Goodbye Mr. Chips Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the Goodbye Mr. Chips script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the Robert Donat and Greer Garson movie.  This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Goodbye Mr. Chips. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You won't hurt my feelings. Honest.

Swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts!

Goodbye Mr. Chips Script

"To the honored memory  of Jonathan Brookfield


who hath founded Brookfield School


to the glory of God and the promotion  of piety and learning


in the year of our Lord 1492."


 1492.    The year Columbus discovered America.


Brookfield School.  One can almost feel the centuries.


  True.    Gray, old aged


dreaming over a crowded past.


We're in the heart  of England, Mr. Jackson.


It's a heart that has a very gentle beat.


There's the special train. In    minutes,  the heart of England's


going to have slight palpitations.


Get out, you beast. It's mine.




Assembly. Come on, you boys.  Assembly.


Hurry up, now. Assembly.


Assembly. Assembly.


  Carrie primus.    Carrie secundus.


  Danvers.    Denville.




  Good afternoon, boys.    Good afternoon, sir.


You may sit down.


Well, here we are at the beginning  of another school year.


One which I sincerely hope will be  a credit to Brookfield.


We require not only to win the matches  against Millfield and Sedbury


but also, if it's not  troubling you too much


some fairly decent results  in the examinations.


Now I have a small  disappointment for you.


Perhaps you're aware of it already.


For the first time in    years


Mr. Chipping has been unable  to attend first day assembly.


Chips, and you'll allow me  to refer to him as Chips


seeing that    years ago  this autumn


he gave me a thrashing  for sheer bone laziness.


Well, Chips has a cold.


And a cold can be quite a serious thing  for a young fellow of   .


So Dr. Merivale has ordered him  to stay at home.


It was quite a battle.


But our old friend was  finally induced to surrender


 and he is now sitting, under  violent protest, by his own fireside.


  Oh, sir. Sorry, sir.    What is this? A scrimmage?


No, sir. I'm looking for assembly.


Oh, are you? So am I.  Hang onto my tail. Come on.


Locked out.


Well, I'll be


Well, we'll have to wait.  That's all there is to it.


  So you're a stinker?    A stinker, sir?


A new boy. That is what we call  them here. "Stinkers."


  What's your name?    I'm Dorset, sir.


Duke of Dorset? I taught your father.  He was always late. Always late.






  Ancestor of yours.    Yes, sir.


  Drake! Was he here, sir?    Yes.


  Was he a stinker too, sir?    To be sure, he was.


But he grew out of it, and so will you.


  Are you a master, sir?    I was a master once.


I've taught thousands of boys,  right back to     


but I gave it up.  Gave it up    years ago.


I say, you must be terribly old, sir.


Well, I'm certainly no chicken.


No chicken.


That's the school song.


  It's a beautiful song.    Yes, sir.


  Mr. Chipping, we weren't expecting you.    Good afternoon, Martin.


  Good afternoon, sir!    Rigby, good afternoon.


My governor asked to be remembered.  He'll send some grouse.


Thank you, Grayson.  I shall appreciate that very much.


  Where did you go for holiday?    I stayed home.


  Glad to see you.    Thank you, Mills.


  The head said you couldn't come out, sir.    Couldn't I?


  How do you do, sir?    Collingwoods.


You look more  like your father every day.


  Good afternoon, sir. This is my brother.    Miller? Miller secundus, eh?


Yes, sir.


Do they starve you at home, Miller?


  Hello, sir.    Hello, Morgan.


Still growing out of your trousers?  Your grandfather's trousers were short.


Runs in the family. Morgans are always  three inches ahead of their trousers.




Why, Chipping.


Sorry I'm late. Interference. Interference.  The first time for    years.


  I told you to stay indoors.    A lot of namby pamby nonsense.


I'm as sound as a bell, no thanks to you.  Ridiculous old man. He's in his dotage.


  Mr. Jackson, this is Mr. Chipping.    I thought so.


This is Mr. Jackson,  our new history master.


Now you can say you've shaken hands  with Chips of Brookfield School.


You mustn't let the honor turn  your head.


Well, here we are.


  Won't you come in?    Sorry. I must be getting along, sir.


I've got to unpack.  Lower school prep at  :  .


Oh, of course. That's always  the new master's fate.


  It's a bit of an ordeal, isn't it, sir?    Well, I found it so when I started in     .


You found difficulty with the boys?


  But seeing you just now?    It took time.


Too much time.


You seem to have found  the secret in the end.


What? The secret?  Oh, yes, in the end


but I didn't find it myself,  Mr. Jackson.


It was given to me by someone else.


Someone else.


Mr. Jackson, when you  go into class tonight


to take evening school  for the first time


remember you're not the first master  who stood there and felt afraid.


  Good night.    Thank you, sir. Good night.


Oh, do come in, sir.  Standing out there in the cold.


  All right, all right.    There's quite a wind.


  Mrs. Wickett, I can do that myself.    Really, sir, not so much as a scarf.


You don't seem to show good sense.  Wait till the doctor hears about it.


He has heard about it from me.  I gave him a piece of my mind.


You sit down by the fire.  What you want is a nice cup of hot tea.


I'll wait a bit.  Some of the boys might drop in.


Well, I have to pop out for a minute.  Everything's ready for your tea.


  And a cake?    Yes, there's a cake.


I wonder how many of them those boys  have eaten since you first came here.


Letting them gorge you  out of house and home.


Last term,    iced cakes,      rock cakes,     Bath buns


Enough of your  loathsome statistics, woman.


Go about your business. Go.


They ought to feed the boys better.


Remember how you used to starve them  when you were undermatron?


All that was a very long time ago.  Things is different now.


A long time ago.




A long time.


Things are different now.


Chips of Brookfield.


Discipline, Mr. Chipping. Discipline.


  Harper.    Hazlitt.


  Hatfield.    Hatherly.


  Hawtrey.    Hesley.


  Henson.    Hetherington.


Special. Special edition.


French defeated at Sedan.




Brookfield Special. First train.


You're in this carriage, Gregory.  In you get, boys.


Excuse me. In you get, boys.  Come along. In you get.


  Are you Mr. Bingham?    Yes.


  I'm Chipping, the new master.    Yes.


  Can I be of any assistance?    Not now, I've finished.


Martin! But where's Martin?


  Martin. Martin?    Martin!


Martin! Martin! Martin!


Here he is.


I'm sorry, the horse in our cab fell down.


Gerald's chest protector.  He's had whooping cough.


There are two of them.  One on and one in the wash.


All right, I'll see to it. In here, Martin.  Better get in, Mr. Chipping.


Take your seats.


Thank you, boys.


Oh, thank you.


Sorry, sir.


  Where did you spend your holidays?    Margate.


The ladies bathe in the sea.  The men have to keep off the beach


every morning  while the ladies go in.


We used to watch off the top  of the cliffs with a telescope.


There's a battle in France.  The emperor surrendered.


The emperor's a funk.  I bet the Prussians win.


  I'll bet a tizzy the French win.    I'll bet the Prussians march to Paris.


  Papa goes to Paris.    So does my uncle.


He says Paris is a gay old spot.


  The French eat frogs.    Frogs.


  Say, there's a balloon.    Where?


  There she goes.    Shove over.


  I wish I were up there.    Stop shoving.


  There are two people in it.    I bet I could go higher than they are.


  You'd funk it.    I wouldn't.


  I wonder where he's going.    So does he.


Cheer up.


I'm new too.  It's not easy to begin with.


  What'd he do, slap him?    Kicked him, most likely.


Here we are. Mind your head.


I used to have this room.


You'll find the draft from this window  will give you a stiff neck.


What are you looking at?  Is something going on?


It's just as I imagined it. It means  everything to me, to come to Brookfield.


I suppose you felt the same way.  I'll get on. I know I will.


Headmaster at Brookfield.  That's something worth working for.


Ever done any teaching before?


Ever done any teaching?


Oh, no, no.


  Come in.    Your bag, Mr. Chipping.


  And the headmaster will see you now, sir.    Oh, thanks. Thanks.


My gown. I mustn't keep him  waiting, must I?


A bit of a terror, isn't he?


  Look out, the old boy.    Wetherby?


Trotting out the new man.


  This is your new colleague, Mr. Chipping.    How do you do?


I want you to show Mr. Chipping  the ropes.


He is taking lower school  for preparation.


Good evening, Chipping. Anytime  you need to see me. Good evening.


  Good evening, sir.    Lower school prep, eh?


  It's always the new master first day.    You mustn't let them rag you.


  Take a look for drawing pins in your chair.    Or rattraps in your desk.


Thanks. I shall manage.


Are you athletically inclined,  Mr. Chipping?


Not that they ever become violent.  I mean, they don't carry weapons.


You mustn't take any notice  of these fellows.


The boys are a bit restless the first day.


New masters are an exciting  blood sport with them, but


  The bell.    You'll have to hurry.


  Good luck, Mr. Chipping.    We'll keep our fingers crossed.


  Thank you very much.    Mr. Chipping?


The headmaster has your  home address, naturally. Just in case.


  Have you seen him? What's he like?    New masters are always smelly.


  He's coming!    Sit down.


Your cap, sir!


  Let me get it for you, sir!    No, sir, let me!


  No, sir, I'll pick it up!    No, sir, I will!


  That will do, thank you!    We're glad to help.


Do you hear what I say?  Go to your places.


I have it, sir. I have it.


  It's a bit battered, sir.    Do you lose your cap often?


  That's a silly question.    Give that to me!


It's awfully dusty, sir. I'll see to it  for you, sir. It won't take a second, sir.


Give that to me.


  What's your name?    Colley, sir.


Colley, back to your place.  Back to your places, all of you.


Yes, sir.


You will employ the hour  in writing an essay


on the book you were given  to read during the holidays.


I understand this was  Kingsley's Westward Ho!


If you're in difficulty,  I'll answer questions.


Thank you, sir.


  Sir?    What is it?


  Is a pencil all right?    Of course not, idiot!


  Who's an idiot?    Silence. I'll have no more of it.


  No more silence, sir?    Sir?


  Who was Queen Elizabeth's husband, sir?    She didn't have a husband.


  Surely you know what she was called?    No, sir. What, sir?


Well, she was called the vir  Well, she was called the


  Never mind.    Oh, sir. Please, sir.


  Please, tell us, sir.    Get on with your work.


  Sir, who was Cádiz?    Who was Cádiz? Who was Cádiz.


  Cádiz is a town in Spain.    Of course, you ass.


  Isn't he an ass?    Don't listen to him.


  May I kick him, sir?    Quiet, please. Quiet.


  I think we'll get on with our work.    Yes, sir.


  Well, is a pencil all right, sir?    I don't care what you use


only please get on with your work.


  Yes, sir.    At once, sir.


  Sir, how do you spell "armada"?    Can anyone enlighten this boy?


  Yes, sir. A M A R D A.    No, no, no.


  A M A D A!    A R M D A!


No, it's A M A R D A!


  Silence! Do you hear me?    Silence! Silence! Didn't you hear me?


The teacher said, "Silence!"  Shut up, you lunatic!


Boys, do you hear me? Sit down!  Be quiet! Sit down, boys!


  Who did that, sir? I'll kill him for you, sir.    Colley!


What is this?


What is happening?


Mr. Chipping?!


I'm I'm sorry, sir. I'm afraid l


It is just    years ago this term


since I had occasion to cane  the entire lower school.


The young gentlemen of that day  came honestly by their punishment.


I think I can say the same for you.


You will present yourselves  at my study tomorrow


in alphabetical order at intervals  of three minutes starting at  :  .


I believe I can promise you  that I have lost none of my vigor.


  I think you better see me after prayers.    Yes, sir.


Our profession is not  an easy one, Mr. Chipping.


It calls for something more  than a university degree.


Our business is to mold men.  It demands character and courage.


Above all, it demands the ability  to exercise authority.


Without that, I think any young man  should ask himself seriously


if he has not perhaps  mistaken his vocation.


  No, sir    When a man is young, Mr. Chipping


there are many  walks of life open to him.


I hope you don't mean  that I should resign.


I should be very reluctant  to do that, sir.


It means everything to me to come  to Brookfield. I'll get on.


  Please give me the chance to prove it, sir.    I am willing to forget the incident


but will those boys forget it?  You're going to have to face them again.


That'll take courage. Moral courage.


  However, if you care to make the trial    Thank you, sir.


  I shall watch your progress with interest.    Thank you, sir. I'm deeply grateful to you.


Hello, Chipping. I hear the boys  gave you a rough time.


They will not do it again,  Mr. Bingham, I assure you.


Before we leave  I want to wish our cricket   


the best of luck against  Sedbury this afternoon.


This year, Sedbury claims to be  sending us the finest team


that ever came out  of a very fine school.


Well, we shall give them  a hearty welcome.


We shall give them a big tea,  but I venture to predict


we shall not give them the cup.


The boys are unusually quiet.


What does it mean?


Something has occurred. What is it?


Well, sir, it's really  no business of mine, but


  I think, sir, perhaps I can explain.    You, Mr. Chipping?


Yes, sir. I'm keeping my class  in this afternoon.


  That means Maynard, our best player    Please, Mr. Shane.


Sir, I'd entirely forgotten  about the cricket match.


  Forgotten?    Yes.


My attention was drawn to the fact  by my class in such an insolent manner


I thought it inadvisable  to go back on my decision.


  You observe the effect on the school?    I do indeed, sir. It's most regrettable.


  Go on! Run it out! Run! Run!    No, no, get back, you ass!


  Get back!    Get back! Get back!




We've lost.


  Bad luck, Maynard.    Colley.


All right, sir. Sedbury's beaten us.  We've lost the cup.


Not just us, it's the whole school.


You don't care how the fellows feel.  You don't want to be liked!


Perhaps you don't mind being hated!




I should like to say that my judgment, in  the first place, was hasty and ill advised.


And no one regrets more  than Dr. Wetherby


that my authority had to be upheld.


If I've lost your friendship,  there's little left that I value.


You may go.


  Latton.    Lemare.


  Ligbottom.    Miller.




  Wagstaff.    Wallington.


  Walters primus.    Walters secundus.


Almighty father, thou who has watched  over us and protected us here at work


grant that the holidays ahead may be  to us a source of rest and refreshment.


And that we may employ the happy time  of leisure with grace and wisdom


to the greater glory  of thy son, our Lord.


  Amen.    Amen.


Sorry, sir.


And where are you going  to spend the holidays?


  Have a good holiday, Matthews.    Thanks awfully, sir.


  Where are you going?    Folkestone, sir.


Hey, Johnson, wait for me.


Mr. Chipping.


You remember me? Hargreaves.


Of course, I remember you,  but you've grown, you know.


Do you remember the day  we met in the train?


Oh, I remember, yes.


You told me to cheer up,  and I nearly drowned you in tears.


It was my first term as well.  If you hadn't started first


I should have done the crying myself.


I heard that you were leaving  here a few years ago.


Yes, I was going to leave. I was going  to be a classics master at Harrow


but it just didn't happen though.


Perhaps I shouldn't mention it, but I rather  expect to be housemaster next term.


  Woodward is leaving.    That's splendid. Congratulations.


  Thank you.    I suppose I'm keeping you


from your packing.  Goodbye, Mr. Chipping.


Goodbye, Hargreaves.


Glad to have seen you.


Well, here we are.  Now, who will have a piece?


  Raven.    Thanks, Staefel.


  Ogilvie?    Cake. Where'd you get that, schnitzel?


  It was a present from my German class.    Good.


I can't understand these English boys.


The whole term,  they behaved to me like    devils.


Then today, they make me a speech,  they give me a cake


and I burst out of tears.


  Into tears, Staefel. In English the    Shut up, Ogilvie. The term's over.


  Chipping, cake?    That's very nice of you. Thank you.


  Mind if I borrow this?    Go ahead.


"H.G. Wells."  Never heard of him.


His first. He won't come to much.  He's too fantastic.


  Where do you go for your holidays?    Harrogate. He always does.


Hello, Jenks.  Cut yourself a piece of cake.


You will have your little jokes.


Headmaster's compliments, sir. He'd  like to see you in his study, immediate.


I'll bet that's about  taking over Woodward's house.


  Congratulations, Chipping.    Thank you very much.


  You certainly deserve it after all this time.    It's quite a surprise, if it's true.


Though, mind you, I had rather hoped.


  But I better get along.    Well, good luck.


Good luck, Chipping.


See, Chipping.


I knock on wood for you.


Thanks. Thanks.


I expect you've guessed why  I wanted to see you, Mr. Chipping.


  Sit down.    Thank you.


Mr. Woodward's retirement  leaves a housemastership vacant.


  Yes, sir.    You are the senior master.


Normally the vacancy would go to you.


That is why I feel that, in fairness to you,  I should tell you personally


why the governors and I have  decided to appoint Mr. Wilkinson.


We felt that with your unusual gifts  of getting work out of the boys


that you'd rather  concentrate on teaching


and leave the rather tiresome job  of housemaster to someone


with special gifts in that direction.    I understand, sir.


Though I doubt if Mr. Wilkinson  will ever turn out


as many minor Latin poets  as you have.


I quite understand, sir.


Yes. I thought you would.


  Just off for the holidays, Mr. Chipping?    Yes, yes. To Harrogate.


Oh, you are. Well, have a pleasant time.


  Thank you.    Goodbye, Mr. Chipping.




  May I come in?    Oh, yes. Do.


It's got dark, hasn't it?


Chipping, I hear


  Is it true that Wilkinson?    Yes, it's true.


  I'm sorry.    Thank you, Staefel.


I won't say I'm not disappointed  because I am.


There it is.


  Forgive my bursting in.    Yes, of course.


The fact is,  I wanted to make a suggestion.


I planned a walking tour  to my own country


through Tyrol, to Salzkammergut,  to Vienna.


Do come with me.


Me, go abroad?


You'll like it, I'm sure. You like to climb,  you say. The country is beautiful.


It's very good of you,  but it's out of the question.


But why? Tell me that.


Well, for one thing,  I've booked my rooms at Harrogate.


Harrogate!  Must you always go to Harrogate?


Well, I daresay,  I am in need of a change, but


  But you don't care for my company.    Oh, no, Staefel. I should be very glad.


As a matter of fact,  I often feel lonely.


  There is no more to be said. It is settled.    But, Staefel


I'll arrange everything! We meet the train  tonight. Pack yourself, Chipping!


Staefel, listen!


  Bye, schnitzel. Have a good time.    Thank you. I shall.


  And Chipping is coming with me too.    What, old Chipping going abroad?


To Tyrol, he shall climb!


Well, don't break your necks!


Such a heavy mist.


It is strange.


So early in the year.


Does he know anything of climbing,  the English gentleman?


He hasn't climbed for years.


Is it safe, do you think?


If he stops still he will be well enough.


But if he's foolish enough  to start climbing down


there are bad places.


This is a nice business.


I could be here all night.






Good heavens!


A woman.






Are you in danger?


Well, upon my word.






I can't see you.


Here I am.


Hello there.  I thought I heard a voice.


  Are you all right?    Yes, quite. Thanks.


  The mist's a nuisance, isn't it?    You're not in danger?




Do you mind?


  No, of course not, but    You shouldn't move about. It's foolish.


Foolish? But I heard you call.  I thought you needed help.


  Don't say you climbed up to rescue me!    As a matter of fact, I did.


Really, I should be very angry.  Supposing you'd fallen.


  I must say    I never head of such utter stupidity!


  Where were you?    On the Gamsteig.


You climbed in that mist  to rescue me


when I'm a better climber  than you are.


  Well, what were you screaming about?    I wasn't. I just let out a shout at random.


So that was why.


When I think that road might have been  paved with your good intentions.


Really, it was idiotic of you.


  And rather wonderful.    Not at all.


Well, anyway, I'm glad you came.  It was going to be very lonely.


Won't you sit down?


This is quite comfortable,  as rocks go.


Thank you.


My name is Chipping.


Mine's Ellis. Katherine Ellis.


Won't you have a sandwich?  I've got loads here.


This one is


ham.    Thank you.


I ate mine early. I am rather hungry.


I'm sorry I wasn't in any danger.


It was rather  inconsiderate of you.


What are you doing alone  on the mountain?


Isn't it unusual for a young lady?


I'm not usually alone.  I have a friend at the inn.


  So have I. We're on a walking tour.    Really? We're bicycling.


Bicycling? Through Austria?


Good heavens, I didn't know ladies  rode those awful things.


I'm afraid so.


With one leg on each  side of the saddle?


Well, you don't imagine I ride  sidesaddle, do you?


What happens to your




Oh, they breed female bicycles now,  didn't you know?


Ladies riding bicycles.


I don't approve of this  rushing around on wheels.


The other day a man passed me  at    miles an hour!


You know, humans were never  intended to go that speed.


I suppose you think I'm old fashioned.


I like men to be old fashioned.


  Have another?    You're sure?


Thank you.


We reserve these for emergencies.


It's chilly, isn't it?


Oh, I say, I should have thought of it.  I'm so sorry. Here.


  Do have this. I'm rather warm.    I wouldn't think of it. Put it on.


You must have it. Really.  I insist. Please.


Why don't we share it?  It's big enough for both of us.


  No. Someone might see you.    On this mountain? What if they did?


  But I don't need it. Really, I don't.    I insist. Look, like this.


Take hold of it. There.


Don't worry. We'll find our friends.


If a search party's going,  I insist on coming.


  But l    That's final.


A penny for your thoughts.


Oh, as a matter of fact,  I was thinking of you.


Kindly, I hope.


I see very little of ladies at Brookfield.  I was rather realizing what I missed.


If I may say so, I think the ladies  have missed a great deal too.


It's very kind of you,  but I'm not a ladies' man.


  Afraid of them?    Terrified.


  Not of me, I hope.    No, not up here in the clouds.


Perhaps the altitude's gone to my head,  but at the inn


Because I'm a strong minded  female who rides a bicycle?


Oh, no. No, on the contrary.


  Because    Because?


Well, because you're so very nice looking,  I think, and charming.


So are you, Mr. Chipping, frankly.


Good heavens,  no one has ever called me that!


What extraordinary ideas  come into one's head up here.


  It's the altitude.    Do you experience a sort of exhilaration?


  Definitely.    As though we owned the mountain?


  To put it mildly.    We're pretty superior persons.


We're gods!


Up here there's no time


no growing old


nothing lost.    We're young.


  We believe in ourselves.    We have faith in the future.


It must be the altitude.


Do you suppose a person in middle age  could start life over again


and make a go of it?


I'm sure of it.


Quite sure.


It must be tremendously  interesting to be a schoolmaster.


I thought so once.


To watch boys grow up  and help them along


see their characters develop  and what they become


when they leave school  and the world gets hold of them.


I don't see how you could  ever get old


in a world that's always young.


I never really thought of it that way.


When you talk about it,  you make it sound exciting and heroic.


It is.


And the schoolmaster?


Is he exciting and heroic too?


I've met only one


a reckless person


who climbed the Glockner  in a mist to


Oh, look!


The mist is lifting.


We can go down now.




I'm almost sorry.


It was an adventure, wasn't it?


It was.


Well, back to reality!


I see them! They're together, look!


You are right!




  Hello!    Hello!


It is Kathy!


Oh, thank heaven! Come on!


And to the special health  of the hero of the mist.


Der hochwohlgeborene  Herr Von Chipping.


Herr Von Chipping!




But I did nothing. Nothing at all.


Modest fellow. The minute I let him  out of my sight, he becomes a hero!


Oh, nonsense.  This is absurd. I merely


You were wonderful,  I'm going to kiss you.


My dear young lady, really,  I'm at a loss.


Miss Ellis, good night.  I hope you'll be none the worse.


  Good night, why?    I'm rather tired. I think I'll go to bed.


To bed?


No, no, no, no. I have food for you.  A goulash, strudel.


Perhaps you can send it up to my room.


  Good night, you wonderful man.    Good night.


Thank you again,  you were very kind.


Not at all.


  Good night.    Good night.


  Good night, everybody.    Good night!


Good night.


Let us have a song.  Something gay for the Fräulein.


Thank you. That's sweet of you.


Katherine, what are you doing?


Looking at my mountain  in the moonlight.


I should've thought  you'd seen enough of it.


It's going to be a rather thrilling memory  back in Bloomsbury.


It's a pity your knight errant  was such an old stick in the mud.


  Flora!    He might have been young


and splendid looking. Then you  would've known you'd met your fate.


He isn't at all old, darling.  And I think he's quite charming.


  Kathy!    I mean it.


He's just shy, Flora.


And a little difficult to know, perhaps.


I'm sorry for shy people.


They must be


awfully lonely sometimes.


Chipping, you should have stayed.  It was quite a party.


  I'm not much good at that sort of thing.    A pity.


They wanted so much  to give you an evening.


They did?


I didn't understand.  I hope I wasn't rude.


Oh, no. They understood.


Miss Kathy asked me to say goodbye  and to thank you again.


  Goodbye?    Yes. They're going away


early in the morning.  On their bicycles.


Well, I'm sleepy. Are you coming?




You are so silent.  What are you thinking?


That was a very intelligent  young woman, Staefel.


She was a very pretty one, Chipping.


I wonder if we might run into them again  on our travels.


Well, we must look out for  two bright new bicycles.


English ladies, quite English.


It is them.


They're acquaintances of mine.  Will you give them my card, please?


  Tell them I'd like to have a word.    Certainly, mein Herr.


Hardly dressed for ladies, are we?


  Shall we not ask them to lunch with us?    I don't see any objection.


The ladies are here.


Is this the person?


  Well, you stated that you knew me.    Madam, the fact is


  You told the porter we were acquainted?    No, not exactly.


Not exactly!


Did he or did he not?


  What is your purpose in accosting us?    Madam, I had hoped


You had hoped?


Well, this isn't the first time we've been  subjected to unwelcome attentions.


But I warn you, young man!


If I so much as set eyes on you again


I shall place myself and my friend  under the protection of the British Consul!


Why do they call it the Blue Danube?  It looks brown to me.


There's a legend, you know.


Yes. The Danube is only blue  to the eyes of


well, to people in love, you know.    How so.


You surprise me.


  Vienna's a pretty big city, isn't it?    Pretty big.


  Lots of tourists go there, I suppose.    Droves of them.




The Danube doesn't by any chance  look blue to you, does it?


What do you mean? Nonsense!


You do talk the most infernal rot  sometimes, really.


Only two weeks more.


It seems such a little while.


  Let's not think about the end till it comes.    It has been fun.


And now Vienna.


Don't you hope it's gay and romantic?


Well, they say it is.


But then they said the Danube was blue.


But, Flora, dear. It is blue.


Thank you.


Thank you.


Miss Ellis, well!


And Miss Oh, well of all the


  Well, how do you do?    Why, Mr. Chipping.


And, miss, how are you?  I'd just about given you up.


  I hoped I'd run into you.    And now we have.


  Extraordinary.    We always meet in a mist.


We do, don't we?


Oh, yes, of course. I'm so sorry.  We'd better move on.


Staefel, I say. Staefel!


I found Miss Ellis.  And on the boat all the time.


Well, what a surprise.


Oh, yes, of course. Come.


Just think, it was in this ballroom


that Prince Metternich drew up  the treaty of the five kingdoms


nearly     years ago.


Doesn't that interest you?


I must confess, the historical significance  of the ballroom doesn't impress me at all.


Whenever in days to come I think  of this place, and I shall think of it


I shall say that's the place  where I dined with


well, with you.


Thank you, Mr. Chipping.


Tell me, are those two?


  Do you think they're?    In love?




Well, I wouldn't know.


Have you never been in love,  Mr. Chipping?


No. Oh, yes. Yes, I was once.


Oh, I thought so.


Rather a long time ago.


I was    at the time.


She was the greengrocer's daughter.


And Papa and Mama intervened,  I suppose.


Yes. So did the greengrocer.


Pity this all has to end tomorrow.


For us, but not for you.


You have three weeks more.


Oh, yes, yes. That's true, but


It's been wonderful.


For me too.


What will stand out in your memory?


I don't know.


Schönbrunn and the emperor  driving by, the whipped cream


the music.


What will you remember?


I really can't say.


Shall I tell you?


  Can you?    The waltz you danced in Vienna.


  Waltz I danced What? When?    Tonight. Now.


Oh, but I couldn't possibly.  I don't dance.


Good heavens,  I haven't danced since college.


Are you turning me down?


In front of these people?  No, really. It's out of the question.


Well, of course,  if you'd really rather not.


It would have been fun  just once before going home.


Miss Kathy


may I have the pleasure of this dance?


I shall be happy, Mr. Chipping.


Did I drink too much wine?


  Liking it?    Loving it.


  As much as you'd hoped?    And more. You're doing splendidly.


Now reverse.


  Reverse?    Round the other way.


Evening dress is very becoming to you,  Mr. Chipping.


  You approve?    Heartily.


Wonderful, isn't it?




Miss Kathy, a penny for those  solemn thoughts.


I was thinking of tomorrows  and railway stations


and goodbyes.


  I hope you'll have a comfortable journey.    I hope so too.


What time do you get to London?  Oh, I asked you that before.


  Isn't saying goodbye awful?    Yes.


Know what I mean? It's so


Oh, it is. Very, very.


  Rather a crowded train, isn't it?    You said that before too.


Did I?  It's saying goodbye, you know.


I know. It's awful.


  Miss Kathy?    Yes?


I wanted to say something to you.


  Dear, it's time.    Come along. Goodbye, Mr. Chipping.


Can't you remember?


I wanted to say that you made this  the most wonderful holiday of my life.


  Kathy!    Miss Kathy?


You must go.


  Goodbye, Miss Kathy.    Goodbye, Mr. Chips.


Miss Kathy!


Kathy! Kathy!


  You kissed me!    I know. It was dreadful of me.


No. But do you? Are we?  Oh, this is awful.


Look here, you'll have to marry me now,  you know.


  Do you want to?    Do I want to? Do you?


Dreadfully!  Goodbye, my dear.


  Kathy! Oh, you can't go now, my dearest!    Goodbye.




She's gone.


I don't know where she's gone.


  I may never see her again.    I shouldn't worry, Chipping.


Miss Flora has selected the church already,  and I'm to be best man.


My good fellow, do you imagine  that we were both blind and deaf?


We are going to open a bottle  of champagne


at the first café that we come to.


"Married at St. James' Church,  Bloomsbury


Katherine Mary, only daughter  of the late Henry Forbes Ellis


to Charles Edward Chipping  of Brookfield School."


  Brookfield School?    It's not possible.


  Chipping? It can't be!    See for yourself.




Hey, Staefel, you sly old dog,  did you know about this?


  Of course I know.    I suppose she's elderly.


  I would hardly call her that.    Plain as a post, I suppose.


My dear fellows, please,  she's Chipping's choice.


  Is it as bad as that?    No. Do I give a wrong impression?


She's a good creature.


Her nose is perhaps a little red.


  Good Gad! Does she drink?    No. It is only indigestion.


  Well, I'm off.    No, please.


I told Chipping to bring her  to meet you this afternoon.


You must be kind to her,  for Chipping's sake.


  He's bringing her here?    He might have kept her to himself!


Women aren't allowed in this room.


I hear them.


I must say,  this is a nice start to a term.


  Hello.    Congratulations!


  Congratulations!    Thank you.


My wife would like to meet you.  May I bring her in for a moment? Kathy.


These are my colleagues.


Mr. McCulloch,  Mr. Baucovy, Mr. Raven


Mr. Porter Watson,  Mr. Hildersley, Mr. Murdoch.


It's so nice to meet you all,  and a little terrifying.


  Won't you sit down?    Yes, yes. Do, do.


I oughtn't to break in to a private room.


  No, no. Not really.    It isn't private.


  Certainly not.    Chips told me it was terribly private.




My dear, I told you not to.  It's just a nickname she's given me.


Chips!  Why didn't we think of that?


You will stay and have some tea  with us, Mrs. Chips?


  Well, thank you. I don't believe    Really, you must. I insist.


  Well, then I'd better pour it out.    I'll get some more cups.


  May I?    Thank you.


  McCulloch doesn't drink tea.    Nonsense! Of course I do. Frequently.


  See her?    Is she old?


Shut up!


  Can't see if you keep shoving me.    Who's shoving?


  What's all this, you kids?    Mrs. Chipping's in there.


What's she like?


She's not much older than some of us,  and she calls him "Chips."


Made him buy a new suit  and trim his mustache.


Poor old Chipping, it'll kill him.


Quick, they're coming!


  Hello, sir.    Good evening.


  Are these some of your boys, dear?    Yes.


Hello, Matthews, Winthrop


  Colley, sir.    Colley. There's always a Colley here.


Brown and the rest of you,  this is Mrs. Chipping.


How do you do, Mrs. Chipping?


I hope we'll meet again soon.  In fact, I know we are.


Mr. Chipping wants to give  a tea party every Sunday.




It would be nice if you boys  start the ball rolling next Sunday.


  Thank you very much.    Thank you.


  You said  :   didn't you, dear?    Oh, yes, of course.


 :   then. We shall look forward to it.  Good night.


  Good night, Mrs. Chipping.    Goodbye, Mrs. Chipping.


  Not bad, eh?    She's pretty.


Pretty? She's wonderful.


Now, Bullock, you can't find room  for just one more muffin?


No, thank you.  Really, Mrs. Chipping.


Last muffin means a handsome wife  and       a year.


I should risk it for the sake  of the future Mrs. Bullock.


  Mrs. Bullock!    Mrs. Bullock!


  Why, Martin, you hardly ate anything.    I'm in training.


He's one of our best footballers.  He'll get his colors next term.


  Really? Do you think we'll beat Sedbury?    We ought to.


  The Sedbugs are funks anyway.    What, Mitchell?


Sedbugs. That's our name for them.


Oh, I see. What do they call you,  the Brookfleas?


If you do win, Mr. Chipping  and I must give you a feast of victory.


You'll wear vine leaves  and eat muffins lying on couches


like the ancient Romans.


I'm sorry to interrupt your classical lesson,  but there's the bell


and these ancient Romans  will be late for chapel.


I haven't enjoyed a party so much  for ages. Come again soon.


  Oh, thank you.    Thank you.


Now, don't be late for chapel,  or you'll get us into trouble.


  No, we won't.    Thank you very much. Goodbye, sir.


  Goodbye.    Goodbye.


  Goodbye, sir.    Goodbye.


  Goodbye, sir.    Goodbye.


  What a nice lot they are.    They certainly are when you know them.


Though what authority I shall have  in class after these orgies


Ten times more because now  they look on you as a friend.


What a revolutionary you are.


Try one of those jokes you've kept  hidden away, see what happens.


No. There's a limit, even to revolutions.


A woman


of the plebeian class.


Can anyone tell me  what is the lex canuleia?


It was the law that allowed patricians  to marry plebeians.


As a matter of fact,  it was a very handy law


because if Mr. Patrician told Miss Plebs  he was very sorry he couldn't marry her


after they'd made the lex canuleia


she probably replied,  "Oh, yes, you can, you liar."




That's enough. That's enough.  That's enough. Thank you.




It's very kind of you to show such  violent appreciation of my joke


but we mustn't return you to your  parents with a broken blood vessel.


"Mr. Pickwick was sufficiently fired  with Mr. Pott's enthusiasm


to apply his whole time and attention  to the proceedings"


Lights out.


  Are you taking dormitory inspection?    Yes, shan't be long.


  Chips!    Yes?


Cough a little before  you come to number   .


Now, Kathy, why?


Jones Minor got a box from home today.  Did you ever have a dormitory feast?


Well, I do remember once,  but that's beside the point.


Is it?


I think you're trying to pull  Brookfield down stone by stone.


Thought I heard a noise.


Must have been the cat.


  Merry Christmas, sir.    Thank you.


  Bullock, go easy on the mince pies.    Merry Christmas.


  Say goodbye to Mrs. Chipping for me.    Yes.


  I'm bringing Mrs. Chipping silkworms.    How very nice. Thank you.


  Mater hopes you'll see us, sir.    I will.


My uncle's taking us  to the Drury Lane pantomime.


Then you'll see Dan Leno.  I believe he's even funnier than I am.


Beg your pardon, sir. The headmaster  says, would you see him in his room?


  At once?    Yes, sir.


Yes, of course.  Well, goodbye. I must go.


  Goodbye, sir.    Merry Christmas.


What do you suppose  the head wants with me?


There.  How do you think it looks, Nellie?


Oh, it's ever so beautiful, ma'am.


  Kathy! Where are you?    I'm here, dear.


Kathy, such news!  They're making me housemaster.


Longhurst's leaving,  the head's offering me his house.




Oh, darling. I'm so happy.


Not that it's any more  than you deserve.


Longhurst, it's a lovely old house.  It's   th century, isn't it?


Yes, I believe so.


There's a most imposing library for you  and a greenhouse with a grapevine.


We ought to have lighter paint  in the hall. It's a little gloomy.


Now, now.


The bedrooms are lovely.


There's a little room I always thought  would be perfect for the nursery.


  You always thought?    But of course, dear.


I was sure you'd be housemaster  one day


just as I'm sure that one day  you'll be head.


I've been trying to make up my mind  which of the houses I like best.


  The presumption of the woman!    Imagine.


Longhurst will have to be called  Chipping's now.


Chipping's? Oh, of course. Yes.  Well, well.


Oh, I'm so proud.


  I do believe you really meant it too.    Meant what?


I might be headmaster  one of these days.


My darling, you're a very sweet person  and a very human person


and a very modest person.


You have all sorts of unexpected gifts  and qualities.


So unexpected that you keep  surprising even me with them.


Never be afraid that you can't do anything  you've made up your mind to.


As long as you believe in yourself


you can go as far as you dream.


Certainly you'll be headmaster,  if you want to.


Don't move. I've brought something  for a celebration.


Max, what a lovely surprise.


It isn't every day our friend  becomes a housemaster.


We haven't drank wine together  since that evening in Vienna, remember?


The beautiful Blue Danube.


The Danube would certainly be blue  for both of you tonight.


To Herr Von Chipping  of Chipping's House


and to Frau Von Chipping,  the most sweet lady in the world.


And to you, dear Max,  we shall never forget you.


What was it we said in the café  that night my hero rescued me?




  Servus, Max.    Servus.


  Now you shall make a toast, Miss Kathy.    What shall I say?


I know.


Max, Chips, to the future.


  To the future.    To the future.


Yes, sir. Is it true that  lady spiders eat their husbands?


  With certain species, yes.    Be careful not to marry a spider, Colley.


Well, thank you, sir.  We mustn't keep you, sir.


It was jolly decent of you  to explain it.


Can't think what boys are coming to.


April the   st, and they stand around  and ask silly questions about spiders.


When I was their age, a master's life  used to be a purgatory on April Fools' Day.


Well, times are changing.  I must be off. See you at lunch.


  Is it over?    No.


No. I'm afraid  it's going to be a bad time.


I must go back at once.  I came down to tell you


that we're doing everything we can.  I'll come back again directly as possible.


It's best for you to stay here,  old man. Please.


  What's all this?    Bring the postmark across this letter.


It's an April fool for Chips.


He'll think they're really letters,  only they're nothing but blank paper.


  I don't see much in that.    That's the point. There isn't.


Chips will see the joke.  He's good at seeing jokes lately.


Have you heard the news?  Chips is having a baby.


  Chips is?    Mrs. Chips, you fool.


Just like old Chips, he would  have a baby on April Fools' Day.


Mrs. Chipping?


Yes, Nellie, and the baby too.


I'll send the message to the common  room. Someone else can take your class.


  It's all right.    But, Chips, there's no need


He came in!


Please, sir.  There are a lot of letters for you.


Thank you, Henley.


  First of April, sir!    April fool!


April fools!


Will you turn to page   ?




Colley, will you begin?


The Roman ambassadors




from Carthage


as it had been commanded to them


into Rome


into Spain


in order that they might  approach the state


and entice them


into an alliance.


  Owen.    O'Hara.


  Pearson.    Pringle.


















  We've got a new telephone at home.    Does it work?




  Beddington.    Bickersteth.




  Stinks volunteered for South Africa.    Crikey, that's tough on the Boers!


  Smith.    Simpson.


I'm going to Queen Victoria's funeral.


Won't it seem funny  having a king?


  Lewis.    Livingston.


  Logan.    Lister.


Did you hear? Some French chap's  flown the Channel.


  Mansfield.    Maxwell.


  Martin.    Mitchell.


Hey, boy, you!  Come here.


  Well, haven't you got a name?    Yes, sir.


  Is it a secret?    No, sir. It's Morgan, sir. Derek Morgan.


Oh, a Morgan, eh? I might  have known, trousers too short.


Morgans always grow out  of their trousers. Run along.


  Yes.    The head would like to see you.


Oh, he would, eh?  Thank you.


You'd better take over for me,  will you?


You beast! I'll kill you for that.


Hey, hey! Boys, boys! Get up!  Stop it! Stop it at once.


Get up! Get up!  Come on. Get up.


A disgraceful exhibition.


Did no one ever tell you to keep  your hands up? Keep them up.


It's a wonder both your eyes aren't  closed. New? What's your name?


  Colley.    A familiar name at Brookfield.


My grandfather's John Colley,  chairman of the school governors.


He's a scrapper too. Caned him  more than once. I'll do the same for you.


  What's your name?    Perkins, sir.


I gather you're engaged  in the vegetable business.


  Do your duties include brawling?    He called me a town cheese.


  He said I was a stuck up snob.    A "town cheese"?


That was ill mannered of you, Colley.


Shake hands.  No more of this nonsense.


I've got to get along.  Hurry up.


That's better.


If you knocked some sense into each  other, the afternoon hasn't been wasted.


  Come in, Mr. Chipping.    Thank you.


  Sit down.    Oh, thanks.


Have you ever thought  you would like to retire?


No, I've never thought about it.


The suggestion's there for you  to consider.


The governors would grant you  an adequate pension.


I don't want to retire.  I've no need to consider it.


In that case,  things will be a little difficult.


Why difficult?


  Do you want me to be quite blunt?    Oh, yes, of course.


Look at that gown you're wearing.  It's a subject of amusement to the school.


I told you I wanted the new style  of Latin pronunciation taught


and you totally ignored it.    Oh, that. Nonsense, in my opinion.


What's the good of teaching boys to say  "Kikero" when they'll still say Cicero?


Instead of vicissim,  you'd make them say "wekissem."


I'm trying to make Brookfield  an up to date school


and you insist on clinging to the past.


  The world's changing.    I know the world's changing, Dr. Ralston.


I've seen the old traditions  dying one by one.


Grace, dignity, feeling for the past.


All that matters today  is a fat banking account.


You're trying to run the school  like a factory


for turning out moneymaking snobs!


You've raised the fees, and the boys  who really belong have been frozen out.


Modern methods, intensive training,  poppycock!


Give a boy a sense of humor and  proportion, and he'll stand up to anything.


I'm not going to retire.  You can do what you like about it.


He told Chips he's got to retire.


  Chips said he wouldn't.    I should think not.


He's been here hundreds of years.  He used to cane my father.


If Chips went,  the school would fall down.


  I never heard such rot.    What's the rumpus?


Ralston wants to kick Chips out.  Says he's got to retire.


What? Get rid of Chips?  He just better try.


If he says another word to Chips,  I'll kill him.


The governors don't want you to resign.


Brookfield wouldn't be the same  without you.


You can stay here until you're      if you feel like it.


  We hope you will.    We do indeed.


Sir John, gentlemen


it is good of you, John,  of all of you


to take this trouble for an old man.


But before I avail myself  of your confidence


I should like to persuade the head  that in these times


Brookfield has need of both of us.


That's generous of you, Chips.  But will it work?


I'll shall see to it that it does.


I'm even going to teach my Latin class  to say Kikero!


A few years of that,  and I'll have to retire.


Five years ago this summer,  when I was new to Brookfield


I ventured to suggest  to Mr. Chipping


that it was time for him to retire.


I was as new as that.


I even persuaded him to replace  the venerable garment


that had become another  Brookfield tradition.


Today, no one regrets


more sincerely than I do


that he finally feels himself  compelled to take my hint.


I invite you all to join me  in a toast


to Chips of Brookfield!


To Chips of Brookfield!


School! Three cheers for Chips.


  Hip hip hurrah!    Hurrah!


  Hip hip hurrah!    Hurrah!


  Hip hip hurrah!    Hurrah!


We all know that Mr. Chipping's retirement  is a great loss to Brookfield


but we hope that he will have  many long and happy years.


I'm not going to tell Mr. Chipping  what we paid for the present


because, well, that's rude.


I believe he'd like to know that every  boy in the school subscribed to it


and every subscription was collected  without force of any kind.


Mr. Chipping, we want you to accept  this little token of esteem


from the boys of Brookfield.


It's meant to keep biscuits in.


Boys of Brookfield


I'm afraid Wainwright  has been guilty of exaggeration


in speaking of my services  to Brookfield.


But then, of course, he does come  of an exaggerating family.


I remember I once had to punish  his father for it.


I gave him one mark  for Latin translation


and he exaggerated it  into a seven.


I've seen a good many changes  at Brookfield.


I remember so much


I sometimes think  I ought to write a book.


What shall I call it?


Memories of Rod and Lines?


I may write it one day.


I may forget some things,  but I never forget your faces.


If you come and see me in the years  to come, as I hope you will


you may see me hesitate.


You'll say to yourself,  "The old boy doesn't remember me."


But I do remember you,  as you are now.


That's the point.


In my mind, you remain boys


just as you are this evening.


Sometimes when people speak  of Sir John Colley


our chairman of governors


I think to myself, "Yes, a jolly little chap  with hair that sticks up on top


and absolutely no idea of Latin verbs."


Although I am resigning,  I shall still be near the school.


I shall live at Mrs. Wickett's house,  just opposite Main Arch.


Well, remember me sometimes.


I shall always remember you.


I need not translate it for you.


Well, good night. And thank you.


  Glad you won't be far away.    Anytime you need me.


I shan't hesitate.


And, Chips


when you write that book of yours


remember that in addition  to all those boys you taught


you managed to teach something  to at least one headmaster.




  Good night, Jenks.    Good night, sir.


We're all sorry at losing you, sir.


Thank you, Jenks.


Do you know, sir, I always kind of thought  that you'd be headmaster here one day.


Did you?


Well, so did


someone else once.


  Any news, Jenks?    Oh, nothing very much, sir.


  An Austrian archduke's been murdered.    Oh, dear.


  Well, good night, Jenks.    Good night, Mr. Chipping, sir.


It's the Manchester Regiment.  They're off to the front.


Isn't it exciting, sir?


Is it? Well, I suppose it is.


I bet those tommies wish  they had a band like ours.


There were sentries on every bridge  at home, with bayonets fixed.


My uncle saw the Russians  come through.


  How did he know they were Russian?    Easy, Wes.


They had beards,  and snow on their boots.


I say, Waterhouse has joined up.




Yes, sir.


But he only left last term.


How long do you think it will last?


Why, Forrester,  you thinking of joining the army?


  I will as soon as they'll have me.    It'll all be over long before they do that.


  But I'm    and a bit, sir.    I know, Forrester.


But I'm afraid you won't have a chance.


It can't last. Stands to reason.


It's a question of weeks.


Sorry to disappoint you, Forrester.


Tonight adds to the roll of honor


the names of    boys  and one master of Brookfield School


who have given their lives  for their country.


John Forrester  of the Northumberland Fusiliers.


Killed while counterattacking the enemy  in the salient at Ypres.


He left here to join the army  at the age of    years and   months.


He was moved up into the line  on his second day in France


and two days later was killed in action.


But I'm    and a bit, sir.


I know, Forrester. But I'm afraid  you won 't have a chance.


Richard Kingsley  of the Warwickshire Regiment.


Fell leading a bombing raid  upon the enemy trenches.


Kingsley was captain of the school  in      and entered Sandhurst.


  Colley.    I wanted to see you.


I'm off to France on Friday.


Martin Rutherford and John Passmore  were friends.


They came here together  in the same term


they joined the flying corps together


and died upon the same day


covering the infantry attack  upon Delville Wood.


So you see, Helen's going to be  rather lonely while I'm out there.


I say, this is an awful thing to ask you.


Go on. Go on, Colley, please.


Well, she's going to live at Charborough.


The kid's nearly a year old now.


I'm just wondering whether you'd run over  and see her once in a while? It's not far.


I'd feel terribly happy if there  were someone she could see.


Of course, Colley. Of course.


Oh, it's awfully good of you, sir.  The address is here.


You're doing me a great honor.


Here's an old friend of yours, Chips.


You don't remember me,  Mr. Chipping, sir?


Why, bless my soul,  if it isn't the town cheese.


Perkins is my batman. We're off to France.




You're not fighting each other this time?


It's a great bit of luck for me, sir,  being with Mr. Colley.


Well, goodbye to you both.


God bless you.


Don't worry about, you know.


  I'll keep an eye on them both for you.    Thank you, sir.




My goodness, sir, you are late.


There's two gentlemen waiting for you,  and they're in a dreadful hurry.


We're going to give you a shock, Chips,  so you'd better hang on to your chair.


We're going to be  in a bad hole next term.


And you know half the masters  have joined up


and the substitutes are a dreadful lot.


I know. I know it's difficult, yes.


And now the head wants to go himself.  If you feel equal to it, will you come back?


  Me?    Yes.


No man living knows the school  as you do.


Our governors want you  to be headmaster


and to hold the fort  until the war is over.


The headmastership?


Will you, Chips?


Yes. Yes, I'll come.


You were right, my dear.


I am headmaster after all.


I congratulate you. Smart parade  and a fine looking lot of boys.


Thank you, general.


Very important, this OTC work.  These lads are the officers of tomorrow.


I prefer to hope, general,  that tomorrow never comes.


Burton, I understand you've been  impertinent and disobedient to Mr. Smith.


I've written the lines.  I've done the punishment.


Providing you do the punishment


you think yourself entitled  to play stupid practical jokes, is that it?


Sit down.


I want to know why you do  this kind of thing.


I do it because the whole crowd  of masters here are weak kneed women.


They're not in the army because  they're not fit to be, or too old.


They get it back on us by being tyrants.


Before you go on with your interesting  speech, get over that chair.


Get over that chair.


Get up.


Sit down.


You'll find the armchair  the most convenient now.


It didn't amuse me to do that, Burton.


Very soon now, you'll be  an officer in France.


You'll need discipline from your men.


And to get that, you must know  what discipline means.


Now, you despise the masters here


because they're not young enough  or strong enough to fight


you might like to know that every one  has done his best to join.


We take no man unless he has done that.


I'm headmaster now because every man fit  to be headmaster's fighting in France.


I'm a wartime fluke.  A temporary officer risen from the ranks.


But I'm going to keep Brookfield together  until the war is over.


  You understand?    I didn't know that, sir, about the masters.


I'm sorry.


If I thought you hadn't any good in you,  I shouldn't have told you.


Now, are you gonna stand in  and do your share?


  Of course I am, sir.    That's right.


Look, there it is. There.


  Look, over there.    It's a cloud.


  Searchlight's got it.    The guns, they must have spied it.


Here, out of this, you kids.  Down to lower school.


Put those blinds down.


Get to your places. Put them down.


At this particular moment


in the world's history


it may seem to you that


the affairs of Julius Caesar


in Gaul      years ago


are of somewhat


Somewhat secondary importance.


But believe me, you can't judge  the importance of things


by the noise they make.


Is there anyone who would like  to volunteer to construe?


  Maynard?    Yes, sir.


Turn to page     and begin at the bottom line, will you?


This was the kind of fighting


in which the Germans  busied themselves.


You see?


These dead languages do come  to life sometimes, don't they?


They were going at it,  hammer and tongs.


Game as a pair of fighting cocks.


One of young Colley's eyes was closing.  "Keep your guard up," I said.


  Yes, I can hear you.    Oh, dear.


No, thank you. I always eat too much  when I come here, you know.


Well, young Colley,  that's a fine mess you've made.


This fellow must come  to Brookfield, Helen.


Of course. The Colleys have gone  to Brookfield since Queen Anne died.


Here, little pig. You precious little pig.


  Peter always asks after you in his letter.    We're even then.


His letters to me are full of you.


Well, I must be off if I'm  to catch that bus.


  Oh, I'm afraid so. I'll get your coat.    Thank you.


Well, goodbye, young fellow. Goodbye.


And don't choke yourself. Bye bye.


Aren't the colors marvelous this autumn?


I like to think he'll be back  before the leaves fall.


There's every hope, Helen.  Hope of peace.


Beats me how any fight could last  so long with a Colley in it.


Think of living without fear again.


Without trembling at the sight  of a letter or telegram.


I know.


I try to imagine him  about the place again


doing some commonplace thing.


Working in the garden, perhaps,  or washing the dog.


I can't imagine I shall ever get used  to the joy of it.


Surely, we shall never again  take our happiness for granted.


Goodbye. There's no one  I'm so happy to see as you.


Goodbye, Helen.


Next time I come, I'll expect  to find the three of you.


There's that bus. Goodbye.  Hi there. Hi.


From every point comes news of hope.


We can say at last without fear  that the end is in sight.


But even in victory,  we have cruel news to bear


losses that are the more tragic


because peace is so close at hand.


Peter Colley


lieutenant in the Coldstream Guards


was killed in action during a trench raid  on the night of November the  th.


He remained in full view of the enemy  in order to rescue his batman


who had fallen fatally wounded.


Both men died  before they could be brought in.


It is a great honor to Brookfield  that His Majesty the king


has posthumously awarded Lt. Colley  the Distinguished Service Order.


None of you here  will remember Max Staefel.


He was German master at Brookfield  from      until     .


He was very popular here,  made many friends


among whom I was proud  to include myself.


I received a letter from Switzerland  this morning


informing me that he had fallen  advancing with the Saxon Regiment


on the   th of October last.


The Saxon Regiment? Does he mean  that he was fighting for the Germans?


Must have been.


Funny reading his name out with  the others. After all, he was an enemy.


One of Chips' ideas, I suppose.


He's got lots of funny ideas like that.


Yes, sir. He should be just  coming out of school now.


I expect him at any moment.


Hold the line, sir.  Here is Mr. Chipping.


From London, sir. Col. Morgan.


Yes? Oh, hello, Morgan.




Yes. Yes, of course.


It was good of you to call me.


Thank you. Goodbye.


Pardon me, sir. Anything wrong?


Ask Mr. Melford to be good enough  to assemble the whole school in Big Hall.


Boys, the war is over.


There isn't any answer.


Knock again.


  What shall I say?    Say, "Here I am, Mr. Chips."


Here I am, Mr. Chips.


What on earth?


I can see you're there.


What is all this?


They told me you wanted to see me, sir.


Oh, so they told you, did they?


That's quite right.  I did want to see you.


Come along inside and have some tea.


Come along.


I've warmed the pot.


  Would you fetch me the kettle?    Yes, sir.


Thank you.


So you're a new boy?


Yes, sir.


  Name?    Colley, sir.


Young Peter Colley?


Why, yes, sir.


I knew your father.


Yes, sir, my father was here,  and my grandfather.


Yes, of course.






And one for the pot, eh?


All right. Pour away.


Steady, steady. Don't drown it.


  Draw up that chair, will you?    Yes, sir.


  Two lumps?    Please, sir.


Sit down.


Here you are. Have a piece of cake.


Thank you, sir.




what do you think of Brookfield?


Oh, it's big, sir.


You'll like it, though,  when you get used to it.


It's not half such an awful place  as it seems the first day.


  A bit afraid of it, I expect?    A bit, sir.


So was I to begin with.


But that's quite a while ago.


Sixty three years, to be exact.


Try one of those sponge cakes.


Won't you come to see us someday, sir?  You'd like my mother. She's funny.


I mean, she makes quite good jokes.


She does, eh? I'm glad of that, Colley.


It's good to have a mother  that makes jokes.


I know those hills of yours quite well.


I was there one autumn  when the leaves were turning.


Beautiful colors. Green and red and gold.


I'm afraid that's the bell for call over.  You'll have to go.


Oh, must I, sir? I'm sorry.


Just walk by the master  and call your name.


  Don't let it scare you.    Oh, it won't now, sir.


School doesn't seem half so bad  after that lovely tea.


You must come again one day, Colley.


Will you let yourself out?  I'm a little tired.


Yes, of course, sir.


Thanks awfully.


Goodbye, Mr. Chips.


Goodbye, Mr. Chips.


Headmaster of Brookfield.


A  M A A D A.


  Ainsworth.    Attwood.




The Danube would certainly be blue  for both of you tonight.


To the future.


  First of April, sir.    April fool!


  Barnard.    Bryant.




Killed in action.


  Cooper.    Craven.


  Castle.    Colley.


Better send for the headmaster.  I promised to let him know.


Whittaker, stop that bell tonight.  Mr. Chipping's very ill.


Yes, sir.


Poor old chap.


He must have had a lonely life,  all by himself.


Not always by himself.


  He married, you know.    Did he? I never knew about that.


  She died a long while ago.    Pity.


Pity he never had any children.


What was that you were saying  about me?


Nothing at all, old man.  Nothing at all.


We were just wondering when you were  going to wake up out of that beauty sleep.


I heard you.


You were talking about me.


Nothing of consequence, old man.  I give you my word.


I thought I heard you saying  it was a pity


Pity I never had any children.


But you're wrong.


I have.


Thousands of them.


Thousands of them.


And all boys.


Goodbye, Mr. Chips.






Special help by SergeiK