Piglet's Big Movie Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the Piglet's Big Movie script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the Piglet movie.  This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Piglet's Big Movie. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You won't hurt my feelings. Honest.

Swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts!

Piglet's Big Movie Script



Hello, there.









Tigger! Are you ready

for the hive yet?



All I am is ready.

Hoo hoo hoo hoo!



How do I look? Hoo hoo.



I mean, uh, does this log

make me look fat?



Ohh. Like the best honey tree

that a bee will ever see. Ha.



- Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!

- Oh, boy.



Whoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!



Rabbit, what are you doing?



Oh, can't you tell?



I'm lullabying the bees

for our big plan.



They seem to like Bee-thoven.



Eeyore, what are you doing?



I got to use my big voice...



to tell the bees

about the new hive.



Buzz, buzz. Great new hive.



Tigger, could you tell me

what you're doing?



I have to hold the fake hive

hive enough for the bees to see.



It's the biggest part

of the plan. Hoo.



That's what Tiggers do best.

Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo.



You do seem bigger than usual.



Oh, hello, Piglet.



Pooh, what are you all doing?



Harvesting honey, of course.



It's all in the plan.



First, Rabbit will lure

the bees with beautiful music.



Then Eeyore tempts the bees

into their new hive.



Then Tigger holds up the hive

for the bees to see.



And then comes the best part.



We get honey

from their old hive. Ha ha.



Can I help you

with your big plan?



Well, thank you, Piglet,

but, um, perhaps another time.



When we have

a bit smaller of a plan...



or when you're

a bit bigger of a Piglet.



I'm sorry, Piglet...



but I'm afraid

this is a very big plan.



Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!



Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!



Places, everyone.



I've gotten their attention.



Oh! Aah!



Great new hive.



Free rent. Buzz, buzz.



Oh, do the bees know the plan?



Piglet, don't get

in the way of our big plan.



I'm getting kind of

itchy around my leaves.



Oh, d-d-dear!



- Oh, buzz.

- Oh!



Get the little guy.















OK, Rabbit.



We're geniuses.



Sticky geniuses.



Oh, my. Oh, my.



Oh, goodness.



Oh, the sweet taste of success.






Our plan worked perfectly.



Didn't think it would work...



but it did.



Congratulations to us all.



Hoo hoo hoo hoo!

Hooray for Pooh!



- And Rabbit.

- And Eeyore.



And Tigger, too.



But--but I was the...



Oh, Piglet...



I'm sorry that you couldn't be

part of our big plan.



Oh, but I thought I...



For a minute there, I thought

I was gonna break out in hives.



Oh, dear.



Even my shadow is small.



Oh, it'd sure be nice

if my friends needed me.



Piglet, could you help me

lullaby the bees?



Piglet, could you help me

call them to the hive?



Yeah, Piglet,

could you help me reach higher?



Piglet, we need your help.






Wonderfullest honey.



Oh, I thought Tiggers

hated honey.



Well, they do to eat,

but to stop the itching...



oh, there is

nothing betterer.



- Whoo hoo hoo hoo!

- Oh.



Did you hear something?



I'm afraid I've got

some honey in my ears.



What's that, Pooh?



I can't hear you

over all that buzzing.



Who's buzzing?






What say we break for lunch?



But what about our honey?



It's your honey or your life.






- Come on!

- Oh, boy.



- Whoo hoo hoo!

- Oh, bother!



Here they come! Aah!



Aah! Ooh! Ooh! Run!



Oh, joy.



- Thanks, donkey boy.

- Mm-hmm.



- Thanks, Eeyore.

- Anytime.



- Thank you, Eeyore.

- You're welcome.







make a beeline for Piglet's!



Oh! Oh! Faster!



Run faster! Faster!



I can't stand it!



They're going to get us!

Get the door! The door!



Ooh! Hurry!






Oh, they're gone.



Or maybe just pretenderin'.



You know,

bees are sneaky like that.



I was right.






You got stung out there?



No. I got stung right here...



where I can keep an eye on it.



Is everyone all right?



Uh, Tigger's here.

Eeyore's here.



Pooh is here. I'm here.



Hmm. Who am I forgetting?



I don't know, Rabbit.

Let's ask... Piglet!



Oh, bother.



Are you all right, Pooh?



I just landed on my, um... self.



Say, what do we have here?



Oh, please, Tigger. It's just

a drawing in a scrapbook.



But it reminds me...



of the bestest family reunion

I ever had.






Oh, look. There's

the day little Piglet...



caught his first Heffalump.



That was no Heffalump.



That was just Pooh

with a jar on his head.



I forgot how much

I look like a Heffalump...



with a jar on my head.






He captured Rabbit, all right.



Oh, let me see! Heh.



That doesn't look

a thing like me.



Oh... what's next?



- What's that tiny pink dot?

-I believe it's Piglet.



Piglet? Where is Piglet?



We must've lost track of him

after we got chased by the bees.



Ohh, but he's so little.



He could be in big danger.



We have to find him

and make sure he's all right.



But how will we find him?

He could be anywhere.



Ohh... think, think, think.



You know, since this is a book

of Piglet's memories...



maybe it remembers

where Piglet is.



Oh, brilliant deduction there,

Pooh boy.



It's a regular Piglet map.

Hoo hoo!



That's the silliest thing

I've ever heard.



Let's start with page one.



Well, page one remembers

Owl's house. Heh heh heh.



Way to go, Pooh boy!



Why, I bet that little fella's

there right now.



Let's go find him!



Then off to Owl's house we go.



He has an answer

for everything.



Not to Owl's.



Oh, no.

We'll be there all day.



You can never

get a word in edgewise.



Good-bye, honey.



I may be small...



but in the biggest,

helpfullest way!






Where are you? Tigger?



Where are you?



Oh, no.



The bees!



Oh! Ohh!



What can I do?



Well, I did help you

get the haycorn...



and bring you across the river.



Maybe my friends need me.



I have to find them.



Owl, have you seen Piglet?



Piglet? Heh heh.

Of course I've seen Piglet--



many times.



He's about so high,

with little pink ears--



No, no, no. We mean now!



Have you seen him this morning?



Hmm. I can't imagine

that he's changed that much.






De do do do do do.



This is the part

where Owl goes on for a while.



As a matter of fact,

I just saw him go by.



He was just here?

Shh. Come on. Let's go.



...before he's missing.



Then you could stop,

of course...



in the obvious place,

which is...



- Ohh.

- As I was saying...



I have some great stories...



about my second cousin Rupert,

who stowed away on a...



Eeyore, come on!



As I was saying,

the great expedition--



what an expedition it was.



I told you

this was a silly idea.



But he was just at Owl's.



The scrappity book

does know where he's going!



Well, Owl's house

was on page one.



How about page two?



Which is a picture of...



Kanga's house.



Well, then, Kanga's house

is where we'll look for Piglet.



I think you must be right,




Piglet has always liked

visiting Kanga's.



Not always.



There was one time I remember.



Oh, yes. When Kanga and Roo...



first moved

to the Hundred Acre Wood.



Remember, Rabbit?



Uh, n-no.

I, uh, I don't seem to recall.




this'll remind your rememberer.



- Hoo hoo!

- Ohh.



And you came up

with a big plan, Rabbit.



I told you-- I don't remember.



There it is.



You know,

if I remember correctly...



this story

is really about Piglet.



Well, I just don't like it.



I don't like it at all.



I tell you, we won't be safe

until they're out.



Out of the Hundred Acre Wood.



- Rabbit...

- Shh!



Isn't it a bit early

to be spying?



I've never seen

anything like it.



Oh, it's actually moving in!



Ohh! Ohh!



Roo. Roo, dear?



Here I am, mama! Ha ha ha.



It's an invasion!



Do you think

they're f-f-fierce?



Ha ha!



What does fierce look like?



That's what fierce looks like!



She swallowed him whole!



Ohh! Uhh!



Ohh, d-d-dear.



He'll be eaten for sure.



Ohh, are you all right?



Blaaah! Don't eat me!



Why, you must be Piglet.



My, when Christopher Robin

said you'd be dropping by...



I had no idea.



You know Christopher Robin?



Oh, yes.

He told us all about you...



and Pooh and Rabbit and Tigger.



The ones hiding

in that tree over there.



Hello, dears.



Did you hear that?

She called us dears.



I'm Kanga, and somewhere

around here is baby Roo.



I'm not a baby!



- See? I can do this!

- Ohh!



Well, it's very nice of you...



to go out of your way

to welcome us.



- Ha ha ha!

- Aah!



Oops. Sorry.



Oh, Roo.




it's almost breakfast time.



Would you like to come in

for a little bite, perhaps?






l do like the sound

of the taste of that.



Uh, no, no, no.



We're all due

on the other side of the wood...



and we can't be late.









Might I, uh, get

that little something to go?



Come on!



Aren't they dears?



One--Pooh will distract Kanga...



long enough for two--



Tigger and I

to take Roo from her pouch...



and three--

replace him with Piglet.



That is very simple.

Just three little steps and--




Replace Roo w-w-with m-m-me?



You and Roo are the same size,

give or take here or there.



Kanga won't know

the difference. Ha ha.



Not until it's too late. Ha ha.



How much too late?



Until after we say, ''Aha!''



What do you think? Huh? Hmm?



Ahh? Hmm?



''Ha ha''?

Why would we say, ''Ha ha''?



Not ''Ha ha,'' Piglet. ''Aha.''



It's a word to say...



''This is how things are

and were meant to be.''



Then Kanga will know

that we know where Roo is...



and we'll only give him back...



if she promises to leave

the Hundred Acre Wood...



and never return. Ha ha.



How is she gonna know that

that is what our aha-ing means?



Because we'll practice

saying it in just the right way.



We're counting on you, Piglet.



Now everyone pretend

that their flower is Kanga.



Ha ha. Ready? Set.



There you all are.



Oh, you brought flowers!



What nice new neighbors.



Heh. Uhh!



- Ahem.

- All right, I'm goin'!



Roo, dear! Time to come inside!



In a minute, mama!



Ready, Pooh?




Except for one small thing.



- What's that?

- What is it I'm supposed to do?



Oh! Talk to her very hard...



so that she doesn't

notice anything.



Oh, of course. Heh heh.



Come on, Roo.

Hop in. Let's go inside.



Oh, Kanga!



Um, talk to her

very hard about what?






I was just wondering...



uh, that is...

do you think that...



is that a fish in that tree?



- Oh!

- Which tree, dear?



Up there.



Snug as a piggy in a blanket.



What are you playing,

Mr. Rabbit?



That's not a fish, Pooh bear.

It's a bird.



Oh, yes, but is it

a starling or a mackerel?



Ohh, it looks kinda wiggly.



It could be a jellyfish.

Hmm. It's tough to say.



If you'll forgive me, dear,

we really must be going.



Kind of a peanut butter

and jellyfish, isn't it?



Whoa, whoa! Wait, frog!



- Aah! Oh, no!

- Yippee!






- Yecch! Ptoo!

- Let's do it again!



This is a fun game!






Are you all right

in there, Roo?



I'm OK. I'm OK!



All right, Roo, dear.






- Ha ha! This is fun!

- Slow down!






Oh, Roo.






Uh...uh...ha ha.






what was that word?



- Aha?

- That's the word.












Tigger, Tigger! Pooh bear!



Oh, my, Roo, dear.

You've lost your bounce.



Tigger! Pooh bear!



I think it's time

for your fishy oil.



Fishy oil? What fishy oil?



It'll help you bounce

nice and high.



You don't want to grow up

small and weak, like Piglet.



Now, did you have something

you wanted to tell me... Roo?



-Uh, no--

- Down the hatch!



Ptoo! Blecch!



See that?

You got your bounce back.



And if you're

a good little Roo...



I'll let you have

another spoonful.






Oh, dear. I'm a goner!






You act like I'm going

to cook you for dinner.



A-a-aren't you?



Why, of course not.






l'm going to give you a bath.



Aah! Cook me instead!



But, Roo, dear.

Don't you know by now...



a mother

always knows what's best?



Whew !












Oh, my goodness!






Whee! Ha ha ha!



Whee! Ha ha ha!



Now, you know what's next.



I'm afraid to find out.



There's always two things

you get after your bath.



A cookie.



Mwah. And a kiss... Piglet.







it's a very subtle distinction.



But you see, a jellyfish

sounds more like a--






''Hi, I'm a jellyfish!''

Kinda like that.



Tigger, Tigger! Pooh bear!



Another creature

of the fiercerest kind!



Rabbit was right.



But it's me--Piglet!



Nah, the Piglet we know

isn't half as fuzzy as you.



Why, you can't pull the fluff

over our eyes!



Pooh, t-tell him who I am.



Well, I'd love to...

whoever you are.



Come to think of it,

he might be...



a fuzzy-fringed thingamaw hatsis.






No, no, no. This is

more of the feather-furred...



frizzamabobble variety.



But can we be sure, Tigger?



Oh! I'll prove it to you!




where did you come from?



Lucky thing that fuzzy-fringed

thingamabob didn't get you.



What did you find out?



Was she awfully fierce

and fiercefully awful?



At first, I thought so,

but then I found out...



she's very nice.



Hello, dears.



Oh, she called us dears again.

Ha ha!



I could get used to this.



Would you like to come in

for that little something now?



I'd love to.

I love little somethings.



- But what do we tell Rabbit?

- Wheeee!



Ha ha! Mama, look at me!






You gotta see

Mr. Rabbit's garden!



Oh, you hear that?

Mr. Rabbit. Ha ha.



It's got carrots

and lettuce and beets...



and we played leap bunny--



All right. Settle down, dear.



Now , what do we say

to Mr. Rabbit?



Thank you, Mr. Rabbit.

I had fun.



Well, I, uh, certainly

enjoyed myself, too...



and you can call me Rabbit.



I like you, Rabbit.



I like you, too, Roo.






You're right, Piglet.



This is the way things are

and were meant to be.



You know,

if it weren't for Piglet...



I wouldn't be friends with Roo.



And we'd never have found out

how nice Kanga was.



We'd never have

any of Kanga's songs.



Or her hugs.



Or her cookies, which my nose

is telling my tummy--



are right nearby. Heh heh.




We're so glad you didn't leave!



What are you talking about,




How Piglet took a bath for us.



Not just any old buddy...



would do some thing that brave

for his friends.



Don't know if I would.



It was a very biggish thing...



for a littleish guy to do.



And we're ever so worried

about him, you see...



because we lost him

at the honey harvest...



so we're using his book

of memories to find him...



we hope.



Ohh, dear, Piglet.



But he's so small.

He could be in big danger.



Mama, may I help them

look for Piglet?



Oops. Sorry, Eeyore.



Can I, mama? Can I?



Of course, dear.

Piglet needs your help.



Pooh, would you like

a cookie before you go?



Oh, my heart tells me I should

keep looking for Piglet.



Oh, but you dears

will need something...



to keep your strength up.



My tummy says yes.



Oh, I just thought

Piglet would need...



to keep his strength up, too.



- Bye, mama.

- Bye-bye, dear.



So, where do we look first?



The scrapbook

will give us an idea.



It's a book of memories.

It remembers where Piglet is.



Try page three.



Page three shows all of us

at the North Pole.



Hey, that was

the day we made...



our most spien deriferous

discovery of all.



Then that's where we shall look.



But this is not the way

to the North Pole.



Well, last time, if

I reconnoiter correctically...



the north pole was sort of

in a south-down-easterly...



kind of over and down

direction this way...



magnellically speaking.



No. Last time we went this way.



No. That would be

the Northeast Pole.



- No, no, no, and no.

- Don't be ridiculous.



I know what I'm talking about .

It's this way.



I--don't interrupt.



Perhaps if we told the story...



the story will tell us

how to get there.



Don't forget

the part about Piglet.




How does Piglet fit in?



Oh, Roo's right.



It really is a story

about Piglet, isn't it?








and thirteen-itty...



and forty-six-itty...



and one whole hundred...




Tiggerific bounces.



Hoo hoo hoo hoo!



Look out below!









Heh heh heh heh.



Hello, Tigger. Hello, Piglet.






What are you doing?



Aw, just waiting

for the other shoe to plop.



I knew it. Hoo hoo! These

things always travel in pairs.



These are Christopher Robin's

big boots.



They can mean only one thing.



An expedition.



Yahoo hoo hoo hoo!



Um, which petition?



Yes. An expedition.



It's when you go off

to find a thing.



What are w  going to find,

Christopher Robin?



The North Pole.



Is it scary?



What is the North Pole?



Yeah. Come to think of it, we

never found one of them before.



Well, it's a thing you discover.



Are bears good

at discovering it?



- And Tiggers?

- Everyone will come along.



And if you see the North Pole,

shout, ''Eureka!''



- Oof!

- Why would we do that?



Because it means,

''There's the North Pole.''









- Where?

- Gesundheit.






I--I was just practicing.



We need a marching song.



A marching song

to help us along.



This is fun.



One more time!



I like that song.



Ha ha ha ha ha.



Silly old bear.



Would you like a haycorn, Pooh?



No, thank you, but a cookie

would be nice. Ha.



Or a banana.






Christopher Robin...



perhaps I could find it easier

if only I was sure.



That is, if I knew

what the North Pole looked like.






Well, it's kind of...



It's sort of, well...



I suppose we'll know exactly

what it is when we see it.



Are we there yet? Whoa!






Ho ho...



I just fed my tummy,

and it's still calling me.



Ha ha ha! Hey, look at me, Pooh!



Oh, I am.



Pooh, I'm swimming!



Just a moment, Roo.

I'm talking to my tummy.



Well, of course you're swimming.



You shouldn't have had

that second cookie.



That's not your stomach, Pooh.

It's Roo!



Oh, my!

Roo, I don't believe...




usually go into the water.






Don't panic, Kanga.

Everything's fine here!



Nobody's in any kind of a--

especially not Roo! Ha ha!



Do something!



Everyone--do anything!



Don't worry, Roo, boy!

I'll save ya!



Thanks, Tigger,

but I don't think I need saving.



I can help!



Piglet, stay here out of the way

while we save Roo!



We don't want to have

to rescue two little guys!



Catch onto my tail, Roo.



I'll pull ya out.



Just tell me when you're on.









Rabbit, Roo?

Are we going swimming?



Hey! Maybe we can use this

to save Roo!



Give me a push, Pooh!



Thank you, Piglet.



Ha ha. Now I've got him!



Faster, Pooh! Faster! Pooh?



W ere is he, Rabbit?



Pooh! Look the other way!



I can see him perfectly

from here!



Are you sure, Rabbit?



You're right.



You can see better from up here.

There he is!



- Aah!

- Oh!



Ha ha ha! Whoa!



Roo, are you OK?



I gotcha, Roo! I gotcha!



Here he is, Kanga!






Oh... where'd he go?



- My Great Uncle Rupert...

- Pooh bear? Pooh bear!



Pooh bear!



You can rescue me now.

I'm gettin' kinda tired.



Use the pole! Use the pole!



No time for fishing, Piglet!

We gotta save Roo!



Grab on, Roo!



- Hee hee hee!

- Pooh, could you hold this?



Hee hee hee...



Did you see me swimmin'?



That's called swimmin',

what I was doing.



Pooh bear!



Pooh bear!

Where did you find that stick?



What , uh, stick?



That stick!



Well, I was standing here

without a stick...



and then I had a stick, so...



maybe the stick found me.



Assembled adventurers,

the expedition is over...



for Pooh has discovered

the North Pole!



- This?

- That.






Hoo hoo! Well, I'll be.



That's the North Pole,

all right, all righty!



I should have seen it myself!






well... eureka!



- Eureka!

- Yay!



Hooray for Pooh!



- Polerific!

- Hooray!



Positively magnetic!



Goodness! Where's Eeyore?



Did ya grab on yet, Roo?












Hooray for Pooh.



I always liked that story.



It has such a lovely end.



But nobody said

hooray for Piglet.



He was so brave...



for someone so small.



And Piglets

hate water. Hoo hoo.



Come to think of it,

so do Tiggers.









Thank you, tail!



Thank you, Piglet,

wherever you are.






Piglet's scarf!



That's it! Come on, let's go!



Missed him again.



Oh, my.



You know Piglet's scarf never

goes anywhere without Piglet.



Oh! This is

more serious than I thought!



Maybe he's in grave danger.



Maybe Heffalumps got him!



- Heffalumps?

- Or--or Woozles!






And now

he's out there somewhere...



And now

he's out there somewhere...



with a storm brewing in.



Oh, goodness!






Do you think

he's gonna be all right?



Piglet shall be

very all right, indeed.



Don't let his small size

worry you.



Yep. Once he even made

a whole house.



He did?



Do you know the story

of The House at Pooh Corner?



Mmm... no.



- Oh, yes. It's right here.

- Page three.



On page four.



That's after three.



Oh, It's a lovely tale.

Don't you think so, Tigger?



- Tigger?

- Huh?



- Pooh Corner. Remember?

- Oh, yeah!



Is this story

about Piglet, too?



Why, yes, Roo, it is.



He seems to be the hero

of every story.






I was just thinking, Pooh...



Oh! Were you thinking of a way

to keep warm?



Actually, I was thinking...



about how you have a house

and I have a house...



and Rabbit and Owl...



and Christopher Robin

all have houses...



but poor Eeyore has nothing.



Well, that's certainly

something we could think about.






- Think, think, think. Hmm...

- Think, think, think.



l'v e got it! Whoa--oh!



Got what?



we'll build Eeyore

a house of his own!



Oh, that's a wonderful idea,




But where shall we build it?






right here.



Because this is where

I thought of it.



And since this is where

I thought of it...



we shall call this place

Pooh Corner.



Pooh Corner?



Uh, Pooh, I was thinking

along with you.



Yes, that's true, Piglet.



So we could call this place

Pooh and Piglet Corner...



if Pooh Corner

didn't sound better...



which it does, being smaller

and more like a corner.



So, Pooh Corner it is.



Look! Snow somersaults!

Hoo hoo hoo!



Whoa! Whoa-oa-oa!






You know, I tried to stop,

but it's snow use.



Get it? Snow use! Hoo hoo hoo!



So, whatcha doin'?



We're going to build Eeyore

a house at Pooh Corner.



What a tickerific idea! Hoo hoo!



Whatcha going to build it with?



Uh, we haven't decided.



Say! I just bounced by

a humongerous pile of sticks!



They'd be positively perfect

for a donkey house!



Come on! Bounce this way!

Hoo hoo hoo!



Follow the bouncing Tigger!



What did I tell ya?



More sticks

than you can stick a shake at.



Gee, it's almost as if

someone left them here for us.






I wonder...






Now let's get started,

so we can finish in time.




In time for what? Ah!









There. It's all entirely done.



Let's show old donkey boy

the fruits of our elbow grease.



Oh, bother.



I suspect-erate

there's something...



definitely wrong

with these sticks.



All we wanted was for Eeyore

to have his own house.



You know,

Eeyore could come live with me.



That is very hospiticious

of you, Pooh.



Let's go give

old donkey boy the good news!



Hoo hoo hoo hoo-hoo!



Oh, dear.






Pooh bear!

Oh, you're just in time!



Look what O made.



Why, Christopher Robin.



It's wonderful!



What is it?



Why, it's you, Pooh bear.



Ha ha. No wonder

he looks so familiar.



He looks just like you!



Except, of course,

for the donkey head.



Eeyore, were you under there

the whole time?



I suppose I was.



Weren't you awfully cold

under there?



I've been colder.



Last night, for instance,

it got downright--






So I did it.

I built myself a house.



Did ya hear that?

Eeyore built himself a house!



Just a leaky pile of sticks.



Did you say... sticks?



So you have seen it.



l have? Seen what?



You know, the funny thing

about houses...



is, uh, well,

they never know...



if they're comin' or goin',

and so they do.



Well, someone somewhere

must know something.



I do !



What's that?



It's a high-steppin'

pig highfaluter!



I believe

it's Piglet on stilts.



Eeyore's house is over there.



Come on. I-I'll show you.






Look at that!



Well, I'll be...



Oh, my goodness!



Welcome home, Eeyore.

Hee hee hee.


















it's my house, all right.



But I'm sure

this isn't where I built it.



Where you built it?




Hmm. I suppose the wind

must have blown it over here.



The wind?



Oh, yeah, the wind.



Oh, well, it's been known to do

strange and windy-like things.



I think the wind

had a little help.



Right, Piglet?



The important thing is,

Eeyore has a house...



and here it is,

and it's as good as ever.



And even never betterer.



You really think so?



Oh, yes. Much more better

than ever, even, Piglet.



Just one thing bothers me.



Oh, dear. What might that be?



'Fraid I'll lose it again.



Don't w rry, Eeyore.

I put up a sign...



so you'll always know

where it is. See?



''Pooh Corner.''






Hooray for Eeyore's house!



Hooray for Eeyore's house!






It's a little crowded...



but it'll do.



And that is how

Piglet got the idea...



that you, Eeyore,

should have your own house.



You mean Piglet built

Eeyore's house all by himself?



Yes, and that's just

how much Piglet cares.



Uh-huh. Best house I ever had.



And named it after me.













Piglet, Piglet.


















Piglet! Piglet! Piglet!






Oh, dear.



We better find him soon.

Roo's getting cold.






Piglet! Piglet!



Well, perhaps we should

look in the book again.



Hey, I just got

a Tiggerific idea.



Let's see where the book ends

and go there.



- What do you think?

- No, no, no.



lf we do this

in an orderly manner...



we'll find him much quicker.



Now, let's see.

We've been there and there...



But orderlier doesn't seem

to be working, does it?



All I'm concerned about

is finding Piglet.



Well, I want to find him, too.



We all want to find him!



Rabbit, look!



Oh, bother.



- Rabbit, the book!

- Oh, my.



You're ruining it, Rabbit!



I am not.



Hand it over, bunny boy.



Finding Piglets

is what Tiggers do best.



lt's what Rabbits do best.



- Tiggers!

- No, Rabbits.



- Tiggers!

- Rabbits!



- No, Tiggers!

- Rabbits!



- Stop it! Stop fighting!

- Oh, be careful.






That's the only way

we have to find Piglet.



Oh, no!



There goes our map.



And Piglet's memories.



I only wanted to find Piglet.



We all did.



Oh, dear.

We better go back to Piglet's.



We have to get Roo

warm and dry.



Oh, I do wish I had called it

Pooh and Piglet Corn--oh.



That's the Piglet I know --



always glad to see you.



- Always thoughtful.

- Always brave.



- Mm-hmm.

- Never thinking of himself.



Draw another one, Pooh.



We got to go get Piglet!



Let's go find Piglet, indeed.



- Let's go.

- Let's go.






Oh, poor Piglet.



Oh. Oh, goodness.






























Oh, look what I found.



It's one of Piglet's

scrapbook pages.



Look, another one.



Maybe we could put Piglet's

scrappity book back together.



Then we can find him

in no time.



Well, let's keep looking.



I found one!



Me, too.



Me, too.









- I think...

- I found...



Another other!



- Here's one.

- Wonderful.



We're getting closer.



Here's one.

How many does that make?



Look, here's another one.



-Piglet will be so happy.

-What's that over there?






Come back, memory!



Hoo hoo hoo!












One more scrappy page

for Piglet's scrappity book.



Hey, look, there it is.



But how will we get it?



Oh, we need help.



That's got to be dangerous.

What could he be thinking?



- Who?

- Pooh.



No. Now, now, no one panic.



The first thing we do

is not to panic because--



Somebody do something!

Do anything!



Uhh! Oh, my goodness!



Stay calm.



Everybody calm. Don't panic.



Oh, my goodness.



Have you lost your mind?



What are you doing?



I'm just getting

Piglet's memories.



Oh, bother.



Pooh needs our help!






Oh, bother, bother.



Rabbit was right.

We could use a little help.



Here you go, buddy boy.



We made you a rescue rope!

Hoo hoo hoo hoo!



- Out of us!

- Me, too.



It's our plan.



Ohh. Ohh.



Oh, my.



Pooh, what are you waiting for?



The rescue rope isn't rescuing.



- We need a little bit more.

- We just need a little help.



- Who's small enough?

- Oh, dear. Who can help?



- Piglet! Oh!

- Piglet.



- Piglet!

- Piglet!



You can do it, Piglet.

Hoo hoo hoo hoo!



My friends need me.



Hang on, Pooh! Uhh!



Oh, I'm hanging. Piglet.






Oh, Piglet! Your memories!






Oh, no!









Oh, no.



We--we never got

to tell Piglet...



how we feel about him.



Poor Pooh.



Should've told them

when we had the chance.



Ohh. Ohh!






Here you go, R-Rabbit.



Something must be very sad.



Well, of course it's sad.



- Pooh?

- Pooh?






Oh, thank goodness you're safe.



We're so glad to see you.



- Glad to see me?

- Oh, yes.



It's so good

to have you back again.



Yeah. We've been

following your memories...



all over

the Hundred Acre Wood...



and they led us right to you.



Too bad they're all

floating down the river.



Oh, goodness.



- Oh, no.

- Oops.



Oh, bother.



We're ever so sorry, Piglet.



Aw, the scrapbook's

not that important.



But it showed us

the great things you've done.



Oh, l've never done

anything great.



Well, of course you have.

Let's tell him, everyone.



No. Let's show him.



That's a wonderful idea.



Come on. Hoo hoo hoo hoo!






I don't know

if I stand the excitement.



- Here we are.

- Ho ho. Go on.



Is that me?



That's you.



- I'm so big.

- Well, of course you are.



Why, you're double-XL.

Hoo hoo hoo!



If it weren't for you,




I wouldn't be friends with Roo.



Yeah. Yeah. And thanks for

saving me with the North Pole.



- Oh.

- Piglet...



Pooh Corner's

not a bad place to live.



I'd say this calls

for a celebration.






Hooray! Hooray!



Come on, chase me.



Here I come, Eeyore! Watch out!



Come on,

you can do better than that.



Hey, where you going?



Here I come!



Get him, Roo!



- Oh!

- Roo!



Oops. Sorry.



Ha ha ha. That's funny.



That's very funny.



Uhh! Ohh.



- Ho ho! Look!

- Piglet, can I try?



Mmm, mmm.



Oh, my.



Oh, do something, everyone!



Oh, uh, um...



Oh, dear!



Good one, Piglet!



It's carrot cake.



Oh, Rabbit, you're a nut.



Mmm. That's delicious.



Oh, dear.



- Where's Pooh?

- Piglet!



Piglet, I have

one more thing to show you.



But, Pooh, your cake.



It can wait. Hurry, Piglet.



We shall have

a little something...



right after I show you

a little something, Piglet.



It's right over here.






''Pooh and Piglet Corner.''



Yes, Piglet.



It's the least we could do...



for a very small Piglet

who's done such very big things.



Thank you, Piglet.



This is fun.



One more time!

Special help by SergeiK