Perfect Score Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the Perfect Score script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the movie starring Scarlett Johansson, Erika Christensen, Chris Evans, etc.  This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Perfect Score. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You won't hurt my feelings. Honest.

Swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts!

Perfect Score Script






# I want it all



# No matter what you thought

you heard me say



# No matter what you know

You can't escape today



# Is there any other way?



# Forget about tomorrow



# You and me

we're going down in sorrow



# Youth of the nation going nowhere



# Station to station



# Teenage alien nation, whoa



# Teenage alien nation, yeah... #






Suck-Ass Test.

That's what that stands for.



This is the SAT  examination.



For the first section

you have    minutes.



Last year, two million kids

took the Suck-Ass Test



in order to get to college.



Scores ranged from     you're going

to community college riding a bus,



to      you're lvy League

driving a Porsche.



It's a standardised test, "standardised"

meaning they see us all the same.



A kid is a kid is a kid.



Take this kid, for instance, Kyle.



He's a good guy who knows

where he wants to go in life,



but for now the SAT's

standing in the way of Kyle's dream.



It's telling him, "You're just..."









# Forget about tomorrow



# You and me

we're going down in sorrow... #



Then there's Anna, the overachiever.

You know the type.



A future PhD with a nice A-S-S.



Good deeds, good grades,

but the SAT doesn't care about that.



You could be the class brain,

a kid in the middle or dumb as a post.



When you walk into this room,

it's not about who you are.



The SAT is about who you'll be.



#... alien nation, whoa



# Teenage alien nation, yeah #






It's a      Mr Dooling.






Well, I've seen worse.



I need a     . I've applied to Cornell.






What are your fallback schools?



- I don't have any.




It's kinda risky, isn't it?



I'm looking at your file here,

and while your GPA is strong,



your PSAT score wasn't so great.



Don't you think that      is a little bit...



Mr Dooling, when I was seven,

I built a log cabin out of Popsicle sticks.



Five of the first six kids you talk to



are not gonna have a clue

what they wanna do with their lives.



I've known since I was seven.



I wanna be an architect.



As soon as I realised there's one school

that turns out the greatest architects,



I've wanted to go there.



- Cornell University.

- Cornell?



The guy who designed our bus barn,



he attended a community college

just down the street.






Dooling said you couldn't do it?



That's Matty, Kyle's right-hand man.



They say misery loves company.

Well, it really loves Matty.



He said standardised testing

says I can't do it.



You're down to a     ? Jesus!

That's almost as bad as me, man.



- What'd you tell your parents?

- What do you think?



We've never been so proud, son.



It's good.



   . That's what I scored.

Remember, Mom?



Well, look at the positives.

At least one of us is going to college.



Hello, Maryland.



Matty's girlfriend Sandy

is a freshman at Maryland,



and he was now moments away

from hooking up with her in the fall.



- Open the letter, Matty.

- Yeah, you're right.



Why should the fact

that you're screwed ruin my big day?



Oh, shit!



SAT score insufficient!



This shit ain't fair.

Sandy's gonna be crushed.



Do you even know what SAT stands for?



- Suck-Ass Test?

- Scholastic Aptitude Test.



Then they got rid of that.

Know what it stands for now?






- What?

- SAT stands for SAT. That's it.



- That's fucked up.

- Yeah, I know.



Sever All Ties. SAT.



I may as well sever all ties with Sandy.

There's gotta be somebody to talk to.



- There's no one we can talk to?

- All the kids wanna go up to ETS.



If one goes up, they all go up.



What about her?



Unless your father owns the building...



- We'll take the test again.

- It's in two weeks.



There's no time to get ready, and even

if there was, what's gonna change?



I'd better call Sandy.



She's gonna love this.



(BO Y) Yeah, Sandy's room.



- Some guy answered.

- Room-mate's boyfriend.



- He said, "Sandy's room."

- So?



So, her room-mate's Pam.

He'd say Pam's room, not Sandy's room.



- Pam's room. Pam!

- All right, Matty.



- You're wired. It's the Red Bull.

- No.



The SAT did this.

The SAT is pimping out my girlfriend.



Damn it!



We gotta do something.

They're messing with our lives.



The college board

made millions of dollars last year.



- You think they give a shit about us?

- Hear me out. I'm not a dumb guy.



I know things. Ask me who's got

the best pitching staff in baseball.



Or ask me how to rebuild

a carburettor on a '   Buick.



- Ask me what icing is, for Christ's sake.

- Make the point.



Where the hell's that on the test?

You learn the rest in college.



I show up for a job interview

with a science geek and a math nerd.



Who's gonna get the job? The guy

who can throw down at the water cooler.



The guy who yakked in your Cutlass

after the Radiohead show.



- Me. That's me. I get the job.

- I'm still seeing no point.



The point is that they are not playing fair.

Why should we?



We know where the answers are. ETS.



Maybe we should borrow them.



You wanna steal the answers

to the SAT?



You have a talent. What you can do

with a pencil and paper, I could never do.



- But you're never gonna pass.

- A lot of kids struggle.



- That doesn't justify thievery.

- No?



Did you see my dad's truck

in the driveway?



It's the one with the large crapper

on top of it.



It doesn't say, "Matthews Septic" on it.



It says, "Matthews & Son Septic" on it.



If I don't get into Maryland,

my life is shit. Literally.



And it's not even my own shit.



Kyle. Dude, check this out.



Listen. This is great. Watch this.




- Woo-woo!



Whoo... wahoo...!



Thank you, Princeton, New Jersey!



"Smoke On The Water".




You hear that?



I'm worried about you, Kyle.



You're gonna try to regain this lost

youth and head into a shit-pit.



That what you're doing?

Living at home, jamming with the dryer?



I don't live at home. I live above the

garage. It's a whole separate dwelling.



I've got my own phone line.



Hey, honey.

Wanna help me grade assignments?



- We're teaching the kids to bubble in.

- First graders?



Most of these kids can't even read yet.



Well, I hate to say it,



but there's more money for the school

in bubbling in than reading these days.



Now he gets it.



Just follow the money.



Standardised testing is taking over,



and it starts long before high school.



Test scores go up,

the schools get more cash.



In some cases,

even the teachers get paid.



It's enough to piss you off.



I mean, when you get the feeling

that everything's slipping away,



that you're gonna be left behind,



desperate times

call for desperate measures.







Hey, Matty, if you wanted to borrow

the answers, how would you do it?



The girl at ETS,

the one the guard let pass...


            recognise her?



Francesca Curtis.



The web-page girl?



Francesca Curtis.



Talk about your forbidden fruit.






Do you guys know the name

of that kid with the Percocet addiction?



No? No?



If you have something for my page,

write it down and slip it in my locker.



Get back to you. If you don't know where

it is, you're in way over your heads.



Actually, we had something else in mind.






So you guys are gonna steal

the SAT answers?



You should. It's anti-girl, it's anti... a lot

of shit, but it definitely has girl issues.



It underscores us

on the math and verbal.



The college board settled a complaint

that the PSAT had a testicle bias.



So you'll help us, then?



- Um... No.

- Why not?



You and Dawson can't pull it off.

Do you have a plan?



We're working on it.



OK. You're wasting my time.



Don't you find it ridiculous that they

tell us to be unique, to be individuals,



then they give us a standardised test

that makes us all one faceless herd?



(ALL) Desmond Rhodes, superstar!



Wait. $    million a year, probably

   million of that from girls alone,



to pick up a few stones

to throw at a bully that doesn't fight fair?



How many girls

are gonna get screwed by this test?



What's that gonna do to their

self-esteem, on top of everything else?



- You're preaching to the converted.

- I know.



That's why we approached you.

We need your help.



What the hell? It sounds like fun.



I told you.



(CHANT) Desmond Rhodes, superstar!



Desmond Rhodes, All-City,

but his grades are shitty.



What do you think?



I look good in red. I was thinking

a Philadelphia   ers red, though.



Is that why you haven't taken

the SATs yet, the pros?






- May I speak honestly?

- Please, I wish you would.



Des, I want you to come to St John's,



because the fact of the matter is,

your game is not ready.



If you come with me, I'll do everything

in my power to get you to the NBA.



But if, God forbid, you don't make it,



you're gonna have a degree in one hand

and be prepared for life after basketball.



Now, you see,

that's what I'm talking about.



- So where do we go from here?

- Well, that's up to you.



You know, your grade point average

is a little bit on the low end for St John's,



but we can work with that.



What you need is     or better

on the SATs.



- Hey, Matty, don't freak out, OK?

- About what?



- Just don't.

- I won't. What's up?



What are you doing?



You remember

the photographer at the game,



the girl on the baseline?



- You told Anna Ross?!

- You said you wouldn't freak.



- Before I knew you told the class brain.

- Yeah, well...



I'm sorry, Matty. Maybe we're not

the only ones in this boat.



- What boat? It's Anna Ross!

- I know.



What did she say?



You know, I don't even know you,

but even if I did,



what you're talking about is wrong.



- It's cheating.

- It's a victimless crime.



OK. Hypothetical situation.



You're driving. It's late. You get

to a red light in the middle of nowhere.



Do you run the light?



You see? You don't. You wait.



Because a victimless crime

is still a crime. It isn't worth it.



Maybe it is. Maybe I run it. It depends.



On what?



Am I trying to get somewhere important?



- So she's in?

- She said no.



Yeah, but she knows about it.



- You like this girl?

- Matt...



No, if you're trying to get into her pants...



It wasn't like that. I just got the feeling...



Something just tells me

she needs this as bad as we do.



OK. Something tells you

just to walk up to Anna Ross



and invite her to break in to ETS

to steal the answers to the SAT?



- Some inner voice signed off on this?

- Yeah, it did, Matt.



- That is great, Kyle.







# I was gonna clean my room

until I got high



# I was gonna get up and find the broom

but then I got high... #



(NARRATOR) Hey, that's me.



# My room is still messed up

and I know why, why man, yea hey



# 'Cause I got high, 'cause I got high

'cause I got high #



# Daddy, Daddy



# Expert in responsibility



# Where were you when I fell down

and skinned my knee?



# Where were you when I was scared

to go to sleep?



# Where were you

to soothe my insecurities? #



Just because they keep getting younger

doesn't mean you will.



# Where were you when I first learned

to drive a car... #



Here she is. The game ran late, honey?



- Anna's the yearbook photographer.

- A little.



This is Tom, an old friend,

who might be able to help with Brown.



Hi, Anna. It's a pleasure to meet you.



Come on, honey. Sit down.

Let me get that.



- It's just her camera gear.

- Sweetheart.



So, great, great.



So, Anna, what are you interested in

besides photography?



Tell him about the pledge drive

you coordinated.



We asked students to sign a pledge

to refrain from drug use...



- It was very successful.

- That's great.



She's also involved in several other

community-related projects...









Hey, kiddo. That went well.




- I guess we won.



Yep, they did.



Your father and I have noticed the effort

you've put in to this re-test.



- What if I mess it up again?

- You won't.



You're gonna do great.



We're really proud of you, honey.



Hi, who's this?



Cleo. I think I dialled the wrong number,

but you sound familiar.



What's your Thursday morning class?



ME lecture? Mine, too.






Listen, I won't keep you any longer.



Before you go, my room-mates and I

are having this discussion.



Maybe you can help.



What's the lowest SAT score you've ever

heard of anyone who's got into Brown?






- ETS has the entire top floor.

- Can you get us up there?



Well, probably, but then what?



- We're not talking about a big heist.




It's getting in, finding the answers,

making a copy and getting out.



We just gotta think

of the easiest way to do it.







- You've assembled a crack team (!)

- What was I supposed to do?



He knows everything. He'd bust us.



So does Anna Ross, but she's not here.



- You told Anna Ross?

- Yeah. He had a feeling about her.



Was the feeling

anywhere near your crotch?



Hey, guys. I have an idea.



The mailroom services the building.



They hire a lot of guys

straight out of high school.



They won't know you.

Just act like you own the place.



- Easy for you to say. You do.

- Wanna know what we're up against?



You'll be fine.



- Cornell still worth it?

- Yeah.



- Sandy?

- Yeah.



- Good.

- 'Cause we're in it now.



Can I help you?



These are the new mailroom slaves.

You guys forgot your badges.



Losers! Let's go. Pay attention.



- What are you doing here?

- Other than bailing you out?



- How did you get in here?

- I'm the ghost, man.



By the way, just so you know,

mail pickup was this morning.



- Waiting till the last minute, huh?

- Hey.



Take a look at that.



Nice. Thanks.



- You think you could help me with that?

- Photography?



No, that.



- No, I can't.

- Come on, Anna. For me?



You ever heard of the term

"stereotype vulnerability"?



Some students do badly on the SAT

because they know they're expected to.



I'll tell you something about that.



If you mess up on the SAT test,

you gotta live with it.



If I do, I gotta read about it

in "USA Today".



"Desmond Rhodes is a dumb-ass."



You know, just because I play ball,



teachers have been lettin' me

slide through since forever.



I'm not trying to say it's their fault,

'cause it's not. I did what I did.



If there was some way

I could just get around this thing...



It all means more to me now,

that's all I'm trying to say.



Excuse me.



Who are you?



Who am I? Who are you?



This is my office.



Ah, yeah.



I'm from the mailroom.



Well, do you have something for me?






Well, could you give it to me?



Yes, I can.






My bad. Let me get that for you.



Anything else I can do for you

while I'm down here?



Hey, you.



- Copy room, right?

- Right.



Great. I need two copies of this on rush.



One comes back to me, one to Ann

Clark and the master to     for filing.



- Sure.

- Great.



- What are you doing?

- Casing the joint.



Thank you.



If we take it, they might get suspicious.

They could change it by next Saturday.



Copy it.



Say hello to your future, Matty.



- Septic And Toilets. SAT.

- Come on, man. It was a good run.



What run? There was no run.



Yeah, well, whatever it was, it's over.



Francesca was right. We were screwed.



Well, at least she didn't bring the cops.



Or maybe not.



If I wanted to do what we talked about...



...would you need to know why?



No, but I don't think

it's gonna be possible now.






Can I ask you something?



- Why'd you bail in your exam?

- I didn't.



I saw your answer sheet.

It was practically blank.



I was doing fine at first.

Then I came to a story question.



(ANNA) A woman boards a train

in New York at midnight.



Three hours later a man also boards.



For some reason, I couldn't get past it.



Where was this woman going?

Why was she alone?



I know it probably sounds crazy,

but it just hit home for me.



I... I wanted to be on that train

and just be gone somewhere.



I guess I just froze.



When I got home, I realised

how disappointed my parents would be.



I need to do great on this test.



Yeah. Well, like I said, it's...



- If it's money you want, we can pay you.

- It's not money. It's...






Yeah, there's someone else besides me.



Please, don't say no.



- No! What in the hell is wrong with you?

- It's one more person.



It's Desmond Rhodes.

Besides, I heard he was going pro.



He's not strong enough to be a four

and not quick enough to be a three.



He's got no left hand

and his mid-range game needs work.



I don't see it.



Anna Ross, that's bad enough, but do

you know how high-profile Desmond is?



He wants in. Anna says he needs it

and we can trust him.



"Anna says he needs it."

What are we, a frickin' soup kitchen?



Which brings me to point number two.

Last I heard we had no way of doing this.



I been thinking about that.



Hey. Was your father suspicious?



No. To be suspicious,

he'd have to be interested.



There are security codes, too.



They gotta supply the building owner

with a copy in case of an emergency.



- Yeah, I can get 'em.

- OK.



- OK.

- I will see you Tuesday.



OK. I'll see you Tuesday.



- Francesca.

- Yeah?



- That bad, huh?

- My father?



No, whatever. "Poor little rich girl" thing

is a little played-out.



It's like the oldest story

in the world, isn't it?



Not if it's your story.



- See you on Tuesday.

- I will see you Tuesday.






And sometimes it's that easy.



Shit happens. People join the cause.



You're moving towards something

you didn't plan on approaching.



Only by the time you're aware of it, the

plans of one become the plans of six.



And the plans of six become one.



- Hey.




We're eating.



- Yeah.

- Bro, what's up?



- Who is this?

- It's Roy.



From the SAT thing.



- How did you get this number?

- I'm the ghost.



Give it to me.



- Who's calling, please?

- Wha...?



It's... Roy.



Well, Roy, this is our dinner time. We

don't interrupt your dinner time, do we?



Well, I don't have dinner time.



Well, that's a shame. Do you have

some business with my son?



Well, I am at this time



assisting him

in his SAT exam preparations.



And I was wondering



if he could possibly

pick me up this evening,



as I am currently without transportation.



SAT? There's hope for you yet, Roy.



- Why don't you give me that address?

- I appreciate that, ma'am.



And may I say...



...that you have an attractive voice.



It's very pleasant.



- Young-sounding.

- The address, please?



     Triumph Street. With a T.



Triumph. All right. He'll be there.



Thank you, Roy.



Oh, God.



Be on time.






Francesca, Tiffany.

Tiffany, my daughter Francesca.



- Hi.

- Peace.






No. P-l-E-C-E.



She's just kidding.



(RO Y) Dog. Cool.



My socks.









What school gave you this?



It's my uncle's ride, man.



Well, what school gave it to your uncle?



- Why you call yourself the ghost?

- At school I hear things and I see things.



But nobody hears or sees me.



- You think?

- I got your cell number, didn't I?






You got mine?



- Ah-ha...

- This fool is crazy.




- Don't touch my shit.



- Eight o'clock.

- Your brother's not there?



Don't worry. We got the place

to ourselves. He promised.



# See you later

for the rush hour soul... #



Oh, shit.



That's my brother.



What's going on?



Sorry, bro. Hope it comes out.



- What's up?

- You said we could have the place.



Was that supposed to be tonight?

'Cause tonight is wine-tasting Tuesday.



What's up?



- What's this?

- Wine-tasting Tuesday.






Look, Larry. You promised.



Yeah, I know.

Maybe we can do it next Tuesday.



This is ETS.



This is so cute, this whole thing.



- I'm sorry. It was a misunderstanding.

- What the hell is she typing?



- I'm just taking notes.

- This is ETS.



- Who took that photo?

- Anna took it.






I'm not sure I'm comfortable with this.



You look comfortable in your Old Navy

cotton pullover. You gotta get this look.



- Did I do something?

- You got a  .  GPA.



Francesca, just stop it, all right?



Do you know what the fatal flaw is

for most heists?



It's trusting the team. So I'd like to know

why the valedictorian is here.



- I'm not the valedictorian. I'm second.

- That explains everything (!)



Everyone has their reasons.

We don't need to know.



I think we do. In "The Breakfast Club"

they get stoned and make confessions.






Maybe we should all say

exactly why we're here.



- Kyle said we wouldn't have to.

- Well, I think we do. I'll start.



I'm here to make new friends.

And for the wine, of course.



- How about you, superstar?

- I'm here 'cause the SAT is racist.



- Well, that didn't take long, did it?

- You don't think so?



Who created the test? Rich white guys.

Who scores the highest?



Middle-class Asian girls who watch

less than an hour of TV a day.



They can't drive, but they can

take the shit out of the SAT.



Whatever. Why are you here?



I'm not smart enough, as opposed

to this genius who's being screwed.



It's unfair to certain groups.



- Kiss-ass valedictorians.

- I'm not the valedictorian.



- You're second.

- Enough!



This is the floor plan

of the regional ETS office.



This schedule tells us the specs of

security cameras here, here and here.



- It's fruity and yet woody.

- Roy, pay attention. Please.



Francesca has the codes to the locks

and we know where the answers are...






- Yeah.

- This thing hemp?



- This is never gonna work.

- It'll be OK.



We're gonna be great. All-State's phone

is ringing off the hook and...



Roy's trying to smoke Larry's comforter.



Roy! I'm serious.

You're about outta here.



Shit. It's shit.



- You need some help with that?

- No.



Not unless you can code Visual Basic.






- What did you do?

- I don't know.



Some shit with the dynamic variables.



- So are we gonna do this?

- We're gonna do this.



- Turn your phone off.

- You got a problem with me?



- No, with anybody who puts us at risk.

- Me? Fine. I don't need this shit.



- Anna, are you down with this?

- Did you guys see Desmond on TV?



Playing for St John's?



He took    and    off North Carolina.



Matty, you saw it, right? You were at

your apartment with Sandy in Maryland.



I missed it. I had a date.



But my room-mate at Brown

said it was great.



It was. I saw the whole thing

from my Cornell dorm room.



- Roy, you had money on it.

- I hope you covered the spread.



We can do this. We can get

where each one of us wants to go.



But we have got to trust each other.



You talk a good game, but I think

your mom's gonna come in with snacks.



This is serious.

Some of us have got a lot to lose.



- I think that we all have a lot to lose.

- Fair enough. Hear me out.



Anyone who doesn't

like the plan can walk.



OK. Right.



Friday afternoon

Francesca will enter through the lobby.



The same as any other Friday.



Then she'll make appointments

for me and Matty with her dad's firm.



What if he recognises you?



- He won't recognise me.

- He might.




- Down! Freeze!



Hands up!



He won't recognise me.



Once I'm in, Matty's gonna sign in

and join us in Francesca's father's office.



- Where am I gonna be?

- You're waiting in the woods nearby.



With that big-ass crow?










No, with Desmond and Anna.






- Roy.

- Yeah, baby. You feel that?



- Give it to me.

- Who's your daddy now?



Maybe we should all go together.



We need you outside for when

the night guard makes his rounds.



Their rotation isn't precise

and we're using flashlights.



We watch out for the guards

to make sure you cut 'em off.



Francesca's gonna ask the guard

to disconnect the alarm on the rear door,



saying she has boxes to unload,

something she's done in the past.



Hold it right there.



Matty and I have    seconds to get

to the stairwell before the guard returns.



We'll take the stairs to the roof

and wait for Francesca's key card.



From here we're almost home.



We get in, we get the answers

and we get out.



Shortly after midnight, this is me.



   minutes into Saturday morning and

a whole lot closer to the rest of my life.



Who's gonna join me?



All right.



You smoke?



Makes kissing kinda nasty.



We won't be kissing, huh?



No, I was just...



Why are you here?



- I need the answers.

- To join Sandy at Maryland.



What's so great about her?

Aside from being smoke-free.



You wouldn't get it.



- Try me.

- All right.



It's, like, I don't get the best grades.

I'm not really great at anything.



But here was something

that I was finally great at.



I was great at being with Sandy.



I could make her laugh.

I could guess what she was thinking.



And it was just... great.



It was great.






And I just can't wait to be great again.



(TV) We're here for the bank's money,

not your money.



Think of your families.

Don't risk your life.



Sit on the floor

and put your hands on your head.



# All my life

I've been searching for something



# Something never comes

Never leads to nothing



# Nothing satisfies but I'm getting close



# Closer to the prize

at the end of the rope #



(RO Y) And so the day arrived.



We had packed it, rolled it, smoked it.



Now it was time to ride the buzz.



# Hey, don't let it go to waste



# I love it but I hate the taste



# Weight keeping me down



# Hey, don't let it go to waste



# I love it but I hate the taste



# Weight keeping me down... #



- Yeah?

- It's me.



Set your phone to vibrate. Call me back.



From here on we're gonna use redial.

Tell Roy the same thing.



# Hey, don't let it go to waste... #



Thank you.



# I love it but I hate the taste



# Weight keeping me down



# Hey, don't let it go to waste



# I love it but I hate the taste



# Weight keeping me down #



Shit. I forgot the bolt-cutters.



- What?

- Just kidding.



That's funny (!)



Here we go. Masks.



- Did you bring your floaties?

- It's all I could find.



All right. We're here.

The answers are here.



Keep your masks on till we get past

the security cameras. Just in case.



Ah! Ow!



- You walk much?

- My mask is fogged.



There's a camera around the corner.

Stay low and tight to the wall.



What do we do if it sees us?



About three to six months

and a lot of community service.



I'm not gonna look at your underwear.



Who says I'm wearing any?



Matty, are you OK?



I can't see...! I can't see

through this stupid mask.



Just come forward.



Two o'clock.



- This way.

- Where am I going?



Grab my hand.



- Thanks.

- This way.






- Nature calls.

- Yeah, it's something, isn't it?



No. Nature calls.



Can I ask you a question?



Why do you smoke pot?



Something to do.



Why do you bite your fingernails?







This is it. Francesca.



Ladies and gentlemen,

I present you with...



...a serious waste of time.



Why would you lock the door to this?



This was it.



Matty, I swear, this was it.

The answers went to     for filing.



"Went to" doesn't help us now, does it?



I had the answers in my hands...



"One comes back to me."



Kyle... What?




- Shit!



- What are you doing?

- Sh!



- You...

- Who the hell was that?



Bernie, the night guard

who hits on everybody.



- He's early.

- Where were you going?



"One comes back to me."



The guy who sent me to copy the

answers said, "One comes back to me."



- So you wanna call him at home?

- I wanna find his office.    .



Roy, what time do you have?



About that time.



Can you see the far side

of the building from here?






I'm gonna go see

if I can get a better view.









My phone. My phone.



Oh... Shit.



Roy. Roy, the guard.



- There's a problem with my phone.

- What problem?









- Yeah.

- Shut off the lights.






- Yes?

- Sorry.



- All clear.

- Tell Roy I'm kicking his ass.



Hey, I got it. It's office    .



Hey. Maybe it's in here.



You know what this means.









It's for you.



Is it a chick?



- Hello.

- Roy, we need your help.



Who is this?



It's Kyle, Roy.






- Clyde's.

- Dave, it's Matty.



- What's up, man?

- I need some flowers delivered.



- Tell him roses.

- Make it roses.



And you think you could hook me up

with a bottle of champagne?



- Yeah, man, I think I could do that.

- Nice. And I need a card signed.



From your secret admirer.



From your secret admirer.

Here's the name and address.



(ANNA) If you could do anything

with your life and money was no object,



what would you do?



(RO Y) Anything at all?



When I was a kid,

I used to play this video game for hours.



Street Fighter II.



And I remember thinking,

"People get paid to do this,



"to think up the game

and to create the characters."



Like there's this one character, Blanka.



He's half-human and half-lizard,

eats his opponents.



Well, he either zaps them with lightning

or he bites their faces off.



- It's pretty cool, huh?

- So you'd design video games.



No. I'd kinda like to be Blanka.



I was thinking

someday I might wanna be an actor.



As opposed to solving world hunger

or curing a terminal disease?



- See what I mean?

- I would run a no-kill animal shelter.



Or... l'd just be a mom.



Not just a mother.

I would be a real mom.



Who cared more about the title of parent

than the one on her business card.



Or porn.



Hey, guys. Dave's here.



- When she opens the door, haul ass.

- What do I do?



You wait here with me.

They only need Roy.



Flash, you ready?






You need to get off that bong.



- I'm here.

- Wait. Not yet. Wait for me.



- Are you sure they just need Roy?

- Just Roy.



Roy, get ready.



- You Bernie?

- Yeah.






- Go.

- Go.






Hell, no.






# Come on, come on, come on... #



- Is he in?

- What the hell was that?



Francesca, is he in?



- He's in. Plus two.

- What?



Oh, man. Not steps.






We think the answers are in here,

but there's a password.



- Is this the guy?

- Yeah.



Oh... erm...






You're a filthy man, Arnie.



- What do they call this thing?

- Verification master.






"Mercer County SAT exam to be

administered Fall     ." Print one.



Print one. Let's get outta here.






You need three other passwords

and three other people to print.



Can't you figure it out?



Give me six months

and the CIA mainframe.



- That was fun.

- The exam's right here.



You just need the answers.






I get it. Come on, team.

Makes perfect sense.



We'll take the test now

so we can steal our own answers.



Then we'll take the real test with the

answers we were afraid would be wrong.



It's nice. It's really nice.



- So who wants pancakes?

- Guys, the exam's right here.



It's bigger than us one on one,

but there's no way it'll beat six of us.



- Come on.

- Just try this.



"If it takes    people

  hours to make     items,



"how many hours will it take   people,

working at the same rate,



"to make half as many items?"



(ANNA)   ?



-    hours?

- D.   .



She's second in the class.



"A   -quart mixture consists by volume

of   part juice to   parts water."



What lightweight's making this drink?



"If x quarts of juice and y quarts of water

are added to make    quarts



"that consists by volume of   part juice

to   parts water, what is the value of x?"



(ANNA)  .



- C is  .

- No.



It says, "If x quarts of juice are added,

what is the value of x?"



We already have one part juice,

so   minus   equals x.



-  .

- Yeah.



- D is  .

- He's right. Sorry.



No, guys, don't be sorry.

That's two down.



We could walk away,

but what are we walking to?



I say we take a shot as a group.



- We can do this.

- Unless we run out of time.



Can you access this

from another computer?



- So long as it's in this office.

- Done.



Someone's gotta take a crack

at verbal. Francesca?



No. Me and words are not so goodly.



OK. Anna, you and I'll do verbal.

Someone's gotta do math.



I'll do it.



- Are you sure? It could be...

- Ever heard the term "Kiss my ass"?



Math doesn't scare me.

You just take care of the verbal.



- Who's helping Des?

- Well, I guess I can.



But only with quadratic equations,



coordinate geometry

and algebraic visualisations.



- If you want.

- Yeah.



Hasselhoff, it looks like you and me.

We'll watch the lobby.



You don't have to wait there. The guard's

not due for a couple of hours.



Sandy liked this blue colour.



True Berry Blue.



Not any more.



You said, "Liked."

You said, "Sandy liked."



Likes. Whatever.



What's wrong?

She doesn't call any more?



She calls.



Yeah, but not like before.



She's busy.



Matty, it's over.



It's never gonna be like the way it was.






- You don't know anything about it.

- I know it's not healthy.



And folding yourself up into a web page

'cause Daddy doesn't love you is?



I'm sorry. I didn't mean that.



Then why'd you say it?



Because she doesn't call any more.



Remember when you said you were

great at being Sandy's boyfriend?



Well, you weren't.



That's nice. Why don't you rub it in...



You weren't great at being

some girl's boyfriend, Matty.



You just found someone

who let you be OK with yourself.



- x is to y...

- As this shit is to boring.



What score do you need on the test?



- A    .

- And you're taking the math for us?



I was afraid of the verbal.

I can ace the math and still not get    .



- So why don't you go pro?

- You don't know my mom, man.



She's all about college degrees.

She works three jobs.



If I blow my knee out in college,

all I got is credits.



If I blow my knee out in the NBA, I got

a four-year guaranteed contract. Millions.



What does she say

when you tell her that?



I can't.



- You just don't know my mom, man.

- All 'cause you can't talk to your mom?



- Can you talk to yours?

- My mom's dead.



But if she wasn't...



Yeah, I think I could talk to her.



Let me get in there. Here we go.



You know, a lot of people

think these questions are difficult.



- Not me.

- No?



No. These questions all have answers.



# One more game before you go



# We'll stay up late for one more show



# Grab the keys, we're going out

We're leaving home



# And we won't come back again

We're friends till the end



# We'll take on the world

We just don't care at all #



- We good?

- Yeah.



Let's get outta here.






- Roy, what's in your bag?

- Nothing.



I needed some school supplies.



- Roy, you can't take this stuff.

- Why not?



If anything's missing,

Francesca's gonna get busted.



- Why did you take the guy's photo?

- The wife is hot. Look.



- I'll help him take it back.

- We'll wait here.



Anna and I'll be on the roof.






I can't believe it. This is so awesome!



You got your answers.



Yeah, that too, but it's all of it.



We did it.



- Oh!

- Sh!



We haven't done anything yet.

What's going on with you?



I don't know. I'm having fun, I guess.



I know how people see me.



Like one of those perfect girls

that everything always works out for.



I just always wanted

to punch one of them in the face.



I'm not a robot.

I just haven't done very much... yet.



There's a lot of stuff I haven't done, too.



Yeah, but I've never really done anything.



I mean, I've never broken curfew

and I've never cut class



and I've never... made out on a rooftop.



# If you're ready for love, then



# This I will bring



# But I'm not gonna wait

for you forever... #









- What happened?

- Someone's here.



- Shit.

- Grab my hand. I'll pull you up.



Francesca first. Hold on.







- What's wrong?

- Francesca's not gonna make it.



- We gotta go.

- We're not gonna leave her like this.



- We don't have a choice.

- No.



- I'll go.

- Rhodes, you're gonna get screwed.



- Francesca knew the risk. So did you.

- He's right. Come on.



- Come on.

- This shit is messed up.



Come on.



Come on, Roy.












Matty, come on.



I'm good.



What? Matty, come on.

Give me your hand.



- I'm good, Kyle.

- Matt. What about Sandy?



What about her?



This one's on me.



(GUARD) Hold it right there.

Get your hands up.



Kyle, we gotta go.



- I can't do this. Guys, I can't do this.

- Kyle. It's done.



We use the key card to get out.

Desmond and Roy go right. We go left.



Meet at the car.

I'll bring copies of this in the morning.



# Running faster through the trees



# Feeling nothing underneath



# Your eyes are opened wide



# Let it come in



# Looking for the laughter show



# Is it out there any more?



# Your head is lifting up



# To see how far to run



# And you're feeling who you are



# And you don't care who it is



# How do you feel?



# And you're barely wonderful



# And you don't care if it hurts



# How do you feel?



# It's the last way out of here



# Oh...



# When all your walls are down



# When all your walls are down



# There's love



# And you're feeling who you are



# And you don't care who it is



# And you're barely wonderful



# It's the last thing that you think



# And you're feeling who you are



# And you don't care if it hurts



# And you're feeling love

That you can't hang on



# It's the last way

It's the last way



# Stop to think

When all your walls are down



# When all your walls are down



# Then there's love



# It's the last way out of here #



So how did it go?



- Don't you sleep?

- Not tonight.



What happened to you, kid?



What happened to me?

What happened to you, Larry?



You were supposed to be

my big brother.



- What am I now, the walking dead?

- Pretty much. I mean...



- How do you think Mom and Dad feel?

- How do you think they feel?



- I don't know. Not good, probably.

- Let me ask you a question.



Which do you prefer:

the son who lives above the garage



or the son who cheats

his way into college?



Next time you pull off a heist,

don't leave your plans in my bed, idiot!



Matty got arrested.



So what do you think, fair trade?



I think that's a shitty thing to ask.



At least you're starting

to sound like my little brother.



Maybe it's in there somewhere.



Is there anything you don't know?



There's plenty I don't know.



But I will tell you something

that you don't know.



Did you know that every Christmas

after you go to bed,



Dad, Mom and I sit up and we talk about

how proud we are of you?



How great it is to see this kid,

this whole future in front of him,



and how he deserves that,



'cause he's a good guy

and he does the right thing.



Every Christmas for how long?



I don't know. Ten years or somethin'.



You don't think I would have liked

to sit up with you?



Yeah, but you'd just stress us out.



Night, little brother.



- Word of advice.

- Why not?



Never take advice from anyone

who lives above a garage.






How long since

your mother passed, baby?



Nine years ago. I was eight.



That's a shame.



My son tells me

you encouraged him to talk to me.



You're a smart boy, Roy. So why are you

doing a stupid thing like drugs?



- Mm?

- Uh...



Something to do.



"Something to do."



You know how they say, "Thank the Lord

my mother's not alive to see this"?






Somebody's mother is,

and I am not happy with this.



I'm... sorry.



You get yourself a shower

and some clean clothes. We'll wait.



Fix you some breakfast

before the exam. OK?



I've been thinking about that, Mrs...

Desmond's mom.



I'm not taking that exam.



I mean, let's face it,

I'm not going to college.



See, and even if I did,



I'd just be taking the place of someone



that really wanted to be there

more than me.



You're a smart boy, Roy.



But, baby, there's a whole lot of dumb

dribbling out of your mouth right now.



Now, did you hear what I said

about a shower and clean clothes?



Yes, ma'am.



You'll find I don't like to repeat myself.



- Get your ass up!

- Yes, ma'am.



Not everybody can pull it off, but the

dashing criminal thing looks good on you.



Wait till you smell it.



You know what I was thinking in there?

I need to work on being alone.



# Just so I know



# Just so we know we're together



# If I can look in your eyes



# And see what I feel... #



Or not.



# And I know we're together... #



Anyone ever tell you

you're a hell of a kisser?



Not as good as my cellmate Ramón,

but it's not bad.



- What about the exam?

- Here's the thing.



Once you've spent the night in jail with

the worst version of who you could be,



the SAT ain't nothing.



How about you? You gonna be all right?



Yeah. I think it's gonna be a nice day.



# We rub each other's creases

and line up each other's angles



# And we choose the brightest papers



# And we fly... #



Sick And Twisted. SAT.



Secretly A Tease.



I completely have lost touch

with who you are.



Unacceptable. You're out all night doing

God knows what with God knows whom.



Jeopardising everything we've worked for

on the eve of the biggest day of your life.



This is the real world. Remember that.



You feel pressured, you deal with it.

You do not stay out all night.



Do you hear me? This is

your last chance to get into Brown.



You know what? That reminds me.

I'm not going to Brown.



Now you deal with it.






Wow! Check you out.



I just told my mom

I'm not going to Brown.



- The guys at Brown'll be disappointed.

- The girls at Brown'll be disappointed.



- So where are you gonna go?

- I don't know.



Europe, maybe. Then college.






What's up?



- Nah.

- Really?



I already nailed the math

and, plus, you don't know my mom.



- Roy?

- Shit, man. You don't know D's mom.



I wanted to go back and get you,

but Kyle said screw you.



- Oh, yeah?

- You look like a slut.



- I like it.

- Thank you.



- I'm sorry, man.

- Shut up. Don't be.



Besides, it's not that bad.



(RO Y) Hah...!



- No, I don't need 'em.

- Come on, man. Take them.



I'm serious. I took the test.

I'm not taking it again.



- You got arrested.

- Hey.



- Unbelievable. Francesca?

- No.



- Guys, what is this?

- I wasn't in it for the answers.



- Besides, I got a      last semester.

- You didn't tell us that.



You didn't ask.



- Wait. Are you out, too?

- Do I look like I need the answers?



You look like you need a pimp.



After all of this, nobody's gonna

even use these answers?



You are, aren't you?



- No.

- Kyle, this is your dream, man.



Yeah, it is, but if they wanna put

a number on that, then to hell with them.



I know who I am.



- Yeah?

- Yeah.



When did you have

this little moment of clarity?



The same time

my jackass best friend got arrested.



So all this was for nothing?



I wouldn't call this nothing.



Man, screw this!



# La da da da da da

La da daaa



# La da da da, la da da da

La da daaa #



(TEACHER) You have    minutes.



(RAY) OK, so I didn't cheat on the test,



but no way was I gonna let

those answers go to waste.



Next year at Harvard,

SAT stands for Stoned And Toasted.



Speaking of college,

Desmond kicked ass on the re-test



and decided to play ball

at St John's University.



His mom was happy and, trust me,

you want D's mom happy.



Matty survived probation

and some serious community service.



He once told me

that he might like to be an actor.



If not, then just happy.



He's working on both.



Francesca sold her first novel.



It's about six kids who conspire

to steal the SAT answers.



If they make a movie out of it,

I wonder who'll play me?



He'd better be hung like a horse.



Kyle did fine on his exam.

Anna crushed him.



He's at Syracuse now, where his dream

of becoming an architect is still alive.



Anna went off to Europe



and eventually found her way

to college on her own terms.



Every other weekend in New York when

a woman boards a train at midnight



and a man boards that same train,



now we know what happens.



Life happens, romance, adventure.



The stuff you won't find on a test.



I had the highest score in the county,



but that didn't exactly offset

my  .  GPA.



Eventually, I was forced, I mean

encouraged, to get my GED.



I still spend most of my time

on video games.



In fact, the number one selling game

last year was created by me.



That's right, baby. Standardise this!



# Here in this diary



# I write you visions of my summer



# It was the best I ever had



# There were choruses and sing-alongs



# And not a spoken feeling



# I'm knowing that right now

is all that matters



# All the nights we stayed up talking



# Listening to '  s' songs



# And quoting lines

from all those movies that we love



# It still brings a smile to my face



# I guess when it comes down to it



# Being grown up



# Isn't half as fun as growing up



# These are the best days of our lives



# The only thing that matters



# Is just following your heart



# And eventually,

you'll finally get it right



# Being grown up



# Isn't half as fun as growing up



# These are the best days of our lives



# The only thing that matters



# Is just following your heart



# And eventually,

you'll finally get it right #



# Ayo ladadayo



# Ayo ladadayo



# Ladeeda



# Sometimes I give in to sadness



# Sometimes I don't



# Dedereo



# Haaaa aa



# At times I'm part of the madness



# Sometimes I won't give in to you



# You see in a way



# I've been drifting down a river

to nowhere



# And you've given me nothing



# But if you're ready to be



# My everything



# If you're ready

to see it through this time



# And if you're ready for love, then



# This I will bring



# But I'm not gonna wait for you

forever this time



# Ladeeda ayo



# Ladadayo ladeeda



# What's with that guilt

that you styling baby



# Talk... don't look good on you



# You see in a way

I have been looking



# For a reason to go there



# And you're leading me nowhere



# And if you're ready to be



# My everything



# If you're ready

to see it through this time



# And if you're ready for love, then



# This I will bring



# But I'm not gonna wait for you

forever this time



# Ladeeda ayo



# Ladadayo ladeeda



# Are you waiting for a special occasion



# To give me your heart?



# 'Cause I need a little confirmation



# To make a real start



# Don't wait till it's too late

Are you ready to show me?



# Are you ready to love me?



# You see in a way



# I've been drifting down a river

to nowhere



# And you're giving me nothing



# And if you're ready to be



# My everything



# And if you're ready for love, then



# This I will bring



# But I'm not gonna wait

for you forever this time



# If you're ready for love

If you're ready for love



# Then baby, this I will bring



# But I'm not gonna wait

forever this time... #

Special help by SergeiK