Taste Of Cherry Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the Taste Of Cherry script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the Abbas Kiarostami movie (Ta'm e guilass).  This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Taste Of Cherry. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You won't hurt my feelings. Honest.

Swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts!

Taste Of Cherry Script








A laborer?

You want laborers?






- You want laborers, do you?

- How many?



Take two



- Hello, mister.

- Hello



How are you doing?



- What are you doing?

- Playing cars



Know how much a meal costs?



Get to the point



       tomans is nothing!



How will we pay it back?



Right, what are they asking for?



Where can we find title-deeds?



Don't hang up!

Do you want to make a call?






- Do you want to use the phone?

- No



Yes, I'm listening






Outside the museum?




All right






- I'll drop you off.

- No, I'm working



- I'm going that way.

- I'm working



- Don't act so proud...

- I said I'm working!



Come here.

Just a minute, please



Hello. How are you?



If you have money problems,

I can help you






- You don't have money problems?

- No



I can help you



Clear off

or I'll smash your face in!



Get lost!






- How are you?

- Fine, thanks



What is it?

What are you collecting?



Plastic bags



What for?



I pick them up and liquidate them

near the factory



What happened to your finger?



I cut myself this morning






Nice shirt!

Where did you get it?



I found it over there

last week



Nice color, it suits you!



Know what it says on it?



Where are you from?



"Pissy, pissy...

Your dick's all sticky"



- Don't mind them.

- They're playing.



- Where are you from?

- Near Lorestan



Not a local then,

from Lorestan



- Are you from Lorestan too?

- You could say that



How much do you make a day?



 OO,  OO,  OO...



 OO,  OO.



What do you do with the money?



I send it to my family



You want to get married?



No, I'm helping my family



You're helping them?



So, would you do something

if I asked you?



A job?



A well-paid job



No, I don't know how...



I just collect plastic bags

and sell them




Where are you going?






A film by





Homayoun ERSHADI



Abdolhosein BAGHERI




Safar Ali MORADI



Mir Hosein NOURI








Assistant cameraman




Sound assistant












 st assistant director




 nd assistant director













Mohamadreza DELPAK




Homayoun PAYVAR



Written, produced and directed by




- Where are you going?

- To the barracks



Come on, get in









Are you well?

Where are you going?



Down there, not very far



The barracks down there?



- Near the reservoir?

- Yes



You look tired



I guess I am



- Are you worn out?

- Yes



A soldier is never tired!



What do you expect?

I've walked from Darabad



- From Darabad?

- Yes



But today's a holiday



I'm on duty tonight

until six in the morning



Then what are you doing?



- Where will you go?

- To my aunt's



She's dead, I stay

with her husband, a janitor



How long ago were you drafted?



Two months



- Still in training?

- Yes



Where are you from?






- And you're in the army here?

- Yes



Will you stay or go back after?



- No, I'll go back.

- Sorry?



- I'll go back home.

- Back to Kurdistan?



- Yes.

- Good



What did you do

in Kurdistan?



What did you do there?



I was a farmer



A farmer?



Have you studied?



- Were you at school?

- Not for long






You gave up?






You know how it is



How many people in your family?






- Nine?

- Yes



- They all work?

- Yes, all of them



- Do you know anyone in Tehran?

- Yes



- Relatives?

- Yes



I have two brothers in Tehran



Why don't you stay with them?



They're married,

they have small houses, children



I can't stay there



Do you have money?

Soldiers get pay



- Money?

- A little... the pay's not good



Is it enough for you?



Oh no, it's not enough



When do you have to be back by?



Six p.m.



It's five now



You're so fond of the place,

you get there



an hour early?



No, not really... no



We've got an hour to kill.

How about a drive?



I may have

a well-paid job to offer you



to supplement your income



I want to be at the barracks

by six



- What?

- I want to be back by six



I'll drive you back



Don't worry, you won't be late



- Shall we go?

- Okay



I'll get you back by six,

don't worry



You say the barracks

aren't much fun?



I had fun

when I did my military service



It was the best time

of my life



I met my closest friends there



Especially in the first

six months



I remember we used to get up

at four in the morning



After breakfast,

we'd shine our boots and



we'd go out on manoeuvers.

The major would join us



There were  O to    men

in the regiment



The major would start counting



He'd tell us to repeat: One












Do you count too?

Is it the same?






How do you count?



Are you shy?



- Yes.

- What?



Why? Don't you count with

your friends at the barracks?






So you don't think of me

as a friend



Of course I do, we're friends



No, you act as if

we don't know each other



- No, it's not that.

- Well, then?



It's not that



Listen, this is how we did it:













One, two, three, four



One, two, three, four



- Go on, repeat after me: One

- One



two, three



Is that how you do it

at the barracks?!



- Soldiers don't count like that!

- I can't help it



You're taking me a long way!

I need to know what you want



- What you have to do?

- Yes



You know, son



If I were in your shoes,

I wouldn't ask



what the job is,

but rather how good the pay is



For someone like you



the pay's what matters.

A job is a job



It's easy

if you look at it that way



This isn't an ordinary job

but neither is the pay



In ten minutes,

you can earn six months' pay



What's the job?



Forget the job,

it's the pay that matters



You have to tell me what it is!



Listen, when you ask a laborer

to dig foundations



does he ask

if they're for a hospital,



a lunatic asylum or a mosque



or a school? He does his job

and gets his pay



Ever been a laborer?






Were you told

what you were digging for?



- No, no one told me.

- Why ask me then?



Help me out, I'll pay you



It's not hard, you'll see






Where are you going?



I have to be at the barracks

by six



I'll drive you back,

wait a while



I want to get out!



I want to get out!



- Get out?

- Yes



A call of nature?



No, I was thinking

I could go



Why did I ask you to come?

You think I'm nuts?



Do I look nuts?



I was thinking

I ought to get back



I promised I'd get you back

by six and I will



Wait a while



Come on, get out a minute



- I need to get back.

- Get out, I'll explain



You see that hole



That hole there



Now listen carefully



At six in the morning,

come here and call me twice:



"Mr. Badii! Mr. Badii!"



If I reply, take my hand

to help me out of there



There's  OO, OOO tomans

in the car



Take it and go



If I don't reply,



throw in  O spadefuls of earth

on top of me



- Then take the money and go.

- Take me back



Keep it. Take me back!



I don't want to cause trouble



- Trouble? What trouble?

- I don't want it. It's late



I want to go back. I don't want

to be involved in all this



You can't throw  O spadefuls

of earth in that hole?



Right now,

I really need you



otherwise I wouldn't have

begged you



You want me to beg you?

Is that what you want?



No, why would you beg me?



What does "need" mean?



What does "help" mean?

"Help" isn't necessarily paid for,



but I'll give you money,

I'll help you



Don't you need money?

Are you sure?



Of course I do




Isn't  OO, OOO enough?



It's not that.

I can't do this for you



It's not a matter of money



You can't throw earth in a hole?



Yes, but not on top of someone,

not on someone's head



You can't throw earth

on someone!



If he was alive,

he'd stand up to respond.



Look, I really need your help.

I'm not mad!



When you throw the earth in,

the man won't be alive,



or he wouldn't be in that hole



Do you understand now?



Do you understand me?






So if you understand,

get out, come and see



When you come back here

at six tomorrow morning



Is your barracks over there?



From there to here

will only take you  O minutes



Call my name twice:

"Mr. Badii, Mr. Badii!"



If I reply, you'll take my hand

to help me climb out



You'll get paid



But if I don't reply...



Get out



Get out!



Get out, come and see!



It's God's will I should need you



and you don't want to help!



You don't want to?!



You won't bury me alive!



Right now,

they're burying dozens of people



As we speak, dozens

of dead people are being buried



- You've never seen a gravedigger?

- No, never



I'm not a gravedigger



I don't bury people



I know you're not a gravedigger



If I'd wanted one,

I'd have fetched one



It's you I need



You're like my son



Help me



I have to beg?



Is that what you want?



No, what's the use of begging?



Get out then,

come and have a look



Maybe you'll feel up to it



 O spadefuls of earth



Just  O,

Each paid       tomans



Where are you from?



- Kurdistan.

- You're a Kurd!



A Kurd has to be brave



You people have fought

so many wars,



known such suffering...

Your villages have been decimated



You've probably used a gun,




Know what a gun is?

Why you're given one?



So you can kill when you need to



I don't want to give you

a gun to kill me



I'm giving you a spade, a spade



You're a farmer, right?



Just pretend you're farming



and that I'm manure to be spread

at the foot of a tree



Is that hard?



You're destined to use a gun,

not a spade!



You can't even use a spade!



Thank you!



Thank you very much!



- Hello.

- Hello



- How are you?

- Well, thanks



- What's that machine for?

- Making cement




Why isn't it working?



This place is closed now.

The workers aren't here



So what are you doing here?



I'm the security guard



- Are you alone?

- Yes



All alone... Do you enjoy that?



Come and join me



- I don't want to disturb you.

- Come on up!



- I have to climb this ladder?

- Yes



- How can you climb this?

- I'm used to it



- You're used to it.

- Yes



- Hello.

- Hello



What a nice place



Nice? It's nothing

but earth and dust



You don't think earth's nice?



Earth gives us

all the good things!



So according to you, all good

things return to the earth



I think you're...?



I'm Afghani



- Where from?

- Mazar-e Sharif



That's a strange name.

Whose "Mazar" is it?



It's the tomb of the lmam Ali



It's a place of pilgrimage



Isn't the lmam Ali's tomb

in Najaf?



Yes, but some people think

it's in Mazar-e Sharif






What are you doing?



I'm making myself an omelette.

It isn't worthy of you



I'll make you some tea



Thank you very much!



Don't you get bored here alone?



I'm used to it.

I'm used to loneliness too



Do you know that man?



Yes, he's a fellow countryman



He's Afghani?



Yes, he's a "seminarist".

He's here for his holidays



A "seminarist"?

He should be in a seminary



He felt lonely,

he came to see me



He's been here

for two or three nights



Is he staying for good?



Of course not... just three nights



I didn't catch what you said



- Is he staying tonight?

- Yes, he's staying



You're not entirely alone then



No, not entirely alone



- Is he Afghani too?

- Yes



So many Afghanis around here!



There've been a lot

since the war in Afghanistan



Between   and   million Afghanis

live in Iran



With the war here,

why didn't they go back?



The war against Iraq

only concerned the Iranians



But the war at home concerned us



And our war didn't concern you?



You could say your war

troubled us



but the Afghanistan War

was harder... more painful for us



Tell me



today's a holiday,

so why are you here alone?



You feel sad, so do I



Come for a drive. We can

get a change of scene, talk



I'm the security guard here,

I'm in charge



- A guard in this place?

- Yes



But who could carry off

a machine that heavy?



It's a holiday.

No one needs guards. Come on



Let's get some fresh air.

Everything's safe



It's my duty.

We all have our responsibilities



- I can't leave my post.

- You really can't?



No, sorry



I thought

we could get some air



I'll go and see your friend,

the seminarist



Maybe we'll go

for a drive together



I've made some tea



Leave it for later.




- Try going the other way.

- The ladder moves!



It's dangerous! Mend it



You can mend it

by wrapping fuse-wire around it



Are you well?



You're Afghani, aren't you?






What are you doing?



I've got three days' holiday



I was alone, I felt down



My friend Ahmad was alone too

so I came here to visit him



I meant

what are you doing in Iran?



I study at the Tchizar seminary



Aren't there any seminaries

in Afghanistan?



Yes, there are some.

But there was a war on



And my seminary wasn't

that good



so my father told me

to study in Iran or at Najaf



So I came to study in Iran



What about the fees?

Does your father send you money?



My father isn't that well-off, no



The seminary pays me  OOO tomans



During the summer, I work



to build up my savings



What kind of work?



I work as a laborer,

simple work



I didn't know a seminarist

could work as a laborer



When you need to, you work



So if a job comes along,

you take it?






Aren't you wondering

why I've offered you a ride?






I know that your duty

is to preach and guide people



But you're young, you have time,

you can do that later



It's your hands that I need



I don't need your tongue



or your mind



I'm lucky that those hands

belong to a true believer



With the patience, endurance

and perseverance that you learn



you're the best person

to carry out this job



You're not telling me

what I have to do



I know my decision

goes against your beliefs



You believe God gives life

and takes it when He sees fit



But there comes a time

when a man can't go on



He's exhausted and

can't wait for God to act



So he decides to act himself



There, that's what's

called "suicide"



You see, the word "suicide"



isn't only made

for dictionaries



It has to have

a practical application



And here's the application



Man has to decide

on its application



I don't really understand.

Tell me what I have to do



If I can, I'll do it for you



I've decided to free myself

from this life



What for?



It wouldn't help you to know

and I can't talk about it



And you wouldn't understand



It's not because

you don't understand



but you can't feel what I feel



You can sympathize, understand



show compassion.

But feel my pain? No



You suffer and so do I.

I understand you



You comprehend my pain

but you can't feel it



That's why I ask you

to be a true Moslem



and help me. Can you?



Yes, I understand you.

But suicide is wrong



Since the Hadiths,

our twelve lmams and the Koran



refer to suicide



and say that man

mustn't kill himself



God entrusts man's body to him



Man must not torment that body



I understand you, but suicide,

viewed from every angle...



That's right



but I told you

that I didn't need a lecture



If I had wanted a lecture

I'd have turned to someone



with more experience,

who's finished his studies



I'm simply asking

for a helping hand



My hand does God's justice



What you want

wouldn't be just



I know that suicide

is one of the deadly sins



But being unhappy

is a great sin too



When you're unhappy

you hurt other people



Isn't that a sin too?



When you hurt others,

isn't that a sin?



Hurting your family...

your friends



hurting yourself



isn't that a sin?



If I hurt you,

that isn't a sin



but if I kill myself,

it is?



You're right



hurting the people close to you

is a great sin too



I think that God is merciful

and so great



that He doesn't want to see

His creatures suffer



He's so great

that He can't possibly



want to force us to live



That's why He grants man

this solution



Have you ever thought

about the meaning of this?



I've thought about it

but not like you have



In any case

our talk won't get us anywhere



This isn't the time or place



Get out now. Next to that tree,

there's a hole



Go and look.

I'll explain afterwards



Go on. Take a look



Get in



I'll explain now



I've decided to swallow



all my sleeping pills tonight



and then come and lie down

in that hole



To sleep



What I want you to do

is wait until dawn



then come here

like a kind brother



and cover me with soil.

That's all



Of course



I follow the Koran

when it says-



This work will bring you

not only Heaven's reward



but also a material reward so you

won't need to work this summer



The Koran says



You shall not kill yourself



What's the difference

between killing someone



and killing yourself?



Killing yourself is killing



What's your decision?



Why don't you get out?



My friend has cooked an omelette

and it smells good. Let's eat



You'll find a solution



Thank you! I know he's cooked

but eggs are bad for me!



Some other time! Good-bye!



Mister, mister



Mister, move your car.

The digger has to work



Clear the way



Move your car,

the digger has to work



What are you doing here?



This is no place to sit down!



Are you sick?

Come on, move your car!



You can't sleep here!



If you want cement,

you have to go to the office



Come on, take your car



Why have you come here?



Are you sick?



Do you want some tea?



Stand up, take your car



Come on... Come on



Thank you.



So, no more questions?






You've got your bearings?

That tree is a good landmark






So, no more questions?

No problems?



No problems but...



But what?



When you want to help someone



You have to do it properly,

with all your heart



It's better...

more just and more reasonable



You can even use your hands

instead of a spade



Keep your feelings

for more essential things



But how?



What's your job?



I already told you



What specialization?



Shovelling earth

doesn't require specialization



Just shovelling earth



If I could help in another way



I'd prefer that



Just do what I ask



But what help?



If a man

wants to help his fellow man



he ought to do it differently!



He can save a life



I won't be responsible

for someone's death



but, since you ask,

I'll say yes



But it's hard.

Admit that it's not easy!



If you don't explain your problem,



who can help you?

You don't know me



But you have relatives,

friends, a brother



Forgive me for prying



It's either a family problem

or debts



Every problem has its solution



But if you don't talk



no one can help you



We all have problems in life



If we all chose this way

out of every tiny problem



there would be no one

left on earth



Isn't that right? No one!



Not a living soul!



Turn left, please



- I don't know this road.

- I know it



It's longer

but better and more beautiful



I've been a prisoner

of this desert for    years



I'll tell you something

that happened to me



It was just after I got married



We had all kinds of troubles



I was so fed up with it

that I decided



to end it all



One morning, before dawn



I put a rope in my car



My mind was made up,

I wanted to kill myself



I set off for Mianeh.

This was in    O



I reached

the mulberry tree plantations



I stopped there.

It was still dark



I threw the rope over a tree

but it didn't catch hold



I tried once, twice

but to no avail



So then I climbed the tree



and tied the rope on tight



Then I felt something soft

under my hand. Mulberries



Deliciously sweet mulberries



I ate one.

It was succulent,



then a second and third



Suddenly, I noticed



that the sun was rising

over the mountaintop



What sun, what scenery,



what greenery!



All of a sudden, I heard

children heading off to school



They stopped to look at me



They asked me to shake the tree



The mulberries fell and they ate



I felt happy



Then I gathered some mulberries

to take them home



My wife was still sleeping



When she woke up,

she ate mulberries as well



And she enjoyed them too



I had left to kill myself



and I came back with mulberries



A mulberry saved my life



A mulberry saved my life



You ate mulberries,



so did your wife,

and everything was fine



No, it wasn't like that,

but I changed



Afterwards, it was better

but I had in fact changed my mind



I felt better



Every man on earth

has problems in his life



That's the way it is.

There are so many people on earth



There isn't one family

without problems



I don't know your problem



otherwise I could explain better



When you go to see a doctor



you tell him where it hurts



Excuse me,

you're not Turkish, are you?



Here's a joke.

Don't feel offended



A Turk



goes to see a doctor.

He tells him:



"When I touch my body

with my finger, it hurts



"When I touch my head, it hurts,

my legs, it hurts



"my belly, my hand, it hurts"



The doctor examines him

and then tells him:



"Your body's fine

but your finger's broken!"



My dear man,

your mind is ill



but there's nothing wrong

with you. Change your outlook



I had left home to kill myself



but a mulberry changed me



an ordinary, unimportant mulberry



The world isn't the way

you see it



You have to change your outlook

and change the world



Be optimistic



Look at things positively



You're in your prime!



Because of some minor problem

you want to commit suicide



For one single problem



Life is like a train

that keeps on moving forward



and then reaches the end

of the line, the terminus



And death waits at the terminus



Of course,

death is a solution



but not at first,

not during your youth



Forgive me for dragging you off

along this rocky road



You think something is good,

then realize you're wrong



The main thing is to think hard



You believe what you do is right



but then you realize

that you're wrong



Talk, say something

to give me a breather



I've talked too much,

I've said everything



I've given a whole speech.

Just say something!



Turn left here, please



In any case, if you don't talk,

I'll talk some more



If you don't talk,

I will



Have you lost all hope?



Have you ever looked at the sky

when you wake in the morning?



At dawn, don't you want to see

the sun rise?



The red and yellow of the sun

at sunset,



don't you want to see that




Have you seen the moon?

Don't you want to see the stars?



The night of the full moon,



don't you want to see it again?

You want to close your eyes?



Please, take the right fork!



The people on the other side

would like to take a look here



and you want to rush over there!



Don't you ever want to drink

water from a spring again?



Or wash your face in that water?



Turn right!



If you look at the four seasons



each season brings fruit



In summer, there's fruit,

in autumn too



winter brings different fruit

and spring too



No mother can fill her fridge



with such a variety of fruit

for her children



No mother can do as much

for her children



as God does for His creatures



You want to refuse all that?

You want to give it all up?



You want to give up

the taste of the cherries?



Don't. I'm your friend,

I'm begging you!



Turn right



Turn right,

this is the main road



Turn left, please



Before I get out



I'm going to sing you

a song in Turkish



It means: "My love,

I'm flying off, come to me



"I'm hounded from my friend's

garden, come to me



"From happy days before



"I've fallen on hard times,

come to me"



Tell me,

we barely know each other



You go, I'm your friend.

You stay, I'm your friend



In any case, I'm your friend



You stay, I'm your friend.

You go, I'll be your friend too






Do you work here?




Tell me what you do



I told you, I work here

at the Natural History Museum



No, I mean tomorrow morning



Tomorrow, I come at dawn.

I call twice:



"Mister... Mister..."






Badii, and you reply



Then I take your hand

to help you out



And if I don't reply?



You will reply! Inch'Allah,

I know what you'll say



But what if I don't reply?



I'll do what you asked me to do,



don't worry!



Say it to put my mind at ease



Some things



are easier to do than to say



In any case, you'll do it



If it wasn't for my child,

I wouldn't



Believe me, it's hard



It's a deal



I come

and I cover you with earth



You take your money

and you leave



What a relief for you!



I must go,

the kids are waiting



May this money help

to cure your child



Keep your promise,

or you won't be blessed



I hope you'll be all right



Take this now.

You'll get the rest tomorrow



Thanks for bringing me back here.

Thanks again!



I'll see you at six tomorrow.

Or rather, you'll see me at six



God willing, you'll see me too



Take it, take the money



Thank you but no.

After I do the job



Sir, please,

could you take our photo?



It's all set,

just press the button



Thank you



Hey, what's wrong?

Are you in a hurry to die?!



He's crazy, man!






I want to see the man

who just came in



- Many men come in.

- He had a blue jacket



His name?



He works here.

He was carrying a bag



Many men work here



He had a bag full of quails



for the students.

To stuff them



What's his name?



I don't know.

He has a sick child, with anemia



Oh, you mean the old man

who works in the workshop



Mr. Bagheri



Yes, Mr. Bagheri.

Could you call him?



We can't do that



- Can I go in?

- You need a ticket



Please! How much is it?



-     tomans.

- Where do I go now?



Follow the path, turn right



behind the main building.

You'll find "Taxidermy"






Four, please



Thanks, Mr. Bagheri.

More partridges!



Just as good! What you get

is a matter of luck



Please, girls



A partridge or a quail



We were supposed to study quails!



Birds don't fall into the net

to make you happy



Mr. Bagheri, someone for you



First, you have to lie them

on their backs



and wet the thorax feathers

with a sponge



Then slit them open

with a scalpel



along the whole length

of the body



Don't cut too deeply

or the innards will spill out



Mr. Bagheri

come and sit with me



No thank you. I'm busy



- Mr. Bagheri, are you well?

- Yes, thank you



That white coat suits you



Thank you very much



What were you doing?



- What birds have you handed out?

- Quails




Did you kill them?



Yes. For work



You're well then?



- I have something to tell you.

- Go on



When you come in the morning



bring two small stones

and throw them at me



I might just be asleep

but still alive!



Two stones aren't enough.

I'll use three



Shake my shoulders too!

Perhaps I'll be alive



You promised me!



Even if they behead me,

I'll keep my word



You promised. Don't forget,

don't let me down



Can you hear me?



Tell your men to stay

near the tree to rest



The shoot is over



We're here for a sound take


Special help by SergeiK