Malena Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the Malena script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the movie starring Monica Bellucci.  This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Malena. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You won't hurt my feelings. Honest.

Swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts!

Malena Script

            This afternoon at  5:00  ...

          Il Duce will speak to the nation!

          You are ordered to turn your radios on!

          All of you who have radio sets and radio gramophones...

          are ordered to turn them on.

          Mussolini will speak to all Italians!

          You are authorized by order of the Fascist government...

          to interrupt your work.

            This afternoon at  5:00  ...

            Il Duce will speak to the nation.

            I was twelve and a half when I saw her for the first time.

            Even though I'm older now...

            and my mind plays tricks on me, I remember it well.

            That day, Mussolini declared war on France and Great Britain...

            and I got my first bicycle.

            The frame is British...

            the gears are French...

            and the brakes are from-- I forget.

            But the chain is Sicilian-- always keep it greasy.

            -Are you sure it's safe? - I have new bikes too.

            Mimi, we're at war. Who can afford a new bicycle?

            Fighting men...

            on land, on sea and in the air...

            Blackshirts of the revolution...

            men and women of Italy...

            and the Kingdom of Albania...

            hear this.'

            The hour...

            of decisions from which there is no return.

            Pino, think this ant knows he's dead meat?

            Who knows?

            If he's like you, he doesn't know shit.

            I'm free from misery. Mary's son is my lord.

            Hey, guys!

            lucky bastard, he's gota new bicycle!

            Man, she's beautiful!

            It's almost brand-new.

            Custom-made, just like the racers.

            - Now you're a man, like us. -So I can join the gang?

            - "Don Agostino"? -Okay by me.

            - "Don Nicola"? - I'd let him in.

            - "Don Tonino"? -Sure.

            And you, "Don Sasa"?

            I don't want some kid poking into our business.

            -Why? What are you doing? -Can you keep your mouth shut?

            She's coming!

            What's going on?

            If you wanna be one of us, just shut up and watch.

            Who is she?

            The deaf guy's daughter, our new latin teacher.

            -What's her name? -What a wonderful ass!

            What I wouldn't give for an hour with her!

            -Too bad she's married. - If she weren't-- What's her name?

            Malena, the most beautiful ass in Castelcuto.

            The sun is bigger than the moon.

            Can I screw your daughter, you deaf old fart? Yes, but hurry.

            I love honesty more than wealth.

              Seven thumbs long! -Seven and a halfthumbs! - Mine's a bazooka! - I got eight! - Eight is nothing!

              That's just tickling a woman!

              One, two--three and two is five, two is seven and two is nine. Torpedo!

              My submarine will rip Malena in half!

              Once I skipped school and went by Malena's house.

              She was at the window, and she called out to me. I thought she wanted me to get her some cigarettes.

              I went up for the money, and her robe fell open.

              And there she was naked as the day she was born. Holy shit!

              She did it on purpose to excite me. I was an idiot. I should have jumped at the chance.

              If it happens again, I'll bang her brains out.

              She'd quit smoking first. She knows you've got no balls.

              You little runt, you've been here for two hours, and you still haven't measured yourself.

              Measure it!

              One, two...

              three, four, five...

              Only six!

              You know what they say about a kid in short pants?

              Short pants: short dick!

              Fuck off. My thumbs are twice as big as yours!


              Who's got the biggest dick now, runt?

              You do!

              No, I am Il Duce! Nobody's bigger than me!

              -Ooh. Renato's skipping school. -Shh!

              You, come here! I need some cigarettes.

              What cigarettes do you want?

              Macedonia Extra.

              I remember this suit very well. It's your father's.

              I sewed it    years ago, and it still looks brand-new.

              He only wore it to his wedding. He wants to keep it for his funeral.

              If he's buried in this suit, he'll go straight to heaven!

              If he's buried in this suit, he'll go straight to heaven!

              -I didn't ask for your opinion, sir. - Does he know about this? -Of course he does!

              You little scoundrel, what the hell is this?

              Come here, mister. So you want to skip school?

              Fine. Who didn't at your age? Leave him alone!

              I know what I'm doing.

              And you let your friends beat you up.

              Even though when I was your age, I'd beat my friends up!

              But stealing trousers from your father...

              and getting them altered for yourself is just plain wrong!

              But, Papa, you don't understand! Understand? Who said you could speak?

              I'm ashamed to wear short pants! What about knickers? They're almost long pants!

              Enough! He's still a child! I'll tell our party secretary...

              you won't let me go to the Fascist exercises.

              Let's make a deal:

              The day someone cracks the skull of "Our Great leader"...

              then you'll get long pants. Swear it.



              A beautiful young woman all alone here. It's a crime.

              -Who's he talking about? - Malena Scordia, Nino's sexy new wife.

              She must have somebody on the side-- it's inevitable! - Number fifteen! - Me.

              Right. Nino brings her from her village with her ailing father.

              And then a month later-- boom-- Nino's called to the war.

              Who here wants to bet she's sleeping all alone? Not me!

              Why don't you let me sit with the others? You're too young to sit in the adultchair.


              But, son, if you don't know the title, how can I help you? It's that pretty, romantic one--

              "Ma l'Amore No."

              Why didn't you say so?

              Ten lire. Pay at the cashier's. - Don't you test it?

              -What for? - It might be defective. - It's brand-new!

              Miss Malena, this heart of mine, on fire...

              has written so many letters...

              and if I didn't have the courage to send them to you it was only because I didn't want to do you harm.

              So forgive me if I dare to send you this one.

              I want you to know that this town has many gossips...

              who say bad things about you-- that you have a secret lover.

              I know it's not true. You don't have anyone. After your husband, the only man in your life is me.

              What an ass!

              I have to go. I'll see you atschool tomorrow.

              So long! Don't get lost!

              little boy, letme get by.

              Hey, baby, give a soldier a break! Mind your own fucking business!

              Mr. lawyer! Your newspaper's upside down!

              Good morning, Signora Malena, are you well?

              How is your father? May I?

              The show's over! She's gone now!

              I forgot the key!

              So it's true what people say!

              What's the matter with you? You look so strange. You've poisoned me with your lies.

              What lies? I've never spoken to you.

              I knew it from the start-- you're a loose woman.

              But I've never done anything wrong.

              Liar! I've been following you on my bicycle! I know where you went. I know everything!

              - The lawyer, the dentist! - No, Renato, I love only you! Liar!

              -Amoroso. - Here! -Cali. - Here! -Costanza. - Here!

              Professor, can I put my dick between Malena's tits?

              Can I put mine in her mouth?

              Can I put mine between her legs? Okay, but one at a time!

              You must oil the bike regularly Don't give me edible oil.

              Bullshit, it's oil for machine.

              The butter is better.

              Why didn't she marry someone from her own village? I'm sure no one wanted her.

              -They say she's a seamstress. - But she's so vulgar.

              My son says she looks fake. My husband says he wouldn't touch her with a ten-foot pole.

              The Baron Bonta's mistress is much nicer. At least Gina does everything in the open.

              The baron screws her once a week and then goes back to Palermo.

              Malena acts so superior. Like we don't know what she's up to. Wait and see. She'll get hers.

              The headquarters of the armed forces communicates.'

              -It's OK now. -Thank you.

              "Our brave and invincible fighting men have delivered a powerful blow to the faceless war machine unleashed by the Allies.

              In order to ensure the continued strength and vitality of our forces at the front

              all payment of civic pensions will again be postponed--"

              Renato,you've got the biggest gun in the West! You're going to go blind!


              Right rank!

              Eyes front! Arms out, arms high, in quick succession!

              Have you heard? Malena's husband was killed. My father told me. He read the telegram.

              Malena is available!

              Comrades of Castelcuto we are gathered here today

              to share in the tragic but honorable mourning which has struck our town. To express our deepest condolences for the loss of it. Nino Scordia--

              heroically killed in action in Northern Africa--

              and to his bride Maddalena who, stricken with grief, unfortunately isn't here with us.

              But she is with us in spirit because Sicilian women...

              with their hardships, with their sacrifices...

              march shoulder to shoulder with fighting men.

              The martyrdom of our fellow citizen in defense of his country  was not a useless sacrifice.

              - It. Cadei is so handsome. -A lucky girl will catch him!

              ...that will carry us to the final victory ofthe Fascist Empire!

              long live Il Duce!

              From now on I'll be at your side. Forever. I promise.

              Just give me time to grow up.

              Now she'll take a lover for sure! She knows that. She's    years old.

              She knows her way around the block!

              Cusimano,the dentist, has gone crazy for her. One day he was distracted as she walked by...

              and pulled a healthy tooth instead of the rotten one!

              Dentist or not, why haven't we seen her lately? Guess she's too busy!

              They say she's fooling around with a shopkeeper in Catania with subversive tendencies.

              Some say Cusimano, the dentist.

              -A family man. It's disgraceful! -When you're a born whore--

              I hear the priest has received anonymous letters...

              saying her lover is this man, that man. The voice of the people is the voice of God!

              I can't talk to anyone about my personal problems.

              They're too intimate.

              But you seem nice. I'd like to confide in you.

              Every day, I'll light a candle for you. I'll even come to Mass on Sunday.

              But you must protect Malena Scordia from the town. Yes,the widow--at least for a few years.

              Then I'll take over.

              -Do you really want me?  -OK,go.

              -May I see you today? -I really don't want leave!

              -Be quiet! -Just leave!

              What will we to be? Leave her! It will be Ok.

              It's a kind of pain. Forgive me. -Don't you like this movie?

              Damn it

              I am always at your service.

              Renewed condolences, Malena.

              What a piece of ass!

              Son of a bitch!

              You little runt! Come back here!

              Look at me!

              Where are you going?

              Get up, it's late!!

              Renato, get up. It's late.

              Monster! You're a fetishist a sadomasochist, or even worse, a pervert!

              -What is that? - It's justa French hat, Ma!

              Shame on you!

              - How pretty. Can I keep them? -You shameless girl!

              What are you looking at? Get out of here!

              Come here, you little pig!

              -Goddamn pervert! -What did I do?

              You're not permitted to sit at the table with us, understand?

              -Answer me! -Okay!

              You no longer have the right to speak to your sisters, understand?

              Lock me up! I'll show you!

              You're not to leave this room until further notice!

              Son, at least have some soup. It will do you good.

              Pietro, he hasn't eaten for three days. In the Soviet Union, they never eat. 

              What is this shit? The Fascists gave it to us. At least it looks like coffee.

              Sure, and I look like Vittorio De Sica.

              Everything they give us is terrible! look at these pockets. They're always ripping open! This cheap thread doesn't hold the stitches!

              The thread isn't the problem!

              While our son recites poetry, his hands go to work in his pockets!

              What does that mean?

              Do you get it now? Just as well! Don't fix them.

              Sew the pockets closed! But he'll have no pockets?

              He'll work it out. It will be good for his health!

              Lights out!

              "...that the weary spirit may never repose in more restful harbor--"

              - Has he gone crazy? - I think he's gone blind.

              "While upon women's work you sat intent...

              content with the vague future you held in mind...

              was the scented May, and thus you used to spend your days."

              -This child needs air. -Air? Air.



              Good morning, Professor. This letter is for you. It says "urgent."

              "You're dishonored.

              Your daughter Malena is sleeping with the whole town."

              It was an anonymous letter, but I read it!

              It says Malena is a whore with everyone in town! So there's hope for us too!

              Take it back! I'll bust your ass, Mr. Short Pants!

              Tonight was wonderful.

              For me too. I know it's been only ten months since.

              But maybe I can see you again.

              All right. You win. Tomorrow. Okay, as long as I'm not on duty.

              -Thanks for the flowers. -You're welcome.

              Take care of yourself.

              So see you tomorrow?

              - Until then. -Good night, Leone.

              What time?

              -Good evening, sir. -Good evening, my ass! How dare you pester my fiancee!

              There must be a misunderstanding. I was invited. You're a liar and a bastard!

              Because I'm in uniform, I cannot retaliate, sir. - But you will answer to me. -Anytime. Anywhere.

              Coward, scoundrel!

              Get up. Come here! I'll tear you apart, you coward!

              I'll break you in two!

              Let me go! Or I'll have to get tough with you!

              Here's the adulterer!

              My wife! -Officer, look! He's cheating on me! -With a man?

              With a traitor! You said you wouldn't touch her with a ten-foot pole!

              It's the dentist! I've been spying on you a long time, you bastard!

              And as for you go steal husbands from your own village,you whore!

              Go to the police station

              We'll record all in files.

              We knew she had one lover, but two?

              But where does the dentist fit in? He fits in between her legs!

              Her father was forced to quit the school in disgrace. He never wants to see his daughter Malena again.

              And the dentist's wife kicked him out of his house.

              That dragon of a wife will drag him into court!

              What's the dentist got to do with it, poor guy? Malena's the whore! She should be taken to court!

              That Lt. Cadei seemed like such a gentleman. How could he get mixed up in this?

              Everyone knows she's a home wrecker. The lieutenant was asking for it!

              Will they go to court?

              The dentist's wife accuse her husband's lover.

              The dentist needed three stitches in his head. But the dentist swore at the soldier first.

              That's insulting an officer.

              They are all bastards.

              While we were watching her caboose the lieutenant and the dentist were riding the train!

              Good morning! Nice to meet you again!

              Malena. Good morning, madam

              At your service anytime.

              Greeting to you, Malena

              She's either going to the lawyer's or the notary's. Sure, but what will she do with two old men like them?

              - Excuse me. -Come in.

              May I speak to lawyer Centorbi? Please have a seat.

              Sir, it's the widow Scordia! Can it be true? Beautiful Madonna!

              Have her come in. Please sit down.


              We now continue with the testimony of Maddalena Bonsignore...

              the widow Scordia called Malena.

              She could get two years in prison.

              Everything will be fine, trust me.


              You're accused of involving Dr. Gaspare Cusimano...

              in a secret and amorous relationship aimed at the breaking up of his family.

              Do you know Dr. Cusimano?


              Are you or have you ever been his fiancee?

              Absolutely not. How could I be engaged to a married man?

              Why was Cusimano, at that unusual hour...

              on his way to your house? I don't know.

              Had he been in your company on previous evenings?

              Yes, once.

              Where? At my house.

              Jumped right in, the dentist did. He looks stupid, but--

              How long did he stay? Not long.

              What did you do? He brought me some medicine for my father.

              If it was for your father, why did he bring it to you? I don't know.

              What did you do after he gave you the medicine?

              He said good-bye and left.

              Then why has Cusimano, a reputable professional...

              who, five years ago had the honor of extracting one of Il Duce's teeth...

              publicly declare that he is your fiance? He made that up. I had nothing to do with it.

              Your husband's crazy. What kind of relationship did you have with Lt. Cadei?

              I'm a widow.

              My business and that of Lt. Cadei  are no concern of the law.

              All right.

              Did you know that, as a result of these affairs Lt. Cadei was transferred to Albania?

              One down. And before his departure, he was questioned in judicial inquiry.

              Clerk. He declared to have encountered the widow Scordia only twice...

              in her home...

              and to have had no amorous relationship...

              Son of a bitch.

              Lt. Cadei was received by my client...

              and she makes no secret about having had for him certain feelings.

              But unlike the married Cusimano...

              who was, let's face it, guilty...

              of a pre-senile dimming of the senses of an intoxicating kaleidoscope of desires--

              Unlike the family man Cusimano Cadei is

              and was a bachelor!

              Clever, that lawyer. He's a bachelor himself.

              Careful investigation of the facts tell us, therefore...

              that the Scordia woman committed no other crime...

              than that of being ill-fated alone...

              and beautiful.

              Here is her crime: her beauty! And from here,the envy the lies the disgrace

              that have deprived her even of a father's trust!

              And yet, she herself is still in silent agony...

              mourning over that unmarked war grave in faraway East Africa.

              In the beating heart of our argument...

              is an audacious, but nonetheless valid, thesis...

              which asks just one question: Can a young woman...

              after the odyssey of a widowhood endured for the love of country hope for protection in the shelter of a new life?

              Does she have the right to yearn for, and to write a new ending to her own love story?

              Your Honor the citizens of Castelcuto reply: "Yes!"

              Will Cusimano leave me alone now? Of course.

              He's been put into a psychiatric clinic.

              He doesn't realize we lost Africa ages ago!

              But let's forget Cusimano and  the fickle lieutenant Cadei.

              Let's get to us!

              I know it's not much.

              But it's all I have. They've cut my pension. Don't you understand?

              That's peanuts! My fee is much more than that. You'll never have enough money!

              But how will I ever repay you?

              It's very easy, my sweet.

              -What are you saying? - Be with me, my love!

              I'm in love with you!

              A woman shouldn't be alone during these hard times.

              I am a wealthy man. You won't find better.

              I'll take care of your father. You'll never have to worry again.

              I forgive her. She did it to pay her lawyer's fee only once and never again.

              But you didn't keep our agreement.

              Now we're even.


              Poor child, anyone knows what's wrong with him?


              Signora Malena, a more capable person than me...

              wrote that the only true love is unrequited love.

              Now I understand why. It's been so long since you last came out of your house.

              But the longer we are apart, the stronger my love becomes.

              They say you're about to marry Centorbi, the lawyer.

              I'm too little and you never noticed me.

              But how will you manage to live with a fat, old man...

              so ugly that no girl ever wanted him?

              They say he never washes and stinks like a goat.

              How will your smooth, white skin...

              bear rubbing against the sweat of an old man...

              Is it true you're getting married?

              What are you writing? Give me that! Let me see!

              Get out!

              Get out, little bastard.

              Quiet, I'll call the schoolmaster.

              (Radio)Yesterday    american planes attacked --

              It should be longer there. OK.

              Will they be ready tomorrow?

              The war has ruined my business, but it still takes time.

              Wait for me.

              Lord, help me with my mother, I beg you.

              Moron! Idiot!

              You can't treat me like a child. I'm a grown man!

              Get this straight!

              Your father's good name will never belong to that disgusting whore! Never! Never!

              The lawyer was left high and dry! His mother still bathes him every Saturday!

              Malena always has someone throwing a wrench in the works!

              It won't be hard finding someone to replace the lawyer!

              Come on, sit down. The next in line already has a plan.

              Yeah, his plan is in his pants. -Acutand shave. - Rightaway, sir.

              Come and see, here comes Malena.

              She has changed her hairstyle.

              Malena. Do you want to have a water ice with me?

              Malena, you are so beautiful.

              Malena, do you like me?

              Good morning, Antonio.

              I brought some sugar and flour.

              -What about the bread? -The best.

              - I can't pay right now. -That's no problem. I'm sure we can find a way to make you some money.

              Hurry, there's someone else over here!

              It's Professor Bonsignore.

              Malena's father.

              Poor Professor

              Here comes the whore.

              I'll take care of her.

              Stupid! She need that?

               I'm here for you.

                Condolences, Signora Scordia.


                Signora, what can we do? We're in the Lord's hands.

                -Who is it? - It's me.

                - Me who? -Salvatore. Antonio sent me. I brought you some more food.

                -Your hair looks terrific. - Do you like it? -Yes, it makes you look younger. -Thank you.

                -Yes, it makes you look younger. -Thank you.

                I can come every Thursday! As long as you bring the food.

                Just a few years ago, Il Duce promised that the Nazis would never occupy Sicily.

                Now he's sold us down the river! Look! The Germans are everywhere!

                - Look who's here.

                I'd like to cut off that hair.

                I'd skin her alive!

                How disgusting!



                Now she's even screwing the Germans.

                -Who's that? - Malena Scordia, the slut.

                She's teamed up with that other whore, Gina.

                But with the Germans? Seems there are gymnastics at the Moderno Hotel.

                The two whores run from room to room servicing a dozen officers at a time.

                My good woman, this child is possessed by the devil!

                Jesus, Mary and Joseph!


                That's enough!

                It looks like you're posing for Michelangelo's Pieta of the poor!


                Evil eye on blood is fed. Hold on fast till death is past.

                Exorcise the devil from this child.

                Head and tail, evil eye release this child. Cast the devil into the wild.

                Shameful! Disgraceful!

                They cured my uncle this way and he had cholera!

                Your son's not sick! He's becoming a man! With a dick this big, he needs to fuck!


                Renato, wait here for me.

                Come here. Come on. Close the door. - My father? - He's coming.

                Ladies! Choose the one you like.

                Ladies! What do we have here? Fresh young meat.

                Come with me!

                Do you like big breast?

                Little one

                Lupetta, up to the room.

                Treat him right.

                Young men all like the little bitch.

                -What's your name? -Amoroso Renato. What a romantic name!

                Tonight we either die in a bombing or end up in jail.

                Go ahead.

                Don't be afraid!

                - Is it your first time? - No.

                I've imagined it many times.

                Let's go give that shameless whore what she deserves.

                Stay back. This is between the women.

                It's the end of spreading your legs, whore!

                Now let's see what men make of you!

                Whore. Do you like it?


                This will teach you some respect!

                The wicked come to a wicked end.

                Get lost! Disappear!

                Don't show up again!

                Go, go!

                -A strange man! -Who is he? -I don't know

                I know that face. Who is it? Nino Scordia, Malena's husband.

                God! It's him!

                It's Nino Scordia.

                Hey, Giovanni, there's a strange guy.

                Do you know Malena Scordia? Who's she?

                Who are you? This is my family's house! We don't know anything.

                When we came, no one was living here. No one?

                Poor guy. No one will tell him the truth. What would you say, "I hear your wife is a prostitute"?

                I hear she's still a great piece of ass.

                I lost an arm. I wasn't dead! Then I was taken prisoner in India

                and I contracted malaria.

                Me "boy-bar."

                I have to get the coffee cups.

                My family has lived in this town for generations. Now no one will talk to me.

                My house is a refugee camp, and my wife has disappeared.

                No one in town knows where she is. Help me find her. I want to bring her home.

                Excuse me. Don't you remember me? I'm Nino Scordia.

                You mistake me for someone else.

                Could I have a light? You were the Fascist secretary, and you were his deputy.

                You can help me. Do you know what happened to my wife?

                Didn't she join the Communist Party?

                She was photographed with her arms around the Commie leader.

                You're a family of heroes!

                Those who foughtthe war for you bastards aren't heroes.

                Go take a walk through the brothels of Sicily.

                You may find your wife there!

                Wait a minute. Come back!

                Dear Signor Scordia forgive me if I don't have the courage to speak man to man.

                I'm the only one who knows the truth about your wife.

                Around here, they only say bad things about her.

                But believe me...

                your wife Malena was faithful to you. You are the only man she loved.

                This is the honest truth. It is true, a lot ofthings happened...

                but back then, you had been dead a long time.

                The last time I saw her, she was on a train for Messina. Best of luck.

                I should sign "a friend," like all anonymous letters...

                but my name is Renato.

                Good morning, Judge.

                All is well, thank God. Eat up, my sweet pea.

                Sons of bitches!

                Look who's here! Giorgio, look who's here!


                Why are you all looking at that woman? It's nothing.

                I saw them in the square. They were walking arm in arm

                It took a lot of courage to come back.

                What have they got to look at? They should leave her in peace.

                She's got some wrinkles around her eyes. She's put on weight too.

                But she's still beautiful.

                Good morning, Mrs. Scordia.

                Good morning.

                Want some nice tomatoes? They cost less over there.

                Thank you.

                Nice things here! Like it, Signora Malena?

                -Try it on. - No,that's okay.

                - It's no problem. -Another time.

                Give me your bag. We'll discuss it later.

                Good morning, Signora Malena.

                Good morning, Malena!

                Good morning!

                Welcome back, Malena!

                Good morning!

                It's okay. I'll get it.

                Thank you.

                Thank you for your help.

                Good luck, Signora Malena.

                I pedaled as fast as I could...

                as if I were escaping  from longing, from innocence, from her.

                Time has passed, and I have loved many women.

                And as they've held me close...

                and asked if I will remember them I've said, "Yes, I will remember you. "

                But the only one I've never forgotten is the one who never asked-- Malena.

Special help by SergeiK