The Majestic Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the The Majestic script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the Jim Carrey movie.  This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of The Majestic. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You won't hurt my feelings. Honest.

Swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts!

The Majestic Script


-What about the kid who rings the bell? -What kid? What bell?


The kid. After the mine caves in, he rings the bell to alert the town.


-Is that in the script? -What if we gave the kid a disease?


-A disease? -Braces on the leg, that sort of thing.


-But he runs. -He could hobble.


A How Green Was My Valley thing. Is that McDowall kid available?


-Too old. Plus, he's English. -So?


-The script's set in Tennessee. -Did I get that page?


Forget the disease. Nobody wants it. It's depressing.


-Boss is right. Who needs disease? -It's horrible.


-I hate disease. -Box-office poison.


Hold on. I think I got a "what if."


What if we give the character-- What's his name?


-Floyd. -Terrible name. Change it.


-Say we give no-name a dog. -A dog?


A dog. No-name's faithful companion.


Toils at his master's side in the coal mine.


Cave-in happens, only the dog gets out.


'Cause dogs are smaller, usually.


And it's the dog that runs up the hill and rings the bell.


Holy crap, that's beautiful.


-I'm choked up. -I got goose bumps.


Lassie pictures always gross high.


Instead of a disease, we give the kid a dog?


-There is no kid. The kid's a dog. -Could be just what the movie needs.


Let's ask the writer. What do you think, Pete?


Wow. That's just. . .


. . .amazing.


Of course, it's not like the postcards say it is .


It's not glamour everywhere you look.


I should know. I live here.


This is my town.


It seems like everyone here's from someplace else.


The reason? Movies.


Everybody loves the movies...


... which makes Hollywood everybody's town.


They come here by the busload.


The next show will be starting in five minutes.


Please step up to purchase your tickets. . . .






-Bonbons. -There you go.


For most, Grauman's Chinese Theater...

 the most exciting place on the planet.


For me, it's that and more.


It's the theater playing my first film credit.


No, not that one.


I wish.


No, I'm the B movie tonight. Sand Pirates of the Sahara.


Not a bad picture, if I say so myself.


You gotta start somewhere.


God, I love seeing my name on a poster.


Four years ago, in film land's darkest hour...


... the so-called Hollywood   ...


... testified before the House Committee on Un-American Activities...


...investigating the Communist menace in Hollywood.


Have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?


Communism is not related to this .


Refusing to answer questions...


... the    writers dared Congress to come after them.


After years of wrangling, it's time to pay the piper.


It's off to jail. The charge: contempt of Congress.


A new round of hearings begins this fall.


The mandate: Get the Reds out of Hollywood!


-Miss me? -Every second.


That's my girlfriend, Sandra Sinclair. This is her town too.


She's from Cleveland. She came out here to be an actress.


And that's what she's doing.


The first picture she ever appeared in...


... was the first picture I ever wrote.


The lovely Emily. My desert dove.


Did you think you could just fly away from me?


-Hands off, Khalid! -Roland!


-You! I thought you were dead. -You thought wrong.


-Let her go. -I find your persistence tiresome.


I get that a lot.


Roland, look out!


This time I'll make sure you're dead.


Taste my steel, you dog.


Taste my steel, you dog.


We were young, we were in love...


...and we were working in the pictures. Life was good.


Louise, what gives?


They gave everyone the day off.


-What about my pages? Are they typed? -Pages?


I'm on a deadline, I need my pages.


-Those men took them. -What men? Those pages aren't ready.


Pete, I'm not even supposed to be talking to you.


They say you attended those meetings while in college.


Who's they?


Congress, FBI, Red Channels . It doesn't matter.


They know who they are, that's enough. Answer the question.


Meetings, meetings. How the hell should I know?


It was a long time ago. I went to college on the G.I. Bill.


The Bread Instead of Bullets Club.


They were Communists? What do I know?


I couldn't figure out what they were saying.


-Why did you go, Peter? -There was this girl.


You consorted with Communists for a girl?


I went to poetry readings too. That doesn't make me Carl Sandburg.


Leo, you know me. I'm non-political.


Republicans, Democrats, Communists. They all look alike to me.


As legal counsel for this studio. . .


. . .I strongly advise you to watch what you say.


Leo, put your agent hat on.


-There must be an angle you can work. -I'm out of angles.


We're in the middle of negotiating my new contract.


The studio suspended negotiations this morning.


I've been blacklisted? I've been goddamn blacklisted?


-There is no blacklist. -Right. No blacklist.


Studio just doesn't wanna know you with this hanging over your head.


I can't leave. We're shooting in three weeks.


Ashes to Ashes has been pulled.


-You believe it? -I'm sorry, Peter.


So, what does this mean? I have to testify?


Assuming they let you.


The least they can do is let me defend myself.


The studio will lobby on your behalf. That's all I can promise you.


No guarantees.


-You up for testifying? -What choice do I have?


They feed on names. You'll have to give them some.


I'm a writer. I'll make up names if I have to.


We're talking about my career, my life.


Christ, I'll give them anything they want.


Come on, toast with me.


To the land of the free and the home of the brave.


Hey, Pete. Think maybe you've had enough?


Tell me something, Jerry. You tight with J. Edgar Hoover?


I wouldn't know Hoover if he walked in here wearing a dress.


Too bad. He says I'm a Communist.


In fact, at this very moment some gray little FBI guy. . .


. . .in a gray little FBI suit. . .


. . .is hunched over my screenplay, checking it, line by line. . .


. . .for the poisonous Marxist propaganda which surely lurks therein.


Hope they check for spelling.


-I can always use help with that. -You're babbling.


Ashes to Ashes, my movie!


Could've been good. Even with the stupid dog.


My Grapes of Wrath .


My shot at doing something really good, something. . . .




-What's it about? -Pain, nobility.


The human condition.




It was my chance to get out of B movies and onto the A list.


Go home. Why don't I call that gal of yours, Sandy?


Can't, she dumped me.


Don't you worry about me.


Hey, I'm gonna give you a little extra something. . .


. . .because you took a big chance talking to me.


Pete, you're not gonna drive in this condition, are you?


I can't take this constant nagging. I'm leaving you, Jerry.


I'm leaving, and I'm taking the monkey with me.


Hey, I got a "what if. "


What if you and me just drive up the coast. . .


. . .till the sun comes up or the gas runs out?


We change our names, start new lives. . .


. . .never come back.


Sound good? Oh, you're just saying that.


I'm talking to the monkey.


Oh, my God! Okay. Okay, come on.


It's okay. It'll be fine.


It's gonna be fine. It's gonna be fine.


It's gonna be. . .


. . .fine. Oh, shit!


Come on. Come on!


We got it. We got it.


Jesus, no! God! Oh, God!


Come on. What the hell?! Let me out!




Teddy, what you got there? Hey, Teddy. Knock it off! Get out of there!


What in God's name--?


What in the hell happened to you, son?


-I'm not exactly sure. -You think you can sit up?


I could try.


Easy. Easy.


Easy. All right. Oh, my God.


Wait a minute. Maybe you shouldn't stand.


Do you wanna try it? Great God.


Lordy, lordy, lordy.


What in the hell--?


The town is a fair piece down there.


Do you wanna try walking?


-Okay. -You sure?


All right, take it easy. Now, just go slow.


Go slow, damn it.


Oh, easy. Easy. Here, here.


-Use that. I think it's clean. -Thank you.


You know, you seem an odd bit familiar to me.


Do I know you?


I don't know. Do you?


-It's so quiet. -Yeah, well, it's early yet.


Most folks is just waking up. It's usually pretty quiet even then.


That's Ernie Cole's place. He's our druggist and mayor.


Lost two boys in the war.


Joe at Anzio and Willy at Bastogne.


-They were good boys, both of them. -There's so many.


All told, this town gave   . . .


. . .of its young men to the war.


More than our share.     of them at Normandy alone.


Even got a letter from Roosevelt.


They commissioned this town a war memorial.


Been in the basement of the town hall for years now.


Folks never had the heart to put it up.


Mabel over at that diner. . .


. . .her husband Max was killed in action on Okinawa.


Say, son? The woman does wonders with an egg.


-You hungry? -Yes. Very.


Doc Stanton pops in every morning on his way to the office.


Let's have breakfast while we wait.


Morning, Mabel.


-My gosh. -Doc been by yet?


He should be along any moment. Has there been an accident?


I found him down by the wash. He was lying there like a landed trout.


Who is he?


We're still working on that. The boy could use a meal.


Are those eggs spoken for?


-Harry, you mind? -No, not at all. I can wait.


You trying to set a record?


-It's good. -Like you could tell.


-Have you ever been in here before? -I'd remember these eggs.


-It's just that you look sort of-- -Familiar? I said the same thing.


Hello, Stan. Mabel. My bear claw ready to go?


There's someone you should say hello to.


Hello, son.


-How'd that happen? -I have no idea.


Perhaps you better come along with me. Let me take a closer look at you.


-On my tab? -Of course.


Food was wonderful. Thank you.


My pleasure.


Come again.


Watch your step, son.


Follow my finger. Just with your eyes.


That's it.


Muriel, call the sheriff. Tell him we could use him.


-Yes, doctor. -So? Doc?


What do you think?


-I think he looks strangely-- -Familiar?


-I'm getting that a lot lately. -That's what Mabel and I said.


-Vexing, isn't it? -Aside from vexing, how am l?


You took a pretty good knock on the head.


Good news is, you'll live.


Go ahead and put your shirt--


Better yet-- Excuse me, Stan.


Take one of mine.


Big, but it's clean.


That's very kind. Thank you.


-She's very pretty. -That's my daughter, Adele.


My pride and joy.


Charms the fish right out of the river, she does.


Sorry, I didn't mean to stare.


It's just that your face really does seem familiar.


Wish I could say the same thing.


Cecil! Cecil, listen to me.


Harry, you wanna give me a heart attack right here?


-There's a young man-- -I know, I'm here to investigate.


Anything interesting will be in the paper--


Listen to me! It's Luke.


You have no recollection prior to waking up on our beach?


No idea who you are or how you got here?


I remember a dog licking my face.


Before that. . .


. . .blank.


There's someone who might be able to shed light on this.


-Is it okay if I bring him in? -Please.


It is you.


It is.


Oh, Luke. I never gave up hoping.


You're alive! My boy! God!


My son.


Break it to her gently.




-What did you say your name was? -Harry.


Harry Trimble. And you're Luke.


Everybody's called you Luke since you were a baby.


Where exactly are we going?


Where do you think, son? I'm taking you home.


You fell as have a good rest of the day.


-If you need anything, call me. -Bless you, Cecil, for everything.


What are we doing here?


This is it.


"Hem Jesti. "


The Majestic.


A few of the letters are missing.


We live in a movie theater?


No. In the apartment above it.




How long have I been gone?


Nine and a half years.


Nine and a half years?


That was high school.


You ran    touchdowns that season.


My mother?


You remember?


Just a guess.


-She's beautiful. -Yes, she was, rest her soul.


I'm sorry. It's so much to take in.


Me blathering away like a fool.


Why don't I make some coffee?


Harry, why did you close The Majestic?


After the war, people here just didn't feel like going to the movies.


Some moved away. Los Angeles. . .


. . .Sacramento, San Francisco.


You still take cream, no sugar?




Just us, son.


-How long have I been asleep? -Since yesterday.


You slept through the night and most of this morning.


I'd like to reintroduce you to the staff of The Majestic.


-Irene Terwilliger, our candy lady. -So glad to have you back, Luke.


He's even more handsome now.


This is Emmett Smith, our head usher and fix-it man.


Tell him about the watch.


One step at a time. Let's not get ahead of ourselves.


Luke. . . .


Fact is, we've been talking it over while you slept, and. . . .


Well, good news, son.


Now that you're back, we've decided to reopen.




How hard can it be? We fix the place up, sell tickets.


Harry. Look around.


-It's a dump. -Told you so.


I am looking around, and all I see is potential.


The place is ready to fall down. All you'd have to do is give it a shove.


You're wrong. You are. I know she doesn't look like much now. . .


. . .but once-- Once, this place was like a palace.


-Palace. -That's why we called her Majestic.


Any man, woman, child could buy a ticket, walk in.


Here they'd be, here we'd be. Yes, sir. Yes, ma'am. Enjoy the show.


In they'd come, entering a palace. Like a dream. Like in heaven.


Maybe you had worries and problems, but once you came in. . .


. . .they didn't matter anymore. And you know why?


Chaplin, that's why. And Keaton, and Lloyd.


Garbo, Gable, and Lombard. And Jimmy Stewart, Jimmy Cagney.


Fred and Ginger. They were gods!


And they lived up there.


That was Olympus.


We felt so lucky just to be here.


To have the privilege of watching them.


This TV thing, why stay home and watch a box?


Convenience? You don't have to dress up, you can sit there?


You call that entertainment? Alone in your living room?


Where's the other people? Where's the audience?


Where's the magic?


I'll tell you. In a place like this, the magic is all around you.


The trick is to see it.


Luke. . .


. . .I think you loved The Majestic even more than I did.


-You've got to remember that. -I don't.


It sounds crazy, but I promise we can make this place like it was!


I don't know how it was. Don't you get that?


-None of this means anything to me! -It used to mean so much.


It doesn't. How can it? Harry, I don't even know who I am.






Come with me.


Bobby Rilke. Red hair and freckles.


Always charging up and down the street on his bike, screaming.


Scaring the crap out of the old ladies.


Brad Hendersen.


Virgil Toynbee. And Patrick Vitger. He was on the football team with you.


Stevie Wardlow.


His old man was a drinker, used to beat him.


You'd bring him home, we'd give him a hot meal.


Kid practically lived with us for a few years.


He died on Saipan. Silver Star for bravery.


Teddy Parker.


Jimmy Trask.


And this boy over here. . .


. . .bright kid. Honor student.


Joined up right after Pearl Harbor.


Parachuted into France on D-Day, June  th,      .


Three days later, his platoon got pinned down by German artillery.


They were nearly wiped out. Most boys dead or wounded, torn up by the shells.


But this fell a here. . .


. . .carried the injured back to safety, one by one.


Always going back till all men were accounted for.


He never wavered. He just kept doing what he had to do. . .


. . .until it got done.


He was reported missing in action a month later.


His body was never found.


Congress gave him the Medal of Honor for saving the lives of eight men. . .


. . .without thought to himself.


His name. . .


. . .was Albert Lucas Trimble.


We called him Luke. He was my son.


That's who you are.


-Well, I'll be! -Morning, Ernie.


I heard about it, couldn't believe it. I had to come see for myself.


There he stands. I still can't believe it!


-It's really him. -I can see that!


My God, Luke, it sure is good to see you again.


-Luke, this is Ernie Cole, our mayor. -Mayor Cole.


You don't have to go that far, son. You can just call me Ernie.


-Care to join us at Mabel's for lunch? -I'd love it.




Oh, my God!


Watch your step.


-I missed you. -Not as much as I missed you.


-Well? How did it go? -Not so bad. I think I passed.


-That's my girl! What about the. . . . -Hiccups? Not a trace, thank goodness.


Who wants an attorney who hiccups when she's nervous?


Like I always said, honey, it's all up here.


It's so good to be home.


Dad, what is it?


-Oh, my God. Did somebody die? -Well. . .


. . .somewhat the opposite, actually.


Look at you! Look at you!


Great to have you back, son!


Luke! Remember the time, you and me, we were playing with firecrackers?


One of them went off too soon and singed all the hair off my head?


No. What happened?


Well, all the hair got singed off my head.


It was pretty funny.


You really don't remember?


I'm sorry.


Heck, that's okay. It's good to have you back, that's all.


Ain't that right, Bob?


Luke, you remember my cousin Bob? You two joined up the same day.


Bob, nice to meet you.


Welcome back.


Thank you.


-More coffee? -No, I'm fine.


-What are your plans? -We're gonna reopen The Majestic.


-Is that right? -We were discussing it.


That's the spirit, fell as! We need a little more of that.


Where is Spencer Wyatt?


-Spence? -Spencer!


-There he is. -Come here.


-Hey, Luke. -Hi, Spencer.


-Is your big band ready to play? -Yes, sir.


What are you thinking?


This town has had a blessing of good fortune after a long dry spell.


I'm thinking that we ought to celebrate.


So, what do you say? Saturday night, out at the point. . .


. . .a big welcome-home celebration for Luke.


No, it's too much.






I saw your picture.


Do you remember me?


No, but I'll sure try.


-Adele? -Yes?


It may just be my imagination. . .


. . .but I feel like we're not alone.


Go about your business. He's not going anywhere.


It's okay, folks. Go ahead home. And thanks for the welcome.


You two have a lot to catch up on, I expect.


I think we'd better-- Go on.


You handled that well.




So, where to?


Town hall?


Come on.


You first.


Why me?


In case the vicious guard dogs haven't been fed.


So you can be a gentleman and help me down.




There you go.


I got you.


Big, gloomy basement.




It was a lot roomier before they put the monument down here.


The gift from Roosevelt. Stan Keller told me about it.


Your name's on there.


So are the others.


I knew all these guys?


We both did.


We went to school with most of them. You really don't remember?


I'm sorry.


We used to sneak in here when we were kids.


This was our secret place.


You, me, Stevie Wardlow. . .


. . .Tully Wentworth.


-That's why you brought me here? -It's a stroll down memory lane.


Dad said if I took you places we used to go. . .


. . .and showed you things only we knew about, it might help you remember.


So we're here for. . .


. . .purely medical reasons?


Not entirely.


I'm trying to make up my own mind about you being Luke.


Join the club.


So, what do you think?


The jury's still out.


Fair enough.


Any other secret places I should know about?


-Really, it fueled my dream. -That can't be true.


I'm serious.


You'll have to start making sense sometime soon.


You wanted to be a lawyer because of The Majestic?


We used to go to the movies all the time.


Once, when I was    , the movie playing was The Life of Emile Zola .


About the Dreyfus affair. Great picture.


You remember movies, but you don't remember your life?




-Weird, huh? -It's unbelievable.


In the movie, Zola stood up in court and accused the French government. . .


. . .of forfeiting its honor for wrongly accusing an innocent man.


Zola wasn't a lawyer, of course, but the way he spoke. . . .


I decided right then that's what I wanted to be.


-Just from that? -Just? Come on, it was great!


"In the presence of this tribunal, the representative of human justice. . .


. . .before you, gentlemen of the jury, before France, before the world. . .


. . .I swear that Dreyfus is innocent!


By all I've won, all I've written to spread the spirit of France. . .


. . .I swear, Dreyfus is innocent. "


"May all that melt away, may my name perish if Dreyfus not be innocent. "


"He is innocent. "


It's pretty good stuff, huh?


Not bad at all.


The sun's going. Come on.


Watch your eyes.


-Is this another secret place? -Our special one.


We used to come up here all the time to watch the sunset.


And that's what made it special?


This is also where we had our first kiss.


We were    .


That is special.


Wish I could remember that.


Me too.


We were in love, weren't we?




-What was that? -Nothing.


-I'm fine. Really. -You don't sound fine.


Just ignore it. It's going away.


So were we gonna be married?


When you got back from overseas.


We were engaged just before you shipped out.


Anything I can do to help you with that?


Yeah. But it's something that only we knew about.


-Tell me. -No. I think I'd rather die first.


Your father said any little thing could jog my memory.


It still works.


-Found me. -Sorry. I didn't know who was here.


Just me and the dog.


-What's his name? -Dog.


-Simple. I like it. -Come on in.


-Is that you? In the first World War? -Yeah.        thereabouts.


-It's okay with you that I live here? -Why wouldn't it be?


Just checking. Think I'll get me a watch?


Right, the watch. What's that for?


So I make sure the shows always start on time. That's important.


-I'll see what I can do. -Thank you.


I had me a nice watch once.


The pocket watch kind, with a chain.


I Kept good time until it broke.


Never had the money to get it fixed.


By then, the theater closed down, I didn't think I needed it.


I put it away somewhere for safekeeping.


But that was years ago. . .


. . .and I can't remember where.


Lost me a medal for bravery once too, back during the Great War.


Lost it in the hospital, I think.


I forget things sometimes. . .


. . .since the war.


Yeah. . .


. . .me too.


Trash. Vile, despicable trash.


It's about the West Virginia coal miners' strike of      .


The plight of the downtrodden worker and all that.


-Communist propaganda, start to end. -That bad?


There's a dog in it I like, but aside from that. . . .


-Tell me about Appleton. -His agent reported him missing.


He's been gone four or five days.


Four or five days? Gentlemen, we may be onto something here.


What kind of man hides after being implicated?


Not an innocent one. What if Appleton is more than he seems?


Not just another schmuck, but an important Communist operative.


One with lots of secrets to spill.


The Reds would do anything to keep him out of our hands.


We have one of two scenarios here.


Number one: His Communist friends killed him to shut him up.


Number two: They're trying to get him out of the country as we speak.


I don't intend to open a copy of Pravda...


. . .and see him get a hero's welcome in Red Square.


-What shall we tell Mr. Hoover? -Tell him this has top priority.


You find him. Living or dead.


Whatever it takes.


His trail will lead us to a nest of Communists. . .


. . .that will make the Rosenbergs look like Ma and Pa Kettle.




Got it!




-Do I have a stain? What? -Nothing.


Seeing you there gave me a weird feeling.


-You wore that when we last went out. -I could go change it.


-Don't be silly. It still fits. -You kids ready?


Shall we?


-Good evening. -How are you?


-Hi. -Good evening.


Smells good. I caught it from here.


Luke's here!


Here he comes! Here he comes!


I'll be right back.


Hey, buddy. We'll take it from here.


I'll get you for that.


I think Luke and Adele should lead the first dance, don't you?


Care to dance?


I think we'd better.


You're pretty good.




You too.


When did you learn to dance?


That was nerve-racking.


I'd kill that Spencer kid, except he's really good.


-Looks like your investment paid off. -Investment?


In high school, you saved up for a clarinet.


You wanted to be Benny Goodman in the worst way.


-And? -You were Benny Goodman. . .


. . .in the worst way.


You gave the clarinet to Spencer.


He used to drive you crazy, following you around like a lost puppy.


I gave him the clarinet. He started practicing and left me alone.


-Did you remember that, or. . .? -Just filling in the blanks.


Aren't they a sight?


So they are, Harry.


Something wrong?


Something is troubling me.


What could trouble you on a night like this?


Just look. Your daughter, dancing with my son.


Everything the way it should be. God's in his heaven, Ben.


Still, I can't help wondering, where has Luke been all this time?


-I mean,     /  years! -What's it matter? He's home now.


He went missing during the war, right?


So he must have been injured overseas, lost his memory then.


So, what happened when he came back, not knowing who he was?


Did he start a new life for himself? Career?


What if Luke spent the last decade actually thinking he's somebody else?


I don't care. I care about his life here.


But don't you see? He might have people looking for him.


People who care about him. Maybe even a wife and family.


You could be a grandfather and not even know it.


I'm not trying to step on your joy. My joy too.


But what happens if his memory does come back?


Which life will he remember?


Which would he choose?


-So are you proud of your boy, Avery? -What?


Oh, yeah! I couldn't be any more proud, Ernie.


I think Spencer's got a big future ahead of him. What do you say?


You know, folks, here in Lawson. . .


. . .we gave a lot to our country. A lot.


And we never complained.


And we never faltered.


And we never forgot.


We never forgot.


And so, when one of our own. . .


. . .came back to us, it was like a miracle.


Luke. . .


. . .seeing you walk down the street, it was. . . .


It was kind of like seeing one of my own boys alive again.


I think I speak for all of us here when I say. . .


. . .that not a day goes by. . .


. . .that we don't keep our boys' memories alive.


But, Luke, having you back among us. . .


. . .that helps us keep their spirits alive too.


God bless you, son. God bless you.


Now, on a lighter note. . .


. . .we've had a special request from one of Lawson's luminaries. . .


. . .Irene Terwilliger. Irene, come up here.


There you are.


I've tutored music in this town. . .


. . .for more years than I care to say.


In fact, many of you here tonight have been my students through the years.


And as talented as you all were. . .


. . .the most talented pupil I ever taught. . .


. . .was Luke Trimble.


Luke, you played the piano like an angel.


It would do my heart a world of good to hear you play again.


Won't you come up?


-Yes, come up! -Come on!




-You never told me about the piano. -Go. Anything could jog your memory.


That's right.


I'm not sure I remember ever playing.


Music is in the soul, Luke. Just put your fingers on the keys. . .


. . .and let it all come back to you.


Franz Liszt. Hungarian Rhapsody No.  .


Like this. Follow me.


Now you.


Really, Luke! That's no way to treat Mr. Liszt. Stop that!


Stop it, I say!


Who taught you to play like that? I demand to know!


Where did you learn to play such a thing?


I taught him that! When you weren't looking.


-I think Spencer was loopy. -No.


He was blowing some bad notes there at the end.


Good night.


Good night.




Bob Leffert. You work for Mabel at the diner.


That's who I am. Question is, who are you?


-I'm not sure what you mean. -I knew Luke Trimble.


I didn't like him much.


Not saying he's bad, just rubbed me the wrong way.


You know the feeling? Someone rubs you the wrong way, you can't explain why?


You kind of rub me that way. Not that that makes you Luke.


What I want to know is, what game are you running? Who are you?


Just a guy trying to figure things out.


This town's had enough heartbreak.


Too much.


Me, I think you're setting everybody up for more.


I hope I'm wrong.


I haven't had to kill anybody since the war.


Why didn't you dance with her?


Excuse me?


Mabel. Why didn't you dance with her?


Seems to me, a pretty girl asks you to dance and you say no. . .


. . .you came home more crippled than you thought.




Welcome home, Luke.


This was the first movie we ever showed here.


Your mother loved it. I bought the print.


Cost us our first month's profits.


That was back in      .


Before sound. You were just a little kid then.


Dad, l. . . .




That's the first time you've called me Dad since you've been back.


You know--






Wake up.


-What time is it? - :  .


I thought we'd get an early start.


Candy counter.


Display wiring needs help.


Should have stayed in bed.


The livestock were reportedly uninjured, but very frightened.


The council acknowledged that a bake sale should be scheduled.


The motion was carried. The meeting was adjourned.


Thank you, Vera.


The chair notes the presence of the Trimbles. . .


. . .and the rest of The Majestic staff. Come on up, folks.


What brings you here? An interest in Lawson politics?


No, sir. We're here on business of a sort.


Point of order, this comes under the heading of "new business. "


-We can make an exception, Daley. -But it has to be moved and seconded.


-Motion to hear the speaker. -Seconded.


Motion on the floor. Discussion open and closed. Those in favor say "aye. "


Hearing no opposition, the motion is carried.


Go ahead, son.


The Majestic needs a lot of repairs, and we can't possibly afford them all.


We'd like permission to scrounge around for surplus materials.


I could donate things from the hardware store and Spencer could help.


Thanks, Avery. That's kind.


Oh, please. That clarinet's the best thing that ever happened to my boy.


-Brought him out of his shell. -Sure.


Motion to encourage the citizens of Lawson. . .


. . .to help out The Majestic if they can.




Motion on the floor. Discussion open and closed. Those in favor say "aye. "


Congratulations, Luke, Harry. Where would you like to start?


Your basement.


Paint, paint and more paint.


I didn't even know all this stuff was down here. Take what you can use.


Harry, Emmett, grab the other end.


It should be outside where it can be seen.


Luke, we're good on this end.


Ready? Let's go.


Thank you!


For me?


-Ready? -Yeah. One, two, three.


Shut it off!


-Pull! -Come on, move!


-Pull! -It's a heavy one!


-Pull! -Come on, guys, help me out.


I pulled something!


Come on.


Joey, come look at this!


Joey! Quick, come look!


There's no way that that car was driven onto this beach.


-There's no access. -So how did it get here?


It fell in the river and was washed out here.


-River? -We got two or three of them. . .


. . .dumping into this ocean along the coast. Up north of here.




Thanks. Got something nice to wear for the big reopening?


You bet.


I don't think Bob's doing anything that night.


Pretty sure I'm busy.


Too bad.


You should see the place, it's coming together.


-Come on, Carl, don't tease us. -Go ahead.


We did it.


It's beautiful!


Nifty, huh?




Let us all join together now. . .


. . .in silent reflection. . .


. . .in loving memory. . .


. . .of those not with us.


-Where is he? We have to open. -He's a little nervous.


-He's nervous? -I think he's coming.


-Give this to him. -No, give it to him, you bought it.


-Damn. -You think?


Fits you like always.


I put on a few pounds since. Adele let it out.


She did a fine job.


Emmett. . .


-. . .this is really Luke's doing. -It's from all of us.


Oh, my!


So you can make sure we always get started on time.


This is. . . .


This is very fine.


Very fine, indeed.


Ready to man your post?


-Let's show some movies. -All right.


-Ernie, Joanne. -Good evening. How are you, Harry?




I have the honor of being first.


-Two adults? -That's right.


-Enjoy the movie. -Thank you.


-Two, please. -You old enough for this one?


Good evening, Dolores. How are you? Fred, it's good to see you. Enjoy.


Thank you for coming, Tom.


-How are you? How are the children? -They're fine.


Good evening, how are you?


Better hurry in there. The movie is about to begin.


-You'll like this one. -Okay.


Two, please.


Yes, sir.


Enjoy the show.


-Hi. Two, please. -How are you tonight?


We have come to visit you in peace, and with goodwill.


What are you up to?


"Adele Louise Stanton has passed the State Bar Examination. "


Does this mean you're qualified to tend bar?


I'm so proud of you.


Luke, dear, we need to order some more Raisinets.


And Jujubes.


Raisinets and Jujubes. Check.


And Moon Pies.


Moon Pies.


-Having a run on candy? -People have a sweet tooth at movies.


Speaking of which. . . .


-Father, did we lose them? -I think so.


Let's see about getting those manacles off.


-Where are we? -The inner chamber.


We found it at last.




Who is that?


That, my dear, is Horus. The falcon-headed god of the heavens!


The lovely Emily. My desert dove.


Did you think you could just fly away from me?


-Hands off, Khalid! -Roland!


-You! I thought you were dead. -You thought wrong.


-Let her go. -I find your persistence tiresome.


I get that a lot.


Roland, look out!


-Come on, Khalid. -This time I'll make sure you're dead.


-Taste my steel, you dog. -Taste my steel, you dog.


-Curses on you. . . -Curses on you...


-. . .infidel. -...infidel.


-Oh, Roland. -Oh, Emily.


Oh, shit!


-Father, are you all right? -Just a nasty bump. I'll be fine.


-Khalid? -He's dead.


Brave work. Does he have the map?


-Here. Right here. -I was right. It's the inner chamber!


Which means that within that statue is the secret of the Pharaoh 's jewel.


Luke, something's wrong!


-Harry missed the reel change. -What?


Harry missed the reel change.




Harry. Jesus!


Go get Doc!


Doc! Doc! Harry's in trouble! Come quick!


Excuse me.


-Oh, no. No. -What, Harry? What?


-I missed the damn reel change. -It's all right.


You just lay still. Doc's on his way.


I'm here.


He's asking for you.


-How is he? -Well. . . .


He's had a massive heart attack. His lungs have filled with fluid.


His whole body is just shutting down.


Can we get him to a hospital?


Even if we could, there's nothing they can do for him that we can't.


There's not much time.


Did you?


Did you?


-Did I what? -Get the last reel up?


Oh, no.


Everybody went home.


How will people know how the movie ends? Good little picture too.


Damn shame.


Now I'll never see. . .


. . .how it turns out.


The good guy wins.


Good. That's good.


Good guys should always win.


Don't think about the movie. You just hang on, okay?


-Hang on, Harry. -It's okay.


If I have to go. . .


. . .at least I'm going in my own bed. . .


. . .and knowing my son is alive.


That's not too shabby, is it?


Harry. . . .


I'm not. . .


. . .not ready to say goodbye.


It's all right.


It's all right. You're here. And that's all that matters.


Oh, God.


I love you, son.


I love you. . .


. . .Dad.


So much. . .


. . .Lighter.


Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life. . .


. . .and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.




Hey, yourself.


I was looking for you.


You okay?


Well, I may be many things. . .


. . .but "okay" is far from one of them.


Well, you want to talk about it?


Luke. . . .


Look, I know this--


I know this can't be an easy day for you--


You have no idea.


Your father said I would start to remember things.




He was right.


Adele, Harry wasn't my father.


I'm not Luke.


I'm sorry.


Oh, my God.


I knew.


I knew, I knew it from the start.


I wanted you to be Luke.


I wanted you to be alive.


God, you are so much like him. You have no idea.


You don't know what you. . .


. . .what Luke. . .


. . .what Luke meant to this town, suddenly being alive.


You don't know what this town lost.


God! I feel so stupid.


I knew you weren't Luke.


I let myself think that. . . .


And I tried not to fall in love with you, I did!


I don't even know your name.


-I'll tell you. -No, don't! Whoever you are. . . .


I can't. I just-- I need to be by myself, okay?


Adele, please.




-Just stay back, folks. -There he is.


I'm Sheriff Coleman. What's going on here?


Federal agents. We're here to serve a subpoena on him.


Luke Trimble?


I don't know what he's told you, but he's not Luke Trimble.


You are commanded to appear before the Committee on Un-American Activities. . .


. . .in special session in Los Angeles. . .


. . .and there testify on matters of Communist conspiracy and subversion.


Herein fail not.


-Am I under arrest? -If you're not on that train.


Fell as, I'm here to guarantee his return. That was the deal.


Now, unless there's some law that's been broken. . . .


I'd have to say that doesn't appear to be the case.


Appearances are tricky.


We'll just canvass the town, ask questions, check backgrounds.


That sort of thing.


Come on, son.


Come on, Mabel. Come on. It's not worth it.


Well, why don't we call it a night?


I'll close up.


-Come on, Irene, I'll walk you home. -Thank you, Emmett.


What did you expect? Big turnout?


These aren't your people. This isn't your town. L.A. is.


-Not when the Committee gets through. -I've been on with our lawyers all day.


-They've been on with their lawyers. -So?


They hate to admit it, but you're not the top Commie spy they thought.


-Gee, there's a relief. -Hey, a break's a break.


They're anxious to save face after the big stink they made. . .


. . .which means they might be in a mood to compromise.


The studio lawyers had this drawn up.


"I, Peter Appleton, by way of purging myself of my indiscretions. . .


. . .renounce my membership in the Communist Party. . .


. . .and provide the names of fellow members. . .


. . .that those persons may have the opportunity to do as I have done. "


Boilerplate, kid. They even provided the list of names.


-I don't know any of these people. -Doesn't matter. They're already named.


All you do is show up, read the statement, salute the flag.


-I won't be a Communist anymore? -That's it.


-Does it matter that I never was one? -Don't split hairs. This is a game.


But it's their game.


You play by their rules, or they'll destroy you.


I thought this was a democracy.


The Declaration of Independence? The Constitution?


Just pieces of paper with signatures on them.


And you know what a signed paper is? A contract.


Something that can be renegotiated at any time.


Just so happens HUAC is renegotiating the contract this time around.


Next time it'll be somebody else, but it'll always be somebody.


You want your life back?


Read the statement.


I'll see you at the station, kid, bright and early.


You think they'll come back? The customers?


Sure they will. Emmett, we need to talk.


-I'm leaving tomorrow morning. -Why?


Were you on Main Street today, when those men came into town?


I hate to be the one to tell you this. . .


. . .but I'm not Luke.


-Yeah, I knew that. -You did?


Since the welcome-home dance, when you played the piano.


-You're kidding! -Let me tell you. . . .


Luke played the classics like nobody's business. . .


. . .but when it come to getting jazz, he was a lost boy.


When I heard that fine roadhouse boogie, I knew you wasn't Luke.


You didn't say anything?


Nobody else had to know.


This town needed you to be Luke, so you were Luke.


But I'm not Luke anymore.


-That's why I'm going back to L.A. -For how long?


-For good. -But who's gonna run The Majestic?


You are.


-Me? -You and Irene.


I don't know about that.


Harry would have wanted you to keep this place going. You'll need those.


I didn't know you were here.


I was just. . .


. . .saying goodbye.


Adele, I'm sorry the way things turned out.


I never meant to hurt anyone, least of all you.


People get hurt sometimes, we can't always help it.


It's just the way things are.


So are you really a Communist?


No, I'm really not.


I didn't think so. Only a capitalist could get The Majestic up and running.


Great endorsement. Can I call you as a witness?


-Well, if it helps. -Thanks.


-So, what will you tell the Committee? -Tell them what they want to hear:


"Sorry, I won't do it again, blah, blah. "


You're not serious.


-What's wrong with it? -Everything.


Be more specific.


Aside from the fact that this is a free country, and you can be a Communist. . .


. . .if you want to be, leaving that aside, if you're accused falsely. . .


. . .you have a duty as well as a right to stand up and suggest they drop dead.


Émile Zola, you feel strongly about this.


Damn right!


It doesn't make it any less rigged. It's called a witch-hunt.


And there's burden of proof, innocence before guilt.


In law school, but the rest of us live in the real world.


I mess with these guys, I go to jail.


All the more reason to fight them.


Like Luke would have done? Go ahead, say it.


-Yes, like Luke would have done. -God, here it comes.


Tell me again what a great guy Luke was. I haven't heard that enough!


-He would have stood up. -Well, he's not here. . .


. . .to vouch for that. We have to take your word!


Everybody's memory of Luke is a little rose-colored.


Besides, I'm not Luke.


While he was liberating Europe, I was running the PX.


He couldn't wait to save the world! I was happy not to go!


-Why? -I didn't want to end up like him.


I wanted to survive! You stand up for a cause. . .


. . .you get mowed down. Look. Look!


That's the real world.


I want my goddamn life back. Is that so hard to understand?




I really did have you two confused.


Last call for California West to Los Angeles and all points south .


Where the hell have you been?


-Walking. -Walking? For two hours?


Don't do this to me, kid. I got a nerve condition.


Come on. Come on.


How is she?


She came back from the cemetery a bit upset. But she'll be fine.


She wanted you to have this.


-What is it? -I didn't think to ask.


All aboard!


Dearest Adele: I have a feeling we'll be moving out soon...

 I may not get a chance to write for some time.


Thank you for all your letters.


I can 't tell you how much they cheer me and make me think of home.


I'm not trying to frighten you.


I'm going into this having accepted that I may not be back.


If that should happen, promise you will not mourn my passing.


Move on, live your life to the fullest in order to give mine meaning...


...and to honor the cause we're fighting to achieve.


When bullies rise up, we have to beat them down, whatever the cost.


That's a simple idea, I suppose, but one worth giving everything for.


The only thought that saddens me, aside from failing at our task...

 the thought of never seeing you.


Not holding you, not seeing our children grow...


...not spending the passing years with you.


If I should not come back, know that I will never truly leave you.


Should you be walking years from now on a spring day...


...and feel a warm breeze graze your cheek...


... that warm breeze will be me, giving you a kiss.


Remember, finally, above all...


... that I love you.




Mr. Appleton?


Are you a Communist?


Anything you want to say?


The Committee will come to order.


We'll have order in the chamber!


Let me begin by saying we have a full agenda .


I admonish those here to view testimony today to keep order. . .


. . .or this chamber will be cleared.


The witness will please stand and raise his right hand.


Do you swear the testimony you're about to give. . .


. . .will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?


-I do. -Be seated.


State your full name and residence.


Peter Appleton, Hollywood, California.


I'm informed you have a prepared statement you'd like to read.


-Yes, sir. -Mr. Chairman...


...before he reads his statement, I'd like to ask a few questions.


Just to clear the air.


Americans deserve to know the extent of the Communist conspiracy. . .


. . .that threatens our way of life.


We were told the witness would be allowed to read a statement.


So he will, but he'll answer a few questions first.


Mr. Appleton, you mentioned your home is Hollywood.


But for the last several months you made your home in the town of Lawson?


Yes, that's true.


Have you ever met an Albert Lucas Trimble?


No, sir.


That's not possible. Luke Trimble is dead.


That didn't prevent you from masquerading as Luke while in Lawson.




I wasn't masquerading.


I was mistaken for Luke. There was an accident.


I'm sure anyone who reads the paper is familiar with your accident.


An accident which came hard upon being named by this Committee.


What I find hard to understand is why you were in such a hurry to leave L.A.


One might view that as a flight from authority.


I wasn't fleeing, sir.


I simply went for a drive and had an accident that affected my memory.




What is the state of your memory now?


-My memory is fine. -I'm glad to hear that.


You might recall the item before you.


It's the attendance roster for the Bread Instead of Bullets Club. . .


. . .dated October  rd,      .


Referring to line    does your name and signature appear there?


-It does. -Mr. Appleton. . .


. . .tell us about the Bread Instead of Bullets Club.


If the Committee will note line    of the document.


-"Lucille Angstrom"? -I was courting Miss Angstrom.


I attended the meeting only to be with her.


Are you asking us to believe you attended a meeting. . .


. . .of a Communist organization because of a girl?


Yes, sir.


Even someone like yourself must be familiar with the concept.


-Please confine your answers. -I'm sorry.


I'm having trouble reconciling your testimony here.


You're prepared to purge yourself of Communist ties.


Yet when questioned, you claim not to have gone as a member.


-I didn't. -Then what did you attend as?


I'm hesitant to say.


You agreed to be forthcoming. I insist you do so.


Well, I went as. . .


. . .a horny young man.


Order in the chamber!




He doesn't want to spar with these boys.


-They'll eat him alive. -Yes, they will.




Believe me, you do not want to incur our wrath!


What is the purpose of this?


Mr. Appleton came here to cooperate fully with you.


Yet he's treated as a hostile witness.


Point taken. Let's cut to the chase and have him read his statement.


If he's not pleading the  th, I do have further questions.




Let's not open this any further.


I want this little turd to read his statement and get out of here.


The Committee sees no cause for further questions.


Mr. Appleton may proceed with his statement.


"I, Peter Appleton. . .

 way of purging myself...


. . .of my indiscretions. . . . "


Mr. Appleton?


I'm sorry, Mr. Chairman.


I think I need some water.


Go ahead, son.


I can't do this.


I'll make this simple.


You read that statement, or go straight to jail for contempt.


-Jail? -Jail.


Just read the damn statement.


"I, Peter Appleton. . . . "


Mr. Appleton, the Committee's patience is wearing thin.


I understand that, Mr. Chairman.


I'm sorry.


I'm sorry.


It occurs to me there's a bigger issue than whether or not I'm a Communist.


Bigger issue? There is no bigger issue.


Actually, not to be contrary, I think there is.


Gosh, I don't quite know what to say.


Fact is, l. . . .


I've never been a man of great conviction.


I never saw the percentage in it.


And quite frankly. . .


. . .I suppose. . .


. . .I lacked the courage.


See, I'm not like Luke Trimble.


He had the market cornered on those things.


I never met the guy, but I feel like I've gotten to know him.


The thing is, I can't help wondering what he'd say. . .


...if he were standing here right now.


I think he'd probably tell you...


. . .the America represented in this room. . .


. . .is not the America he died defending.


I think he'd say your America is bitter. . .


. . .and cruel and small.


Come to order!


I know his America was big. Bigger than you can imagine!


With a wide-open heart! Where every person has a voice!


Even if you don't like what they say--


Enough! You are out of order!


If he were here, I wonder how you'd respond. . .


. . .if you could explain to him what happened to his America.


You are skating on the edge of contempt!


That's the first thing I've heard today that I agree with!


My client is clearly under an enormous strain as a result. . .


. . .of the questioning of Mr. Clyde. He's not responsible for his comments.


-We wish to invoke the  th Amendment. -No, we don't.


-We do. -No, we don't, so knock it off!


Shut up and let me get through this. The  th Amendment is off the table.


But there is another Amendment I'd like to invoke.


I wonder if anyone here is familiar with it.


"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. "


You're out of order!


"Shall make no law. . .


-. . .respecting--" -My chamber will come to order!


"An establishment of religion. . .


. . .or prohibiting free exercise thereof. . .


. . .or abridging freedom of speech, or of the press. . .


. . . .or of the right to petition for a redress of grievances. "


Do not presume to lecture this Committee!


The First Amendment. It's what we're about, if we'd live up to it.


Let him talk. He's hanging himself.


It's part of the contract every citizen has here.


Even though the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. . .


. . .are just pieces of paper with signatures on them. . .


. . .they're the only contracts we have that are definitely not subject. . .


. . .to renegotiation.


-Not by you, Mr. Chairman. -Mr. Appleton!


-Not by you, Mr. Clyde. -Stand down!


Not by anyone, ever.


Too many people have paid in blood.


Enough, sir! You are out of order!


People like Luke Trimble. . .


. . .and all the sons of Lawson, California.


Damn right.


And they deserve better than this.


All you boys do.


I will have order or I will clear this chamber!


When you get right down to it, fell as. . .


. . .that's all I have to say to you.


You are not excused!


The witness will resume his seat! You are not excused!


You will resume your seat!


I'm going to the studio. Where can I drop you?




-Gotta pack. -Pack?


I'm going to prison. I'll need a toothbrush.


Why do you think you're going to prison?


You saw it. I just told them to screw themselves.


That's one way to see it.


-What other way is there? -Try this one.


They made a hero out of you. Think they'll promote you to martyr?


No, I don't think so. This is about them saving face.


If you're gonna be a hero, you'll be theirs.


While you talked to reporters, a flack came up talking deal.


-What kind of a deal? -You know, deal.


They thrive on names. With a witness like you, any name will do.


I didn't give them any names.


Suddenly Lucille Angstrom isn't a name?


I didn't give them her name. It was right in front of them. They had it.


-That's not how they see it. -Does it matter?


She's just a girl I knew in college, not even in show business.


-Is she? -She's Lucille Hirschfield now. . .


. . .and she happens to be a producer for Studio One on CBS.


-Oh, my God! -Which puts you in the clear.


At this very moment, Chairman Doyle is in front of the press. . .


. . .thanking you for purging yourself.


-For what? Ruining this woman's life? -You're not ruining anyone's life.


The Committee already knew about her. She was named six months ago.


Hell. . .


. . .who do you think named you?


-She named me? -That's water under the bridge.


The point is, the studio is picking up your contract.


Your movie is back in production.


Congratulations, Pete.


You got your life back.


What about the end of the movie ? It's not loaded enough.


It doesn't feel like he went through enough anguish.


Guy makes a speech, how do we know how noble he is unless he suffers?


How about an injury? He breaks his arm, but what if it's worse?


-We could break his leg. -That's like a bad showbiz joke.


What if he's in an iron lung?


He should go to the rally in an iron lung? They roll him up?


Hold on. I think I got a "what if. "


What if the main character-- What's his name?


-Heywood. -Terrible. Change it.


What if, during the cave-in, he gets hit on the head and goes blind?


That way, during the rally, his faithful dog who saved him. . .


-. . .Leads him there to give the speech. -Oh, my God, I'm choked up.


-I got tears. It's great. -Better than great. It sings.


Not a dry eye in the house.


Let's ask the writer. What do you think, Pete?


Wow, that's just. . . .


Just about the dumbest thing I've ever heard.




I got a "what if. "


-May I help you, sir? -I'd like to send a telegram, please.


Yes, sir, go ahead.


Dear Adele, stop.


Am coming back to Lawson to return what I borrowed, stop.


Would very much like to ask you a question, stop.


If you're not on the platform when I arrive, I will understand, stop.


I will leave your book and Luke's medal with the stationmaster...


...get back on the train and just keep going...




Let me get that for you.


Welcome back!


Welcome home. I'm so happy to see you.


I knew you couldn't stay away. I knew it all along.


Look at you!


Welcome home.


You too.


Welcome back again.


So, what was your question?


I forget.


Have a good night. Enjoy the show.


Two adults?



Special help by SergeiK