My Left Foot Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the My Left Foot script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the movie about the true story of Christy Brown starring Daniel Day-Lewis and Brenda Fricker.  This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of My Left Foot. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You won't hurt my feelings. Honest.

Swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts!

My Left Foot Script

I'll bring yis back a slice of cake.

Get away from the window.

Punch, you will call me, won't you?

This way, please.

No, no, I'll take them.

Look, Ma, it's gorgeous.

Well, you're very welcome, Christy,

very welcome.

To your humble abode.

Oh, my humble abode. Yes...

Hello. My name is Mary.

I'll be with you till you go on this evening.

I have to take him into the library.

- I'll see you later.

- See you later.

Be careful of that fella.

I'll be OK.

I wouldn't be too sure about that.

Well, now, you're all very welcome

to my humble abode,

and to this benefit organized

by my friend Dr Eileen Cole.

Now I'm not going to ask you to put

your hands in your pockets, not yet,

because we're going to start

the evening with a Iittle concert.

Do you want to go out and watch?


Do you want to see the original?

The original?

Of the book.

It looks good.

Looks can be deceivin'.

It's a bit sentimental.

Did you paint this?

That's very good.

Mr Brown?

Your son was born a couple of hours ago.

There's been some complications.

- Where's the small one?

- A pint and a small one?

- That's what I said.

- So long as you're payin' for it.

Are you gonna put him in a home, Paddy?

He'll go in a coffin before

any son of mine will go in a home.

Ah, Paddy... I believe it's the end of

the road for you in the breedin' stakes.

Who told you that?

Ah, now... What are you goin' to do?

You goin' to tie a knot in it?

Now, Paddy, there was no need for that.

A shut mouth catches no flies.

Where's Tom?

Is Tom not up yet?

It's all right! I'm up! I'm up ages!

Say goodbye to Christy, Father.

Goodbye, Christy.

Good girl. See you later.

See you, Christy.

- See you, Christy.

- Bye, Christy.

Something for the money box, Christy.

Another pound saved, Christy.

Here, Christy.

Good boy. That's it.

I have to go away, Christy.

To hospital.

Don't worry. Sheila's going

to look after you while I'm gone.

Do you understand, Christy?

That's my ma. That's my da.

I was their baby.

It's only for a few days, Christy.

I'd better get this house

organized before I go.

You can't be stickin' to me

like stickin' plaster forever, Christy.

Nearly there, Christy.

Christy, I have to go and make

a phone call. Stay there.

Oh, my God... Nan...

Nan! Nan!

- But what really happened?

- I heard this bangin' and rushed over.

She was carryin' Christy

down the stairs when she fell.

And there he was, lyin' at the bottom

of the stairs like a moron.

God help her. He's a terrible cross

to the poor woman.

Ah, sure he has the mind

of a three-year-old.

A is for apples.

B is for butter.

C is for carrot.

And D... is for dunce.

Ya poor, unfortunate gobshite.

Enough to feed an army.

God, you'll never go hungry, Christy.

Would you like to come back with me

till your mammy comes home?

What's  percent of a quarter?

 percent of a quarter?

Now that's a stupid question.

I mean,  percent is a quarter.

You can't have a quarter of a quarter.

You can. Can't you, Christy?

What would he know?

Ma. Ma, Christy picked up the chalk.

Go on, Christy. Go on, make your mark.

It's a Y.

It's an X.

- What's that, Christy?

- That's only an oul' squiggle.

There's something in that.

Nah, don't be gettin' notions

into your head, woman.

The child's a cripple. Face facts.

It won't do anybody any good

trying to put ideas in his head.

Right. Now come on.

We're gonna put the engine on now.

- You're puttin' an engine in it?

- Yeah. Come on till you see.

Come on, engine.

All he needs now is a license.

It's great.

Take it easy, will ya?

Ah, go on, take it easy.

He'll play in that all day now.

He can go out with the other boys now.

Look at those! They're massive!

- What's that?

- That's her thing.

You put your thing in there

for a half an hour and you get a baby.

If you do it for an hour you get twins.

My cousin's a twin.

- Benny! Brian!

- There's your ma.

Quick, Tom. Here's Ma!

- It's not mine!

- Is Benny in there?

- Hide it!

- Where?

Are you deaf? Come in for your tea!

- Hide it under Christy.

- Are yis all deaf?

I've been calling you for  minutes

to come in for your tea.

- It's OK, Mam, we'll take him in.

- Well, take him in now.

It's been on the table

for at least a half an hour.


Why won't he go to bed?

He loves that oul' chariot.

Come on, get him up.

I want to go and have a pint.

Come on, Christy.

It's way past your bedtime.

It's nearly closin' time.

Now, son, you know

you can never get out of hell.

You can get out of purgatory,

but you can never get out of hell.

Do you know that?

Do you?

Mrs Brown?

I don't think you should

bring him to the altar just yet.

You've been very helpful, Father.

Do you know about All Souls' Night?

Did I ever tell you about that?

It's a really special night. Every time

you light a candle on All Souls' Night,

and you have to say five Our Fathers

and five Hail Marys and five Glory Be's,

and then a soul flies up

out of the flames of purgatory

and goes straight up to heaven.

Say some prayers

for the poor souls in purgatory.


What's wrong with you?

Christy, keep your voice down.

What's wrong with you, son?

What's the matter? What do you want?

Do you want to light another candle,

is that it? Do you? For the poor souls?

Good boy. That's a good boy.

And don't forget, even if we

can't understand you, God can.

See, Christy? Even God

has to lock his house.

Look, Christy, there it is!

There's a soul going up to heaven!

Oh, look! Look, Christy. Oh, look.

- Oh, you'll frighten the life out of him!

- Here, Christy. You're king of the bonfire.

Don't be frightened, Christy.

It's only your brother, Tom.

This way, Christy. This way.

You all right, Christy?

What's Christy doin', Sheila?

Is he all right?

He's drawin'.

He's drawin' a triangle.

No, Christy, you don't start there.

Here, son.

Now that's a triangle.

That's not a triangle.

That's an A.

- What's up?

- Keep quiet.

- All I said was "What's up?"

- Sit down!

Here, Paddy. Why don't you

go and have a pint?

- What?

- Here.

- What's that?

- It's money.

- Where'd you get it?

- From the fairies.

- Go and have a drink.

- I don't need a drink.

All I need is to be obeyed

in me own house!


Sweet Jesus...

Jesus sufferin' Christ...

He's a Brown! He's a Brown, all right.

Christy's a Brown!

- Coat.

- Where are you goin', Paddy?

Where do you think?

This man deserves a jar!

This is Christy Brown.

My son. Genius.


Is he OK?

- He's grand.

- Good.

It's just that he can be a bit...

- What?

- A bit... a bit like Christy.

No, he's fine. He's asleep now.

Well... I'll leave you alone then.


fifteen, sixteen...

- Keep your voice down.



¢Ü Happy birthday to you

¢Ü Happy birthday to you

¢Ü Happy birthday, dear Christy

¢Ü Happy birthday to you

Go on. Go on now, me boy.

He's a man now, Father.

Come on, Christy,  candles.

Now take a deep breath. Come on.

Will you shut that baby up,

for Christ's sake?

- Take it easy, Christy.

- Go on.

Go on, Christy. Go on.

Go on, Christy.

Go on.

- It's like the bleedin' fire of hell, that one.

- Come on, Christy. Here.

There you are, now. Go on.

That's it. Well done. Don't worry,

you'll get your wheelchair, Christy.

Get the fuckin' ball!

Save it, Christy!

Well saved, Christy!

He bit me! He bit me!

- It's a free out! A free out!

- Right. OK.

- We're takin' it, right?

- OK, come on.

Pass it, will ya?

Stay away from them sheets.

He handled it!

Penno for the Browns. Give us it.

Let Christy take it.

- You can't hold him up!

- Right.

If it stops at Tom, I'll kill ya.

- Nobody.

- No, nobody.

It's pointin' at Christy.

- He's not in the game.

- He is if it's pointin' at him.

I don't think it's pointin' at me.

Sure you're the nicest of the lot.

And you've nice eyes too.

Let's go. Ah, Christy, ya boy, ya!

Chasin' the women!

- See you, Tom.

- See you, Rachel.

See you, Tom.

She's mad about you, Christy!

Not here, Brendan. Later.

This is a fine time of night to be comin' in.

- What's wrong, Ma?

- I don't like these late nights, Sheila.

What's this?

Holiday pay, isn't it?

I got laid off.

What about Christy's wheelchair?

Christy will get his wheelchair, OK?

Why did you get laid off?

Don't you question me

in front of the children.

A brick hit the foreman on the head

accidentally on purpose.

It's Rachel.

- How are ya?

- What?

"Your beautiful eyes are splendid pools

of blue in whose depths I swim regularly."

It's lovely, isn't it?

He even signed it himself.

Even signed it himself.

CB. That's not Tom Brown.

That's Christy. Sure he does it

with his left foot!

You're in love with a cripple!

She's in love with a cripple!

Rachel, come back!

Could I speak to Christy Brown, please?

Christy! You're wanted.

Did you paint that?


I can't take it.

I'm sorry.

Tell your brother Tom

we were askin' for him.

- What's this?

- What does it look like?

But we had porridge for breakfast.


And we had it for dinner.


I'm not eatin' any more.

You get that into ya.

I can't.

Get it into ya.

Go on, more.

Who's been eating my porridge?

What did you say?

- What did he say, missus?

- He just said the porridge is lovely.

Burst his brain, the barbarian.

Keep quiet!

Aw, come on, Christy.

Everybody has to go to bed.

I have to do my painting.

I know, but everybody has to go to bed

because there's no coal.

Now, Christy, don't push me nerves

any further, all right?

I'm sorry, Mam.

Yeah. Oh, Christy, someday

you'll have a place of your own.

Right, come on, you lot, come on in.

Mind my paintings.

- Are all those kids in bed?

- Right.

- What's up, Christy?

- Coal.

- What?

- Coal!

Coal? It's too early.

- Coal!

- All right, all right!


Mister! Me driver abandoned me.

Could you push me out of the way?

- Your plan's not working, Christy.

- Wait till it goes up the hill.

Margaret, hold the baby.

Come on, Christy!

We'll be warm for the whole winter,


Jesus, Mary and Joseph!

What's happened to you?!

It's all right, Ma. It's only coal.

I know where you got that coal.

You know it's a sin to steal.

And you know that God

is looking down on you right now.

And that coal is not coming

into this house!

Come on in here

and sit by the fire, woman.

- Do you want me to wash you, Christy?

- No.

- Good night, Christy.

- Don't you be late.

Ma! There's somethin' wrong

with Christy!

There's somethin' wrong with him.

What's wrong with you, Christy?

The fire.

The fire.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph!

- Ma, what are you trying to do?!

- Get water, quick.

Hurry up.

What's wrong with you? Are you mad?!

What have you got in the box, woman?

Christy's money.

- What?

- Money for Christy's wheelchair.

- Must be $ in there.

- $ seven and threepence.

We've been freezin' cold, eatin' porridge

for breakfast, dinner and tea,

and you have $ seven and threepence

up the fuckin' chimney?!

Tom, Brian, everybody, upstairs.


- Mam, what's going on?

- You too, Christy.

Your daughter's gettin' married.

Oh, that's wonderful news.

- When?

- Friday.

What's the rush?

- She's pregnant.

- That's great news.

I mean, that's wonderful.

That's just what we need.

Who's the father? Or do you know?

Leave me alone. It's not my fault.

And whose fault it it, then? Is it mine?

That's a lovely picture.

The oul' woman that lives in the shoe

and the daughter

that can't keep her knickers on!

Stop it. Stop it!

- Ya dirty sleeveen bitch!

- Stop it! Stop it, Father!

- Get out of here, Sheila.

- She should be thrown out!

Her and her swollen belly!

I'll give her fornication!

Get away from me.

- That'll keep your legs shut for ya!

- Paddy, leave her!

I'll get hold of you! I'll break

every bone in your fuckin' body!

- I'll fuckin' kill him.

- Oh, Christy, stop.

Jesus Christ! What am I going

to do in this fuckin' house?!

Tom, Benny, stop him.

For Christ's sake stop, Christy!

Please, stop him.

Christy, stop! Christy!

Stop. Christy, stop. Please, stop!

He's gone now, Christy.

Come on, Christy. Christy.

It's OK.

Christy, I'm going away.

I'll miss you too.

Look after me ma for me.

I need a light.

- What?

- I need a light.

I don't smoke.

I need a light.

I'm not deaf. I can hear ya.

You need a light.

I haven't got any matches, so you'll just

have to wait here while I go and get one.

Don't think I'm your mother

just cos I'm looking after you.

I don't need a fuckin' psychology lesson,

I just need a fuckin' light.

- Light.

- Have you got a cigarette?

I'm just after tellin' ya I don't smoke.

Was there anything else I can do for you?


No point in drinkin' out of the bottle, huh?

Hello. Dr Cole, please.

Hello, Eileen.

Yes. Yeah.

Athetoid cerebral palsy.

- He's nineteen?

- Yes, nineteen.

Yes, nineteen.

Yes, that's correct.

I'll get his address.


Dr Cole thinks that... this model

would be the best for your son.

- Which one?

- This one here.

That is grand.

See that there?

He won a prize for that.

- It's lovely.

- Wait till I show you now...

- What's that there?

- Oh, that's nothing. Isn't that lovely?

And that one.

Torn, but we put it together again.

Ah, that's his first one he ever did, there.

Christy, there's someone to see ya.

This is Dr Cole.

Hello, Christy.

You're a great painter.


Look, I'm a doctor, like your mother says,

and I specialize in cerebral palsy.

We've just started a clinic here in Dublin

and, I wonder, would you like to attend it?

No, we don't have to pay, Christy.

We don't have to pay.


- He said "Hope deferred...

-..maketh the heart sick."

I understood that.

Ah, come on.



Good morning, Christy.


What do you want me to do,

tow you behind?

Do you wanna ride up front

with the driver?

Come on, come up the front with me.

- I'm all right.

- He said he's all right.


Eileen. Will you come here?

Come on, relax.

- What?

- I want to go home.

- Are you sure?

- Yeah.

The door's been locked for two days now.

I'll tell him you're here.

- Christy?

- Go away.

Christy, there's somebody

here to see you.


I'm not a child.

"I'm not a child" he says.

It's only children at the clinic.

Christy, if you like, we can work here.

Fuck off.

With speech therapy, I could teach you

how to say "fuck off" more clearly.

One, two, three, four, five.

And over again.

One, two...

Just relax with it.

Three, four, five. That's it.

One, two, three, and out.


No. Your lungs are too weak.

Try this instead.

Right, now you have a go.


Steady, steady... And one big breath.

That's very good. That's very good.

Now focus the breath.

Breathe slowly, and...

He's been like that for three days. I don't

know what's wrong, he won't talk to me.

Go on up and see him. Go on.

I've brought you a present.


There's a speech in there

I'd love you to look at.

It's "To be, or not to be", Hamlet.

I wish you'd stop

feeling sorry for yourself.

You know, I don't want

to be a failure either.

Will you have a look at it for me?


To be,...

or not to be...

To be, or not to be,

that is the question.

To be, or not...

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind...

To be, or not to be,

that is the question.

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind...

to have to fuckin' suffer listenin' to that...

He's in love with this girl Eileen.

Well, so long as he's gettin' better.

Could get hurt, Paddy.

A broken body's nothin'

to a broken heart.


Eileen. How's it goin'?

Very, very well.

- I've got some news for you.

- What?

Well, remember I told you

about Peter and his gallery?

Well, he's offered you

an exhibition of your own.

What do you think about that?

- I think you're brilliant.

- Yeah.

I'm only as brilliant as my patients.

..consummation devoutly to be wish'd.

To die, to sleep... sleep, perchance to dream...

- Is that our Christy up there?

- What?

Does that sound like our Christy?

Sounds a lot better.

Not to me, it doesn't.

Are ya mad, woman? You can

understand your child for the first time.

- I always understood him.

- Ah, well, nobody else ever did.

At least he can function now.

There's somethin' in that voice

that... that disturbs me.

What do you mean?

Too much hope in it.


There's too much hope in it.

" to others that we know not of?"

"Thus conscience

doth make cowards of us all..."

- "And thus the native hue..."

- "And thus the native hue of resolution

is sicklied o'er

with the pale cast of thought,

and enterprises of great pitch

and moment with this regard

their currents turn awry

and lose the name of action."

What do you think about Hamlet?

A cripple. Can't act.

- He did in the end.

- Too late.


I like you very much.

And I like you, Christy.

You've the heart of a poet.





I'd better go.

Ladies and gentlemen.

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you.

It gives me great pleasure to open this

exhibition of the work of Christy Brown.

A lot of people say that Christy

is a great crippled painter.

- I think that's an insult to Christy.

- That's right.

Christy is simply a great painter, full stop.

He has struggled with his material,

as every painter must do,

to bring it under control.

If you look around the walls today,

you'll see the forces

that shaped Christy Brown.

His mother.

His father. His brothers and sisters.

And the lady who brought him

to public recognition, Dr Eileen Cole.


There's only two kinds of painting:

religious and the circus.

You know, on each side of the mouth...

There you are.

And you've had enough to drink.

D'you hear me?

I'm all right. I'm goin' for a meal, Ma.

Are you comin'?

No, no. I'm... I'll take your father home.

He's not feeling well.

There's no pints, you mean.

It's good wine, tell him.

Your father never drank anything but pints

in his life. No, I'll take him home.

- You gettin' a taxi?

- Eileen's givin' us a lift.


- I'll see ya later, Mam.

- I'll see ya later.

I think Mulcahy is a great painter.

Inside. Soul.

You see? I agree with Christy.

No. He's too uncontrolled for me.

Ah. Let Christy try the wine.

Intro ibo ad altare Dei.

- What's he saying?

- The Latin mass.

I thought it was James Joyce.

The wine's A.

- Can you tell us which year it is, Christy?

- I'm not that sophisticated.

Not yet.

I love you, Eileen.

- And I love you, Christy.

- No. I really love you.

I love you all.

- That's good.

- I even love Peter.

Well, I'm glad you like Peter, because

we're going to get married in six months.

Well, Christy, what do you think of that?






Iations, Peter and Eileen,

on the wonder...

wonderful news.

I'm glad you taught me how to speak...

so I could say that, Eileen.

Well, where were we then?

- Discussing Mulcahy.

- Mulcahy is empty.

- I thought you said he was full of soul.

- I said he was empty. Whiskey!

Take it easy, Christy.

You're not my mother.

Never forget that.

And you know, I know what age that is.

That's ten-year-old.

Same age as me.

- Don't give him any more.

- Pour.

- Take that whiskey from him, Tony.

- Touch it, and I'll kick you

in the only part of your anatomy

that's animated.

Stop it.

Why did you say you loved me?

- Because I do love you.

- Ah, you mean platonic love.

I've had nothing but platonic love

all me life.

Do you know what I say? Fuck Plato!

Fuck all love that is not

 percent commitment!


- I can't let you go any further.

- Let's discuss nature.

- Christy...

- What are you going to do about it, Peter?

You're a nice man.

What are you going to do about it?

Peter, sit down.

I'm gonna wheel you

out of this restaurant.

Wheel out the cripple! Wheel out...

Stop. Stop it.

Where's the feckin' brake

on this stupid thing?!

Stop it! Stop it!

Stop it, you bastard, stop it!


Sharon? Come on in

for your tea, will ya?

Sharon, come in now

for your tea, please. Come on.

All right, all right, Ma.

Get up, Christy.

You've got a hangover,

that's all that's wrong with ya.

You get more like your father every day.

All hard on the outside

and putty on the inside.

It's in here battles are won.

Not in the pub, pretending

to be a big fella in front of the lads.

Right, if you've given up, I haven't.

What do you think you're doin', Mam?

Buildin' a room for ya.

Don't be mad.

Maybe if you have a room of your own,

you might start paintin' again.

You have me heart broken, Christy Brown.

Sometimes I think you are me heart.

Look, if I could give you my legs,

I would gladly take yours.

What's wrong with you, Christy?

I'm sorry, Mam.

What in the name of God

is goin' on here?

Christy and me is buildin' a room.

- Yis are buildin' a room?

- Yeah.

Will ya have a look at this?

Ah, Christy, you may be a great painter,

but you'll never be a brickie.

Fair play to ya, missus.

Right, lads. You bring in some

more bricks, mix up a bit of muck.

Bring me in me level, will ya? Brown

and Son contractors are on the job.

Here, you start there, I'll start here, and

by the time you have three courses up

- I'll be finished and havin' me tea.

- Not at all!

Water. More water.

I'm not beaten yet, bejasus!

Listen. Brian, boys, listen to me.

Let your father win. He needs it.

There. Take it easy, Father, will ya?

Take it easy!

Sure I was never able to take it easy. And

you, of all people, ought to know that.

Right, lads?

That's her finished.

They've a long way to go

to be a better man than their father.

Well, Christy, that's the nearest

he'll ever come to sayin' he loves you.

I'm parched. I'm going to make a nice

cup of tea, and I have a cherry cake here.

Oh, Christy!

I'll just put the kettle on and get

the cherry log, and we'll be away.

Ah, come on, who's in there?

Those kids, their tomfoolery!

- What's happening?

- Ah, come on, let me in!

What's goin' on?

Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Christy!

Your father's lying on the floor

and I can't open the door.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Paddy!

Christy, I can't open the door!

- Get out the way, Mam.

- I can't open the door. Oh, Jesus...

Push, Christy, push!

Paddy? Oh, Jesus, Mary

and Joseph. Paddy!

Seven pounds five shillings and sixpence

he owed, missus.

¢Ü And whenever there was

a bit of a scrimmage

¢Ü I was the toughest of all

¢Ü Sure I was the toughest of all

Fair play to ya, Christy.

- Drinks for everyone.

- Take it easy, Christy.

Get some drinks in. Get one

for Sadie, shut the oul' bitch up.

Fair play to ya.

Your oul' fella will never be dead.

How's me ma going to survive?

Don't be worryin' about that.

We'll be all right.

Terry, will ya tell us

about when you and me oul' fella

carried the foreman

up the ladder, will ya?

- Later.

- Yeah...

Give us a song, somebody,

for Jesus' sake! Tom, give us a song.

Christy... Sing Paddy's favorite

for me, would ya?

All right, yeah.

¢Ü It was down the glen one Easter morn

¢Ü To a city fair rode l

¢Ü There armored lines of marching men

¢Ü In squadrons passed me by

Will somebody shut him up?

¢Ü No fife did hum

¢Ü No battle drum did sound its loud tattoo

¢Ü And the Angelus bell

o'er the Liffey's swell

- You'll have to keep it down a bit, lads.

- ¢Ü Rang out in the foggy dew

- He was singin' that for his father.

- His father was nothin' but a mouth.

Like all the Browns.

All right, lads, take it easy.

In respect for Da.

I don't fight cripples.

Wreck the pub!

Come on!

Somebody get the till!

Get the till, get the money!

Get the till!

Drinks are on the house!

That's great, Christy.

- No, it's not.

- Why not?

It's not there. I've no eye.

- What?

- I'm not a painter.

I think it's brilliant. It's the image of Da.

- Poor Tom, what?

- Yeah.

"All is nothing.

Therefore nothing must end."

- What's all this, Christy?

- Nothing.

Sorry I asked.

Benny, would you help us?

- Doin' what?

- Writin'.

Yeah. Writin' what?

Me own story.

Yeah. Course I will.

Don't worry, Christy, the book is... great.

Well, it's not bad.

Do you know what I was going to call it?

- What?

- The Reminiscences...


..of a Mental Defective.

- That's a terrible title.

- It was my blue period.

And you typed all of it with your left foot?

I didn't do it with me nose.

- I really wanted to finish it.

- You'll hear it later.

I have an appointment. I told you.

Is he good-lookin'?

- Who?

- Your appointment.

Yeah, in his own way, he's nice.

Oh, it doesn't matter to me.

You can meet who you like.

But is he, now?

- What?

- Is he good-lookin'?


Are you in love with him?

You're very bloody nosy, Christy Brown.

I was only askin'.

Would you like a drink?

- I'm workin'. I can't.

- Later.

- I have a date, I told ya.

- Yeah. I forgot.

- You're a fast worker, aren't ya?

- Read your book.

I can't with you starin' at me.

I'll look away.

Oh, God...

- She's very pretty, isn't she?

- Prettier than that bloody picture.

Who's in there?

Ma, are you in?

Go on, then.

Jesus! $ Christy.

That was scrumptious, Ma. Like you.

I fancy somethin' sweet now.

What have you for dessert, Mam?

- Mam, what have you for dessert?

- Dessert?!

Kids, kids, do you not fancy

a drop of ice cream now?

- Yeah, ice cream, Mam!

- Yeah, Mam, get some ice cream.

Some raspberry ripple.

No, get us some Neapolitan.

All right!

- All right, all right, yeah.

- The pink and green stuff.

But just this once, mind. I've more things

to spend me money on than ice cream.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, what's this?!

- What's this?

- Christy's money.

Bring it out and count it.


That's more money than your poor father

ever earned in a whole year.

I can't take it.

It's for you. It's yours.

I can't take it, son.

Da was a bricklayer, Ma, and I'm a writer.

I know it's mad money.

I want you to have it.

What would I do with it?

Well, for a start, get yourself a dress

and a new pair of shoes.

Will ya?

Christy? You have a visitor.

You look well.

So do you.

- Thank you.

- Sit down.

- Look, I won't stay very long.

- Stay as long as you like.

I need to ask you a favor.


A benefit.

- Where?

- Lord Castlewelland's.

Him?! He's mad.

- Posh.

- Filthy rich.

Look, I know you don't like appearing

in public, but... it's for a good cause.

For the cripples.

- For the cripples.

- Yeah. I'll try to behave meself.

- You sure it won't upset you too much?

- So I'll anesthetize meself.


Not too much.

How's Peter?

- We have to get goin', Christy.

- Yeah.

What do you think? Too much self-pity?

No. I think he's a lovely man,

and not in the least sentimental.

Mary, do you really think so?


- And would you go out with him?

- Certainly.

Now listen, everyone...

So you'd go out with me?

-..Christy Brown.

- I might. Shh, he's talkin' about ya.

I want to introduce you

to one of the brav...

Well, no, no, quite the bravest chap

I've ever come across.

Yes, well, now when

Christy Brown was born

the doctors told his mother

that... just no good...

- Stay with us for a couple of hours.

-..just a vegetable for the rest of his life.

But Bridget Brown,

she wouldn't take that, oh, no.

Would you go out with me tonight?

I told you, Christy, I have an appointment.

And so we have with us here tonight...

Are ya in love with him?

I asked ya did ya love him, Mary?

..introduce to you Christy Brown,

man of genius.

- Mary.

- Christy.

Mary, I asked you a question. Do ya?

- It's none of your business.

- So you won't answer me?

- Why should l?

- What are you afraid of?

You imagine that people are afraid of ya.

I'm not afraid of ya, OK?

- You're afraid of yourself.

- Aw, come on. Look, just...

- You're afraid of me.

- We can't talk about this now.

Why can't we talk now?

Now is a good enough time for me.

- I'll see you again sometime.

- I've heard that before, Mary.

Why is it always "some fuckin' time"?

Mary, stay.



We've got to go.

Take me out to the firing squad, so.

I must say, I'm honored to be asked to

give voice to the words of Christy Brown.

"l was born in the Rotunda Hospital,

on June th, ."

"There were  children in all,

of which  survived."

"lt would not be true to say

that I am no longer lonely. "

"l have made myself articulate

and understood to people

in many parts of the world,

and this is something we all wish to do

whether we're crippled or not. "

"Yet, like everyone else,

I am acutely conscious sometimes

of my own isolation,

even in the midst of people,

and I often give up hope of ever being

able to really communicate with them."

Sheila, what's the matter with Christy?

"..that every writer or artist must

experience in the creative mood

if he is to create anything at all."

"It's like a black cloud

sweeping down on me unexpectedly,

cutting me off from others,

a sort of deaf-muteness. "

"l lay back in my chair while my old

left foot beat time to a new rhythm."

"Now I could relax

and enjoy myself completely."

"l was at peace."


Come on, Ma, stand up.


Mother, come here.

Ah, Christy, no, don't.

Give us one of them flowers, Ma.

- Are you not comin' in the car, Christy?

- No.

You're mad, Christy! It's great.

Get in the car before I kick your arse.

Good luck, Christy.

Good night, Christy.

Good night, Ma.

Go on, I'm all right.

Will ya get in the car now, Ma? I'm fine.

Good night, Christy.

- Be careful.

- Ah, you're not me Da, Tom.

- You take it easy, Christy.

- Take it easy yourself.

Let's go.

Christy. Now, tuck that under you.

Great stuff.

I hope to see you again.

Yes. I hope to see you again, Christy.

Before closing time.

- I thought I'd lost ya.

- Not at all.

You can just see

Joyce's Tower down there.

And that's where JM Synge was born,

at the foot of the mountains.

What'll we drink to?

Let's drink to Dublin.

To Dublin? Why?

Because Christy Brown was born there.

Special help by SergeiK