Indecent Proposal Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the Indecent Proposal script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the Demi Moore and Robert Redford movie.  This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Indecent Proposal. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You won't hurt my feelings. Honest.

Swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts!

Indecent Proposal Script





Losing Diana was like

losing a part of me.



I thought nothing could change

the way we felt about each other.



I thought we were invincible.



Someone once said, "If you

want something very badly...



set it free.



If it comes back to you,

it's yours forever.



If it doesn't,

it was never yours to begin with. "



I knew one thing...

I was David's to begin with...



and he was mine.



You light up my life



We met in high school.



David was a senior,

and I was a freshman.



On Wednesdays

after Glee Club...



he'd drive me and my best friend

home from school.



I used to watch him

in the rearview mirror.



I fell in love with his eyes.



When I was    David proposed to me

on the pier at Paradise Cove.



Our parents were against it.



They said we were too young,

we really didn't know each other.



But David said that a life

without risk is like no life at all.



So we eloped.



I graduated

from architecture school...



and got a job

at a small firm.



Diana helped support us

by selling real estate.



I spent all of my free time

working on a design of my own.



It summed up everything about

architecture that mattered to me.



It was my dream house.






Have I ever told you

I love you?






I do.









We had our differences.



He used to take his clothes off

and leave them on the floor.



It made me crazy.



What do you think this is?



Leaving your shoes

on the table?



- What is the problem?

- I don't need to do your laundry!



Honey, I'll pick it up.

You don't have to get violent.



What about this?

Peanut butter sandwich?



Put that down! That is serious.

You're gonna hurt somebody.



- Hurt somebody, huh?

- You're out of your mind.



Okay, now, fine.



Goddamn it!



Come on. Let's just relax.



Did I hurt you?

I'm sorry.



- Really?

- Yeah.



You were kidding?



D, your pants are on fire.



You have no idea.



We never had much money,

so for entertainment...



David would show me architecture

that moved him.



But sometimes I'd have to ask...



"Why are we looking at

a stupid car wash?"



And he'd just say,

"No, not stupid.



Don't just use your eyes. "



He made me look at things




David, this is a steal.

Nobody even knows about it yet.



- It's beautiful.

- You could build a house here.



Make a name for yourself.



The house will be brilliant because

it will be a David Murphy house.



I found an incredible property

in Santa Monica by the ocean.



It was the perfect site

for David's house.



- How are we supposed to do it?

- Borrow money, like everybody else.



I'm telling you, these leverage-

stockbroker-buyout guys...



You should see the junk they buy.



They would go crazy

for a house of yours.



It was brilliant, even though I

didn't understand a word of it.



We had to tighten our belts

for the loan payments...



but it was our future,

and I got to build my house.



Then the recession hit.



The real estate market dried up...



and I hadrt closed a sale

in six months.



Construction fell

to its lowest point in years.



People were being laid off

everywhere, and I was one of them.



- I feel really bad about this.

- I don't understand. What happened?



The bank has called in

the demand note.



Can they do that?



You don't have any income

right now...



so they could attach

your assets.



What assets?



Your house.



Gotta keep up those payments.



I'm sorry.



David, I'm scared.



We don't have any money.



What are we gonna do?



I'll wait tables

or drive a cab or something.



I'll take care of you.



Make it go away.



I was desperate.



We stood to lose everything...



the house I'd been building,

even our own home.



I swallowed my pride and borrowed

$     from my father.



It wasrt enough.



We needed $     .









- What?

- Get up. Get dressed.



- What's the matter?

- I got an idea. Come on.



- What time is it?

- Chop, chop.



Hi! How you doing? Okay!

Cigars. Cigarettes.



Lighted yo-yos.



- Oh, yeah!

- Oh, my God!



Oh, honey.

That's the spirit!



Keep 'em coming. $     !

That's what we want! We're winners!



Go, skinny, skinny!

Put some money in the kitty!



Eleven. It's a winner.



We got a shooter now, folks.

We got a shooter.



A lucky, lucky lady shooter.

Keep it coming.



- Stack it, don't rack it.

- Seven, come!




Denzel Washington ain't fine!



- All set, folks?

- Who's the one?



And I have...



Why don't you put it on?



It suits you.



Well, I can't afford it.



That's too bad.






I really think

you oughta have the dress.



Let me buy it for you.



You want to buy me this dress?









I've enjoyed watching you.



You've earned it.



No, I haven't.



The dress is for sale.

I'm not.



Boom! Skinny, skinny!



We got a new shooter now.

Coming out. Seven.



Roll 'em now, girlfriend.






Come on now! Come on now!



- How are you doing?

- Can't lose. I'm up over $    .



I can't believe it!



- It's so great!

- Hey, this is my wife, D.



These are my girls.

They're gonna be moving in.



Kiss 'em.



I'm winning 'cause we're winners!



Skinny, skinny!



- Did I ever tell you I love you?

- No.



- I do.

- Still?






Five thousand.



This little pile here?

You guessed it.



Five more, D.

What do you think this is?



Five more.



Play with it, roll around with it.

Enjoy yourself.



Oh, my.



And the grand total is...



$     .



So we're halfway there,

like, in an hour.



I figure about...



two hours tomorrow,

we'll be home free.



Come here.






I love you.



I know that.



No, I mean

even without the money.



Last call for wagers.

No more bets.



Come on, black.

Here we go. Here we go.






All right. Double zero.



No more bets, please.



Yes. We won.



Forty-one hundred.



We said we wouldn't go

below     .



- Do you want any more coffee?

- No, thank you.



Tails, we quit;

heads, we go for it.



Two out of three.



Last call for wagers.



No more bets.



Okay, I'm feeling lucky.

I say we put it on red.



All of it. Red.



I feel red.

Do you feel red, D?



We can do this, huh?



I'm going to put it all.

All right.



I'm puttir it on red.






No, it's black.



- What are you doing?

- It's black.



No, it's red. It's red.



Go with your instinct, right?



- No more bets.

- Come on, red.



Gotta get it.



Come on, red. Come on, red.



Too late, young lady.



Place your bets.



Bank side, player side.

All set?



Cards, please.



Turning for the players.



Pass is to the right, please.



Player draws nothing.



Player has zero.



And set.



Player side, banker side.



- Any other bets?

- Who's that guy?



That's John Gage.



He's a damn billionaire.

That's a rich son of a bitch there.



He's down over

a million dollars already.



See them little gold things

he's playing with?



Ten thousand dollars apiece.



Every time he lays one down,

      big ones.



Look at him, how cool he is.



That son of a bitch must get more

pussy than you can shake a stick at.



I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to offend.



- Player wins.

- What y'all doing, gambling?



It's about time.



- Y'all married?

- Let's go.



- Stick around, gamble a little.

- Excuse me.



Excuse me.



Would you mind

lending me your wife?



Is that your wife?



Excuse me?



For luck.



You'd have to ask her.



May I?



- Go for it.

- I don't think it's a good idea.



- We should just go.

- Just for a moment?



- I'll go.

- Go ahead. It might be fun.



What do we got to lose?



- Well?

- He ain't gonna bite.



You go and see what happens.



- Go ahead.

- We'll be here backing you up.



Thank you.



See if she can get a little

of that money from him.



Do you think

she'll ever come back?



I'm just bullshittir you.



Have a seat.



I've been losing all day long.

You appeared, I win my first hand.



You brought me luck.



I'd say that's a sign.



Wouldrt you?



- Would you like a drink?

- No, thank you.






Place your bets.



- Bank side, player side.

- Hundred thousand.



- Any other bets?

- Just like that?



- Just like that.

- All bets set.



Twenty-dollar tie-in.



Not like that.






All bets set. Cards, please.



Turning for the players.



What we want...



what we need...

is a nine.



We don't like that.



Player draws nothing.

Cards for the bank, please.



Bank's a winner with

a natural eight. Pay the bank.



I guess I'm not so lucky

after all.



Do you like cards?



Not especially.



Wish I had asked you sooner.






Yeah, I guess so.






Mr. G.






Excuse me, Mr. G.



- Maybe I should go.

- This shouldn't take too long.



- What?

- This.






I hope you find this




Pit. Tadross.



Yes, sir.



Yes, sir, it's here now.



Yes, sir.



- I'll take it.

- I understand.



Yes, sir. Thank you.



Goes for $   million.



It's a bet.



That's a lot of money.



There you are, Mr. G.

One million dollars.



Oh, boy!



Bet it all.



Excuse me.



Coming out.

Crap    or any  .



This time it is a come out roll.

How much goes now? Get 'em down.



Pick two.



Now just throw a seven.



You wanna throw an   

that's all right too.



Arert you forgetting something?






Winner seven.






Think I oughta quit now?



I think I should.



Credit my account.



Excuse me. Excuse me.



Sweetie, that was amazing.

That was incredible.



Oh, my God! Unbelievable.



Hi. John Gage.



Oh, hi. David Murphy.



- Hi, David.

- Congratulations.



This is my wife Diana.

I guess you met.



Hi. Diana?



- Diana.

- Hi. Thank you both.



Very generous of you, David.

Are you staying at the hotel?



- Actually, we're just leaving.

- You're leaving?



- We're on our way out.

- No, don't do that.



We got to celebrate.

Let me arrange a room for you here.



- That's very nice, but...

- I insist.



Please, it's the least I can do.




Really, just sign for it.

Anything you want.



Oh, there's some lovely shops

off the lobby.



Have you seen 'em?



Let's go.



How 'bout that?






Hey, D. What do you think?






You won a million dollars today.



He won it.



You won it for him.



This feels nice.



Don't get it.

Just stay right here.



- Okay.

- Okay?



Hello. William Shackleford.



Hi. David Murphy.



For Mrs. Murphy,

from John Gage.



- Oh, well, thank him for us.

- I'll do that.



Mr. Gage is hosting a gathering

tonight at his suite at  :  .



If you can find the time in your

schedule, he'd be most pleased.



- Look what you got.

- What?



Gift from Gage.






Open it up.



That's $    .



How do you know that?



I saw it in a store downstairs.



Oh. Lucky for him

you like black.






It's not the pale moon



That excites me



That thrills



And delights me



Oh, no



It's just the nearness



Of you



It's not your









That brings



This sensation



Oh, no



It's just the nearness



Of you



In the future, just check into

a hotel and start all over again.



Stick 'em under the sheets.



That's strange. Am I right?



- Good night.

- Thanks.



Who is that guy, Shackleford?



Someone who works for me.



Someone I trust.



He killed someone once.



Tell me...



where do you see yourself

in, say, ten years?



I wouldn't mind being

a billionaire like yourself.



Nice shot.

I mean, beyond money.



What would satisfy you completely,

let you sleep well at night?



What, are you saying

you're not satisfied?



Who is?



I am.



She mean it?



I hope so.



Well, then you may not have won

in Vegas, but you're a lucky man...



'cause I got money, security,

I have businesses...



but you have something

that I just don't have.



I guess there's limits

to what money can buy.



Not many.



Some things aren't for sale.



Such as?



You can't buy people.



That's naive, Diana.

I buy people every day.



In business, maybe, but not

when real emotions are involved.



You're saying you can't buy love?

That's a bit of a cliché.



It's absolutely true.



Is it?



What do you think?



- I agree with Diana.

- You do?



Let's test the cliché.






I were to offer you $   million...



for one night with your wife.



I'd assume you're kidding.



Let's pretend I'm not.



What would you say?



He'd tell you to go to hell.



I didn't hear him.



I'd tell you to go to hell.



That's a reflex answer because

you view it as hypothetical.



But let's say that there were

real money behind it.



I'm not kidding.



A million dollars.



The night would come and go,

but the money could last a lifetime.



Think of it.



A million dollars.



A lifetime of security...



for one night.



Don't answer right away.



But consider it.






We're positive, okay?



Then you've answered my question

and you've proved your point.



There are limits

to what money can buy.



It's late, and I hate to admit it,

but I have a meeting.



May I have one dance?



Of course, with your permission.



You know something? I think you

better get on to that meeting.



You don't want to miss out

on your next billion.




I wouldn't part with her either.



Good night.



Can't sleep?






Me neither.



I just keep thinking about it.



It's so weird, isn't it?






David, I think you

want me to do it.



What are you talking about?



Don't be ridiculous.



Well, maybe we should

just talk about it.



I don't want you to do it.



- But you'd let me do it?

- No.



Why? Do you want to do it?






But I would.



I'd do it for you.



For me?



I can't believe

we're even talkir about this.



Think about what this money

could do for us...



what it could do

for our future.



You could finish your house.



You could pay your dad back...



get rid of our debts.



After all,

it wouldn't mean anything.



It's just my body.



It's not my mind.



It's not my heart.



You think we could

do something like that?



We both slept with other people

before we were married, right?






So we'd just have to

look at it like that.



I slept with Bubba Aruzio,

for God's sake.



If I can sleep with Bubba,

I can sleep with anyone.



- You slept with Bubba?

- You knew.



No, I didn't know that.

When did you sleep with Bubba?



When you were off sleeping

with that slut, Olivia Daigle.



Olivia Deagle.

And she wasrt a slut.



Olivia Beagle.



Let me in.



- She wasrt a slut.

- Yes, she was.



- She wasrt.

- She was.



She wasrt.






Thank God we can laugh about it.






That's easy to say now.




We'd just have to forget

it ever happened.



And never discuss it,

not even once.



I mean, because nothing

will have happened.



Nothing that matters, anyway.



We have a brilliant script,

really very special.



- Major.

- It's a vehicle...



a comeback vehicle

for Diana Ross.



With Billy Ray Cyrus.

It's kind of A Star Is Born.






your first screenplay sold

for half a million.



- Should've been two.

- Except our lawyer caved in on us.



That won't happen again.



We're gonna get a lawyer

that's tough, that's savvy.



Someone who will step

on his grandmother for us.



Mr. Green, a David Murphy

would like to speak to you.



He says it's urgent.



Put him on the speaker.

This is an old college buddy.



- It'll only take a second.

- Jeremy?



Davey, I'm in the middle

of a meeting. What's up?



Well, listen,

we need you to close a deal.



- What kind of deal?

- A very big deal.



Ooh, big deal. Go on.



We're in Vegas at the Hilton.



We met John Gage.

You know who he is?



Sure, I know who he is.

A billionaire and major poon hound.



He is?



Go on.



He offered us a million dollars.



Million dollars?

For what, your kidneys?



For one night with Diana.



What do you mean?



- One night, like...

- Yes.



Could you excuse me for a second?



Let me get this straight.



He offered you a million dollars

for a night with your wife?



As in your wife Diana?



And you agreed to it?

I don't know what to say.



How could you

do something like that?



How could you negotiate

without me?



Never negotiate

without your lawyer. Never!



For a woman like Diana, I could have

got you at least two million!



Obviously, you don't want to

get screwed, and then screwed.



Hey, stay, please.

This is damage control.



Two seconds. Eat cookies.

There's cookies coming.



You don't understand.

We've heard enough.



- You're hired.

- We love your style.



Great. Gladys, check

the gentlemers schedules.



- Call me next week. Wednesday?

- Great.



See you then.

Thanks for coming.



- No. Thank you.

- No. Thank you.



Okay, David,

before we go any further...



let's get the moral issue

out of the way.



- Leave that to us.

- I was referring to my fee.



I get five percent.



Do you want to elaborate

on the verification clause?






That means you pay even if

the relationship isn't consummated.



You mean, if I'm impotent.



It's important for a lawyer

to cover contingencies.



I can live with that.



The John Garfield clause?



That's if you die in the act.



I have no problem with that either.

Can I have your pen?



- You're pretty good, you know?

- Thank you.



You should come work for me.



We have a deal.



A million dollars will be deposited

in your casino account...



in the morning.












You can go.






I think it's time

for men of good will to...



take leave of one another.



It's all right.



I don't bite.






what, should I go undress?



Cheer up. You got to find a more

creative way to think about this.



Look at it like an episode

of The Dating Game that went awry.



Ladies and gentlemen...



we wish to welcome you

to ourjamboree.



First punch, over he went.

I couldn't believe it.



I know we could have

gotten two million.



Here's your Buddha.



Davey, no point getting out

the crying towel.



You got a million bucks, buddy.



A million bucks.



Take the ribbon from your hair



She's an amazing woman.

She really is.



Couldrt have gotten    

for my girlfriend.



Not that I'd do that.



But it's okay that you did.



This is a different situation.



She agreed to it.

You've gotta remember that.



It's not like it's hard duty.



He's a great-looking guy.



For a million bucks,

I'd sleep with him.



Maybe not.



Hey, buddy!



Come on.



Come on!



What have I done?






It's me!



Where is she?

Where's my wife?



Where is she?









Where did she go?

What happened to her?



- Where'd they go?

- Up, up.



Up where?






They sent for me.



They said you were ready.



Come here.



You missed a button.



Thank you.



I want to show you something.



What happened?



Lights went off.



I see that. Why?






Can you turn those off too?



I'm working on it.



Who made the decision?



We both did.






Do it for your own reasons,

or don't do it.



- You don't know him.

- I know he didn't stop you.



If you were mine...



I wouldn't share you

with anyone.



You have no right

to judge David.



You're the one

who has to buy women.



You think I have to buy women?



Why me, then?



I bought you because

you said you couldn't be bought.



I can't be bought.



We're just gonna fuck,

as I understand it.



You might enjoy it.



Don't bet on it.



I think I will.



Heads, we do...



tails, we call the whole thing off,

turn the boat around, go home.



No hard feelings.



What do you say?



It's your party.



This is my lucky dollar...



so I can't lose.



Trust me.



Nothing's gonna happen

you don't choose.



- I love you.

- I love you.



I told myself it was over...



like a dream that vanishes

in the morning light...



And in time... enough time...



I would forget.






All right.



A little fixer-upper

south of Wilshire.



It's nothing. Yeah.



I've got people here.



Yeah, I'll talk to you later.






I'm here for you now.



All right,

two acres on Alta Loma.



- Alta Vista.

- Vista. That's right.



Murphy property.



We've been a little late on

the payments, want to settle up.



I don't think that's possible.



What do you mean?



The mortgage

is two months in default...



and it appears that the property

is in contract to another party.



To another party?



- Who?

- That's privileged information.



How can that be? We called

specifically for an extension.



The extension

expired two days ago.



If you don't make a payment,

the bank can repossess.



Without prior notice?



Can they do that?



They don't have to warn us.



But, in fact, an attempt was made

to call you on the third...



and a registered letter,

return receipt requested...



was attempted on the fourth.




there was no one home.



We were out of town.



Well, I am sorry...



but you snooze, you lose.



"You snooze, you lose."



"You snooze, you lose"?



- It's an expression.

- Oh, that's beautiful.






This is bullshit, man!



Don't deal with these people.



They sold us out.

They'll sell you out too.



Hi. Wanna help me

in the garden?






Our tomatoes are looking good.

Don't you think?






What's "Gryphon"?






Where'd you hear that name?



You have a box of matches.



We said we wouldn't

talk about it.



Yeah, well, now

I want to talk about it.



Don't you?









I thought I could forget about this,

but I can't.



So I think...



maybe if we just talk about it

we can put it behind us.



Gryphors a boat.



He took you to a boat?



- In Nevada?

- We flew to Santa Barbara.



- What kind of boat?

- A big boat.



And then what?



And then nothing.



Where did you get the matches?

Have you been going through my bag?






Why? What's in your bag?



I'm not gonna talk about this.

I'm not gonna do it.






Who are you talking to?



My mother.



And what did Mom have to say?



Nothing. She wasrt there.



You said you were talking to her.

How could you if she wasrt there?



Well, I was trying

to talk to her...



but I didn't reach her.



She wasrt in after   :  ?



No. If you don't believe me, would

you like to talk to her yourself?



What is the matter with you?



What is that?



You know what it is.



- Where did you get this?

- In your wallet.



I've never seen it before.



- It was in the secret compartment.

- I don't even use that.



- Have you been seeing him?

- No, I haven't.



- You can't stop thinking about him.

- You won't let me.



- Why were you in my wallet, anyway?

- I don't trust you.



- Well, I don't trust you either.

- Well, then we're even.



I had to do something.



I wanted to make something good

out of all we'd done wrong.



I decided to try

and buy our land back.



Alta Vista.



I need to find out the guy's name.

I wanna make him an offer.



I'm gonna get killed

for this, Diana.



I don't want you to get in trouble.

I really appreciate it.



There it is.

Right there.



- Back up.

- Here we go.



    Alta Vista.



Oh, my God.



This guy's never gonna sell.



I just saw this guy on TV.



You bastard!

You stole our property!




I'd like to introduce a friend...



I'm not your friend.



Diana advised me on a piece

of property in Santa Monica.



You're a liar.

You took it, and I want it back.



Can we have a... Everything's fine.

Everything's under control.



Very well, sir.



Excuse me.



I'm taking it off.



Wait a minute.



- Did you just want to hurt me?

- Nonsense. I think you're wonderful.



- That was our house.

- I got there first.



I want you

to sell it back to me.



- You can't afford it.

- Oh? How's a million dollars?



The price is two.



If I had two,

the price would be four, right?



I saw an opportunity

and I took it.



You had the money and the right

instincts, but you were too late.



- I want you to work for me.

- You go to hell.



Listen, I mean it.



- Never.

- Why not?



- Because I hate you.

- No, you don't.



You wish you hated me.



Hi, D.



You look awful.



- Where you been?

- I'll tell you about it.



Gonna have some wine first.



Do you want some?



So, where you been?



Last night I was up for hours trying

to figure a way out of this mess.



And today?



And today I saw Gage.



Thank you for your trust, David...



and for listening.



Did you fuck him?



- No.

- But you wanted to.



I met him in broad daylight in

front of a bunch of rich assholes.



I don't believe you.



David, he bought our property.




That's why I went to see him...

to find some way to get it back.



You have no reason to be jealous.

I hate him.



- Tell me what happened on that boat.

- Don't do this!






'Cause I want to know.



All right, I'll tell you.

The man was a fucking stallion.



Should I say we did it all night?

Does that do it for you?



- Is that the truth?

- You don't want the fucking truth.



You want me to lie.



So I'll tell you he's awful,

and you won't believe me.



Just tell me the truth, D.



It was sex, David.



Just sex. Not love.



Was it good sex?



- Don't do this.

- Can you just tell me that?



What are you hesitating for?

Just tell me. Was it good?



Was it good? Was it good?









Don't tell me it was just sex.

You were attracted to him all along.



That's bullshit.

David, I did it for you.



Don't you tell me

you did it for me.



You did it for yourself.

You were dying to do it.



I would never do this for myself.

It was all for you.



Don't lie to me!



You were attracted to him!



I knew something like this

was gonna happen.



I guess you make a deal

with the devil...



and eventually

you pay the price.



Thanks, Jeremy.



Coming from the man who closed

the deal, that's very comforting.






Oh, hi, Di.



I'm not here.



Yeah, he's right here.

You wanna speak to him?



No, I don't want to talk to him.



Look, sweetie...



he loves you...



you love him.



You gotta try and work this out.

It's all pretty simple, right?



This is a deal

even I can't screw up.



Tell him he can keep the money.



I don't want any of it.






she says she doesn't

want the money.



I don't want the money either.



I'll take it.



I mean,

if nobody else wants it.



The next few weeks without David

felt like months.



I got very good

at staring at walls.






The recession has ended.



There's a fella out there wants

to see ten-million-dollar homes.



There is a God.



Find someone else.



Find someone else?

Are you nuts?



Do you know what the commission

is on $    million?



- I can't do it.

- You have to do it.



You're the best one I have.



You're the only one I have.

The others are all on caravan.



- I'm sorry, Mr. Langford. I can't.

- Diana.



I would never dream of forcing you

to do anything against your will.



Except this one time.



Now move your ass,

or you're fired.



If you think this is gonna work,

you underestimate me.



You are truly beautiful.



What do you think you're doing?



Looking for a house.



Well, there's Bel-Air, Holmby Hills,

Benedict Canyon, Pacific Palisades.



Where would you like to go first?






     Bel-Air Road, please.



The ceilings are French gothic.



Renaissance paintings,

as you can see.



Parquet floors throughout.



The bathrooms are Italian marble.



This is the master bath.



Why didn't you return

any of my calls?



Do you like it?






- Thirty million, minimum.

- Do you think?



- I know.

- Well, let's look at it.



It's not for sale.



Everything's for sale.



This is your house, isn't it?



Do you like it?



Well, it's certainly beautiful.



What do you think it needs?



Tell me honestly.



I think it needs a life.



I think it needs furniture...



maybe a couple of dogs

and flowers.



It needs you.



Just forget it.



It just won't work.



Why not?



Because from where we started,

we've got nowhere to go.



You don't know that.



I've never started this way either.



I need you.






You collect things.



Don't you?









Even if you were extremely rich...



and extremely smart...



can you be president?



You couldn't be president?

Why not?



I took a second job teaching

citizenship just to keep busy.



Where were you born?



I was born in Seoul, Korea.



Where was she born?



She was born in Seoul, Korea.



Where were you born, Miguel?






Welcome back.



Where were you born?






So, how do we say "Cuba"

in America?









- What are you doing here?

- Isn't this the citizenship class?



- Yes.

- Can I sit in?



It's full.









Cuba. Thank you.



Okay, I have a question

for you, Lucy.



Excuse me. Is there something

you'd like to share with us?



I was just saying

that you're an amazing woman.









And talented.



And I am crazy about her.



You're full of surprises,

aren't you?



I'm trying like hell.



I think maybe you should go.



You want me to go?



Nice people.



They want the dream.



They saw it in the flesh tonight.



You have chalk on your face.



I have something

I want to show you.



I didn't know whether you liked

big ones or little ones.



Oh, you're so beautiful.

Come here.



I didn't have much time

to do anything else...






it's a start.






I should go.



I remember once when I was young,

I was coming back from someplace.



A movie or something.

I was on the subway.



There was a girl

sitting across from me.



She was wearing this dress

that was buttoned...



clear up right to here.



She was the most beautiful thing

I'd ever seen.



I was shy then.



So when she would look at me...



I would look away.



Then afterwards,

when I would look back...



she would look away.



Then I got to

where I was gonna get off.



Got off, the doors closed...



and as the train

was pulling away...



she looked right at me...



and gave me

the most incredible smile.



It was awful.



I wanted to tear the doors open.



I went back every night,

same time...



for two weeks.



But she never showed up.



That was    years ago...



and I don't think

there's a day that goes by...



that I don't think about her.



I don't want that

to happen again.



Just one dance?



I want a word with you, Gage.



See, what you don't know is,

we got a secret, me and Diana.



We're invincible.



Diana, you're so fucking beautiful.



Maybe tomorrow would be better.



Maybe tomorrow

would be a better time?



Hey, I got a suggestion for you.



You know that emblem you got?



The gryphon? The eagle?



I don't think that's a good idea.

I got a better idea.



- Shall I?

- It's all right.



How about the cuckoo?



You know? Because...



I'm talking to you

for a second.



The cuckoo is interesting because

it doesn't have its own nest...



so it moves into other birds' nests

and it destroys their eggs.



David, stop. Just...



You don't love me anymore?



Have I ever told you I love you?



Have a nice dinner.



Help him.



Go inside.



Got him?



You've done a lot since USC.



First in your class...



AIA award, Prix de Rome.






Why would you want this job?



Well, I want to work.






Fine. Exploit me.



Great architecture is only

gonna come from your passion.



And even that

won't assure you a job.



Louis Kahn died in a mers room

in Penn Station...



and for days

no one claimed the body.



Look at that.

Is that beautiful?



The money men did not weep...



because the great ones

are impossible to deal with.



They're a pain in the ass...



because they know that

if they do their jobs properly...



if they just this once

get it right...



they can actually

lift the human spirit...



take it to a higher place.



What is this?



A brick.



Good. What else?



A weapon.



Louis Kahn said

even a brick wants to be something.



A brick wants to be something.



It aspires.



Even a common, ordinary brick...



wants to be something

more than it is.



It wants to be something

better than it is.



That is what we must be.



See you on Friday.



A brick wants to be something, huh?



I'll bet it doesn't

want to be a lawyer.



- What are you doing here?

- I missed you.



I missed you too.






- How you doir?

- I'm good.



Getting it together.



She wants a divorce.



She wants her freedom and...



if you don't contest it...



you get everything...



the land, the money, everything.



Where is she?



Hi, everybody!



Hi, everybody.

I'm Billy Connolly.



Good-bye, everybody.



You may wonder

what you're doing here...



sitting in the sun as the smell

of the zoo wafts past your nostrils.



The reason you are here

is because you are loaded.



But may I say how brilliant it is

to see so many with an interest...



in the preservation

of endangered species.



Every year we have this unique way

of making money for the cause.



We auction animals.



We bid as high as possible...



and the money goes to sponsor

these lovely beasts.



Let's start with a bang.



We've got a superstar

as a first animal.



Ladies and gentlemen, the hippo.



The animal itself is far too big

and angry to bring along.



Look at this guy.



Thousands and thousands of pounds

of aggressive, hostile cellulite.



Weighs slightly less

than the average school bus.



Look at that magnificent beastie.



To put him in a better light, to

relieve you of some serious money...



Thank you very much.



We have a kissy-kissy picture.



Isn't that nice?



Ladies and gentlemen, I couldn't

even dream of starting the bid...



below $      .



- Now, I know it's a lot of money...

- Thirty.



Thirty thousand dollars,

ladies and gentlemen!



Call me a sentimental old fool.



Do I hear   ?



- Thirty-five.

- Thirty-five thousand dollars!



- Forty.

- Forty thousand dollars!



- Forty-five thousand.

- Forty-five thousand!



- Fifty.

- Fifty thousand dollars!



I can't believe it.

That's extraordinary.



Fifty thousand once.



Fifty thousand twice,

ladies and gentlemen.



One million dollars.



- Wow.

- Who is he?



I'm sorry?



One million dollars.



Did you say

one million dollars, sir?






Ladies and gentlemen,

one million dollars!



Goodness! Would anybody care to

top that, ladies and gentlemen?



I didn't think so.



In that case, sir, I believe

you're the proud owner of a hippo.






Hello, Diana.



Ladies and gentlemen,

the next animal is an ostrich.



I really wanted you

to have that money.



And I really wanted you

to have that hippo.



Maybe you two

would like a moment alone.



So can we hear a bid

of, maybe, a million?



That was a joke.

Start at      . Do I hear   ?






- How are you...

- I hear you're teaching.



- Go ahead.

- I'm sorry.



Yeah, I'm teaching.



It doesn't pay much, but at least

I get to talk about architecture.



You know how I love

to talk about architecture.



Oh, my goodness.

Don't leave, ladies and gentlemen.



It's just a little shower.




A checkbook

makes an ideal umbrella.



Do we have a dolphin?

Have we a dolphin or an octopus?



How about tropical fish?



I know! You're running home

for more cash. I get it.



Come on, ladies and gentlemen.

You can find the money.



Oh, to hell. I'm gone.



I have to talk to you

about what happened.



- Don't. Don't.

- No, no, no, I have to.



Just hear me out.



I think the mistake

I made in Vegas...



was thinking that I could

forget what we did.



I thought we were invincible.



But now I know that the things

people in love do to each other...



they remember.



If they stay together,

it's not because they forget.



It's because they forgive.



I was just...



I was just so afraid

that you wanted him.



No, actually I was afraid

that you were right to want him.



'Cause I thought

he was the better man.



And I know now he's not.



He's just got more money.



I think we should talk.



I am very happy.






Did you ever see me like this?



Can't say that I have.



Diana is the reason.



Enough for any man.



She is the best of them.






You are the best of them.



The best of them?



You said I'm the best of them?



You are.



I don't understand.




could you explain it to her?






I could do that, sir...



but somehow I feel Ms. Murphy would

rather hear it directly from you.



Okay. All right.



She's the best

of the million-dollar club.






- The million-dollar club?

- Now you've got it.



You told me

you'd never done that before.



How many members

would you say there are?



- Members?

- Yeah.









A couple dozen.



Remember the one

that wouldn't stop hiccuping?






The waitress from Oklahoma.



Every time you came near her

she would convulse into hiccups.



Yeah, I had forgotten.



Quite a night.



The best thing of it is...



you know

if you're sexually compatible...



right from the start.




would you stop the car?



Thank you, John.















For luck.






- Take care of him.

- Sure.



What was all that about?



I wanted to end it.



She never would have looked at me

the way she did at him.



Seven years ago David proposed to me

on the pier at Paradise Cove.



I wanted to go there to remember...



and start over.



Have I ever told you I love you?






I do.








Special help by SergeiK