe in luck.



- We make our own luck.

- I'll have to try that, right now.



- Have him come to dinner tonight.

- It's an order.



We'll let you get dressed. It'll be

the casino's first glimpse of you.



I'll look my very best. I want

all the hired help to approve of me.



Goodbye, Mr. Farrel.



Johnny is such a hard name

to remember, and so easy to forget.



Johnny... there.

See you later, Mr. Farrel.



That's right, Mrs. Mundson.



- I'll see Johnny downstairs.

- I'll see him at the casino.



For some reason

she doesn't like you.



- What makes you think that?

- I know my wife.



- Why would she form such a feeling?

- Maybe it's chemical.



She'll get over it.



- When did you meet her?

- The day I left for the interior.



- When did you get married?

- The day after.



- When I want something...

- You buy it quick.



- Do you know anything about her?

- It's an odd coincidence.



She said she was born

the night we met.



All three of us with no pasts, just

futures. Isn't that interesting?



- What's the matter with you?

- "Women and gambling don't mix".



My wife isn't just a "woman".



- I could've made a mistake.

- You did. Don't make it again.



It starts already.



- What's this?

- Tact.



- Ballin, will you help me?

- See you at the casino.



It was all I could do to walk away.

I wanted to hit her,



and him, too.



I wanted to go back and watch them

secretly. I wanted to know.



I can never get a zipper to close.

Does that stand for something?



- You were rude to him.

- To whom?



- Johnny.

- Was I?



You'll have to teach me

good manners.



- I want you to like him.

- Are you sure about that?



He's an attractive man,

if you like the type.



- He's a boy.

- Boys can grow up quickly.



- Almost when you're not looking.

- But I'll be looking.



- Your shoes.

- It's about time.



- Shall I put them on your feet?

- For how much?



The charge is slight, as I always

find this a revealing vantage point.



A worm's-eye view

is so often the true one.



- You're quite a philosopher.

- One hears rumours.



To my department

comes all the gossip.



One hears she is very beautiful.



And young, and American.

You are also young and American.



- It will be interesting to watch.

- Maybe you should be fired.



Johnny, Mr. Mundson says to tell you

that they're here.



- Have you seen her?

- Cut that!



- What did I do?

- You whistled. I heard you.



After all, she is Mrs. Mundson.

So mind your manners.




it will be interesting to watch.



- Number two.

- No more bets.



Number two, black.



Number two, black.

Place your bets.



- Take over.

- Going into business for yourself?



- Orders, Mr. Farrel.

- Not my orders...



- Johnny, I've been looking for you.

- Gambling is illegal in Argentina.



Is that the reason for the pay-off?



- Naturally.

- Why doesn't it show on the books?



- You may ask any question you wish.

- I just asked one.



Let's have dinner. Gilda is much

too beautiful to be left alone.



- You've changed the subject.

- Yes.



I found him.

Very elusive chap.



- You're looking very beautiful.

- Can't you return the compliment?



You're looking very beautiful.



If there's anything I love,

it's a spontaneous compliment.



You're so nice that I'll show you

my husband's coming-home present.



- Isn't it cute?

-       pesos, and it's cute.



Wait, let's drink to us.

To the three of us.



- What's the matter, Johnny?

- I get confused.



Just a few weeks ago

we drank to the three of us.



Well, should I be jealous?



- It was just a friend of mine.

- A him or a her?



That's an interesting question.




- A her.

- Why that conclusion?



Because it looks like one thing,

then it suddenly becomes another.



You haven't much faith

in the stability of women.



One wonders what woman

brought Johnny to this pretty pass.



One does.

Let's hate her, shall we, Ballin?



- Let's. Shall we, Johnny?

- Let's. That I'll drink to.



Pardon me.



- Anything I can do?

- No, I'll be right back.



Isn't this something.

It's a small world in Argentina.



- Why did you marry him?

- He's an attractive man.



- You don't love him.

- What was that word again?



You married him for his money.

That's a great way to make a living.



- The pot calling the kettle black?

- I was down and out. He saved me.



What a coincidence! That's the

story of my life... Hello.



I am Captain Delgado. I would like

permission to dance with your lady.



- The answer is no.

- The answer is yes. I'd love it.



- But the young man...

- He'd love to, but can't afford it.



Women can be extremely annoying.

Maurice Obregon, at your service.



So that's your name.

I've been watching you for weeks.



You don't gamble or drink.

Why do hang around here?



The atmosphere has always

interested me. Now it fascinates me.



- You can be a professional dancer.

- I am. I mean, I was.



- That's against our union rules.

- I always observe the rules.



- How is it that I haven't seen you?

- I danced in America.



- This is not America?

- I mean New York.



- Is your young man also..?

- He's not my young man.



The expression on his face

says he wishes he were.



- Remember the rules.

- The rules are changeable.



Everything all right?

Who are the two krauts?



- Messenger boys.

- Whose?



- I thought you may be in trouble.

- I am. My wife seems to be missing.



- She's dancing.

- You shouldn't have allowed it.



What could I do?

She's not my... She's your wife.



- Go get her.

- Wait a minute...



A husband looks ridiculous dragging

his wife from another man's arms.



I'll get her.



- Your husband is showing.

- Thank you. Perhaps again.



- Until then, I shall be miserable.

- There's something about Latin men.



For one thing, they can dance.

For another thing...



What's your number? Never mind,

I'll give you mine. Cuyo     .



- What did you say to him?

- If a man answers, hang up.



You can't talk to men here

the way you would at home.



- They think you mean it.

- Mean what?



Doesn't it bother you

that you're married?



Does it bother you?



I may have misjudged your Johnny.

He can be sweet. So protective.



He takes care of everything

that belongs to me.



You're to take care of me

because I belong to the boss.



- I do all kinds of odd jobs.

- I bet this is the oddest.



I believe we were about to

drink a toast.



Disaster to the wench

who did wrong by our Johnny.



- You won't drink to that?

- Why not? Disaster to the wench.



She managed to say it,

but I knew it would haunt her.



Anyone as superstitious as Gilda,

out loud, asking for disaster.



- Hi.

- You're still dressed.



- Hi.

- You're still dressed.



- Anything wrong?

- I told you, zippers throw me.



- You'll have a maid in the morning.

- Will she be old and ugly?



It's smart to surround yourself

with ugly women and beautiful men.



- You knew him before.

- Who?



- Johnny.

- Johnny Farrel?



- You knew him before.

- No.



- Don't ever lie to me.

- I'm telling the truth.



I don't think I ever knew him.



I see. You're a child, Gilda.

A beautiful, greedy child.



I like to feed you beautiful things.

You have such a good appetite.



- But I shouldn't make any mistakes?

- No, you shouldn't.



If you're worried about

Johnny Farrel, don't be. I hate him.



And he hates you. That's apparent.



But hate can be an exciting emotion.



Haven't you noticed that?

There is a heat in it one can feel.



Didn't you feel it tonight?

I did.



It warmed me. Hate is the

only thing that has ever warmed me.



Place your bets,

ladies and gentlemen.



No more bets.



-    black.

- That's me!



This has been going on for years,

and I didn't know about it?



- One is not always lucky.

- I am.



- Careful, there's an old saying...

- "Lucky at cards, unlucky at love".



It's a good thing

I'm not superstitious.



Keep it for me.



Place your bets,

ladies and gentlemen.



- Number two.

- No more bets.



Place your bets.



- Got a light?

- Yes, Mrs. Mundson.



- It is so crowded, yet so lonely.

- How did you know?



You smoke too much. Only

frustrated people smoke too much,



and only the lonely

are frustrated.



- Well, aren't you cute!

- Cute? Me?



Awfully cute.

I think I'm going to like you.



I'm sorry. I was just

tossing away my frustration.



- And it landed right on me.

- And that means something?



- It means we'll have a drink.

- No...



On the other hand, I'd love to.



- Now we'll see.

- See what?



Whether you are a gentleman,

or a peasant.



The beautiful one is at the bar.

She will probably have trouble.



- Really? What kind of trouble?

- A very good-looking man.



Your source of income is in his

office. He will likely have trouble.



- What kind of trouble?

- Also a man. Not so good-looking.



Now we know.

You are what I said.



Your business losses were reimbursed

at the casino table, generously.



Yet you continue

to sell tungsten wire to Bendolin.



But Mr. Bendolin can't manufacture

electric light globes without it.



- He can't continue in business...

- We don't wish him to continue.



But he's the only outlet

for my product.



If I don't sell to him, I can't

continue. Do you understand?



- Perfectly.

- It doesn't matter to you, does it?



I sympathise with you, deeply. Life

is difficult for defenceless people.



Yes, as you say.

Thank you, Mr. Mundson.



We're in the gambling business.

What game uses light globes?



Let's join Gilda for a drink.



Better let me case the joint first,

see if the coast is clear.



I didn't like the look

on the defenceless one's face.



All right.

Gilda was right, you are protective.



Sure, that's me all over.

Give me five minutes.



- Didn't you notice I'm dancing?

- You were.



- What's the idea?

- I've never finished a dance here.



When Ballin comes down,

I want you to be alone.



- Is it Ballin who would object?

- Who is this guy?



Johnny Farrel, he runs the joint.

This is Gabe Evans. Isn't he cute?



- Just darling. Get him out of here.

- But I like him.



- If he leaves, I go with him.

- That's all right with me.



- What's keeping you?

- Let's go where we can have fun.



- Like I said?

- Exactly. Didn't you hear about me?



If I'd been a ranch, they would've

named me "The Bar Nothing".



- The coast is clear?

- Very clear.



I'm a big boy.

You can tell me things.



Gilda warned me that you'd grow up.

By the way, where is she?



She was bored.

She went to see an American picture.



- Alone?

- She doesn't know anybody here.



You'd know more about that

than I would.



He's dead.



It's bad form

to make a scene in public.



Only fools ruin themselves gambling.



- Come on home.

- What happened to him?



- Did he kill himself?

- Yes.



If a man is weak enough to accept

a bribe, he is already a dying man.



- It didn't bother you?

- That he killed himself? No.



- It bothered me you were afraid.

- I was amazed.



I realised something could happen to

me, so I want to tell you something.



Over here, Johnny.



Remember this.



Remember this, too.



- Could you do it now by yourself?

- Yes.



  left,    right,   left,    right.



You're the only one who knows.

If anything should happen to me,



there are signatures

and instructions on how to carry on.



Thanks for not letting me down.

You don't just own a gambling joint?



- You know what a cartel is?

- A monopoly of some kind, isn't it?



- An international monopoly.

- In what?



Tungsten. That doesn't impress you.



Is it worth getting shot at

for the pleasure of monopolising it?



A man who controls a strategic

material can control the world.



- The world's a pretty big place.

- Made up of stupid little people.



- If it can be done, I'd bet on you.

- And you'd win. Let's have a drink.



With you and Gilda on my side...

You are on my side?



- I told you that.

- And Gilda?



- What do you mean?

- Women are funny creatures.



- I don't know much about them.

- Odd things are important to them.



- I bought her, as I bought you.

- She knows that, doesn't she?



That's just it.

Money doesn't mean much to Gilda.



If she should become restless...

I'm mad about her, Johnny.






- What do you think of that?

- It's great. She's on your side.



I'd lay  -  on that, and I'd win.



I'd better get back.



I have the funniest feeling

we're not alone.



Maybe we're haunted. Maybe

if we go inside, it will go away.



Besides being pretty,

you're positively intelligent.






I have the funniest feeling

somebody said something.



Maybe the lady forgot to tell you

her husband lives here.



For a long time,

I've taken husbands in small doses.



- I've developed immunity to them.

- You're through for tonight. Scram.



- So he runs this joint, too?

- I said, scram.



- Hitting a man when he's drunk...

- He shouldn't get drunk on my time.



I take care of everything

that belongs to the boss.



- What's his is yours?

- You went to a picture show. Alone.



Really... Would you like to know

whether I enjoyed it?



- That's what I told Ballin.

- Making me deceive my husband...



I got news for you. He didn't

just buy something, he loves you.



Is that so hard to understand?

I've got news for you.



I'm going to do what I please,

when I please.



I was true to one man once,

and look what happened.



- This is about him, not us.

- Really? You don't say so.



Whatever you do, I'm going to

make sure it looks all right to him.



Go anywhere, with anyone, but I'll

take you there and bring you home.



Exactly the way I take

and pick up his laundry.



Shame on you.



Any psychiatrist would say your

thought associations are revealing.



- What are you saying?

- They'd say it means something.



- Did you hear what I said?

- You'll take me and pick me up.



All to protect Ballin.



Who do you think you're kidding?



I hated her so,

I couldn't get her out of my mind.



She was in the air I breathed.



I thought I was dreaming. I'd heard

her voice in my sleep anyway.



Then I realised...



Good morning. How pretty

you look in your night-gown.



- What are you doing here?

- Singing to my friend.



- How long have you been here?

- How long?



Five verses.

I was just listening.



- Did you hear that the poor cow...

- Get out of here.



- Get back to your washroom.

- Put a beggar on horseback, huh?



Well, here's the laundry,

waiting to be picked up.



- Where have you been?

- Swimming.



I bet you don't believe me.



Ballin won't either,

unless you're there to back me up.



You went swimming with me.

Didn't we have a good time?




Where's your bathing suit?



Under this.

Want to see?



- I'll get dressed.

- I hate to drag you out now.



But it's your idea.



Why not make it easy on yourself

and let him find out about me?



Are you afraid

of what he might do to me?






- I am.

- What?



- Afraid.

- You?



- I wish I'd never...

- Never what?



Getting married on the rebound

is stupid.



- Rebound from what?

- You.



Because you don't know a man

you've only known one day.



He doesn't know you, either.

That way you start even.



All fair and even.



Would it interest you to know

how much I hate you, Johnny?



I hate you so much that I'd destroy

myself to take you down with me.



Now I've warned you.

Now that's all fair and even.



All fair and even.



I know why you're here

at five in the morning.



I'm the laundry.

I'm simply obeying instructions.



Now who's kidding who?



Now you've delivered me, don't you

want to get a receipt from the man?



- Ballin... you're up.

- Yes.



- Late to bed, early to rise...

- Let Gilda talk, Johnny.



I thought I could sneak out

and get back without waking you.



We went swimming. You were asleep.



Suddenly I had to go swimming.

It was so hot.



- You weren't worried, were you?

- Yes.



- I'm terribly sorry.

- Is that why you're so nervous?



Nervous? No...



A terrible thing happened to me.

No wonder I'm nervous.



- I lost the clip you gave me.

- Is that all?



- Isn't that enough?

- A clip can be replaced.



Thanks for being so nice about it.

I'm sorry.



A clip can be replaced.

You see, I thought I had lost you.




Not a chance.



- And that couldn't be replaced.

- Let's have a drink, before I cry.



Johnny doesn't think it would be

a tragedy if you lost me.



There are more women in the world

than anything else, except insects.



On that charming observation,

I shall go and change for breakfast.



Johnny is a terrific swimmer.

He out-distanced me beautifully.



But some day there will be a return

match, and then, look out, Johnny.



Johnny, you'll have to teach me how.



- How to what?

- Swim, what else?



- Sure. Any time.

- Apparently you're very good at it.



- Pretty good.

- Did you teach Gilda how to swim?



I taught her everything she knows.

Does that satisfy you?



Let's take that trombone part

over again and make it cleaner.



Julio, Julio!



You can't tell me where to put it!



These are things some merry-makers

add to their costumes.



- Care to make a choice?

- You have a great sense of humour.



- Which would you suggest?

- Whatever you wear...



You will start out as this,

and end up as this.



- How did you figure that out?

- It is the beautiful one's party.



She has changed the decorations, the

orchestra. Maybe she'll change...



I warned you once. You didn't

listen. Now you're through.



- Through with what?

- The casino. You're fired.



You are mistaken. I will be here

after you are gone, Mr. Peasant.



You once asked what a philosopher

like me was doing in the washroom.



Now I'll tell you. To my department

comes all the gossip...



He's not here. No one is here.



Maybe the "private" sign should have

been printed in German, too.



Or maybe you can't speak Spanish.

But I assure you, it says "private".



We intend to see Mr. Mundson.

He's been avoiding us.



Mr. Mundson is allergic

to messenger boys.



The American lndian walks into

something that doesn't concern him.



- That's an old American custom.

- You're not invited to the party.



- Tell the old man to go away.

- No, you go away.



- We intend to see Mr. Mundson.

- You said that before...



Get him on the telephone.



Why didn't you say what you wanted?



Mr. Mundson. This is Mr. Farrel.



Some add these to their costumes.

I have two lovely heads of pigs...



No sale, Uncle Pio.

They'll just use their own faces.



Ballin? There are two nice kids here

with German accents.



They want an appointment with you.

One of them has a gun in my back.



Tell them to come here, in an hour.



And Johnny, you come now.




- Listen, Maria. Carnival.

- Yes, little one. Carnival.



- What does it mean, exactly?

- The last three days before Lent.



In Roman Catholic countries,

it's feasting and merry-making.



Then comes the fasting

and the penance.



- Make hay while the sun shines.

- You have a strange language.



I mean, three days

of sowing wild oats...



... and then comes the harvest.



Maria, I have the funniest feeling.



Don't tell anybody,

but I'm awfully superstitious.



Don't tell anybody.



I have the funniest feeling

that this is it.



- It?

- I mean...



That for me, too, it's carnival.






- Yes, Ballin?

- May I come in?



I'm going to be delayed.

Johnny will take you to the party.



What's the matter?



You're very excited about something.

Perhaps it's in the air.



Perhaps you shouldn't have opened

the window. Close it.



See how quiet it is now?



See how easily

one can shut away excitement?



Just by closing a window.

Remember that, Gilda.



I want to see your costume before

you go. I see you'll carry a whip.



Have you warned Johnny,

so he can also arm himself?



Nobody could ever dance like you.



When a person dances with you,

it's like they're a part of you.



You always did talk your head off

all the time you were dancing.



You used to say,

"One thing at a time."



"Talk or dance, but don't

do both things at the same time."



- You used to say...

- I still say it.



- You used to say...

- I still say it.



I have to keep talking, as long

as I have my arms around you.



- I might forget to dance.

- What are you trying to do?



I'm not even trying very hard,

but I'm doing it.



Doing what?



- Push my hat back, Johnny.

- It's all right.



Push it back.



You're out of practise, aren't you?

Dancing, I mean.



I could help you get

in practise again. Dancing, I mean.



Good evening.




I'm in again, as you put it.



- We're all here.

- Yes, we are.



I suggest sending Mrs. Mundson home.

There's going to be trouble.



I suggest you get her out

before the unmasking at twelve.



You sound like a bad melodrama.



- What are you doing?

- Here's the comic relief.



- Now the drama's complete.

- What do you want?



I got a letter for you. She was

sorry she didn't get to say goodbye.



- No bad news, I hope?

- Johnny, she left with...



- What's that to you?

- You sure act sore about it.



- You'd think she was your...

- Check everyone that comes in.



She didn't come in, she went out.



Lose something, Mr. Farrel?



- I didn't even know you'd arrived.

- But obviously I did.



- Where's Gilda?

- I can't keep track, in this mob.



Find her for me.



Sure. I won't guarantee

how long it'll take.



I'll wait.

I'm a great one for waiting.



Take your mask off,

it's time to unmask.



- Going home would be a good idea.

- Why, because a man drank too much?



That messenger boy didn't drink

too much, he was murdered.



Good. It saves us the trouble.



- Did your keep your appointment?

- No, I missed them.



- Did you find Gilda?

- No.



- Find her, take her home.

- I'll stick with you.



No. In chemin de fer, you play for

the full stake or you pass the shoe.



You can't rule the world

by passing the shoe.



Do as I say. Take her home. I expect

my little friends to be obedient.



- Speaking of little friends...

- Don't.



Wait for me at home. I may need

both of my little friends tonight.



Okay, Ballin.



This is Mundson. Call the airfield,

tell them to proceed as instructed.



Is that clear?

Proceed as instructed.



- Ballin was wrong, wasn't he?

- About what?



He said you could shut out

excitement by just closing a door.



You can't, can you?



I don't know

what you're talking about.



I was just mentioning

how quiet it was in the house.



There isn't anybody here but us.

Everybody's celebrating Carnival.



What about it?



I was just mentioning it.



Goodnight, Johnny.



I couldn't get out of my head

what she said about us being alone.



Ballin was in the casino, fighting

for his life. And this little...



I knew all his dreams of greatness

would be wrecked because of her.



He wasn't strong enough to throw

her out. I had to do it for him.






Get your clothes on,

you're getting out of here.



Are we, Johnny? Are we?



Not we. You!



- You do hate me, don't you?

- You have no idea how much.



Hate is a very exciting emotion.



Haven't you noticed?

Very exciting...



I hate you too, Johnny.



I hate you so much,

I think I'm going to die from it.






I think I'm going to die from it.



You left it open when you came in.






Africa's more than      miles away.



- I don't think he'll make it.

- I don't think he intends to try.



- You managed it.

- Naturally. The sea plane is ready?



- You ran into trouble?

- An unfortunate murder.



Obregon knows I did it. I'll stay

away as long as necessary, -



- then I'll go back,

and attend to something.



In his will, Ballin left everything

to Gilda, with me as sole executor.



I had the papers that Ballin said

would let a man rule the world.



It didn't seem like much.



The tungsten mine, a few patents,

a dozen small corporations -



- that formed one organisation

with Mundson at the head.



But then I saw the power. How it

could gobble up the opposition.



You've come a long way to learn what

will happen to your association.



I've told you. Now you can return

knowing that nothing has changed.



I'll carry on

where Mr. Mundson left off.



- Anything else, gentlemen?

- No one man should be in charge...



I'm the sole executor.

It's going to be business as usual.



- Mrs. Mundson is the sole legatee.

- And in no condition to see anyone.



Her husband's death hit her hard.

She asked me to represent her.



We need be in no hurry to leave.

She may recover.



Not a chance in the world.

She's marrying me this afternoon.



It stopped raining.

Maybe that means something.



You haven't got over

being superstitious. Come on.



- Not back to the house?

- Do you think I'm that kind of guy?



No one knows what kind of guy

you are but me. Not even you.



All my clothes are here.



Even my perfume.

You think of everything.



We're right back where we started.

Right back where...



Right back where we started.



Johnny, that isn't even decent.



What was that word again?




I said, "decent".



That's what I thought you said.

It sounded funny coming out of you.



She didn't know then that the door

was closing on her own cage.



She wasn't faithful before, but

she would be, now that he was dead.



Why are you coming to work tonight?

I believe in my duty to my job...



Good, because you've got a new one.



From now on, you stick with

Mrs. Mundson... Mrs. Farrel.



You're always with her. She talks

to no one, and no one talks to her.



- You get that?

- Is she in danger?



You will be, if you don't do

exactly as I've told you.



- You were quiet this afternoon.

- What I have to say, I say to you.



- Not the others.

- I'm flattered.



Would you like to know how Mundson

came to be the head of the cartel?



- You saw the patents were German.

- They were.



- They belong to my principals.

- Not anymore.



Three years ago, when Argentina was

poised to declare war against us, -



- we allowed Mundson to buy

our patents.



- Good idea. The casino as a front.

- We even advanced him the money.



You couldn't have picked

a nicer man.



We had an agreement. He was to

return our property after the war.



- I didn't find any agreement.

- It was a gentleman's agreement.



- And he wasn't a gentleman?

- He was a madman.



He thought

he could rule the world.



I know.

We had quite a discussion about it.



She still didn't believe

I wasn't coming back.



Every night she got dressed up

and waited.



But Gilda couldn't stand

not knowing the why of things, -



- so she swallowed her pride and

came to see me. That was wonderful.






Hello. Remember me?



I'm Gilda, your wife.




You haven't been around lately.

I thought maybe you had amnesia.



Got a light?



You don't look so hot.



You're losing weight.



This vacuum I'm living in...

Mind giving me a reason?



You've had such a full life

up till now, -



- I thought some quiet

would give you time to think.



- Think about what?

- Is it too corny to say, your sins?



- Yes, it is.

- Well, I said it.



You're cock-eyed, Johnny.



I figured that was the deal. You're

getting even with me for something.



We're great people for getting even.

Aren't we?



I got even with you

by marrying Ballin.



- That's great. The man's dead...

- And I'm glad! He was insane.



- I was afraid all the time.

- You acted like it.



There's never been anybody

but you and me.



All those things I did

were just to make you jealous.



- There's never been anybody else.

- Not anybody?



Not anybody.



If you could forget your husband

so easily, you could forget others.



- But there weren't any others.

- Admit them. Tell me who they were.



Who'd think one woman could marry

two insane men in one lifetime?



She wasn't scared, yet,

because she didn't realise yet.



Right now she was just mad,

and she was hitting back.



Try and locate a Mr. Gabe Evans.

Try all the hotels in the city.



She couldn't find him,

so she reached out for anyone.



They weren't hard to find.



The waiter told him he had a call.



One of my men grabbed him outside.

He never came back.



She found somebody else, of course.



But wherever she went...



She finally realised Buenos Aires

was her prison, so she ran away.



She got a job singing

in a club in Montevideo.



She started divorce proceedings,

and met a man.



Let forever be tonight,

is that a date?



I haven't even got my divorce yet.



- I haven't any right to...

- I don't want you to divorce.



The divorce you get here

will never stand up in Argentina.



- But I'm never going back there.

- You may want to go home some time.



Wherever you go, you'll be

tied to him. You'll never be free.



Then it didn't do any good

to run away.



It never does.



Go back to Buenos Aires

and get an annulment.



He left you right after

the ceremony. There's nothing to it!



I'll be right by your side.

I'm a very good lawyer, you know.



I have more money than I can spend,

and I'm in love with you.



- Isn't that a terrific combination?

- Yes, it is.



The plane leaves at two o'clock.

At two the next day you'll be free!



I didn't think I'd ever trust

another man, but here I go again.



Thanks, Tom.



- Tom, this is the Hotel Centenario.

- I was told it's a good hotel.



I think it's wonderful.



- I'll do it.

- Your bags will be right up.



The light switch is here,

if my memory doesn't fail me.



Okay, Langford.



I'll do it anyway.

I'll get an annulment!



- There's no annulment in Argentina.

- I'll get it anyway!



I will!

I'll get an annulment! I will!



Johnny, please let me go.



I can't stand it anymore.

I don't want anything from you, -



but please, just let me go.



- Getting you here was a nice touch.

- About that night...



I don't want to hear about

that night. Can't you understand?



- I was waiting for you, Mr. Farrel.

- Find anything interesting?



Close the joint up

if it bothers you so much.



Why do you think

we allow the casino to stay open?



You leave a purse-snatcher alone

if he'll lead you to a bigger crime.



We know you run the monopoly. We

want the names of the participants.



- I don't know what you're on about.

- I'll wait.



You're breaking up in little pieces.

Am I wearing you down?



- You?

- Something is.



I hadn't noticed...






I'm not very good at zippers.

Maybe if I had some help...



- I'll help you.

- I'm an expert!



- I hate to do this, but Johnny...

- Leave me alone!



- What is this?

- Now they know what I am.



It's no use just you knowing it.

Now they know you got taken!



That he married a...



The German has been arrested.

He will talk.



All we want from you are the patents

and the signed agreements.



We must know who the signers are -



- to prosecute them

for breaking the anti-trust laws.



You didn't hear a word of it.

All you can think of is Gilda.



- You love each other terribly.

- I hate her!



That's what I mean. It's the oddest

love/hate pattern I've ever seen.



As long as you're sick in the head

about her, you can't think clearly.



All right, you're under arrest

for operating a gambling casino.



I'll let you stay here

under protective custody.



Send for me when you can't stand it

anymore. I want those signatures.



I can out-wait you.

I have the law on my side.



It's a very comfortable feeling.

You ought to try it some time.



  left,    right,   left,    right.



- You got that?

- I got it.



There's everything in there

you want, and nothing that I want.



No. That's at the casino, waiting.



When you sent for me,

I sent for Gilda. She's going home.



- Home? Clear home?

- At least you could wish her luck.



- She makes her own luck.

- How dumb can a man be?



Get out of here before you realise

what a heel you've been.



I can't bear to see you break down.

I'm a sensitive man, for a cop.



Gilda didn't do any of those things

you've been losing sleep over.



It was just an act, every bit of it.



But I'll give you credit,

you were a great audience.



Would you like a drink of ambrosia,

suitable only for a goddess?



No, thank you.



Mr. Obregon said the place had been

taken over by the government.



Don't think about it.



A cigarette, perhaps?

Blended of the finest tobaccos -



- from the most romantic places

of the world.



No, thank you.



- It all looks lonely, doesn't it?

- All bad things end up lonely.



I know that, don't l? You can keep

your silly epigrams to yourself.



Uncle Pio.



I hear you're going home.

I came to say goodbye.



I want to go with you, Gilda.

Please take me.



- I know I did everything wrong.

- Isn't it wonderful?



Nobody has to apologise, because

we were both such stinkers.



- Isn't it wonderful?

- Wonderful...



I didn't intend to come back

so soon, but I want my wife.



You thought I died that night.

I murdered a man, -



- so I disappeared for a while.

I came to the house to get Gilda.



I found her occupied with you. I had

no time for an emotional scene.



I had a launch waiting for me.

You didn't see me parachute out.



You weren't seeing very clearly that

night. Emotion clouds the brain.



I intended to kill you with this,

to have one friend kill the other.



But now it won't do,

because I have to kill Gilda, too.



I told you I'd be looking...



Better get out of here,

Uncle Pio, quick!



I'm a great cop,

and a pushover for a love story.



I know the combination of the safe,

but I don't know where it is.



It's on the wall, behind the desk.



Thanks. Say, haven't I seen

that cane somewhere before?



Yes. You shouldn't leave such things

lying around where I can reach them.



He's lying, like the gentleman

I always said he was. It was I...



- Keep your mouth shut!

- You two can quit being noble.



A man can only die once, and Mundson

killed himself three months ago.



Besides, didn't you ever hear of

a thing called justifiable homicide?



Johnny, let's go home.

Let's go home.




Special help by SergeiK