Klute Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the Klute script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the Jane Fonda movie.  This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Klute. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You won't hurt my feelings. Honest.

Swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts!

Klute Script



We've got two tons of potatoes.






I'll drink to that.



Did you know the subject,

Thomas Grunemann?



- Yes.

- Very well.



He was my best friend.



We grew up together.



Can you account for his

disappearance in anyway?



- Mrs. Grunemann?

- No.



Did he recently appear to be agitated

or depressed in any way?






Mr. Cable, at the plant...



...did he voice any grievance

or discontent about his work there?



Not at all.



As a matter of fact, Tom operated best

when he was under pressure.



Please forgive me, Mrs. Grunemann,

but I have to ask.



Did your husband ever show...



...any moral or sexual problems

or peculiarities?






Any marital problems in general, that is?



We were very happy.



Did he ever mention specifically,

a girl or a woman in New York City?






- No.

- Why?



We recovered in his desk at the plant...



...in one of the drawers...



...a typewritten letter

that was evidently written...



...on the Friday before he disappeared.



It was written to a girl in New York City...



...and we contacted the police.



They brought her in, questioned her...



...and she said that she had received

six or seven letters of this kind.



Can I see it?



Well, it's an obscene letter,

Mrs. Grunemann.



I would like to see it.



I would like you to remember that

it was written by a very disturbed man.



I don't believe it.



I'd like you to know that situations

of this kind are not unique.



A man will lead a double life.



A Jekyll-and-hyde existence

and his wife has no idea what's going on.



Has anybody...



...talked to you about

the financial arrangements?



Well, that depends, naturally,

on how long you want me for...



...and what you want to do.



I know you.



It will be very nice.



I'd like to spend the evening

with you if it's...



If you'd like that.



Have you ever been with a woman before?

Paying her?



Do you like it?



I mean, I have the feeling that

that turns you on very particularly.



What turns me on is because I have...



...a good imagination and I like...






Do you mind if I take my sweater off?



I think in the confines of one's house,

one should be...



...free of clothing and inhibitions.



Inhibitions are always nice

because they're so nice to overcome.



Don't be afraid. I'm not.



As long as you don't hurt me

more than I like to be hurt...



...I will do anything you ask.



You should never be ashamed

of things like that. You mustn't be.



You know, there's nothing wrong.

Nothing is wrong.



I think the only way

that any of us can ever be happy...



...is to let it all hang out.



You know, do it all and fuck it!



All right.



Would you stand up, please?



- Hello.

- Hi.



Hi, can I see your eyes?

Let me see your hair.



- Take your hat off.

- Take my hat off?



Yeah. Okay.



- Too pretty.

- Too pretty.



Now, that's the color.



The coloring is great. I don't know.



- It's not quite it though.

- No, not really.



Hello. Can I see your hands?



- Thank you.

- She's got funny hands.



- Hi.

- She is great.



- Beautiful eyes.

- Yes.



- All right. That's the coloring.

- Yeah, let me see you smile.



- I think she has that cross between...

- She's great. But I've seen you before.



- I think so.

- Have you done any cosmetic ads?



- Yes, I have.

- You have?



- How do they send people with a conflict?

- It's got to be a new face.



Call that agency.



- Irene Dunne would've had it.

- That would be perfect.



- C minus.

- C minus.



- Got to find her today.

- That's it. Thank you, ladies.



- Thank you.

- Thank you.



I'm exhausted.



One more day of this and I'll plop.



- Hello.

- Hi.



Just have a seat, please.



It's been six months. Tom Grunemann

has been missing for half a year.



And all the FBI has to offer is

a report that must bore even you.



There are thousands of honest, decent men

who simply disappear every year.



Neither Mrs. Grunemann

nor I are willing to just dismiss this case.



And therefore we feel entitled

to investigate on our own.



You're entitled.

There are some very competent...



John Klute offered us his services,

and we've accepted.



Klute knew Tom,

and he has many ideas about the case.



Have you ever done

missing persons work before?






- Have you spent any time in the city?

- No.



Well, speaking frankly...



You're wondering why

we thought of Klute?






...he's interested.



And he cares.



Why didn't you ever find out

anything from that girl?



We held her under surveillance...



...expecting your boy Grunemann

to show up there.



He didn't.



We arrested her

on a C.P. Charge. Convicted.



Two months women's city prison.



Offered to reduce sentence.

She cooperated.



She thought she remembered him

from those letters from before.



She made that connection.



But she hadn't seen him since then

and couldn't identify his photograph.



A good call girl,

she'll turn     or     tricks a year.



Faces get blurred.



And since then,

she's reported several incidents...



...like breather calls,

anonymous phone calls.



Also, somebody may be following her,

watching her.



Things like that.



So I guess it's conceivable

that Grunemann's still around there.



Still bugging her.



Hey, Trina! Bree.



Listen, I could use a quick $  .

You got a commuter for me?









Terrific. Yeah. 'Bye.



Hi. I'm Bree.



Yeah. Come in, please.



I'm glad to know you, Bree.



I'm glad you could come. Sit down, please.



Where are you from?



Can I get you a drink?



Yeah, I'd like a ginger ale. Thank you.



I'm from Chicago.



You come to New York often?



No, I don't come to New York too often.



- Too bad.

- Three times a year maybe.



What kind of party did you have in mind?



We could have

a nice half-and-half party for $  .



We could have a good time for $  .



Or if you wanted something extra,

it would be a little more.



- Maybe a nice...

- Listen, would it be all right...



Tell me what you want.



Tell me what you want.



That sounds fantastic.



That's so exciting.



But it's going to cost you more.



That's fantastic.



That's going to be $   .



- Sure, fine.

- Yeah.



- Yes, very good.

- $   .



Very good.



I like to get business done

at the beginning.



That way we don't have to think about it,

then we can...



...just have a good time.



I like your mind.












This is the bed?



This is the bed.



Very nice.



There's the bed in operating position.



You're so nice.



Come here.



Angel. My angel!



"We gather together



"to ask the Lord's blessing



"he hastens



"and chastens his wisdom divine



"and from the beginning



"the fight we were winning



"Lord, be at our side...






It's   :   a.m.

This is Jim Donnelly, WNEW News.



Con Edison has again resorted to a cutback

in voltage to conserve generating capacity.



At three percent...









- Who is it?

- Miss Daniel, my name is Klute.



John Klute. And I'd like to talk to you.



- What do you want?

- My name is John Klute.



You said that.



I'm an investigator. I'd like to ask you

some questions about Tom Grunemann.



- Who?

- Tom Grunemann.



He wrote you some letters.






He was a research engineer at

the Tuscarora Laboratories in Pennsylvania.



He disappeared from there last December.



- I've been hired to look for him.

- Why?



You know what I'm talking about,

Miss Daniel.






Can I ask you some questions please?



Do you have any identification?



You're not a cop? You're not FBI?



You're a private detective?



And you just want

to ask me some questions?



- They're not very recent. That's last year.

- They're quite good.



What have you done that I might have seen

on Broadway or off-Broadway?



- Well, I study with George Tainter.

- George? George is very good.



He's a good man to begin with.



I've been in two of his productions.



- Two of his workshop productions.

- Workshop.



Well, they're very nice.



How do you feel about being an actress?



- I like it very much.

- You think you know yourself?



- As much as anybody.

- Do you really know yourself?



- No.

- That's very important.



- I forget myself when I act.

- You can't forget yourself.



You have to know yourself

and kind of like yourself.



You have to relate. Relate to people.



I had an identity crisis

two years ago and since then...



...I've been working to know myself.



That's very important.



Don't hide your face.



You have a nice face, you shouldn't hide it.

Excuse me just a second.



Julian? Yes, okay, send her in.



Well, I'm very busy.



Thank you for stopping by.

If you're in anything off-off-Broadway...



how are you today?



I won't be able to come back anymore.



I'm sorry.



Because I just can't afford it.



Did I fail you, Bree?



I come here all the time,

I pay you all this money...



...and why do I still want to trick?

Why do I still...



...walk by a phone

and want to pick up the phone and call?



Did you think I had some magic potion?



You'd come in and tell me your problem

and I would just take it away?



What's the difference

between going on a call...



...as a model or an actress, as a call girl?



You're successful as a call girl...



Because when you're a call girl

you control it, that's why.



Because someone wants you.



Not me.



I mean, there are some johns that I have

regularly that want me...



...and that's terrific.



But they want a woman...



...and I know I'm good.



I arrive at their hotel or their apartment...



...and they're usually nervous,

which is fine, because I'm not.



I know what I'm doing.



For an hour...



...I'm the best actress in the world.



I'm the best fuck in the world. And...



Why did you say

you're the best actress in the world?



- At that time?

- Because it's an act.



That's what's nice about it.



You don't have to feel anything.

You don't have to...



...care about anything.

You don't have to like anybody.



You just...



...lead them by the ring in their nose

in the direction they think they want to go.



You get a lot of money out of them

in as short period of time as possible.



You control it and you call the shots...



...and I always feel just great afterwards.



- And you enjoyed it?

- No.



Why not?



You say there's nothing wrong.

Why not? You said...



There's a difference. I don't think

there's anything wrong with it...



...morally. I didn't enjoy it physically.



I came to enjoy it

because it made me feel good.



It made me feel like I wasn't alone.



It made me feel...



...that I had some control over myself,

that I had some control over my life.



That I could determine things for myself.



I don't know.



I don't know why I'm here.



It's just so silly to think that

somebody else can help anybody, isn't it?



I could come over tonight. Are you alone?



In about an hour.



Okay. See you in an hour.






You look beautiful.



Thank you.






- It's good to see you again.

- Likewise.



I've just got back from Cannes, you know.



And I...






...I have something

rather exciting to tell you.






Cannes was very amusing.



We played baccarat and chemin de fer.



A very nice little Italian marquis

was rather enthusiastic about me.



But a young man can be so silly.



Then one night...



...at the gambling tables...



...I saw him.



A stranger, he was looking at me.



He was standing very still

on the other side of the room...



...and his eyes were looking right into me.



And I knew that

for the first time in my life...






Not young. He wasn't young.



He had gray sideburns.



- Actually, he looked rather like you.

- Yes?



No one could tell me who he was.



Was he an exiled prince or a mercenary?



But there was a feeling stirring inside me,

a pagan feeling.



The next day on the beach

in my beach pavilion...



It was so warm on the sand...



...and I saw him again.



He was staring at me.



His eyes were burning into me.



I was helpless.



He didn't even have to say anything,

and I knew.



I knew that somehow...



You know, I've never liked young men.



And I knew...



...that he would awaken something in me...



...that no young man had ever awakened.



He was so wise...



...and he taught me so many things...



...with his hands.



In his eyes I felt so beautiful.



Miss Daniel.



Can I come upstairs

and ask you some questions now?



You bastard!



Is this the shakedown, hon?



You picked a loser. I don't have it!



I'm looking for Tom...



You think I'd live in this kip

if I were taking calls full-time?



- I'd be back on Park Avenue.

- Can I ask you some questions?



Or you'll get me thrown back in the brig,

you mean?



Have a seat.



Would you like some wine?



- Or some beer?

- No, thank you.



There isn't any beer anyway.



I've already told the police

everything I know.



I don't even remember the schlub!



They showed me that already.



I understand this is Grunemann.

I told them, I don't remember.



Family-type man. It figures.






...will you please just try

to get it from my side?



A year ago...



...I was in the life full-time.



Living on Park Avenue.



This very nice apartment, leather furniture.



And then the cops dropped on me.

They caged me.



Started asking me about a guy

that I'm supposed to have seen...



...a year before that! Two years ago!



He could be in Yemen!



Grunemann, what does that mean?

It's a name, I don't know him!



And they start showing me these pictures,

and they don't mean anything to me.



Then they started asking me

if I'd been getting letters...



...from some guy out in Cabbageville.






Yeah, all right, I had been.



Very sick letters.



So they said, "Well, that's, Grunemann.



"So would you please

tell us when you and he..."



Well, there was a guy once. A freak.



Could've been him.



Apparently Grunemann liked

to beat up on girls.



Well, this guy hired me

and then he tried to kill me...



...and that was about two years ago.



Tommy, allie allie in free, kid.

I got the gumdrops.



You remind me of my uncle.



What else do you remember

about the man who beat you up?






Except that he wasn't kidding, that's all.



See, usually it's a fake out.



You probably know about that.



They pretend to tie you up and whip you

while you wear a dress with a cloth belt.



Hell, it's their money, I don't care.



I'll swing from a shower rod

and whistle Maytime.



Except this guy really freaked out on it.



But you cannot identify this man

as Tom Grunemann?



I can't identify him as anybody!



So, is that it?






...why don't you go downstairs...



You have such a nice mouth.

...and get those tapes?



Bring them back up here

and we'll have a party...



...you and I.

- Wouldn't that be nice?



What about afterwards,

the telephone calls?



Just phone calls, right?



What is it? The phone rings,

you answer it, there's no one there.



Kids having fun,

burglars finding empty apartments.



It happens all the time.

It doesn't mean anything.



But you reported

that you had been followed.



Look, I'm sorry.



I've been...



...leading everybody astray. It doesn't...



Okay, I get these feelings,

but they're just feelings. That's just me.



I'm sure you'll find this amusing,

but I'm afraid of the dark.



Sometimes I get spooked.

I think I see people and hear things.



I go out in the morning and

I think somebody's opened my mailbox.



If there's trash in front of my door

I think somebody's trying to freak me out.



It's just nerves. I'm a nervous broad.

It doesn't mean anything.



Bree Daniel.



How is Ted? Yes.



Thank you. Thank you very much.



I'd love to.

Maybe the next time you're in town?



I'd like to meet you very much.

You've got a nice voice.



I'm having a conversation

with a very nice cop.



He's not a cop actually, he's a private...



Is that how you get most of your dates?

Someone gives your name to somebody.



Most of them, yes.



And that's how you met

the man who beat you up?



I don't remember.

It was two years ago. God!



How else do you get dates then, pimps?



You're very square, cookie.



No, pimps don't get dates for you,

they just take your money.



The police have given me a list of names.



I'd like to ask you about them.

Frank Ligourin?



I'm sure this is going to amuse you, too.



But I'm really trying

to get away from all that.



What about this evening, the old man?



You saw that?



Goddamn you!



He's    years old!



His wife's dead.

He's cut garments since he was   .



He's maybe in his whole life

had one week vacation and I'm all he's got!



He never lays a hand on me!



What harm is there in that?



What's your bag, Klute?



What do you like? You a talker?

A button freak?



Like to have your chest walked around

with high-heel shoes?



- You like to have us watch you tinkle?

- Okay.



Or do you get it off

wearing women's clothes?



- Goddamn hypocrite squares!

- Okay.



I hope this isn't going

to make my cold any worse.



- Now tell me about Frank Ligourin.

- He was my old man. We broke up.






- When did you break up?

- About eight months ago.



Would you mind not doing that?









Well, I thought I could trade you

for those tapes.



Doesn't it get Ionely down there

in your little room?



Maybe I could bring some friends.

I've got some terrific friends.



No, thank you.



Men have paid $    for me

and here you are turning down a freebie.



You could get

a perfectly good dishwasher for that.



What are you doing with my keys?



Give me your hand.



I knew it.



Don't be afraid.



I'm going to sit you down on the bed.



There's someone on the roof.















- You didn't get him?

- No.



Was it Grunemann?



I didn't see him.



Who sent you on that date?



Frankie Ligourin.



You and I will go talk

to Frank Ligourin tomorrow.



Don't be afraid. I'm not.



Would you like me to hold you?



I'm just trying to figure you out.



I may say not many people

have been very successful at that.



That's all right. I'll figure you out

before the evening is over.



I hope you do,

and in a way, I hope you don't.



The only responsibility you have to me

is to enjoy yourself.



Inhibitions are always nice

because they're so nice to overcome.



- Because I'm very bad, you know.

- In what way? How are you bad?



In my head. I have very wicked ideas.



Lots of them.



I'm sure that as you're sitting

at your desk...



...you've all kinds of strange things

going through your mind.



You should never be ashamed

of things like that.



Nothing is wrong.



You know that I will do anything you ask.



I think the only way

that any of us can ever be happy...



...is to let it all hang out.



I was just finishing up some work.

Mocking up a few photographs.



I used to be a photographer.

Did Bree tell you?



Before I got into publishing.



He knows you're a pimp, Frankie.

He knows you were my pimp.



Excuse me.

Bree, why don't you wait outside?



I always respected Bree.



I'd like to make something clear.



- I just got a couple of questions.

- I want to make something clear.



I don't go after a girl.



Girl comes to me. Her choice. Right?



I'm looking for a man, Tom Grunemann.



Miss Daniel tells me that the date

that beat her two years ago...



...might've been that man,

and you sent her on that date.



Two years ago? Sorry.



I understand you use narcotics.



Maybe I could have someone come over

and look at your...






You know, I may stand better

with the cops than you do.



Why don't you sit down and relax?



It was a family matter.



Between the girls.

Had two other girls then.



Two other girls besides Bree.



One of them, Jane McKenna...



...she blows a little jealous of Bree.



Bree comes first.



Evidently she knew this freak

who beats up on women.



She cons me into passing him on to Bree...



...so Bree would get hurt.



I didn't know until afterwards.



You can't tell them one of

their own in-laws laid a freak on them.



Peace in the family.



Beyond that...



...I don't know. That's all she wrote.



Did you see the man?






How can I get hold of Jane McKenna?



Baby, would I be telling you all this?



She copped out long ago.



She committed suicide, Baxter.



And the other girl, what's her name?



- Arlyn?

- Page.



How do I find her?



I don't know. She's a junkie.



Make that scene, you could be anywhere.

Here, San Francisco, they just drop out.



Anything else?



Did you like my friend Frankie?



Not very much.



- Didn't he tell you what you wanted?

- Where can I find Arlyn Page?



You're not going to find Arlyn Page,

she's a junkie.



Didn't he tell you

that he sent me that guy?



Jane McKenna sent you that guy.



Well, she's dead.



Your tapes.



Golly gee, just what I've always wanted.

Dirty phone calls.



What for?



I'm through with your part of it.

You told me what you could.



Tell me, Klute...



...did we get you a little?

Just a little bit? Us city folk.



The sin, the glitter, the wickedness?



All that's so pathetic.



Fuck off!



I'll tell you something, Jack.



It is in the bells that I hear my voices.



Not today when they all rang,

that was nothing but jangling.



But here, in this corner...



...where the bells come down

from heaven and the echoes linger...



...or in the fields where they come across

the quiet of the countryside...



...my voices are in them.






Do you hear?



"Dear child of God."



That's just what you said.



At the half-hour they will say,

"Be brave, go on."



At the three-quarters they will say,

"I am thy help."



When is it the hour.



When the great bell goes after:



"God will save France."



- It is then that St. Margaret...

- Thank you very much.



The script please.



Very interesting accent.






Thank you.



All right, so what do you want, cop?



- I can't find Arlyn Page without your help.

- I told you you wouldn't find her.



If I can't find her, I can't find him,

and if I can't find him...



...then you're in trouble.

So what do you say?






It's going to cost. Time is money.



Okay. Well, I can pay you $   .



- I can make $    in a lunch break.

- $    is all I've got.



You were very good upstairs.



Kid, will you buy me a coffee?



Buy you lunch. Do you want lunch?

Come on.



Whenever it suits you.



No, make it...



...Monday at  :   p.m.



I said Monday,  :   p.m.

Now don't be naughty!



He's a lovely man.



Comes here...



...spends a bundle of money,

and never even touches the girls.



Comes from Grosse Pointe,

has a big house, eight servants...



...but all he wants to do is come here

and scrub out my bathroom.



 :   p.m., Monday...



...Mr. Clean.



Arlyn Page...



...I had let her go.



With the kind of people I get...



...I couldn't have a gal

who was zonked out all the time.



You know, I get the creme de la creme.



No, she was trouble...



...and I don't allow any trouble here.



Che si puo fare?



Honni soit qui mal y pense.



Do you have any idea

where I can look for her?



Try Mama Reese's.






...if you get Ionely or have no place to go,

you come here.



You'll always have a home here.






She's a junkie.



She was with you after she left Frankie,

wasn't she?



Well, she's not now.



I tried to do everything for her.



I took her into my own place,

my own little flat on First.



You know that sweet place?

We could of had everything together.



Then the bitch sold my mink!



- Do you know anybody that's seen her?

- As far as I'm concerned, she's dead!



Who is it?



Bree Daniel.



I couldn't sleep.



I keep thinking I hear noises.



Can I come in?



Come in.



It was probably just my imagination.



Sit down.



I'm sorry I woke you up.



I just...



I don't think

he's going to come back again.



I just don't want to be alone right now.



Do you mind if I stay here a while?



- Lf you'd like to go back upstairs, I'd come...

- I'd really rather not go upstairs.



Why don't you lie down here? Sleep here.



- Where are you going to sleep?

- I'll pull that out.



Lie down.



Thank you.



Good night.



Good night.



What's the matter?



You were terrific.



A real tiger.



Are you upset

because you didn't make me come?



I never come with a john.



Don't feel bad about losing your virtue,

I sort of knew you would.



Everybody always does.



Arlyn Page?

Yes, she was with me about three months.



She was lucky I kept her that long.



She was out of it.



Somebody said she was streetwalking

over on Lexington Avenue.



Or was it Eighth? You might take a look.



Or try Bill Azure, if you can find him.



Yes, she used to dress the way you do.



The whore? Yes, I threw her out.



Do you know where she went from here?



Live like animals, her and the man.






She was living with a man?



He was worse than the whore!






- Arlyn Page?

- Arlyn, it's Bree!



Cappy, is that you?



- It's all right.

- Cappy, we got a radio...



Arlyn, it's okay.



Bree, honey...



...I'm waiting for someone.



You've got to help us.



Can't you see I'm strung out?



It'll only take you a couple of minutes.



A couple years ago,

Jane sent me a guy that beat me.



If he sees you, he won't come.



Was she seeing a freak,

one of her regular johns? Was he a freak?



Yes. What about it?



Did he come around a lot?



No, he was an older guy.



It's very important.



- Arlyn, get them out of here!

- I'm begging you!



It's very important, please.



- Can you give me a description of him?

- Cappy?



- Cappy, listen. No!

- Cappy, don't run!



Cappy, don't run! I've got a radio, Cappy!



She wouldn't be reliable anyhow.

A narcotics addict.



I believed her. I believed her absolutely.



The man who did those beatings

was not Tom Grunemann.



Suppose it wasn't Tom.

Where does that get you?



Tom is still connected because of

the letters, whether he wrote them or not.



The only way that I'm going to find him

is to find the man who did do the beatings.



The only way I'm going to find him

is to pursue Arlyn Page...



...and try to secure

from her some kind of identification.



I'll be flying back to Pennsylvania on Friday

and I'll fill them in on things.



How is it back there?



I think you're homesick.

I'll be back on Thursday.



John, I want to tell you how much

I respect your dedication. Thank you.



Because I'm very bad, you know.

I have very wicked ideas.



As you're sitting at your desk you have

strange things running through your mind.



You should never be ashamed

of things like that.



Nothing is wrong.



Do you mind if I take my sweater off?



I like to sort of walk around here

with no clothes on.



I think people wear clothes much too often,

don't you?



I think in the confines of one's house,

one should be...



...free of clothing and inhibitions.



I think the only way

that any of us can ever be happy...



...is to let it all hang out.

You know, do it all and fuck it!



I was trying to get away from...



...a world...



...that I had known, because I don't think

it was very good for me, and...



...I found myself...



...Iooking up its ass...



...and seeing people that I used to know...



...and that I liked a lot...



...that were my friends.



Sort of.









...that could have been me.



I mean, I know I'm not stupid.



I guess I just realized...



...that I don't really give a damn.



What I would really like to do

is be faceless and bodiless...



...and be...



...left alone.



You're lucky they're still here.



We don't keep unclaimed possessions

in suicide cases more than a year.



Number    .



Jane McKenna.



I thought there would be more.



Well, there's this man, this detective...



...and I don't know exactly what is...



...happening or what he wants out of me,

or anything like that.



But he took care of me.



Did you feel threatened by it?



I don't know. When you're used

to being lonely and somebody comes in...



...and moves that around,

it's sort of scary I guess.



How do you feel when you feel scared?



- Angry.

- At whom?



- Whoever is making me feel that way.

- Do you feel angry at him?



Half of the time, yes.



How do you feel angry?

What do you want to do?



I want to...



...manipulate him.






In all the ways

that I can manipulate people.



I mean, it's easy

to manipulate men. Right?



They were bringing

a freighter down through Kill Van Kull.



Propellers washed it up on top.



Arlyn Page was probably an alias.



- Sorry.

- Man, can you help me out?



Yes. What?



I mean, can you help me out?



I mean...



...that's my baby, dead.



I have to get up.



- You know what it means, my baby dead.

- Got to get up.






Lt. Trask, please. John Klute.



I think we should run down and check on

everybody who knew Tom Grunemann.



I don't think the man

who wrote the letters was Tom.



Just run down and check on everything.



Talk to you.



You're up, are you?



How are you?



Trask wants you to call him.



He told me about Arlyn.



It probably doesn't have anything

to do with anything...



...but just as a precaution...



...when you go out,

if you tell me where you're going to go...



...a phone number where I can find you.



Just so I can always

keep in touch with you.









I'm all right.



I know.



I feel physically, that's what's different.



I mean, I feel. My body feels. I enjoy...



...making love with him.






...is a very baffling and bewildering thing,

because I've never felt that before.



I wish that I could let things happen and...



...enjoy it, you know...



...for what it is and while it lasts...



...and relax about it.



But all the time,

I keep feeling the need to destroy it.



To break it off.






...go back to...



...the comfort of being numb again.



I keep hoping, in a way,

that it's going to end.






...I had more control before,

when I was with tricks.



I knew what I was doing

and I was setting everything up.



And that's what's so strange:

It's that I'm not setting anything up.






...something is...



You know what this is like,

but I've never felt it before.



It's a new thing and it's so strange.



The sensation that something...



...that is flowing from me naturally

to somebody else...



...without it's being prettied up or...

I mean, he's seen me horrible!



He's seen me ugly!



He's seen me...



...mean. He's seen me whorey...



...and it doesn't seem to matter.



He seems to accept me.



I guess...



...having sex with somebody and feeling

those sort of feelings towards them...



...is very new to me.



I wish that I didn't keep wanting

to destroy it.



You know, I'm trying to stay out of it.






I'd love to party with you, but l...






Marta, try to get somebody else...



...and if I change my mind

I'll call you, okay?



You're not going to get hung up on me,

are you?



- Yes, sir, can I help you?

- Yes, can I have a bag please?



- Yes.

- A couple of bags please.



Well, let me see how much those weigh.



- A pound and a quarter.

- I'll have some of those small tomatoes.



- No mushy ones.

- Okay, thanks.



- What do you have in your bag?

- What?



What have you got in your bag?



Can I have a cantaloupe, please?






He cut up my clothes...



Oh, my God!



Oh, my God!






I can be a very bad girl, you know.

I sometimes need a spanking.



I have very wicked ideas.



I will do anything you ask.



You should never be ashamed

of things like that. You mustn't be.



You know, there's nothing wrong.



I think the only way

that any of us can ever be happy...



...is to let it all hang out.

You know, do it all and fuck it!



The only responsibility you have to me

is to enjoy yourself.



She can't remember.



Well, it could have been...



...it could have been hidden in his pocket,

I've seen one of those.



All right. I'll wait for you here.






Trask and some officers are coming

to examine your apartment.



I want you to stay here today and...






You'll be safe here.



I'll only be gone

for a few minutes tomorrow.









Well, you look like you've been

with many women, but I didn't know...



...if you'd ever paid for a woman before.

I mean, you wouldn't need to.



So if you do, it's obviously

because it excites you.



Because you're not a man

that would have to pay for a woman.



You could have any woman you wanted.



The only responsibility you have to me

is to enjoy yourself.



I will do anything you ask or want.



Since you know that there are

no limits to my imagination.



I place no moral judgments on anything.



We checked out    letters

of Tom Grunemann's friends.



And we only came up with one

with any similarity to the obscene letter.



All right, there's Tom Grunemann.



Different margins, different spacings.



That's mine.



You said to check out everybody.



Same margins, top and sides.



He does best with his middle fingers.



We get fainter registrations

on outside keys.



Notice how he invariably does that

with the "T" and the "h."



Who is it?



Peter Cable.



But you have no case.

There's not even a body.



I'm sorry we have to meet here,

but I'm pretty rushed for time.



I have a business meeting

tonight in Chicago.



Any developments?



I think I can close the case.



I think I can close the case...



...if I can have $   

to purchase Jane McKenna's address book.



I don't understand what you mean.



Well, I've found a contact

who will sell me the book.



A little black book containing the name

of the client that beat up Bree Daniel.



He is also the man

who came into Bree Daniel's...



...apartment yesterday and wrecked it.



We know that now because

of the semen that he left in her underwear.



The blood type is AB,

and Tom's was type A. It wasn't Tom.



I think this man killed Jane McKenna

and Arlyn Page. I think he drowned them.



I you should prepare yourself

for the fact that Tom is possibly dead.



The only way I'll find out is to find him.

I need the money before tomorrow night.



- You're meeting him tomorrow night?

- Yes.



- He's bringing the book to my apartment.

- At what time?



 :  .



I'll notify the board

as soon as I get to Chicago...



...and have them wire you

the money immediately.



Thank you, John.



I certainly hope you're wrong about Tom.



- Thank you, sir.

- Good luck.



I don't want you to do this.






I'm just going to a girlfriend's apartment.



I can't stay here, obviously.






Not with him.



This other girl has a very big apartment,

lots of room.



But it's not necessarily how it looks.






...we all respect each other, right?



I respect you.



Bree respects you.



But you have to respect her, too.



Her best interests.



Mrs. Daniel, I have to close up now.



Leave your name and number

with the service and she'll get back to you.



I can't.



Well, I have to close up now.



I almost killed somebody.



Well, I'm certain the doctor would like

to speak with you about it.



As a matter of fact, I'll have her call you

as soon as she gets home. I promise.



- Can I use your phone?

- Sure.



Is Mr. Goldfarb there? Mr. Goldfarb Sr.



I have to talk to somebody.



I'm just a little way across town.

Can I come over?



About half an hour?



Detective Trask, please.



Hi, John Klute.



He didn't take the plane, he cancelled out.



I'm at home in my apartment.



I don't know where she is. I'll find her.



Okay. I'll leave word if I go out.






I have an appointment with Mr. Goldfarb.



Mr. Goldfarb!



Mr. Goldfarb!



Hello. What can I do for you?



I'm sorry. I mean Mr. Goldfarb Sr.



My father left about    minutes ago.

He didn't feel so good.



- Can I help you?

- He's working himself to death, poor man.



- You sure I can't help you?

- It's not important.



No, really. I don't mind.



You're going to miss your train,

Mr. Goldfarb.



Excuse me.



Did he leave a message for me?

Bree Daniel.



I thought that was for tomorrow!



Mr. Goldfarb's wire.



Yes, Mama, I'm coming right now.



I know you don't like to get in

in the middle of the picture!



Yes, right away. Bye-bye.



We're closing now, Miss.



May I leave Mr. Goldfarb a message?



Poor man, everybody's friend.









This is Bree Daniel.

Has the doctor checked in yet?



When she does, tell her I'm at    -    .



I'll wait five minutes.



How I can reach the doctor?



The doctor hasn't checked in yet.



I'm trying to locate a Miss Bree Daniel.



I'm sorry sir,

but we only take messages for the doctor.



Has she called in or anything?



Has she called the doctor at all today?



- She left a forwarding number.

- Can I have that number, please?



I'm not allowed to give that out.



I'm a police officer.

Please don't make me prove this.



You must understand my position.

I must comply with the rules.



I understand all that.

Will you just give me the number, please?



Can we talk about this reasonably?



I know you're expecting some kind

of extravagant behavior but...



...do you believe me?






We can talk?



Well, it's just an ordinary matter.



I'm a very well-off man.

I have a position to respect...



...I would feel personally,

very uncomfortable to be...



...connected with...



...a certain kind of woman.

I'm sure you understand what I mean.



Look, John Klute works for me.



I know you're his contact.



I know he's trying to acquire...



...Jane McKenna's book.



I'm in a position

to offer more for it than he can.



You don't understand

what I'm talking about, do you?



Yes. Jane McKenna's book.



- And I'll try to get it for you.

- No.



Obviously you're frightened

and you're lying.



No, I'm not. I will, I'll try to get it for you.



Is this...



...something Klute's invented.



Is this a trap for me?



- Klute knows about me, doesn't he?

- Knows what about you?



Then everybody knows about me.



So, it doesn't make any difference

what I do anymore, does it?



I've no idea what I'm going to do...



...and I'm so deeply puzzled.



I've done terrible things.

I've killed three people.



And yet, I don't consider myself

a terrible man.



No more than others.



See, Tom Grunemann discovered me.

We were here on business together...



...and he found me and Jane McKenna

in my hotel room.



She had become hysterical

and she started...






...and I guess I hit her.



I don't actually recall

how it all happened so quickly.



Anyway, she fell and hit her head,

and that's when Tom...



...came in the room.

I guess he must've heard her screaming.



But I never understood...



...why she did that.

She had never screamed before.



It was the...



...revulsion and the...



...contempt that I saw on his face...



...and the certainty that sooner or later

he would use it against me...



...within the company.



I tried to endure that

as long as I possibly could.



You just want me to keep on talking,

don't you?



No, I don't. I do understand. I really do.



Well, that's what you all do.



You make a man think that he's accepted.



It's all just a great big game to you.



You're all obviously too lazy and

too warped to do anything meaningful...



...with your life, so you...



...prey upon the sexual fantasies of others.



I'm sure it comes as no great surprise

to you when I say that...



...there are...



...little corners in everyone...



...which were better off left alone.



Little sicknesses, weaknesses, which...



...should never be exposed.



That's your stock in trade, isn't it,

a man's weakness?



I was never really fully aware of mine...



...until you brought them out.



How far out of town are we?



- Five miles outside of New York.

- Do you mind if I turn...



...the lights down?



No, it's up to you.

Turn the light out if you'd like.



My name is Peter Cable.



I work for the Tole American Corporation...



...which is situated in Pennsylvania

and in New York.



I would not be telling you these things...



...if my intentions weren't honorable.



- You look familiar to me.

- In what way?



I don't know.

Your face looks familiar to me.



I guess I have a confession to make.



We did meet before. About two years ago.



I often wondered

whatever happened to Arlyn Page...



...and here you are.



Yeah, I remember.






...l've got get out of here. I mean I can't...



I remember you.



- Well, what do you remember?

- You beat me up, that's what you did!



It's okay.



Just freaked me out for a minute, that's all.



I promise to drive you back afterwards.






Why don't you just tell me

what you'd like, and then...



...after you tell me what you'd like...

- I'd like to spend some time with you.



- I have been looking for you for two years.

- Why?



That's my business.



I will say that you gave me

a great deal of pleasure.



I saw in you things that I had not seen

in other women of your profession.



I will not harm you at all physically.



It's all right.



No, it's not all right,

and you know it's not all right.



No, it is all right. If that's what you...

But, you have to tell me first.



If that's what you want...



...that's fine.

- Arlyn...



...why don't you lie down on the bed

and make yourself comfortable.



I'll not strap you in, I'll not tie you down.

Just lie down on the bed, please.



Be comfortable.

Nothing's going to happen.



Nothing's going to happen.






- Why don't you make yourself comfortable?

- I am perfectly comfortable.



Just put your head down.



You have such lovely long blonde hair.



Turn your head.



Like that.









I've explained to him what I have to do...



...and I think he understands.



What could ever happen for us?

I mean, we're so different.



I know enough about myself

to know that whatever...



...lies in store for me it's not going to be...



...setting up housekeeping

with somebody in Tuscarora...



...and darning socks and doing all that.

I'd go out of my mind.



Well, I don't know.

I mean, I don't know how I feel about him.



It's so hard for me to say it! God!



- To say what?

- I'm going to miss him.



Bree Daniel.



How is Roy?



Well, I'm leaving town right now

and I don't expect to be back.



You're very nice.



Thank you. Goodbye.



I have no idea what's going to happen.



I just can't stay in the city, you know?



Maybe I'll come back.



You'll probably see me next week.




Special help by SergeiK