Voila! Finally, the Spartacus
script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the Stanley Kubrick
movie with Kirk Douglas. This script is a transcript that was painstakingly
transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Spartacus. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally
tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to
drop me a line. You won't
hurt my feelings. Honest.
Back to work!
Get up, Spartacus, you Thracian dog!
Come on, get up!
My ankle, my ankle!
My ankle!
Spartacus again? This time he dies.
Back to work, all ofyou!
- Welcome, Lentulus Batiatus. - Welcome, indeed, my dear captain.
Eleven miles through the disastrous heat...
and the cost of hiring an escort-- ruinous.
Even so, I warrant you have nothing fiit to sell me, have you, Captain?
I've wasted my time and my money. Tell me the truth.
I think we have a few you might be interested in.
What, these? Carrion! The buzzards are late.
This one here's not bad. He's a Gaul.
I don't like Gauls. Hairy.
-Can he come down from there unassisted? -Come down, you!
Come down!
Be good enough to show me the teeth.
- Open your mouth! - Thankyou.
Yes. As the teeth go, so go the bones.
This mouth is really impermissible.
- The fellow's made ofchalk. - We have others. Many others!
The sun's over there. I have to pay these people.
Who's that?
This one's a Thracian. I'm making an example of him.
- How? - Starve him to death.
It's the only thing impresses slaves.
What a pity.
He reacts. Good muscle tone. Can I see his teeth?
Open your mouth, Spartacus!
You smell like a rhinoceros.
Captain, you asked him to open his mouth. He doesn't obey you?
His teeth are the best thing about him.
He hamstrung a guard with them not more than an hour ago.
Hamstrung? How marvellous! I wish I'd been here.
I'll take him. Let's look at some ofthe others.
Come along!
In spite ofsickness and death, we will profiit , sesterces!
Including your commission, ofcourse.
No, sir. Without my commission.
Marcellus, there they are.
They're a dirty-looking lot, but it's the best I could fiind.
No one else could have made so fiine a choice.
you have arrived at the gladiatorial school of Lentulus Batiatus.
Here you will be trained by experts to fiight in pairs to the death.
Obviously, you won't be required to fiight to the death here.
That will only be afteryou've been sold...
and then for ladies and gentlemen ofquality...
those who appreciate a fiine kill.
A gladiator's like a stallion: He must be pampered.
You'll be oiled, bathed...
shaved, massaged, taught to use your heads.
A good body with a dull brain is as cheap as life itself!
You'll be given your ceremonial caudas.
Marcellus, please. There.
Be proud ofthem.
On certain special occasions, those ofyou who please me...
will even be given the companionship ofa young lady.
Approximately halfour graduates...
Iive for fiive, ten-- ten years.
Some ofthem even attain freedom...
and become trainers themselves.
I congratulate you. And may fortune smile on most ofyou.
Marcellus, watch the second from the right.
He's a Thracian. They were going to kill him for hamstringing a guard.
- We'll break him ofthat. - Don't overdo it. He has quality.
I like you.
I want you to be my friend.
I want to be your friend.
All I ask is that you get along with me.
What's your name, slave?
I feel you don't like me.
Give him your sword.
Take it!
I have a feeling you want to kill me.
This is the only chance you'll ever get.
Kill me!
Don't be afraid, slave.
You have that sword.
I only have this piece ofwood!
Are you going to disobey me?
Take his sword.
You're not as stupid as I thought.
You might even be intelligent.
That's dangerous for slaves.
You just remember...
from now on, everything you do, I'll be watching.
You did the right thing.
Every once in a while, Marcellus likes to kill a man as an example.
I think he's picked you. Better watch him.
- How long have you been here? - Six months.
I wish he'd pick me.
I want one chance at that pig before they carry me out!
Quiet! No talking down there.
You'll get us all in trouble, just like in the mines.
What's your name?
You don't want to know my name.
I don't want to know your name.
Just a friendly question.
Gladiators don't make friends.
Ifwe're ever matched in the arena together...
I'll have to kill you.
with Galino.
- Dionysius. - No, no. Spartacus.
I've never had a woman.
You have one now, Spartacus. You must take her.
- Go away. - What will she think ofyou?
Indeed, what will I think ofyou?
Go away.
Come, come. Be generous. We must learn to share our pleasures.
I'm not an animal!
You're not trying to escape, by any chance?
Direct your courage to the girl, Spartacus.
I'm not an animal!
- I'm not an animal. - Neither am l.
What's your name?
You'll have to take her out of here, Marcellus.
You may not be an animal, Spartacus...
but this sorry show gives me very little hope...
that you'll ever be a man.
First rule:
You get an instant kill on the red.
Here. Here.
Always remember: Go for the red fiirst...
because ifyou don't, your opponent will.
In the blue, you get a cripple.
Here, here...
here and here.
Second rule:
Go for the cripple before the slow kill.
Here's a slow kill on the yellow.
Here, here...
and here.
A slow kill may have enough left in him to kill you before he dies.
With a cripple, you know you've got him...
ifyou keep your distance and wear him down.
The rest is all right for a public spectacle in Rome...
but here at Capua we expect more than simple butchery...
and we get it.
Spartacus, why are you looking at that girl?
Varinia! Stand still.
Since all he can do is look at girls...
all right, slave, go ahead and look.
I said look!
No. No, this one goes to the Spaniard.
Have a good night's rest, Spartacus.
In there.
I've warned you about this kind ofthing.
All right, bring them in.
No talking! Move along there.
Did they hurt you?
That's a kill.
One, two...
three, four, fiive.
One, two, three, four.
We have visitors. Tremendous visitors!
Two simply enormous Roman lords on the hill.
How easily impressed you are, Ramon.
Just 'cause they're Romans, I suppose they're enormous.
Tell them to wait for me when they arrive.
-Master, you don't understand! -How enormous do these Roman lords get?
One ofthem is Marcus Licinius Crassus.
What? Wait a minute.
Crassus here? Varinia, my red toga with the acorns.
And some chairs in the atrium. Second-best wine.
No, the best, but small goblets.
Gracchus! You know how Crassus loathes him.
Take him away.
- I can't lift it. - Use your imagination! Cover him.
Tell Marcellus to get the men ready.
Crassus has expensive taste. He'll want a show ofsome sort.
Forgive me, Gracchus.
Marcus Licinius Crassus...
most noble radiance...
fiirst general ofthe Republic...
father and defender of Rome...
honour my house. Bless it with your presence.
Wine! Sweetmeats! Can't you see that Their Honours are exhausted?
Have the goodness to sit.
Is anything wrong, Your Nobility?
Welcome to the Lady Claudia Maria...
former wife of Lucius Caius Marius...
whose recent execution touched us all so deeply.
Honour to the Lady Helena...
daughter ofthe late Septimus Optimus Glabrus...
whose fame shall live on forever in the person of his son...
your brother, Marcus Publius Glabrus...
hero ofthe Eastern Wars.
How very much he knows.
Allow me to bring you up to date.
We're here to celebrate the marriage of my brother to the Lady Claudia.
A mating ofeagles, Your Sanctity!
Fan His Magnitude. He sweats.
My young friends desire a private showing oftwo pairs.
Two pairs. Oh, yes.
I think I have something that would please them.
- Two pairs to the death. - To the death, Your Ladyship?
Surely you don't think we came all the way to Capua for gymnastics?
But I beg Your Honours.
Here in Capua we train the fiinest gladiators in all ltaly.
We can give you a display ofswordsmanship...
which is better than anything you can see in Rome at any cost.
When they're sold, their new masters may do with them as they wish...
but here, no, we never fiight them to the death.
Today is an exception.
But the ill feeling it would spread through the whole school.
And then the cost. The cost!
Name your price.
Arrange it.
Are you serious, sir?
Arrange it immediately.
Ofcourse, we shall want to choose them ourselves.
You do have a certain variety, don't you?
Yes. Inexhaustible.
Spartacus, there's going to be a fiight to the death.
- To the death? - How do you know?
I heard Marcellus tell one of his guards.
- Who fiights? - I don't know.
To the death.
What ifthey matched you and me?
They won't.
What ifthey did?
Would you fiight?
I'd have to. So would you.
Would you try to kill me?
Yes, I'd kill.
I'd try to save--
I'd try to stay alive and so would you.
All gladiators up to the training area.
Some visitors want to admire you.
Form a line right here in front of me.
Would Your Excellencies care to make your selection now?
They're magnifiicent.
Foryou, Lady Helena...
may I suggest Praxus?
A veritable tiger.
I don't like him.
- I prefer that one. - Which one?
Crixus, yes.
Marcellus, Crixus for the short sword.
Have you ever seen such a pair ofshoulders? Dionysius!
I admit he's small, but he's very compact and extremely strong.
In fact, he looks--
He looks smaller here than he does in the actual arena.
- Give me that one. - Galino.
Yes, yes. Galino.
You have a shrewd eye, Your Pulchritude, if I may permit myselfthe--
Practically every man in this school is an expert with a Thracian sword...
but the trident is something very rare these days.
May I suggest...
the Ethiopian?
There are very few Ethiopians in the country.
Ethiopians are recognized as masters ofthe trident.
I'll take him.
Draba? Oh, no. Foryou I want only the best--
I want the most beautiful.
I'll take the big black one.
Very good.
Only one man in the entire school...
stands a chance with the Thracian knife against the trident.
- Over there, Lady Helena. - He's impertinent!
- I'll take him. - Impertinent, and a coward to boot.
Have him flogged!
Over there, Lady Helena. The beast of Libya.
I prefer the coward.
If both men are down and refuse to continue to fiight...
your trainer will slit their throats like chickens.
- We want no tricks. - Tricks? At the school of Batiatus?
You heard the instruction, Marcellus? Remember it.
I feel so sorry for the poor things in all this heat.
Don't put them in those suffocating tunics.
Let them wearjust enough for modesty.
Whatever they wear, Lady, they'll bless your name.
Back, the rest ofyou!
- Our choosing has bored you? - No.
Most exciting. I tingle.
Do let's get out ofthe sun.
May I conduct Your Magnifiicences to the gallery now?
An eavesdropper. Oh, the god!
How far from Rome must I go to avoid that cunning face?
Crassus, don't talk about Gracchus. He's so hateful.
For Gracchus, hatred ofthe patrician class is a profession...
and not such a bad one, either.
How else can one become master ofthe mob...
and fiirst senator of Rome?
Crassus, it's so boring.
I believe that girl smells of perfume.
Whatever it is, she smells most delectable.
You can't keep slaves from stealing these days unless you chain them.
When a slave's as pretty as she is, she doesn't have to steal.
An arrangement is made.
If her ankles are good...
you could be sure an arrangement was made!
- Master! - Good heavens, a catastrophe!
- I've been anointed! - You trollop!
- I believe you did that on purpose. - It was an accident. Come here, girl.
Don't be frightened.
- What country are you from? - Britannia.
How long have you been a slave?
Since I was thirteen.
You have a certain education.
My fiirst master had me tutored for his children.
I like her. She has spirit.
- I'll buy her. - Buy her, Your Magnifiicence?
I have spent quite a lot of money on her.
Yes, I've no doubt of it. Two thousand sesterces.
Two thou-- She'll be waiting at your litter.
No, I don't want her feet spoilt by walking.
Send her to Rome with your steward the next time he has to go there.
He leaves tomorrow and the girl with him.
More wine. And thankyour gods!
You provoke me, Crassus. I shan't be nice to you any more!
- Why distress me so much? - You're horribly rich.
Yet you're the only one of my brother's friends...
who hasn't given him a wedding present.
I was saving it for a more suitable moment.
Here. Give it to him, child.
What is it?
As from this moment, your husband is commander ofthe garrison of Rome.
I don't know how I shall ever be able to repay you.
Time will solve that mystery.
- The garrison of Rome. - Yes.
The only power in Rome strong enough to checkmate Gracchus and his senate.
You are clever!
Open up.
Through that door.
But you will have to watch him, Claudia.
Father almost disinherited him because ofslave girls.
The marriage contract absolutely forbids a harem.
What about your litter bearers?
After all, every one ofthem is under ...
and taller than they should be.
She sets rather a high standard foryou, does she ?
Your pleasure, Your Highness.
To you, my dear, shall go the honour ofstarting this poetic drama.
Open up!
First pair: Crixus and Galino!
Those who are about to die salute you.
Next pair!
Those who are about to die, salute you.
Your Thracian's doing well.
How were you able to get my appointment without Gracchus knowing?
I fought fiire with oil. I purchased the senate behind his back.
I still think the trident's going to win.
- Why doesn't he kill him? - Kill him.
What's the matter now?
- Kill him! - Kill him, you imbecile!
He'll hang there till he rots.
Take a last look, Spartacus.
She's going to Rome. She's been sold.
She's been sold?
No talking in the kitchen, slave.
There's trouble in the mess hall. They killed Marcellus and maybe others.
Call out the guard!
Move, move!
On second thoughts, I'll deliver the girl personally.
Ride to Capua. Call out the garrison. I don't trust this lot.
- I hold you responsible. - Yes, sir.
Around Capua, they ravaged the countryside...
forcing other slaves tojoin them.
Looting, robbing, burning everything...
while they make their camp in the escarpments ofVesuvius.
Each day swells their numbers.
The situation presently lies in the hands...
ofthis august body.
Where's the mighty Crassus?
- Out ofthe city. - At least you're here.
No need to fear for Rome as long as Glabrus is with us.
Let me add: Over estates have been burned...
among them, gentlemen, my own...
burned to the ground and three million sesterces lost.
I propose the immediate recall of Pompey and his legions from Spain.
- I could bring them in with men! - Don't make a fool ofyourself.
Why call back the legions...
when the garrison of Rome has nothing to do...
but to defend us from sausage makers?
Let's send Glabrus against these scoundrels!
Give 'em a taste of Roman steel.
I protest. I most strongly protest.
There are more slaves in Rome than Romans.
With the garrison absent, what's to prevent them from rising too?
I did not say the whole garrison.
Six cohorts will more than do thejob.
The rest can stay in Rome to save you from your housemaids.
Will you accept such a charge, Glabrus?
I accept the charge ofthe senate...
ifthe senate truly charges me.
The garrison of Rome stands ready.
Slave hunting's a dirty business.
It takes a brave commander to consent to it.
I propose we turn the city out tomorrow...
in tribute to Glabrus as he marches through.
for temporary command ofthe garrison during his absence...
I propose CaiusJulius Caesar.
You don't look very happy over the newjob.
It's not a serious disturbance. Glabrus will be back.
At least it gives me a chance...
to separate Glabrus from Crassus for a while.
You know, this republic ofours is something like a rich widow.
Most Romans love her as their mother.
But Crassus dreams of marrying the old girl, to put it politely.
Hail Glabrus! Hail Glabrus!
- God be with you, Glabrus. - And with you too.
I hope he returns to such applause.
One fat one, Fimbria!
No, keep the change. Give it to your wife.
- May the gods adore you. - Only through your prayers.
Let's make an old-fashioned sacrifiice for Glabrus' success.
I thought you had reservations about the gods.
Privately I believe in none ofthem. Neither do you.
Publicly I believe in them all.
Greetings, Marcus Clodius Flavius!
Is Marcus Glabrus in attendance?
- He awaits you in the atrium, sir. - Excellent.
What have we here?
A gift from the governor ofSicily, sir.
Sicilian, age .
Singer ofsongs.
For whom did you practice this wondrous talent?
For the children of my master...
whom I also taught the classics.
Classics, indeed.
What position have we, I wonder, for a boy ofsuch varied gifts?
You shall be my body servant. Instruct him.
All ofyou, come with me.
Are you on guard duty?
My dear Crassus, congratulate me.
Or better still, let us congratulate each other.
I congratulate us.
Tomorrow I lead six cohorts ofthe garrison...
against the slaves on Vesuvius.
The whole city is turning out to see us off.
Great merciful bloodstained gods!
Your pardon.
I always address heaven in moments oftriumph.
Did Gracchus have something to do with this brilliant affair?
Yes, he even proposed it. Rather decently, too.
And you? Do you think I made you commander ofthe garrison...
to control some rock patch on Vesuvius?
It was to control the streets of Rome!
I only take six cohorts. The rest ofthe garrison remains.
- Under whose command? - Under Caesar's.
Excellent, excellent!
Finding Gracchus in control ofthe mob and the senate...
you felt compelled to hand over the garrison to him also.
I see.
I'll refuse. I'll withdraw from the expedition.
One ofthe disadvantages of being a patrician...
is that occasionally you're obliged to act like one.
You pledged the senate to go, and go you must.
If Gracchus should decide to move against you--
He won't! Has no need to.
He has, with your assistance, immobilized me altogether.
Your legions are still in camp outside the city walls?
My legions?
Do you truly believe I'd order my legions to enter Rome?
I only point out that you can ifyou have to.
Are you not aware of Rome's most ancient law...
that no general may enter the city at the head of his armed legions?
- Sulla did. - Sulla? To the infamy of his name!
To the utter damnation of his line!
No, my young friend.
One day I shall cleanse this Rome which my fathers bequeathed me.
I shall restore all the traditions that made her great.
It follows, then, that I cannot come to power or even defend myself...
by an act which betrays the most sacred tradition ofthem all.
I shall not bring my legions within these walls.
I shall not violate Rome...
at the moment of possessing her.
Prepare your troops at once.
March out of Rome tonight, but the city tribute is impossible.
We've already been made to look a fool. Let's not add the trappings ofa clown.
Leave by unfrequented streets, without fanfare, without even a drum!
Sneak out.
As you wish.
And for heaven's sake, my young friend...
try and see to it that you don't have to sneak back again.
Come on, fat boy!
Noble Romans...
fiighting each other like animals!
Your new masters, betting to see who'll die fiirst.
Drop your swords.
I want to see their blood right over here where Draba died!
When I fiight matched pairs, they fiight to the death.
I made myselfa promise, Crixus.
I swore that if I ever got out ofthis place...
I'd die before I'd watch two men fiight to the death again.
Draba made that promise too.
He kept it.
So will l.
Go on. Get out!
What are we, Crixus?
What are we becoming? Romans?
Have we learned nothing? What's happening to us?
We look for wine when we should be hunting bread.
When you've got wine, you don't need bread!
You can'tjust be a gang ofdrunken raiders.
- What else can we be? - Gladiators!
An army of gladiators.
There's never been an army like that.
One gladiator's worth any two Roman soldiers that ever lived.
We beat the Roman guards, but a Roman army's a different thing.
They fiight different than we do too.
We can beat anything they send against us ifwe really want to.
- It takes a big army for that. - We'll have a big army.
Once we're on the march...
we'll free every slave in every town and village.
Can anybody get a bigger army than that?
Once we cross the Alps, we're safe!
Nobody can cross the Alps. Every pass is defended by its own legion.
There's only one way to get out ofthis country.
The sea.
What good is the sea ifyou have no ships?
The Cilician pirates have ships.
They're at war with Rome.
Every Roman galley that sails out of Brundusium pays tribute to them.
They've got the biggest fleet in the world.
I was a galley slave with them. They'll take you anywhere for enough gold.
We haven't got enough gold.
Take every Roman we capture and warm his back a little.
- We'll have gold, all right. - Spartacus is right!
Let's hire these pirates and march straight to Brundusium!
Comejoin us. All ofyou, comejoin us.
Come on and join us!
Back to Vesuvius!
I thought I'd never see you again.
Everything's so different.
The last time I saw you...
you were waiting in the arena to--
I thought you were in Rome.
How'd you escape?
I jumped out ofthe cart...
and Batiatus was so fat--
I flew out ofthe cart...
and Batiatus was so fat...
that he couldn't catch me.
He couldn't catch up with me.
Do you realize...
nobody can ever sell you again?
Nobody can sell you.
- Or give you away. - Or give you away.
Nobody can ever make you stay with anybody.
Nobody can make you stay with anybody.
I love you, Spartacus.
I love you.
I still can't believe it.
Forbid me ever to leave you.
I do forbid you.
I forbid you.
It was funny at the time. I wish he'd heard it.
How good you are to me, if I may say so.
- You may. - Thankyou.
Don'tjust eye those birds. Eat them.
There's no need to be on your best behaviour here.
May I remind you...
you've been very good to me in the past?
I've been good to you?
Yes. You've sold me slaves at an extremely reasonable price.
And you arranged private gladiatorial jousts at cost, or practically.
On the whole, you are both ethical in business matters...
and certainly farsighted socially.
Zenobia's put on a little weight since I last saw her.
- Yes, hasn't she? I like it. - So do l.
You and I have a tendency towards corpulence.
Corpulence makes a man reasonable, pleasant and phlegmatic.
Have you noticed the nastiest oftyrants are invariably thin?
In spite ofyour vices, you are the most generous Roman ofour time.
The ladies.
Ladies! Since when are they a vice?
Perhaps I used the wrong word. An eccentricity, a foible.
I hope I pronounced that word--
It's well-known that even your groom and your butler are women.
I'm the most virtuous man in Rome.
I keep these women out of my respect for Roman morality.
That morality, which has made Rome strong enough to steal...
two-thirds ofthe world from its rightful owners...
founded on the sanctity of Roman marriage and family.
I happen to like women.
I have a promiscuous nature...
and, unlike these aristocrats, I will not take a marriage vow...
which I know my nature will prevent me from keeping.
You have too great a respect for the purity ofwomankind.
It must be tantalizing to be surrounded by so much purity.
It is.
Now, let's mix business with pleasure. How may I help you?
Great Gracchus, I fiind it diffiicult to hate...
but there's one man I can't think of without fuming.
- Who's that? - Crassus.
- You've grown ambitious in your hatred. - Do you blame me?
There I was, better than a millionaire in the morning...
and a penniless refugee by nightfall...
with nothing but these rags and my poor flesh to call my own.
All because Crassus decides to break hisjourney at Capua...
with a couple ofcapricious, over-painted nymphs!
These two daughters ofVenus had to taunt the gladiators...
force them to fiight to the death, and before I knew what had happened...
revolution on my hands!
What revenge have you in mind?
I sold Crassus this woman, Varinia.
- Whom? - Varinia. May the gods give her wings.
There was no contract, but she was clearly his slave...
as soon as the deal was made.
Now she's offwith Spartacus killing people in their beds.
And Crassus-- no mention of money, no!
You never offered me this woman. Why not ?
Well, she's not remotely your type, Gracchus.
- She is very thin and-- - Look around you.
You'll see women ofall sizes.
Five hundred sesterces deposit on Varinia.
Since he hasn't paid, this gives me fiirst call over Crassus...
when she's caught and auctioned.
May the gods adore you!
Why would you buy a woman you've never even seen?
To annoy Crassus, ofcourse, and to help you.
Fetch a stool, Antoninus.
In here with it.
That will do.
Do you steal, Antoninus?
No, master.
Do you lie?
Not if I can avoid it.
Have you ever dishonoured the gods?
No, master.
Do you refrain from these vices out of respect for the moral virtues?
Yes, master.
Do you eat oysters?
When I have them, master.
Do you eat snails?
No, master.
Do you consider the eating ofoysters to be moral...
and the eating ofsnails to be immoral?
No, master.
Ofcourse not.
It is all a matter oftaste, isn't it?
Yes, master.
And taste is not the same as appetite...
and therefore not a question of morals, is it?
It could be argued so, master.
That will do. My robe, Antoninus.
My taste includes...
both snails and oysters.
Antoninus, look.
Across the river.
There is something you must see.
There, boy, is Rome!
The might, the majesty...
the terror of Rome.
There is the power that bestrides the known world like a colossus.
No man can withstand Rome.
No nation can withstand her.
How much less...
a boy!
There's only one way to deal with Rome, Antoninus.
You must serve her.
You must abase yourself before her.
You must grovel at her feet.
You must...
Iove her.
Isn't that so, Antoninus?
- Take your time! - How are they coming?
Good. Give me another thousand like them and we can march on Rome.
Come on, once again.
Here on Vesuvius, we're safe from attack...
while we organize ourselves into an army.
It may take six months. It may take a year. We don't know.
Once we're strong, we're gonna fiight our way south to the sea.
We're going to arrange for ships with the Cilician pirates.
Then the sea will be a road back home for all of us.
Ifyou agree, you mayjoin us.
Ifyou don't agree, go back before your escape is discovered.
Too many women.
What's wrong with women?
Where would you be now, you lout...
ifsome woman hadn't fought all the pains of hell...
to get you into this accursed world?
I can handle a knife in the dark as well as anyone.
I can cast spells and brew poisons.
I have made the death shrouds for seven Roman masters in my time.
- You lout! I want to see Spartacus. - All right, grandmother.
I'm Spartacus. Stay with us.
We'll need a million Roman shrouds before we're through.
Where do you people come from?
Most of us come from the estate of Lillius.
- What kind ofwork did you do there? - Sixteen years a carpenter and mason.
Good. We can use carpenters.
- What kind ofwork did you do? - I was a chiefsteward.
You'll help with the food supplies. You'll report to the man Patullus.
What kind ofwork did you do?
Singer ofsongs.
Singer ofsongs? But what work did you do?
That's my work. I alsojuggle.
Juggle. What else do you do?
I can do feats of magic.
Maybe he can make the Romans disappear.
I'll need one volunteer, man or woman. How about you?
Here we have a likely subject.
You'll notice there is nothing in my hand, true?
- How many fiingers do you see? - Three.
- How many fiingers do you see? - Three!
I make a bowl.
My hand is upside down, and I askyou to blow at it.
No, not hard enough. Hard!
Would you like to try?
Hit it against the rock, gently.
Poet, I haven't had an egg in days.
You haven't?
- Here. - Thankyou.
I'm not going to let mine get away.
- Sing us a song. - Sing us a song, Antoninus.
Sing, Antoninus.
When the blazing sun hangs low in the western sky...
when the wind dies away on the mountain...
when the song ofthe meadowlark turns still...
when the fiield locust clicks no more in the fiield...
and the sea foam sleeps like a maiden at rest...
and twilight touches the shape ofthe wandering earth...
Iturn home.
Through blueshadows andpurple woods...
Iturn home.
Iturn to theplace that I wasborn...
to the mother who bore me andthe father who taught me...
Iong ago, long ago...
Iong ago.
Alone am lnow, lost andalone, in a far, wide, wandering world.
Yet still when the blazing sun hangs low...
when the wind dies away and the sea foam sleeps...
and twilight touches the wandering earth...
I turn home.
Where'd you learn that song?
My father taught it to me.
I was wrong about you, poet.
You won't learn to kill. You'll teach us songs.
I came here to fiight.
Anyone can learn to fiight.
I joined to fiight!
- What's your name? - Antoninus.
There's a time for fiighting, and there's a time for singing.
Now you teach us to sing.
Sing, Antoninus.
When the blazing sun hangs low in the western sky--
You like him, don't you?
Who wants to fiight?
An animal can learn to fiight.
But to sing beautiful things...
and make people believe them--
What are you thinking about?
I'm free.
And what do I know?
I don't even know how to read.
You know things that can't be taught.
I know nothing.
And I want to know.
I want to--
I want to know.
Know what?
Why a star falls and a bird doesn't.
Where the sun goes at night.
Why the moon changes shape.
I want to know where the wind comes from.
The wind begins in a cave.
Far to the north, a young god sleeps in that cave.
He dreams ofa girl...
and he sighs...
and the night wind stirs with his breath.
I want to know all about you.
Every line...
every curve.
I want to know every part ofyou.
Every beat ofyour heart.
Go on about the city of Metapontum.
What garrisons will we fiind there?
There are two legions in the garrison. Some have been sent south--
Set the litter down there.
Where is this slave general?
Dionysius, get the litter bearers out ofthe rain.
Give them food, bread, and their freedom.
- All right, follow me. - We'll pay you for them.
We have no slaves in this camp.
Tigranes Levantus at your service.
My credentials.
Come in.
"To the general ofthe ltalian slaves called Spartacus...
from lbar M'hali, Cilician governor ofthe island of Delos."
- Sit down. - "Greetings.
Word has been received that you wish to embarkyour armies...
on the Cilician ships from the ltalian port of Brundusium.
- Receive now my agent, Tigranes--" - Levantus.
"who bargains in my name.
May lsis and Serapis bring victory to your cause. The governor of Delos."
- Who are lsis and Serapis? - Gods ofthe east.
Why should they want us to win?
Because they favour Cilicia...
and Cilicia, like you, fiights against the Romans.
Would you like some wine?
I drink only after the bargain has been concluded...
never before.
How many ships do these Cilicians have?
Five hundred at least.
But no deal is too small, I assure you.
We'll need them all.
- All? - What is the price?
Price is sesterces per ship.
For ships that would be...
million sesterces.
- You have such a sum? - We will have.
See foryourself.
- Beautiful. - When will the ships be ready?
Beautiful. I love to see such beauty.
When will the ships be ready?
My friend...
when will you be ready?
How long will it take you...
to cross one-third the length of ltaly...
fiighting a major battle in every town?
One year? Two years?
Ifwe're not in Brundusium seven months from now...
we'll never be there.
What ifwe assemble the ships...
and there is no longer a slave army to board them?
We'll give you a chest oftreasure now, the rest when we get to Brundusium.
- This one? - Yes.
Done! Seven months from now, the ships will be assembled.
Arrange to have the chest loaded.
Now, with your permission, I should like to have the wine you offered me.
- Will you join me? - I will.
Excellent workmanship.
It came from the estate ofa wealthy nobleman.
I've heard that you are of noble birth yourself.
I'm the son and grandson ofslaves.
I knew that when I saw you couldn't read.
Ofcourse, it pleases Roman vanity to think that you are noble.
They shrink from the idea offiighting mere slaves...
especially a man like Crassus.
- You know him? - I entertained him one afternoon.
- You? - In the arena.
Excellent wine.
- May I askyou something? - You can ask.
Surely you know you're going to lose, don't you?
You have no chance.
At this very moment, six cohorts ofthe garrison of Rome...
are approaching this position.
What are you going to do?
We'll decide that when they get here.
Let me put it differently.
Ifyou looked into a magic crystal...
and you saw your army destroyed and yourselfdead...
ifyou saw that in the future...
as I'm sure you're seeing it now...
would you continue to fiight?
- Yes. - Knowing that you must lose?
Knowing we can.
All men lose when they die and all men die.
But a slave and a free man lose different things.
They both lose life.
When a free man dies, he loses the pleasure of life.
A slave loses his pain.
Death is the only freedom a slave knows.
That's why he's not afraid of it.
That's why we'll win.
Spartacus, that pirate was right.
The garrison of Rome, they're setting up camp.
- How many are there? - About six cohorts.
- Where? - At the mouth ofthe valley...
against the cliffs.
- Strong camp? - They have no stockade.
No stockade? Are you sure?
- I'm very sure. - This campaign is great sport for them.
The Romans are having a picnic.
- Did they see you? - No! We were hidden.
Maybe we ought tojoin this Roman picnic.
Form your men.
Six cohorts.
A lot ofarms and weapons...
to build our army with.
Crixus always wanted to march on Rome.
Now he doesn't have to.
Rome's come to us.
Halfthis way! The rest over there.
Stand up, the way a noble Roman should!
That's Roman pride foryou!
That's better.
What's your name?
Marcus Glabrus.
Commander ofthe garrison of Rome!
He was commanding it on his belly when we found him, playing dead!
You disappoint me, Marcus Glabrus.
Playing dead.
You afraid to die?
It's easy to die.
Haven't you seen enough gladiators in the arena...
to see how easy it is to die?
Ofcourse you have.
What are you going to do to me?
I don't know.
- What should we do with him? - Let's have a matched pair, him and me.
I'll not fiight like a gladiator!
You keep staring at this.
Do you recognize this baton?
- Yes! - You should! It was in your tent.
The symbol ofthe senate.
All the power of Rome!
That's the power of Rome!
Take that back to your senate.
Tell them you and that broken stick is all that's left ofthe garrison of Rome!
Tell them we want nothing from Rome.
Nothing except our freedom!
All we want is to get out ofthis damn country!
We're marching south to the sea.
And we'll smash every army they send against us.
Put him on a horse!
Their leader said their hatred of Rome was such...
that all they wished was to escape from her rule.
If unopposed, he promised a peaceful march to the sea.
Ifopposed, he threatens to ravage the countryside...
and destroy every legion sent against him.
And once they get to the sea?
They plan to take ship with Cilician pirates and return to their homes.
From which port do they propose to embark?
I don't know.
But city garrisons can't stand up to them.
Ifthey are to be intercepted, it's work for the legions!
What sort ofa man is this leader ofthe slaves?
I don't know.
I think they called him Spartacus.
Is that name familiar to you?
Yes, it does seem to be.
I can't place it.
After he talked to you, what happened then?
I was tied to a horse and lashed out ofcamp.
How many ofyour company escaped?
Fourteen have reported thus far.
I myselfwas taken prisoner in my own command tent.
The camp was thoroughly infiiltrated before an alarm could be sounded.
Did you surround your camp with moat and stockade?
We arrived after sunset. Sentries were posted every ten paces.
There was no reason to expect an attack by night.
Then again, well, they--
They were only slaves.
I see.
I submit that Publius Marcus Glabrus has disgraced the arms of Rome.
Let the punishment ofthe senate be pronounced.
Ifwe punished every commander who made a fool of himself...
we wouldn't have anyone left above the rank ofcenturion.
But this is a case ofcriminal carelessness!
Six cohorts have been slaughtered.
Crassus sponsored this young man.
Let him pronounce sentence.
The punishment is well-known!
Let Publius Marcus Glabrus be denied...
fiire, water, food and shelter...
for a distance of miles in all directions from the city of Rome.
One thing more.
Glabrus is my friend, and I will not dissociate myselffrom his disgrace.
I now lay down the command of my legions...
and retire to private life.
Good-bye, Crassus.
This is no time for a man of honour to withdraw from public affairs!
- Shame, shame! - Sit down.
This sort of heroic public behaviour is nothing new!
I've seen it before-- we all have-- and I know the meaning of it!
- Crassus acted on a point of honour! - Patrician honour!
No matter how noble this looks from the outside...
I don't like the colour of it.
Crassus is the only man in Rome...
who hasn't yielded to republican corruption, and never will!
I'll take some republican corruption along with some republican freedom...
but I won't take...
the dictatorship of Crassus and no freedom at all!
That's what he's out for...
and that's why he'll be back.
To the mother that bore me...
to the father that taught me...
to the god--
To the blue woods and the purple shadows, l--
To blue shadows and purple woods.
- Spartacus, you frightened me! - I'm sorry.
- How long have you been there? - A little while.
Why didn't you say something?
You seemed so happy. I didn't want to botheryou.
I am happy.
Spartacus, I've been trying to remember the song that Antoninus sang.
Is it blue shadows and purple woods?
Or is it purple woods and blue shadows, or what is it?
I want to make love to my wife!
Spartacus, put me down. I'm--
I don't care.
- You've got, you've-- - Yes?
- You have to be gentle with me. - Why?
Why, darling?
I'm going to have a baby. Now put me down.
A baby.
A baby? When?
In the spring.
- How? I mean, how do you know? - I know.
A baby in the spring.
- I'm gonna have a son. - But it might be a daughter.
- Why didn't you tell me? - I just did.
You're cold. Here, get underneath this.
- Did I hurt you? - No, you didn't.
- I didn't mean to be so rough. - Why don't you kiss me?
This is the fiirst time I was ever going to have a baby.
A baby.
I'm just the same as I ever was, Spartacus.
I won't break.
Theseslaveshave alreadycost us a thousandmillion sesterces.
If now they want to relieve us oftheir unwelcome presence...
in the name ofall the gods, let them go!
Impossible! They've already infected halfof ltaly with this uprising.
Ifwe permit them to escape now...
this condition will spread throughout the entire empire.
The Republic...
is still weak from years ofcivil strife.
We're engaged in two wars:
one in Spain and the other in Asia.
Pirates have cut off our Egyptian grain supply...
and Spartacus raids the commerce ofall south ltaly.
Halfthe precincts of Rome are without bread!
The city is close to panic.
There are two things we must do immediately!
Confiirm Caesar as permanent commander ofthe garrison...
and assign two legions...
to intercept and destroy Spartacus at the city of Metapontum!
Ifwe could only have had Batiatus in the other pot!
- Now you're talking! - Varinia, wonderful meal.
A small piece of land with a few goats on it.
The best wine in the world.
For wine you've got to go to Aquitania. The sweetest grapes on earth.
Come to Lidya for wine. That's the best.
The best wine comes from Greece. Everybody knows that. Even the Romans!
No, Lidya!
You're all wrong!
The best wine comes from home, wherever it is.
I agree with you.
- Are there reports on Metapontum? - Heralds are crying the news now.
We lost men, including Commodius and his offiicers.
Nineteen thousand?
Have you estates in Metapontum?
No. A son with Commodius.
With your permission, good day.
We take fiive years to train a legion.
How can this Spartacus train an army in seven months?
There's something wrong, something very wrong.
- We should have an investigation. - By all means, an investigation.
-Where is Spartacus now? -He's nearing the seaport of Brundusium.
I need a few moments ofthe commander's time.
Will you excuse us?
I hearyou've taken a house in the fourth ward.
Not a very splendid house either.
And you feasted , plebeians in the fiield of Mars.
It scarcely could've been called a feast.
For years, your family and mine have been members...
ofthe Equestrian Order and the Patrician Party.
Servants and rulers of Rome.
Why have you left us for Gracchus and the mob?
I've left no one, least ofall Rome.
But this much I've learned from Gracchus: Rome is the mob.
Rome is an eternal thought in the mind of God.
I had no idea you'd grown religious.
That doesn't matter.
Ifthere were no gods at all, I'd revere them.
Ifthere were no Rome, I'd dream of her...
as I want you to do.
I want you to come back to your own kind.
I beg you to.
Is it me you want or is it the garrison?
Both. Tell me frankly.
Ifyou were l, would you take the fiield against Spartacus?
- Ofcourse. - Why?
We have no other choice ifwe're to save Rome.
Which Rome?
or ours?
You know Gracchus is my friend.
I won't betray him.
Which is worse: to betray a friend or to betray Rome herself?
My dear Crassus, I face no such choice.
You will, sooner than you think.
Good afternoon, Crassus. I've been looking foryou all day.
Your new master.
The senate's been in session all day over this business ofSpartacus.
We've got eight legions to march against him and no one to lead them.
The minute you offer the generals command...
they start wheezing like winded mules.
I've seen such epidemics before, haven't you?
- How's your health? - Excellent, as you know.
I take it the senate's now offering command ofthe legions to me.
- You've been expecting it. - I have.
But have you thought how costly my services might be?
We buy everything else these days.
No reason why we shouldn't be charged for patriotism. What's your fee?
My election as fiirst consul, command ofall the legions of ltaly...
and the abolition ofsenatorial authority over the courts.
- Advise me if my terms are acceptable. - I can tell you now.
- They're unacceptable. - Yes, I know.
For the present perhaps, but times change, and so does the senate.
When that day comes, I shall be ready.
- Convey my respects to your wife. - With pleasure.
He's right, you know.
Ifsomething isn't done about Spartacus, the senate will change.
And Crassus will move in and save Rome from the slave army...
by assuming dictatorship.
But that, like everything else, depends on which way Spartacusjumps.
Just now, he's trying to get out of ltaly.
If he succeeds, the crisis is over...
and Crassus may stay in retirement indefiinitely.
I've arranged for Spartacus to escape from ltaly.
You've done what?
I've made a little deal with the Cilician pirates.
I've assured them that we won't interfere...
ifthey transport Spartacus and his slaves out of ltaly.
So now we deal with pirates. We bargain with criminals!
Don't you be so stiff-necked about it. Politics is a practical profession.
Ifa criminal has what you want, you do business with him.
How far are we from Brundusium?
About miles.
Our army will have to camp here tonight. They're still about six hours behind us.
Patullus, ride ahead to Brundusium. Bring Tigranes here.
Marco, report back to Spartacus.
Tell him we camp tonight by the sea!
Ifall goes well, my estimate is we can load ships a day.
That's yourjob, Dionysius. Work with the Cilician pirates.
- That oughta keep him busy. - Saves me fiinding someplace to sleep.
Crixus, keep giving me reports on Pompey.
There won't be any surprises.
I still want patrols of the back country until we board ship.
I'll get them together now.
Spartacus, the harbour district in Brundusium has food warehouses...
but not enough to provide for the whole fleet.
The countryside's fiilled with cattle.
And we've more than enough salt to preserve them.
I'll handle it.
Find out how many men we have in camp who were galley slaves or sailors.
Tigranes Levantus.
- My dear general. - Welcome, Tigranes!
No, no. You needn't look for litter bearers to emancipate.
I rode a horse.
Your gods lsis and Serapis must've been good to us.
The balance ofthe million sesterces we owe you.
I bear a heavy burden ofevil tidings.
What is it?
Pompey and his army has landed in ltaly.
At the border of Rhegium three days ago.
We get complete reports on their movements.
But do you also know...
that a Roman fleet carrying Lucullus and his army...
arrives tomorrow at Brundusium?
- Lucullus here? - You have no ships.
I saw them in the harbour.
The Cilician fleet, out ofstrategic necessity...
has been obliged to withdraw.
- Withdraw? - There are no ships at all?
Cilician pirates can destroy any Roman fleet that ever sailed.
Ifthey run away now, it's not because they're afraid!
You better give me a better reason.
I'm as desolated as you are, General.
Stand up. Up!
On your toes.
- You'll cut the skin. - Why did the Cilicians run away?
They were paid.
And who paid them?
Crassus won't fiight us himself.
The reports say he won't take the command ofan army.
Why would he bribe your pirates to keep us from escaping?
I don't know. How can I answer when there is no answer?
I've been betrayed, just as you have!
There is an answer.
There must be an answer to everything.
We're fiive miles from Brundusium.
Here's Rhegium.
Pompey's march must have brought him to about here.
He's four days away, maybe more.
Lucullus lands at Brundusium tomorrow.
Ifwe engage Lucullus...
Pompey will have enough time to march against our rear.
Ifwe turn west to meet Pompey...
Lucullus will march against our rear.
The only other army in all of ltaly is here!
Yes, ofcourse!
Crassus is inviting us to march on Rome...
so he can take the fiield against us.
You mean Crassus wants us to march on Rome?
He's forcing us to. He knows I won't let myself be trapped...
between two armies with my back to the sea.
He knows my only other choice is Rome.
Somewhere on the way, we meet.
If he beats us, he becomes the saviour of Rome...
and there's his fiinal victory over the senate.
General, allow me to redeem myself in your eyes.
For a very small commission...
I can arrange foryou, your family and your leaders, ofcourse...
to be smuggled out of ltaly and transported to an eastern country...
where men ofsubstance like you are welcome and appreciated.
You can live there like kings for the rest ofyour lives.
What do you think, General?
Go away.
Go away?
Tell the trumpeters to sound assembly.
Tonight a Roman army lands in the harbour of Brundusium.
Another army is approaching us from the west.
Between them, they hope to trap us here...
against the sea.
The Cilician pirates have betrayed us. We have no ships.
"By order ofthe senate...
be it known that we have this day elected...
Marcus Licinius Crassus...
fiirst consul ofthe Republic...
and commander in chief ofthe armies of Rome."
Hail Crassus!
Rome will not allow us to escape from ltaly.
We have no choice but to march against Rome herself...
and end this war the only way it could have ended:
by freeing every slave in ltaly.
I promise you...
a new Rome...
a new ltaly and a new empire.
I promise the destruction ofthe slave army...
and the restoration oforder...
throughout all our territories.
I'd rather be here, a free man among brothers...
facing a long march and a hard fiight...
than to be the richest citizen of Rome...
fat with food he didn't work for...
and surrounded by slaves.
I promise the living body ofSpartacus...
for whatever punishment you may deem fiit.
That or his head.
This I vow by the spirits ofall my forefathers.
This I have sworn...
in the temple that guards their bones.
Hail Crassus!
We've travelled a long ways together.
We've fought many battles and won great victories.
Now, instead oftaking ship for our homes across the sea...
we must fiight again.
Maybe there's no peace in this world...
for us or for anyone else. I don't know.
But I do know...
that as long as we live...
we must stay true to ourselves.
I do know that we're brothers, and I know that we're free.
We march tonight!
Hail Crassus!
Greetings to you, Crassus.
Caius. Gentlemen.
Have your dispositions been made?
Each maniple knows its position in line, sir, and exactly what's expected.
Every legion commander has been given his battle orders.
Excellent. All positions will now be changed.
Spartacus takes too keen an interest in our plans, I fear.
New battle orders will be issued in a short while.
Spartacus has every reason to believe that he has outdistanced...
the pursuing armies of Pompey and of Lucullus.
However, there are passes through the Apennine Mountains...
unknown to any map.
It may fortify your courage to know...
that Pompey is at this moment encamped some miles to the west of us...
and that the army of Lucullus approaches from the south...
by forced night march.
Sir, allow us to pledge you the most glorious victory ofyour career.
I'm not after glory!
I'm after Spartacus.
And, gentlemen, I mean to have him.
However, this campaign is not alone to kill Spartacus.
It is to kill the legend ofSpartacus.
You may go, gentlemen.
Hail Crassus.
Lentulus Batiatus awaits Your Excellency.
- Who? - The lanista, sir.
Admit him.
Most Blessed Highness, as soon as I received your message...
I hurried into your distinguished presence.
I'm glad you were able to spare the time. Sit down.
How gracious.
I understand-- I'm informed--
that Spartacus once trained underyour auspices.
Yes! ln fact...
if it isn't too subversive to say so...
I made him what he is today.
You're to be congratulated indeed.
I, too, as it happens, since you're so admirably qualifiied to give me...
what up to now I've not been able to obtain:
a physical description ofSpartacus.
But you saw him.
- What? - In the ring.
When you visited my school with those two charming ladies.
What ?
I trust they're both in good health.
They selected him to fiight against Draba, the Negro.
- I remember the Negro. - You had good cause to, if I remember--
If I may say so, Your Excellency.
A brilliant dagger thrust. Diffiicult angle.
- Spartacus was the opponent? - Yes.
What did he look like?
That's a matter ofsome importance to Your Highness?
Yes, to every man who loves Rome and wishes to see her strong.
We're both Roman patriots, sir.
You're a great one. I, ofcourse, smaller.
But we both believe in Roman fair play.
Ifyou want something from me...
I would be lacking in respect for my own conscience...
if I did not say that I wish something from you.
Name your price.
If-- no--
when you win your victory tomorrow...
presumably the survivors will be auctioned off...
in order to pay for the expenses ofthis heroic expedition.
Could not the agent for that sale be he...
who shares this tiny moment of history with Your Honour?
I authorize you to be the agent for the sale ofall survivors.
In return, you will remain here with us until after the battle...
and aid me in identifying Spartacus.
After the battle?
You misunderstand me. I'm a civilian.
I'm even more ofa civilian than most civilians.
Ifyou wish to remain so...
I should strongly advise you to stay here and be our guest.
My dear, all-conquering Marcus Licinius Crassus...
what if it is Spartacus who crosses the battlefiield...
Iooking foryou?
In such circumstances, I have no doubt...
you will be helping him.
This fellow remains with us until after the battle.
Make him comfortable. Don't let him feel lonely.
Mommy? Mommy?
When do we go home?
Go to sleep, dear.
No pains yet?
He's a bad child, though. He hits me with his fiist.
He wants to see his mother. Can you blame him?
Can you feel it?
No, I don't.
I hope he waits till we get to Rome.
They've never beaten us yet.
But no matter how many times we beat them...
they still seem to have another army to send against us.
And another.
Varinia, itjust seems like we've started something...
that has no ending!
If it ended tomorrow, it would be worth it.
Varinia, don't make me weak.
You're strong enough to be weak.
I love you more than my life.
Yet, sometimes, even with you here sleeping beside me...
I feel so alone.
I imagine a god for slaves...
and I pray.
What do you pray for?
I pray for a son who'll be born free.
I pray for the same thing.
Take care of my son, Varinia.
If he never knows me...
tell him who I was and what we dreamed of.
Tell him the truth. There will be plenty ofothers to tell him lies.
I can't live without you, Spartacus!
Foryou and me there can be no farewells.
As long as one of us lives...
we all live.
I felt it! Did you feel it?
- Yes, I did. - That was so strong. Does it hurt you?
That was so strong.
Lucullus and Pompey.
Have we a count of prisoners?
We haven't made the fiinal count, sir.
I bring a message from your master...
Marcus Licinius Crassus...
commander of ltaly.
By command of His Most Merciful Excellency...
your lives are to be spared.
Slaves you were...
and slaves you remain.
But the terrible penalty ofcrucifiixion...
has been set aside...
on the single condition that you identify the body...
or the living person ofthe slave called Spartacus.
- I'm Spartacus! - I'm Spartacus!
Forgive me for being one ofthe last to congratulate you, Your Nobility.
There's an ugly rumour going round the camp...
that the prisoners are to be crucifiied.
That is true.
Perhaps this is the moment to remind Your Highness...
that yesterday you promised me I could be the agent in their auctioning.
Last night you promised Spartacus to me! Where is he?
In return, I promised you the sale ofthe survivors...
and there will be none!
- It's Varinia. - Yes, I remember.
You're the woman ofSpartacus?
I'm his wife.
And this is his child?
Where is Spartacus?
Did you see him killed?
You're lying. Where is he?
At least here is someone worth selling, Your Enormity.
I'll even take the child as an investment.
- How many women have been taken? - Under forty, sir.
Most ofthose who weren't killed have run to the hills with their children.
You may sell all the others, but not this woman.
But you haven't seen the others, Your Magnitude.
They're ofsurpassing ugliness! A genius wouldn't be able to sell them!
Flog that scoundrel out ofcamp.
This woman and her child are to be conveyed to my house in Rome.
- Halt them! - Halt!
Slaves are to be crucifiied along the roadside...
the whole distance between here and the gates of Rome.
Hold this man till the end.
And that man too.
- March on. - March on!
I've more stripes on my back than a zebra!
Every time I touch my wounds...
they sing like larks.
But in spite ofthat, I think I've found something...
- I never had before with all my wealth. - What is that?
Don't laugh at me, but I believe it to be dignity.
In Rome, dignity shortens life...
even more surely than disease.
The gods must be saving you for some great enterprise.
You think so?
Anyone who believes I'll turn informer for nothing is a fool.
I bore the whip without complaint.
Yes, indeed, that sounds like a bad attack ofdignity.
I hope, however, this will not deflect you...
from the revenge you were going to take on Crassus.
No, on the contrary. It only strengthens my resolve.
I'm glad to learn that.
This woman Varinia is in his house. All Rome knows about it.
Malicious tongues even say...
that he's in love for the fiirst time in his life.
I noticed a strange look in his eye when he fiirst saw her.
It would take a great woman...
to make Crassus fall out of love with himself.
I'll be honest with you, Gracchus.
She's not as unattractive as I told you she was.
Dignity and honesty in one afternoon! I hardly recognize you.
- But she is an impossible woman. - Beautiful?
Beautiful? Well, beautiful.
The more chains you put on her, the less like a slave she looks.
- Proud? - Proud, proud.
You'd feel that she would surrender to the right man...
which is irritating.
I like Crassus. Let's save him from his agony.
Let's steal this woman.
Steal the woman? Why?
I can no longer hurt Crassus in the senate...
but I can hurt him where he'll feel it most: in his pride.
Attack our enemy from within.
The scheme is excellent...
but I hope you're not suggesting that I steal the woman!
Buy some horses and a cart with a canopy.
Bring her here by nightfall.
Add courage to your newfound virtues.
Would halfa million sesterces make you brave?
Halfa million?
Crassus does seem to dwindle in the mind, but--
Let's reduce him still further. A round million!
A million.
For such a sum, I could bribeJupiter himself!
With a lesser sum, I have.
Forgive the intrusion.
You know I'm not in the habit ofcoming into your house uninvited.
You've always been welcome here...
as a pupil.
- You're not alone. - No.
This time you've come to teach.
You'vejoined Crassus?
- Am I arrested? - No.
But I must askyou to come with me to the senate immediately.
What I do, I do not for myself...
but for Rome.
Poor helpless Rome!
Let's go and hear more about Rome from Crassus!
Did you truly believe years of Rome...
could so easily be delivered into the clutches ofa mob?
Already the bodies of crucifiied slaves...
Iine the Appian Way.
Tomorrow the last oftheir companions will fiight to the death...
in the temple of my fathers as a sacrifiice to them.
As those slaves have died, so will your rabble...
ifthey falter one instant in loyalty to the new order ofaffairs.
The enemies ofthe state are known.
Arrests are in progress. The prisons begin to fiill.
In every city and province, lists ofthe disloyal have been compiled.
Tomorrow they will learn the cost oftheir terrible folly...
their treason.
Where does my name appear...
on the list ofdisloyal enemies ofthe state?
Yet upon you I have no desire for vengeance.
Your property shall not be touched.
You will retain the rank and title of Roman senator.
A house...
a farmhouse in Picenum has been provided foryour exile.
You may take your women with you.
Why am I to be left so conspicuously alive?
Your followers are deluded enough to trust you.
I intend that you shall speak to them tomorrow for their own good...
their peaceful and profiitable future.
From time to time thereafter, I may fiind it useful...
to bring you back to Rome to continue your duty to her...
to calm the envious spirit...
and the troubled mind.
You will persuade them to accept destiny and order...
and trust the gods!
You may go.
Now, why hide behind that stola ?
That's better.
That dress took some weeks ofa woman's life.
You, above all people, should respect the work ofslaves and wear it proudly.
Come here.
This belonged to a queen...
the queen of Persia.
It's heavy.
In time you will wear it lightly enough.
Sit down.
Will you have some squab and honey?
You'll enjoy it.
And a piece of melon?
And some wine, ofcourse.
I did not command you to eat.
I invited you.
You fiind the richness ofyour surroundings...
makes conversation diffiicult?
Why am I here?
Good question.
A woman's question.
I wish the answer could be as good and straightforward.
- The infant-- it thrives? - He thrives.
I purchased a wet nurse for him yesterday.
I hope milk agrees with him.
I sent her away.
I prefer to nurse the child myself.
I'm not sure I approve.
It ties you to the old life.
I want you to begin to look forward to the new.
I don't care about my new life here.
You care about the life ofyour child, don't you?
Why do you threaten me with my baby?
I belong to you. You can take me anytime you wish.
But I don't want to take you.
I want you to give.
I want your love, Varinia.
You think by threatening to kill my child...
you'll make me love you?
I did not threaten to kill your child.
I'm sorry, Varinia.
One shouldn't grieve forever.
I'm not grieving.
I'm remembering.
Do I interfere with your memories?
You tread the ridge between truth and insult...
with the skill ofa mountain goat!
What do you remember when you think about Spartacus?
It doesn't distress you to talk about him?
Well, then...
what sort ofa man was he...
He was a man who began all alone...
Iike an animal.
Yet on the day he died...
thousands and thousands would gladly have died in his place.
What was he? Was he a god?
He wasn't a god.
He was a simple man.
A slave.
I loved him.
He was an outlaw! A murderer!
An enemy to everything fiine and decent that Rome ever built!
Damn you! You tell me.
- Why did you love him? - I can't tell you.
I can't tell you things you can never understand.
But I want to understand.
Don't you see? I must understand.
You're afraid of him, aren't you?
That's why you want his wife...
to soothe your fear by having something he had.
When you're so afraid, nothing can help.
We shall see.
Could we have won, Spartacus?
Could we ever have won?
Just by fiighting them, we won something.
When just one man says, "No, I won't"...
Rome begins to fear.
And we were tens ofthousands who said no.
That was the wonder of it.
To have seen slaves lift their heads from the dust...
to see them rise from their knees...
stand tall...
with a song on their lips...
to hear them...
storm through the mountains shouting...
to hear them sing along the plains.
And now they're dead.
And the baby.
All ofthem.
Are you afraid to die, Spartacus?
No more than I was to be born.
Are you afraid?
Hail Counsel!
Guards, fall in.
- Where are the gladiators? - Over there, sir.
Antoninus, the night passes slowly, doesn't it?
You are he...
aren't you?
Gladiator, I'm Marcus Licinius Crassus.
You must answer when I speak to you.
Let them fiight now. Unchain them.
The entire city's been told they'll fiight tomorrow...
in the temple ofyour ancestors.
They will fiight now, for me. Here!
And to the death.
And the victor shall be crucifiied.
We will test this myth ofslave brotherhood.
Unchain them!
Form a circle.
Don't give them the pleasure ofa contest.
Loweryour guard. I'll kill you on the fiirst rush.
- I won't let them crucify you! - It's my last order. Obey it!
Let them begin.
I won't let them crucify you.
Do you realize how long it takes to die on the cross?
I don't care!
Forgive me, Antoninus.
I love you, Spartacus, as I loved my own father.
I love you...
Iike my son that I'll never see.
Go to sleep.
Here's your victory.
He'll come back.
He'll come back and he'll be millions!
I wonder what Spartacus would say...
if he knew that the woman, Varinia, and her child...
are slaves in my household?
Crucify him!
I want no grave for him. No marker.
His body's to be burnt and his ashes scattered in secret.
Did you fear him, Crassus?
Not when I fought him.
I knew he could be beaten.
But now I fear him, even more than I fearyou.
- Me? - Yes, my dear Caesar.
I don't see the letter here to the leader ofthe senate.
Julia, I don't like the sound ofweeping.
This is a happy house. Please stop it.
There you are. Go away,Julia! Where have you been all this time?
The city is full of Crassus' legions. We've been hiding.
I don't know Rome as well as I know Capua.
They're arresting everyone!
So this is the woman...
it took Crassus' eight Roman legions to conquer!
I wish I had time to make your acquaintance, my dear.
Unfortunately, we all have to makejourneys...
to different destinations.
- Where are we going? - You're going to Aquitania.
The governor's one of my innumerable cousins.
Here's a senatorial pass. It's valid in all the known world.
Why do I have to go to Aquitania?
'Cause I askyou to.
It's very good ofyou, Gracchus, but I'd rather--
Double the money I promised you. Here's two million sesterces.
Two million?
Here. Articles of Freedom for the woman.
And here's a smaller document that I've prepared...
for the child befiitting its size.
Where are you going?
To Picenum.
Picenum? That's the dreariest town in ltaly.
Will you please leave me?
Come with us.
See to it that I don't misuse the money.
Don't be ridiculous. I'm a senator.
Will you please go before the soldiers come here?
This would really make Crassusjealous.
Go and make myjoy complete.
Save your tears now. Save them for thejourney.
Identify yourselves, please.
- Lentulus Batiatus. - Climb down and identify yourselves.
- I object to that tone. - I've got my orders.
Come down and identify yourselves, please.
As I told you, I'm Lentulus Batiatus, the lanista from Capua.
This-- my sister-in-law.
Lady, please.
She's travelling...
with her child to Aquitania on a senatorial pass.
- Take a look through his baggage. - Not a word, please.
What did you say?
- Tell the lady no loitering's allowed. - Instantly.
Move on!
This is your son.
He's free, Spartacus!
He's free.
He'll rememberyou, Spartacus.
Because I'll tell him.
I'll tell him who his father was and what he dreamed of!
Varinia, have mercy on us. Get in the wagon.
My love, my life.
Please die. Die.
Please, please die, my love.
Oh, God! Why can't you die?
Come on.
Good-bye, my love, my life.
Good-bye, good-bye.