Spun Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the Spun script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the Jason Schwartzman and Brittany Murphy movie also starring Patrick Fugit, Micky Rourke, Mena Suvari, etc.  This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Spun. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You won't hurt my feelings. Honest.

Swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts!

Spun Script



Spoof. Dope. Crank.

Creep. Bomb. Spank.



Shit. Bang. Zip. Tweak. Chard.



Call it what you will.



It's all methamphetamine.



That's what I'm here for.



No, I got it.

I got it, I got it.



I got it. Thank you.



You're very helpful, okay?

Yeah, yeah, and cute.



Who is it?

- It's Ross.



Are you by yourself?

- Yeah, I'm by myself.



You sure?



Yeah, I'm sure. I'm by myself.



Yeah, that's it.

Just stay right there.



Get in here. Hurry up.



How much do you need?

- What you gave me last time was cool.



How much you want?

- Whatever you got.



You know what?



I lost my shit. I have to find it,

so if you don't mind relaxing a little bit?



No, I can come back.

- No, no. It's okay.



You sure?

- Yeah.



It's great to see you. Why don't

you sit down and talk to...



To Nikki. Talk to Nikki.



Nikki, this is Ross.

Ross, this is Nikki.



Nice to meet you.



You know Frisbee over there.






Hey, man.

- What's up?



And you just stay, relax, just sit down

and let me find my shit, okay?






...what you looking at?

- I just need a little bit.



What do you mean? Half or something?

- I don't need that much.



I don't even have that much money.

I just need a dime.



Oh, I got it.

- I got it.



Are you sure?

- Yeah.



Who is it?

- Giggles.



LA Sadgirl.

From Circus Liquors.



I'm busy right now.

- You're busy? Can we stop by later?



What part of busy don't you understand?

I don't got anything. Goodbye!



Pinche cabeón!

- Pinche enano.



If Spider doesn't get his shit together,

I can probably help you out.



I got it!



No, don't answer my phone.

Don't answer my phone!






No. He's unavailable at the moment.



You'll have to call back later.



Much, much later. Later.



Who is it?



It's just me, Spider.



Hey. Go away, fat boy!



I said, go away, fat boy!

- Okay, okay. I'll see you later.



Mike, who called on the telephone?

- Why don't you sit down...



...and talk to your friend Nikki.



Hey, Cookie.

- What's up?



Oh, shit. Damn.



Shit. What am I gonna do, Nikki?

- Spider Mike...



...who called on the telephone, please?



Spider Mike went

to Circus Liquor earlier.



Maybe he dropped the dope...




Did you ride your bike to Circus Liquor?

You did?



Okay. That's only a block

and a half away.



Why don't you stop freaking out

and backtrack.



I bet you dropped the shit.

- Yeah.




- I bet you dropped it on the way back.



You were on your bike,

and you just dropped it.



You know, you're right!




Yeah, you dropped it.

- Yeah!



He dropped it.

- I did. I dropped it.



I love this dude.



Suck my cock!



Fuck, I love this guy.



Michael? Who called

on the goddamn phone?



I don't know, you fucking asshole!



Holy shit!



What the fuck is the matter with you?

- You!



What the hell is the matter with you,

you little slut?



Genghis C***!



Spider, you son of a bitch!



Don't you fucking hit me

with shit again!



Look, everybody just stay sitting down.

Nobody goes out...



...and nobody comes in.

You understand?



I saw a lot of cop cars

out there earlier.



A lot of cop cars.



There were a lot of cops

out there earlier.



If you look...

If you look...






I don't see anything, man.

- No, if you just look...



I don't see anything, man.

- No?



There's nobody there.

- They were there.



Where are they if they're there?



I don't know.

- Because there's nobody there, man!



Little fuckhead.

There's no piggy scare, you stupid...



You fuck!



Fucking relax, all right?

Just stay sitting down, goddamn it!



I'm sorry.

- Fucking phone!



Nobody moves!



So, Ross. Girlfriend frustrated?

Little unsatisfied?



Can't you keep it hard?

Need a little lift?



I'm not seeing anyone.

- Who was that April chick...



...waiting in your car when you were

here a week ago?



April and I hook up occasionally,

but she's not my girlfriend.



My girlfriend is out of town,

in the city.



She got a cool corporate job offer

this summer, so she's up there.



Wait. Like, April...



Like, naughty girl, kind of nice girl,

blondie stripper April?



That April?

- Yeah. How do you know her?




Nikki, it's for you.



Hey, baby.

Spider spaced our shit off again.



If he doesn't find the shit, he'll have

to cough up another     bucks.



Just keep your eye on him. I don't

trust that little fag anymore. Yeah.



How's my baby doing?

- I'm okay, baby.



I just can't wait to get back

to the room, though.



I can't wait to lay

a yard of dick on you, honey.



I love you, baby.



If it's the same April

I think it is...



...then we work together at Jiggles.



Yeah, same April.






Those are nice sunglasses.

Let me try those.






You try mine.



They look nice on you.



Sometimes I wonder if Spider

really loses the shit...



...or if he's trying to dick us.



Dick you?

- Dick my boyfriend, really.



You'd never dick me.



Would you, Ross?



No. No. I'm sorry.




- You're tense.



I just want to get hooked up.

- I understand.



That really pisses me off. Spider better

find some fucking eyeballs quick.



You know this is the third time

he's spaced our shit off?



Kill, kill!



Did you find it? Did you find the shit?



That's it, man. That's it.

Everybody get out. Come on.



I'll call you as soon as I figure this out.

- Ross stays.



Please, everybody get out.



Hold on. I just have one more monkey.

I really gotta kill this monkey.



If you say monkey one more time,

I'm gonna shove my hand up your ass...



...and shut your mouth

permanently. Got it?



Now get the fuck out of here.



He asked me to leave...

- I know.



What are you doing?

He's the last one!



He was the last one!



Fine, man. I'll go to Main Street

and score my shit.



Yeah, get your little chicken feed.



I'll go to Main Street

because they have good shit.



You like that little chicken feed?

Is that what you want?



Little chicken feed, huh?



You're a fucking asshole!



Hey! Hey!

What happened?



Where have you been?

Did you find it?



I don't know where it is!

- Why not?



If I did, I would have had it on me.



If that was the case,

wouldn't I have walked in with it?



This is the third time you lost the shit.

- That's so fucking unfair!



You're always blaming me.

You always knock me down.



Maybe if you'd put me up,

I wouldn't be such a fuckup!









It's okay.



Fucking shithead! Loser!



Fuck! Don't call me a loser, Cookie!






Frisbee, sex and travel, man.

I told you to sex and travel.



Take a fucking hike, you understand?

- It's me.



Oh, hey, man. Hey, man.

Look, I'm really fucking sorry, man.



I haven't got anything.

Why don't you just split?



Fucking loser. Loser! Loser!



Hey, baby. It's me.






You see, your friend out there,

she said that...



That she could hook me up

with her own stash.



What is with you and Nikki?



If she hooks you up with some

of her own personal stash...



...it's not gonna be

her own personal stash.



Yeah. There's this guy here

named Ross, and he's got a car.



What kind?

- Volvo.



And what color?

- Brown.



Bring him by, and tell that insect

I said to chill the fuck out.



Spider, he says,

"Chill the fuck out!"



This guy's got the knowledge, man.



He's the man.

Few people have what this guy has.



He's like a gold mine.



I'll talk to you latee.

I love you.






Everything cool? Can we do this?

- Yeah. You ready?



You better get back here and fuck me,

bastard, if you want any kind of dinner!



You better get your skinny ass

back here!



I guess it's time to go

make up with Mama, huh?



Sounds like a good plan.



You know where I live, right?

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.



This one right here?

- Right. Park right over there.



Okay, wait right here.

I'll be right back.



Wait here, hon.

Don't leave.



Baby. Hi.






What's up?

- How you doing?



Here's for bringing the girl back.

- Oh, shit. Thanks.



She get your number?

- Yeah, I gave her my number.



We'll call you when we need you.

- Thank you so much. You just call.



Bye. I'll see you later.



Ross? It's youe mothee. I'm coming

in a couple of weeks to visit.



Call so we can make some plans,

okay? Love you. Bye-bye.



Ross? Hi, it's Apeil.

I'd love to see you.



I'm dancing today.

Stop in if you can find the time.



Hey, it's me, Amy.



Happy belated birthday.



I didn't send you anything,

because you owe me $   .



Come on, Ross, you've owed

this to me foe ovee a yeae.



Anyway, I didn't call to bitch. Just

to say, mail me the money, all eight?



You have my addeess.



Come on, take caee of it.

Take caee of youeself. Bye.



Hi, it's Amy. I'm not heee, so leave

a message and I'll call you back.



Hey, baby.



I just love your smell, honey.



It's Apeil. I'd love to see you.

I'm dancing today...



Ross. Ross.






Let's see you guys

give it up some.



Theee's no finee specimen

than the female...



Hey. April's over at the bar.



You must be holding.

- My place.




- Hey, Volvo.



We have a little situation

here with the dog.



Honey, is he coming?

- Can you...



...give Nikki a eide?

- Yeah.



I'll be right over.



It'll take me about...

About    minutes.



He's on his way.

- You better untie me if you're leaving.



Now, I've gotta go out

for a second.



Ross, you have to untie me.



I don't have to untie you.

- I have to be at work.



I'll be back before you have to go

to work.



What are you doing?



I'm actually gonna come back

with some shit. Okay, baby?



You know how good

you were last night?



You were real good.

Shut up! Please.



Look at me. Look at me.



Okay, look.



Just stay here.



For crying out loud,

where the hell is he?



Just, this is really important, okay? Bye.



Hey, you want a little song maybe?



We have your favorite, okay?



Okay, ready?



I'll be back.



Ross, come in quick!

Get in here quick!



Would you look at Taco?

- That dog's green.



He's dying, Ross. We have

to get him to the vet right now.



Oh, Jesus.



What's wrong? What happened?

- Come on!



What happened?



She'll calm down. Just take the dog

to the doggy hospital.



Ross, come on, let's go!



What happened to the dog?



A little too much

secondhand smoke.



Ross? Please!



Maybe we should open a window.



Come on, motherfucker!



Volvo boy, just take the dog

to the damn hospital...



...and shut the door on your way out.

- Okay, I'm sorry.



No, my baby. No, Taco.

- What was going on?



He's the fucking cook, okay?

He makes the shit.



How do you breathe in there?

I almost passed out.



Could you hold Taco, please?

- Jesus Christ, Nikki!



You're fine. Just hold him.



He smells like shit!

- I have to do a rail.



On the fucking dash?

- I need to do a rail right now.



What the fuck am I gonna

tell the vet, Ross?






Hi. Hi.



Somebody has to help him right away.



We'll rush him right back

to Dr. K, but first we'll need...



...the initial examination fee

of $   ma'am.



I'm sorry, it's policy.

We take cash, credit cards or checks.



Hi, it's Amy. I'm not heee, so leave

a message and I'll call you back.



Hey, Amy, it's Ross.

How are you? I'm doing really good.



Oh, are you the doctor? Hi.



Hi, thank God.



Dr. K, this is...

- Taco.



Here. Can you just...?

- So. So, so, so, so...



I got a job...



...and I'm... I'm working for a chemist.



And he's working me really hard,

and I haven't slept.



What seems to be the problem?

- I really don't know.



I need you to call me when you get this.

I really need you to call me, okay?



Can you please fix him?

Because I'm really worried, okay?



We'll just keep him overnight.

- Thank you.



Okay, I love you.

Okay, bye. It's Ross.



Okay. Oh, I love you too, baby. Bye.

- We'll keep him overnight.



Sorry. Thank you. Have a good day!



Frisbee, honey?



Sweetie? Could you come

get me something to eat?



Do you hear me? Frisbee, honey?



Frisbee, honey, what are you doing?

Could you get Mommy a soda?



When I get back, there better be

a joint in my drawer.



I love you, baby.

- I love you too.



It's Ross, honey. Let him in!




- What?



Turn the fucking music down, please!



It's Ross. Turn down the fucking music

and let... Never mind.



Never mind!

- What?!



You don't even give a flying fuck

about Taco, do you?






How'd it go?



Vet said he wants to keep

the dog overnight.



Didn't look very good.

You should really open a window.




- Did you touch her?



What do you mean?



You know goddamn well what I mean.

- No, I don't.



She got a nice-Iooking body,

doesn't she?



I don't know what the fuck

you're talking about.



You know goddamn well...




- ...what I'm talking about.



Hey, look at this.

Wow, look at this shit.



Goddamn! Look at this.



Look at it. Damn, look at that.

Look at this part right here.



Look at that. That's cruel shit.

Look at that shit, man.



Actually, maybe the road stops here.

I can't give you that ride.



I need a ride.



Ross has gotta run me down

to the truck stop.



Maybe take a cab. Here.



I'll take a cab.



Goddamn, baby, you look hot.



What do you care?






She's a fine-Iooking woman, huh?

- Yeah. Oh, yeah, great.



No, I mean... Hey, it's cool.



What do we need at the truck stop?

- I gotta get some ingredients.



So anyway, I heard that he was

carrying some of these fixings...



...for that metalphetamine stuff,

whatever the hell they call it.



Goddamn druggies!



I mean, I was never into that.

I can't understand how they do that.



But anyway,

so he was traveling down l- ...



...and he was probably speeding.

He usually was.



He's going too fast,

and then, all of a sudden...



...after this big curve,

you just couldn't find him.



I mean, he's just off on the road

and everything...



...and it was so dark,

and so I heard...



...that they followed the sound

of his music.



From the radio.

It was playing so loud...



...and he was just pacing back and forth

and pacing back and forth, and...



And he was just gushing with blood.



But he said he was okay...

- Lady, got any more of these fuckers?



Oh, yeah. We got...

They sell like crazy.



We always keep an extra case

stashed under here.



Now I gotta order another one.



I'm new. If you could just hold on,

I got to designate me a reorder.



What are you gonna do

with all those?



Lady, how much do I owe you?



$   .



What do you need all those for?



Well, I was thinking maybe

I'd take a little trip to Russia.



They don't sell them over there,

and they got a little emergency going.



A lot of tired drivers, you know?



Do their thing, you know?

So I thought I'd be a nice guy and just...



That all right with you?



That's a nice Christian thing to do.



You have a real good day.

- You have a real good day too.






That's a dollar.



Thank you. Have a good day.



Did we get enough ingredients?



It's never enough.

It's enough to get back to work.



What's the longest you've

ever stayed up on this shit?



About    I don't know,       days.

- Fuck, man.



That's it.

- That's a lot of days.



Do you shave your balls?

- Let's go by the market.



I wanna get some beer.



I told you bitches how many times?



I told you bitches how many times?



I'll cut one of your tits off.

You go to Spider Mike's...



...you'll wish you never fucked with me.



Spider Mike's shit sucks.



White boys don't know how

to cook that shit.



Angel, we looked everywhere

for your nowhere ass.



We had to go to that

Wonder Bread's house.



He wasn't holding nothing.



He wouldn't even open

the fucking door.



You know where I hang.

- All right, we won't go there.



Just leave.

- Yeah, get out of here.



I'll cut Spider Mike

if I catch you in his place.



You better go. You better get out,

or I'm gonna call the cops!



We're gonna call the fucking cops.

- Okay, okay. I'm going. I'm going.



I forgot something.

- No.



Come here for a second.



Come here for a second.

- No.



Something I gotta tell you.



You're lucky that's all I do!



Hey, Señoe el Fucking Camino.



Who the fuck are you?






You all got any Cools?



Give me a pack of Cools.



I'll take the beer. Got any

sunglasses in the lost and found?




- What do I owe you?



Take them quick before

his posse comes.



Sexy cowboy.

- All right. Thanks.



Take it. Take care.

- You all have a good one.



Okay. Bye, baby.

- Sexy.




- Bye.



So how many more stops

we have to make?



We gotta go to the porn shop.

Get some fuck videos.



I just really need to make

a phone call at some point.



Just keep driving, lover-boy.



All right, look for videos that got

blond chicks with long hair...



...big titties and small asses.



And the small ass, man, that takes

priority. Unless the tits are perfect.



If the tits are perfect,

then we go with the tits.



How about this one?

- No, man.



That's the perfect example

of what I don't like. You see that?



That's a loose ass. There's nothing

I hate more than a loose ass.



You know I take the p****

seriously. Let me tell you.



You gotta take the p**** seriously.

I mean, there's a priority for a tight ass.



But if it's hairy, I go for the tits.



But if the tits are hairy,

hey, it's right back to the p****.



But you've gotta speak

to that p****, son.



You know, really talk to it.

You make a vow to it.



Now, no nation has

ever been so ready...



...to seize the power and the

freedom of the p**** as our own...



...and we must all care for that p****.



T oday, we do more

than just celebrate the p****.



We re-dedicate ourselves

to the very idea of p****.



I mean, friends, ask not

what the p**** can do for you...



...but what can you do for the p****.



Ain't that right, Volvo?



Here we go.



This is a long one.

This one's got bonus scenes.



Hundred and twelve girls,




Chinese guys with huge cocks,

chicks with dicks.



Now, hey, that's a fucking video.



Hey, buddy boy.



How much for the masterpiece?



$  .  .



Want a bag?

- Whatever.



Have a good one.



We need a phone.

I need to make a fucking call.



Come on. Use the phone at the club.

- We're going to the club?



What do you think?

We got the right place?



Man, I don't know. You're driving.

You got the directions.



Stop bitching about that.



I'm sorry.

- Just quit riding me, old man.



I'm not fucking old.

- Just don't make me look bad...



...with this camera crew, all right?

- Hey, eemembee...



...we'ee on a live feed.



Guys, we're gonna hold off

for a couple of minutes.



Real cops. Real people.

Real teouble.



Looks like we got our guy here.



All right. We got him.



Hang on.



Is that the chef?



She doesn't fit the description.

I think it's the fucker on the bike.



It doesn't matter.



Yeah, guys.

- Hey.



We gotta move in.

- We'ee eight behind you.



We received several tips.

- And numerous phone calls.



We believe that a large amount

of methamphetamine is being...



...manufactured at this residence.

- At this location.



We gotta move in.

- Come on. Come on.



Open the goddamn door. Come on.

- Go! Go! Go! Go!



Get the fuck down!

- Bitch! Bitch!



Hands on top of that motherfucking

mullet now! Drop the cheese puffs!



He's over here!

- Excuse me, ma'am.



Freeze! Shit! Fuck.



Fucking shit, man.

- Up in the air! Up in the fucking air!



Don't you look at me!

Don't you fucking look at me!



I gotta make that call.






Nikki is her name, sex is her game.



To not put your hand in your pocket

and get some dollars...



...and take a lap dance

would be a great shame.



Let's hear it for Nikki.



Hi, it's Amy. I'm not heee, so leave

a message and I'll call you back.



Hey, it's Ross. I'm out.

Leave a message aftee the tone.



Hey, April, it's Ross.

April, I know you can hear me.



I'm so sorry I forgot about you.



I'm heee eight now at the club.

I'll be theee as soon as I can.



Hang tight, baby.

I'll be there as soon as I can.






Ross, thank you.

- No problem, Nikki.




- See you.



Okay, Volvo boy,

I've gotta get back to the office.



So Nikki'll call you when we need you.



Have a good night.

Have a good one.






Bye, guys.



I'm sorry. I know I fucked up.



Look, baby, please

don't be pissed, okay?



Okay, okay. I'm sorry.

Please don't be mad.



I got caught up, and it took much longer

than I thought it would. I apologize.



I'm gonna take this off. Will you

please not yell? Will you please not yell?



I'm gonna talk to you.

- You motherfucker!



You have no idea

what I've been going through!



You've no idea where I've been. I've

been alone. Will you listen to me?



No crying, no cry...



I lost $    because of you.

- Please be quiet. Now.



Hey, smurf.

- Hi.



What's going on?

- I'm watching television.



I'm sorry I kept it on so loud.

- Pretty funny show, yeah.



It's pretty cool. Check it out. It's on

Channel  . I'll see you later. Bye.



What's the plan, Stan?



What am I thinking?



Honey, you don't have a plan.

- No, I got a goddamned plan.



First we're gonna get this batch

over to Spider.



Then we're gonna get our money.

Then I'll pick up your little dog...



...and then I'm gonna fuck

your little ass proper.



His name is Taco.

- Who?



And you bet your ass

we're gonna pick him up.



Yeah, hey. You got any girls?



Listen, they gotta have nice titties,

nice big titties. Small ass.



It's foe the motel, eight?

- Yeah.



We've got one foe you.

- All right.



You got it.






You're it, partner.

- Tag?



Like the game you used to play

when you were a little kid.



It's easy.



It's your turn to tag somebody now.

- Tag?



We need two names from you.



Then we will go easy on you

and your mother.



My mother?

- Lf you agree to help us...



...she'll be in front of her television

by cocktail hour, okay?



Cocktail hour?

- Fucking echo going on in here.



Do you hear it?

- You gotta help us now!



Okay, partner?



You gotta play the game!




- Look, look, look, look.



It's not even my shit.

It's not my shit. It's my mom's shit.



I'm holding it for my mom.

- Come on, Frisbee.



You ain't working

with us here, dude.



Look, we've confiscated your bike,

okay? We've got your porn, your...



Fucking CDs.

- Your music.



You ain't got a job.

- You'll never get your stuff back...



Unless you cooperate and...



Play the game.

- The game?



The fucker drives a fucking Lexus.

He's not gonna ride my ass for free.



The fucker drives a fucking Lexus.

He's not gonna ride my ass for free.



Get your shit together, or I'm going

to Dial-A-Bun! No, you listen to me!



Why don't you fucking listen to me?

I want my cash up-fucking-front!



Honey? Did you order over

some bimbo bitch?



She's at the door.

- Just open the goddamned door.




- You were right.



I was totally stressed out about Taco.



I'm thinking maybe we could

try out the new batch...



...and get a little nasty.

- That's my girl. Come over here.



Do you know I have a really bad...?



Look at that onion, baby.



Get the goddamned door.

- I am.



No cash or no fucking ass, all right?

Now get your shit together.



Hold on. You know, I have a really

bad yeast infection.



I'm still fucking working, okay?



Hold on.



Are you gonna let me in?



Honey, what the fuck

are you looking at?



Your fucking whore-bitch face, bitch!



Fuck! You know what?

I'm not doing it.



I just got a fucking door

slammed in my face, all right?






What's the problem?

- You don't give a fuck about Taco.



And you sure don't

give a fuck about me.



All you care about is

your stupid, precious batch of fuck.



And maybe, just maybe, getting your

fucking rocks off every now and then.



Goddamn it, don't start in with

your psycho bullshit here, all right?



You wanna go back to Las Vegas with

them Gucci-wearing motherfuckers?



You want me to go to Vegas?

- I don't give a fuck. Go to Florida...



...with them rich sugar daddies

of yours.



Just get your little white ass

and get the fuck out of my face!



Fuck you! Fuck you!

- Fuck you. Go back to your mother.



That fucking c***.



I'd rather be anywhere in the whole

fucking world other than this room...



...waiting for you to blow up the

whole goddamned place! Fuck you!



Fuck you!



Fuck you, motherfucker!

I can't stand this shit anymore!



I can't believe you...



...called a bitch up here, ordered her

up like a goddamned piece of pizza!



Goddamn it, it was for you!



Fucking did it for me?



What'd she look like anyway?

- Fuck you!




- Hey, Volvo boy, I need another ride.



I don't know. What do you need?



The shit hit the fan over here

pretty good. Can you get over here now?



How soon?

- I need you now!



Are you leaving?



I gotta go.

- Ross, untie me, please.



No, no, no.

- No.



I'll be right back. I wouldn't hurt you.



April, now just calm down, okay?

You know I wouldn't hurt you.



They need me again.



I'll be right back. Do you hear me?



Stop it!



I'll be right back. I don't wanna do

this. I have to do this, okay? Fuck!



Did Ross say how long he'll be?

- Hopefully soon.



I can't wait for him

to get his ass out here.



So I guess...



...it's over. We're finished.



We're through, right?



Well, you might be through.

I ain't never through.






Bye? Where are you going?

- I'll be in the car.



Where's she going?



She's going wherever you take her.

- Wherever I take her?



Run this over to Spider.



Take her, please, wherever the fuck

she wants to go.



What the fuck's going on around here?

- Nikki can't handle her shit.



She's been partying

with the candy for       days.



And then the bitch crashes

and starts freaking out.



She'll split for a day or two, then

she'll come back. She's just spun.



This is for you.



This is the Hawaii.



So I gotta pop by Spider's

and drop this shit off.



You can either come with or I could

take you somewhere, whatever is best.



It's that fucking bastard.



How can somebody

be such a selfish, insensitive...



...fucking motherfucking bastard?



He never cared about anything!



The only time he was nice to me

was when I first met him.



When, of course,

I've never done speed before.



And he was nice

to Taco to boot, okay?



Fucking fuck-face fucker.



It's Nikki and Ross.



Hey, come on in. Come on.



Got something for me?

- Yeah.



Why did Taco have to go to the vet?



So how is he doing?



I mean, he didn't die?

- Fuck, no!



Come on, come on. Come on, man!

- Okay, Spider, this is it.



He'll be all right, right?

- Right. He'll be fine.



He's gonna be great.

He is.



Here you go, all you.

- All me?



I'm hoping Ross brings me

to the vet in the morning.



Then everything's gonna be

just perfect.



That's good.

- Good shit, huh?






Looks like the peanut-butter dank

we used to get back in the day, man.



What's the real deal between you

and Nikki? What's she doing with you?



So why are you with Ross?



It's too hot.

- Because I have a car.



I've been helping her out with my car.

- He brings me places.



Special stuff I left behind.

- Helping her out, taking her around.



He wants to drive me around.

- Yesterday, the dog got sick.



It was fucked up.



The dog got sick, but we got that

cleared up. I've been going ride...



Going on rides with him

and helping him out. I just...



Oh, shit, Cookie!



Don't. No, no, no.



Don't do that.

Don't smoke it like that.



It gives you Alzheimer's, doesn't it?



Give her a ride in my car,

and I'm gonna run errands.



Just came here to...



Right now I'm on my way

to the bus stop...



Yeah, yeah, I understand, man.



I understand. Yeah.






I just thought maybe we could...

- Really? Oh, come on.



You know I hate fucking hippies, man.



You know why I hate hippies?

Because I was downtown...



...and this kid just comes running out

and gets hit by a bus, right?



And the bus just crushes him

and crushes him...



...and runs over him, and the kid's

just squiggling on the ground.






And blood is coming out of his ears,

and he's just laying there...



...and then this hippie dyke chick

comes out with crystal...



...and she rubs it all over him.



I wish that I had more energy.






And the kid is just laying there,

and he's choking on his own blood.



It's like, "Come on,

you dumb, stupid chick.



What are you doing with your crystals?

He needs a doctor."



I wish I could sleep forever, man.

- I wish. I wish.



You know, I've seen some crystals

do some pretty trippy shit, man.






I was out with one of my girlfriends

once in Vegas...






And we were hanging out,

and we picked this guy up.



I think he was a Mexican.



I wish I was black.



And we both fucked him.









...she got crabs really bad.



And I was wearing this crystal around my

neck all night long, and I never got them.



Magic crystals.

- Amy.



No, Nikki, Nikki.

What happened was...



...that your friend fucked him first,

and the crabs jumped onto her bush...



...before they got a chance to get

onto yours. That's what happened.



You got lucky you got sloppy seconds.



There's no such thing as

magic-crystal-hippie-crap bullshit.









Did you ever get crabs, Ross?









I'll miss you.

- I'll miss you.



Wait, wait, wait.

- What?



Just... One... Wait.

- Okay.



Ross, I'm ready.

- I gotta make a phone call.



Spider, do you think I can make

a phone call, use your phone?



There's no phone. No phones, man.

We don't have a phone. Doesn't work.




- Come here, you.



Oh, God.



Boy, I'm really hammered.



I'll see you soon.

- See you real soon.



Take good care of her, okay?

- I will. Definitely.



I don't know, guys. This...

It looks really obvious.



This thing pokes out right here

and everything. I don't...



They're gonna notice something.



Hey, Frisbee, don't worry.



Cookie, I'll call you.



Weetis. I love it.



Thank you.

- Yeah, you too, man.




- I hope he's okay.



All you gotta do

is keep your clothes on.



I mean, we're working

together on this. All right?



It's fine, pal.



Hey, hey. Hold on. Hold on.



We got two suspects

leaving the premises.



Hey, Frisbee...



...is that Spider Mike

and what is it, Cookie?






No, no. I don't know them.

I mean, I don't know who they are.



You wouldn't tell us a story, would you?

- No, no, no, no.



It's okay. I'm not lying.

No, I don't...



If you lie, you lose.

- Yeah. If you lie, pal, it's game over.



I don't know those people.

I don't know who they are.



Get the license plate.

They just took off.



No, you don't need to get the license

plate. It's all right. It's okay.



Frisbee, all you fucking gotta do

is keep your clothes on...



...and everything is gonna be just fine.



You just go in there like

nothing's changed, you hang out...



...you make a buy, you just walk out.

It's easy as that, chief.



No. You don't know Spider. He's...



Fuck! This isn't gonna work!

- Give me your hand.



Give me your hand.



Chill. Just chill. Yeah.



You feel that?

- Yeah.



That's power.



We got your back.

- You're doing the right thing.



We're proud of you.



You're not gonna try

to take a dump now, are you?



I feel like I can finally go.



It's been so long

since I've taken a dump.



Jesus Christ, come on!



Come on, I haven't been this hard

in a long time. Come on!










- Yeah, hello.






Can you just help me come

really fast?



What? You want me

to put something on?



All right.



Let me see what I got here.



Yeah, I think I got something.



I got something perfect.



I got something that's gonna be clean

and practical. You're gonna like this.



Jesus Christ, come on!

Put your mouth on it.



I'm gonna put my man-glaze

all over your f******.



What is he doing? Jesus!

- You guys can heae me, eight?



Can I heae you back?

I can't heae anything.



Don't look at the car all the time.

Just go in.



Oh, Christ!

- Jesus! What the fuck is he doing, man?



I'm okay.



Oh, yeah. Come on, lick my ass.

Come on.



Oh, fuck.






Baby, come on.

Come on, don't be mad.



You've got me so wet.

- Yeah, come on, baby.



Come on, baby.

Come on, open up the door!



I'll let you lick me where I pee.



Oh, yeah, do it.



I'm gonna f***!



Oh, fuck!

- Who are you talking to?



Oh, goddamn!

Oh, you're so f******.



Are you on the phone?

- Oh, shit!



What the fuck is he doing?



Oh, yeah. Come on, take it, baby!



What the hell is he doing?

Uit looking at us.



Open the fucking door!



You can heae me? Yeah?



Is he stupid?

- Yeah.



I'm going to knock.



I can't do this.



Get inside the house!



Okay. Okay.



Is Spider here?



Come in.



Come on.

- I'm in.



F*** me. F*** me. F*** me.



How you doing, Frisbee?



Come on.



Sit right down. Sit down.



Oh, you look so good!

- I do?



Shit! Fuck! I'm coming!

- Come for me, baby.



Yeah, baby. Fuck, I'm gonna come.



Come on, fuck me! Come on.

- What the hell are you doing?



Come on, do it to me. Do it to me.

- Come on, say my name!



Come on, say my name. Yeah!



Yeah, yeah.

- No, no, no. I...



I was... I should see Spidee.

- Frisbee?






He's fucking this up. Come on!



You step away from her.



Don't I turn you on, huh?



Come on, take me. Yeah!

- Cookie! What the fuck?



No. I'm going to...

I should talk to Spider.



What the fuck is that?



It's nothing.

- God, he's fucked!




- What's wrong with your piece? Relax.



What the fuck is that?

What the fuck? Michael!



What the fuck?

- Hello?



It's my new Walkman.

- What is that?



It's just my new Walkman.

- Fuck!



You cheating little shit!

- Hello?



Where are the cops, Frisbee?



Trying to steal my girlfriend?

Is that what you're trying to do?



Michael! What the fuck

are you wearing?



Shut up!

- Help!



Get the fuck in here!

- You got a wire on you, man?



You bringing the cops here?



This is where we go in!



All right, I just...

- Hold on.



The fuck...



What the fuck was that?

- What the fuck is that?



Oh, my God, it's the cops!

They're coming!



How can you do this to us, man?

- Put the fucking gun down, man.



Move your hand from your fucking balls.

I'm gonna shoot one ball!



I'm gonna take one of your balls.

Let me get one. Come on!



No! Put the gun down, man!



Let me get one of your balls!

Come on!



Holy shit!



Shit! That's gotta hurt, man!



Freeze! Don't fucking move!



I didn't shoot him.

I didn't shoot him.






Shut your mouth,

and keep your hands in the air.



What the fuck are you wearing, man?

- You fucking shot me!



Now, that's gotta hurt.

- Fuck!



I hope you die, you fuck!



You shut the fuck up!



I'm sorry.



Hey, honey, you're back for me,

aren't you?



Fuck you, pussy boy.



Fucking asshole!



Come on, man, let me put

my clothes on. Come on, you fuck.



Fuck your cornholio good,

you fucking scummy asshole!



I'm gonna fucking die!



Okay, yeah, right, no.

I just got word.



There's a hotel room of the Las Palmas,

it's up in flames.



They got the perp at a porno shop.



I can't feel my legs!



Who the fuck is that freak

down at the Las Palmas Motel?



I'm cold, man.



I'm talking to you. Who the fuck

is that freak down at the motel?



I don't fucking know.

- Take your fucking hands off me!



All right, cover me.



Hey, I love you, man.



Fucking pigs!



I'm so burned...



...I can't close my eyes.



I take little naps...



...like    to    minutes.

Just, like, a little shutdown time.



I mean, I still don't ever sleep, but...



That works for you?

- Helps a little bit. Yeah.



So where are you going anyway?

- I'm going down. Down to Vegas.



I got, like, friends and family there.

- That's good.



He's in the back.



Oh, goddamn.



Getting fucked in a porn shop.



I'm going to see my son.

My son, my son, my son.



I'm going to see my son.






I'm going to see my son, Jacob.



Your what? You have a son?



Here. You want a little bit right now?

- Yeah, yeah.



Here, here.



Yeah! Wide awake!



Where's the kid?

Is he with your mom?



He's   years old.



He doesn't live with my mom,

because my mom's a fucking c***.



You'll be okay, Nikki. You'll be cool.

- You think so?



Yeah, man.



I'm gonna be okay.

I'm gonna be okay.



You're gonna be okay.



The state took him away.



It's weird because stuff happens, and

you don't notice it while it's happening.



Life is sort of passing by.



I held him once.



I held him once.



Yeah, he felt so nice in my arms.



And then they took him away.



I'm gonna hold him again.

I'm gonna hold him real tight.



I'm gonna hold him

so tight that no one...



...could take him away

from me ever again.



Hey, Volvo, bring on your balls.



You said you'd take caee of this.

I eeally need the money.



Take caee of it.

Take caee of it.



You know what's cool?

My girlfriend, Amy, and I...



...we're so attracted to each other,

so in love with each other...



...and she really misses me.



I can tell from the voice

on her answering machine.



She really misses me,

and I love her so much.



It's really great.

We're so attracted to each other.



Amy, I love you!



I'm gonna be a really great mother.

You think...?



You sick motherfucker!

Sick! Sick! Sick!



You know my girlfriend?

I miss my girlfriend, Amy, so much.






Amy's the best.

- I'm gonna be a great mom.



I'm gonna be the greatest mom...



Amy and I are so good together.



Wide awake.



Do you want a little bit?

- Yeah, yeah.



I need another line.



You know what the best part is?

- What?



I'm not hooked.

- I know.



I can stop at any time.



Eveeything's gonna be wonderful.



I am so excited.



Hey, you got busted like a bitch, boy.



I'm not Spider Mike right now, okay?



I shot him in the balls, though, huh?

How about that?



I shot him right in the balls,

that Judas fucking bastard, man.



You bring people into your circle,

bring them into your house...



...and they walk all over you, right?



Not like you. You're my friend, right?

- Yeah, yeah. Sure, whatever.



Well, someone must like you,

you lucky son of a bitch.



Let's go.



Cop, you're gonna let me out too, right?

- Oh, sure.



What do you mean, "Yeah, sure"?



Cook, come on, get me out, man.

- See you later, cockroach.



Come on, Cook. Come on, man.



We're friends. Don't leave me here.

Cook, come on.



Yeah, well, thanks. Thanks a lot,

you fucking old bastard.



Piece of shit.



What about me, man?

Nobody thinks about me, right?



You tied her up?



I can't believe it.



How long?

- Four days.




- I don't know.



No, maybe...

It was maybe three days. Three...



Four days. Fuck!

I don't know! Fuck!



I've heard some cruel shit in my day,

but that is some pretty fucked up shit.



I know.



I thought you were a normal guy.

- I am a normal guy.






Hey, look! Look, girl, it's that guy.

Check him out.



He looks like shit!

- No way, girl. He looks nice.



Listen, man, I want to thank you

for bailing me out.



Don't mention it, and I mean that.



So where are you at?

What are you doing?



I'm a couple houes south of you.

I'm on my way now.



You like him, don't you?



I turned another goddamned

motel into an ashtray.



Barbecued it, huh? Attaboy!



So, what's this?



You're on your way?

Is this my two hours' notice?




- Ross, where's Nikki?



I dropped her off at the bus station

about a half-hour ago.



She's probably halfway

to Vegas or something.



Good. We need to take a ride.



Fuck, man, I can't do that right now.

My room's fucked. I haven't slept...



You need a ride somewhere,

asshole? Well, you know what?



Ross is giving me a eide today.



Okay? We're gonna go to the bus

station, we're gonna pick up Taco.



Oh, baby needs to buy some more

chemicals? Poor, poor, poor baby.



Poor little baby. Call a taxi.



Loser! Loser! You lose!



Fuck, Nikki.

- I'm sorry.



I don't know what to do.

- I'm sorry, man.



Listen, you little motherfucker,

don't you ever fucking lie to me again!



I know, I'm sorry. She was staring at me,

giving me the evil eye. I don't know...



Listen to me.



I want you to drop that crazy bitch off

right now and meet me at the market.



I just wanted to tell you...



No, just meet me

at the goddamned market! Bye.



You wanna fuck him, don't you?



I can smell the snail trails

all over the store.



Fuck you!

You always talking shit like that.



Listen, can I use your backroom?



Yeah. It's right back there.

- Go ahead.



You like him, eh?

- Shut up. Stop bothering me.



You're always bothering me.



One guy looks at me too...



My baby! Ross, look.



I missed you so much.



Yes, you did.

- Hi, Taco.



Looks like a perfectly healthy

green dog.



This is great.



Come on, sweet pea.



Las Vegas, huh?

- We're gonna go to Vegas.



Oh, I wish he was there.

- That would be good, right?



So Las Vegas is how long by bus?

- It's a seven-hour bus ride.



Well, around seven hours.

Not so bad.



Oh, I don't have any cash.

- Here, sir.



I had a really good talk, you know?

- I had such an amazing time. Thank you.



Ross, if you ever make it

out to Vegas...



...you have to call me.

Do you pinkie promise?



I pinkie... I pinkie promise.

- Thank you.



Because I don't know if I'm ever

gonna come back here.




- Yeah.



You know he wasn't mad at you, right?

He wasn't.



Come here, baby.

- That's not real.



I like you even though

you're not a normal guy.



I like you even though

you're not a normal girl.



So let's just say goodbye.



I just wanna say that I enjoyed

all this time that I spent with you.




- Yeah.






Come here.



Be safe.






Good luck with Amy.

- Well, good luck in Las Vegas.



Just be yourself, okay?

- Thank you.



All aboard, please.




- Bye.



Hi, it's Amy. I'm not heee, so leave

a message and I'll call you back.



Hey, Amy, it's Ross. I called before,

but it was busy, so I'm calling again.



You know, I really need to talk to you,

so if you're there, pick up.



I wanted to talk to you because

I haven't heard your voice...



...and so I wanted to talk to you.

So please...



...if you'd give me a call,

that'd be wonderful, and I love you.



It's your machine,

and pick up if you're there.



All right, it's Ross. I'll call back. Okay.



Have you seen...?

- He's in the backroom.



Chilling out.

- Back there?



Yeah, back there.

You guys keep it quiet, okay?




- All right.



Did you get the girl and the little dog

to the bus stop?



Yeah. She split?

- She's gone.



She said she might come back.



Hey, they always spin their way back,

you know?



What do you want?



I thought I saw that guy.

Where is that pinche puto?



I don't know, but you better leave.

He could still be close by.



Can I have a beer?

- Oh, fuck, yeah.



Did he leave? He better watch himself.

- Holy fuck!



That's fucking April!



I bet you that fucking bitch

is afraid, huh?



And she's with

my fucking dyke neighbor!



Get out of here!



Hey, fuck you!



You don't need nothing?

- We don't need nothing from you.



Who you gonna get it from then, huh?

Spider Mike?



The pinche maricón

was eaided last night.



He got raided?



I told you once already, just leave.

You better leave...



...or there'll be trouble.

- Right.



Take your cigarettes and just go.

- Fuck the smokes!



What I want is respect

from you bitches!



Respect is earned, mud flap.



Screaming at these women

is no way to earn any respect.



These aren't women.

These are my fucking bitches, bitch!



Man, look at that. Some of them dykes

are pretty goddamn good, huh?



You girls okay?

- Yeah.



I don't like resorting to violence,

but men, they're evil.



They need healing.



Here's for the beer.

- Okay.



Have a nice day.

- You too.



Hey, want a bump?



Yeah, I need that right now.

- There you go.



So Spider got busted.



Yeah and that little faggot, Frisbee,

was wearing a goddamned wire.



Get me out! It's bad! It's gone bad!



Holy shit!



Spider broke a cap off,

nailed him right in the nuts.



Oh, shit!



Is he dead?

- No, he lived.



That's gotta hurt.



Jesus Christ, that's gotta hurt.



Is Cookie all right?

- She got busted.



So where we going?



Let's go to the city.



The city? I don't... I can't, man.



I can't go. I haven't slept in days.



I'm too fucking high. The car is

on empty. I'm on E here. I just...



Why do we need to go to the city?

- Listen, pussy boy...



...you're broke. I'm broke.



My old lady split. Your old lady took off

with some fucking dyke.




- So we gotta get some money.



We gotta go there.



That's where they got

dope and what we need.



And when we go there,

then I'll take care of you, all right?



No, that's cool.

No, we should go there...



...because my real girlfriend,

Amy's, there.



We're supposed to hang out,

so it's actually kind of perfect.



We'll go to the city.



I gotta stop and make a call.



Goddamn it, pay-phone boy.

We're just up the road a bit.



Just keep on driving.



All right, wait here. I'll be right out.



Four hundred diamond chips.

I've counted them.



Given to me by a Hell's Angel.

I think his name was Charles.



Hi! We've been waiting for you.

Where've you been?



Okay, both of you, out of here.



Out of here. Out of here. Out of here.



Are you alone?



I got a little helper with me, a little kid.






Are you into that? Kids?



Hi, it's Amy. I'm not heee, so leave

a message and I'll call you back.



Hey, Amy, it's me.



I'm gonna be at the park

in about    minutes...



...and I really wish you'd talk to me.



Okay. Well, here's a little something.






That's good.

- And here's another.




- That's even better.



I want you to know I have changed.



I'm really, you know, trying to be good,

and I have your money.



So I love you, and maybe

you'll come, okay? Bye.



Everything you'll need, you'll find

in that jug, that can and that case.







- Nice.



Okay, girls.

- Goodbye, lover-boy.






Take a lesson, you two.



That's a real man. Oh, yes!



I love him.



Okay, where to?



I'll make you a deal.



Six months' worth of dope.

Just give me a ride where I gotta go.



Sounds good. Is it okay if I go

and see my girlfriend?



I gotta see Amy first.



Yeah, let's go.



All right.



Where's my money?






There's plenty more where that's from.

- That's it?




- Impressive.



Now you only owe me    .



Yeah, well, I got a job, you know,

now, and I'm working really hard.



You know, I just...

God. Can I hold you just for a second?



Are you on crank?

- No!



You're spun, aren't you?



No, I'm working hard!

- I can't deal with this!



No, I can't... What?

- I can't deal with this.



What are you talking about?



I got a life now, okay?

- Look...



Don't touch me!



I'll call you.






I'm crashing pretty hard right now.

I'm really tired.



That's not good.



I remember a time,

I'll tell you, I was about...



I was little. I don't know,     years old,

something like that.



We had this old dog

that had a litter of puppies.



And I walked

in the bathroom one day...



...and my mother was standing there,

kneeling down.



The dog had a litter, about eight,

and my mother was bending over...



...and she was killing each one

of these little puppies in the bathtub.



And I remember, I said, "Why?"



She said, "I'm just killing

what I can't take care of."



Then my mama said to me...

She looked at me, she said:



"I wish I could do that to you."



Maybe she... Maybe she should've.




Special help by SergeiK