Vanilla Sky Script - The Dialogue

Ta da! The Vanilla Sky transcript is here for all you fans of Cameron Crowe movies. The entire dialogue script, all the quotes, the whole shebang. I know, I know, I still need to get the character names in there...I'm workin' on it, trust me. If you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You won't hurt my feelings. Honest.

Swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards for more free scripts!

Open your eyes.
Open your eyes.
Open your eyes.
Open your eyes.
David, open your--
Well, I supposethe empty street meant loneliness.
You're a shrink.You gotta do better than that.
I'm a doctor.Let's not stereotype each other.
Not all rich kidsare soul less and...
not all psychologistscare about dreams.
The question is how you got hereand why you've been charged.
What do you want to know?I was about to turn 33.
I ran three magazinesand a world wide publishing house.
Most days I fooled myself intobelieving it would last forever.
Isn't that what being youngis about?
Believing secretlythat you would be...
the one personin the history of man...
who would live forever.
Where you going so early?
Don't record any more messageson my alarm clock, okay?
- Why not?- I'll start to think we're married.
Don't ever say that word.I will never come over...
and bring you chicken soupand fuck your brains out again.
How's your cold?
Still there.How 'bout yours?
You definitely tookmy mind off it.
"Juliana" here.
Hi, Rayna. I missed my audition.I lost my head!
No, listen, I have to go.
I'm with David.
Help yourself to whatever. Maria willclean up. Set the alarm before you go.
you are the greatest.
Bye, honey.
Bye, honey.I'll call you later.
- When?- Soon!
Did you reserve the court?
Easy. I can't handle heavyconversation at this ungodly hour.
Sorry to do this early,but I gotta be done by 10:00.
You're not gonna makethe 8:45, are you?
- How did you find me?- David Aames...
you have to check the colorsfor the new issue of Rise.
-What are the colors?-Yellow and red or traditional white.
- Gotta think about it.- David, please.
Don't be late for the 10:00with the board.
Don't tell anybody where I am.I don't care if God calls.
- I'm very, very busy.- Yeah.
- Can't you get rid of that board?- The Seven Dwarfs? No.
Those people drive you nuts.
And that was the desireof my father who hired them.
You fucked Julie Gianni again,didn't you?
I know someone was therewhen I called.
You had that tone.
"No, I got a cold.I'm hanging in tonight, you know."
I had a cold.
- I was alone.- Fine.
-You do what you want with your life.-Thanks.
But one day you'll knowwhat love truly is.
It's the sour and the sweet.
I know sour, which allows meto appreciate the sweet.
Julie Gianni is a friend.
Sometimes we sleep together.
What? What?
- What?- My dream girl...
Julie Gianni...
is your fuck buddy.
- What do you wanna listen to?- Slow down, man.
What do we got here?Barcelona, Looper.
Look out! Look out!
We almost died.
- I know.- Use your fuckin' head!
My own death was in front of me,and you know what happened?
Your life flashedbefore my eyes.
- How was it?- Almost worth dying for.
We're at the front door.We're coming up now.
- Good morning, sir. Sleep well?- Yes, I did.
- Eaten yet?- What's that?
Good morning.
David, you were playing racquet ball. I've been covering you for an hour.
I'm saving your assand you're playing racquet ball.
Thank you, Fritz.
We are now exiting the elevator.The board is not happy.
- Good morning, Beatrice.- Hello, David.
You're in the Post today. Courtney Lovecalled to see if you got her E-mail.
And Graydon Carter and Shelley Wangercalled to see if dinner's still on.
- Cool.- Art department needs the colors--
- yellow and red or white?- Good morning, David.
And did I mention the boardis pissed you're late?
Hey, David! Hold up!
Which one?
Wait. This one?David!
Okay, they're all waiting for you.
- You changed your hair.- Yes. And David...
opinions are expected.
Do you dream about the board--the Seven Dwarfs as you call them?
Sneezy, Bashful...
and of course, Grumpy.
How was Aspen?
Now, I want answersand I want them now.
How's it going?
They still look at meas if I was 11years old.
He's going to inherit everything.
He gets it all.
You're scared of your dreams,aren't you?
It's a nightmare either way.
Is that how you explainwhat's happened to you?
- What?- What happened to your face?
- I'm not talking to you anymore.- You don't wanna show me your face?
- Do you know why you're here?- Conversation, the coffee--
David, the part wherewe parry and joust...
and get to know each otherbit by bit--
No. No can do.
We'll have to skip that becauseyou've been charged with murder.
In four weeks, a judgewill determine your fate...
based on what I write.
- So you will talk to me.- There is no murder.
There is no murder!
It never happened!
- I don't have to talk to anybody!- Want me to help?
- Get the fuck away from me.- You take it easy, sunshine.
Take it easy, Face.Your whole story's full of holes!
Stop. Stop!
Please leave right now.I'll take responsibility.
Please leave right now.I'll take responsibility.
Please leave right now.He's got control.
I'm gonna get you,daddy's boy little freak.
- My parents are dead, you fuck!- Enough!
Is that true?
- Good cop, bad cop--- That you're a daddy's boy?
Primer on David Aames Senior.
My father wasn't builtfor the21st century.
He never went to McDonald's,not once.
He never watched television,and yet...
his biggest magazineis still the TV Digest.
He and my mother threw the grandestparties of the literary world.
Ballooned.Jumped out of airplanes.
He sought adventure.
His autobiography is the manual...
for every cutthroat publisherin New York City.
It's called Defending the Kingdom.
I've read it.
Page 127--
"David Jr. was a delightas a child."
Did I miss something here?Was that all he wrote about you?
I don't think he evergot over the fact...
that I'm absolutely...
terrified of heights.
The irony continues.
When he and my mother were run overby a drunken teenager...
on New Year's Eveten years ago...
he left the keys...
to the kingdom...
to me.
Fifty-one percent control.
Forty-nine percent going to a groupof seven board members...
who all thought they werefirst in line.
And you believe the board--the Seven Dwarfs--
put you here to take controlof your company?
What do you care?
We're just talking.
And tonight's Wednesday night...
and I go to Black Angus for dinnerwith my two daughters on Wednesdays.
So I'll have to leave soon.
You do understand that our timeis limited, don't you?
If I talk...
you'll just think I'm crazy.
With all the possible respectI can offer a man...
wearing a latex mask and spoutingconspiracy theories, David...
believe me,you've crossed that bridge.
Enjoy your dinner.
There are five basic emotionsin life, David.
Tell me,what emotion gripped him...
before he entered that cell?
Was it guilt...
I'm completely on the wrong track,aren't I?
Who needs ice?
David, happy birthday.
You have got the greatest tastein shoes, bar none anywhere.
- Emma, have you met Lynette?- I fear what we may have in common.
David, did you invite the entireOlympic snowboarding team?
Tonight is my birthday.
- Say happy birthday to David.- Happy birthday.
Welcome to Graceland.
Happy birthday,you son of a bitch.
Happy birthday.
Hey, friends of me, hello.
-Let the fun ensue.-Living Stereo will be on-line soon.
It is the great John Coltrane.They would love an article on it.
If you like it,it's an amazing prototype.
- Excuse me.- No, no. Thank you. That's okay.
- Literary god, Brian Shelby.- Happy birthday.
And all the usual shitpeople say to each other--
- How you doing?- Living the dream, baby.
- To what do I owe this pleasure?- The pleasure of Sofia Serrano.
We met today at the library,if you can believe that.
Sorry about my coat.It's too big for your closet.
-We were pretending to be intellectuals.-It's amazing. I love your coat.
I overdressed.I mean, I underdressed.
I'll continue like you're bothactually listening to me.
Do you have another roomto put it in?
I have ceased to exist.
Madison Square Garden is nearby.It might fit there.
Happy birthday.
- We picked it out together.- Thankyou.
We picked it out together.
- We.- You're welcome.
Stop flirting and open it.
- Let's get a drink.- Yes.
I'll leave this upstairs.
- I'll be right back.- Okay.
- Listen.- Hey, Tommy.
No, no, don't blow me off.
I'm all packed. I'm goingback to London and I understand.
You put me up for the other attorney'sjob so you didn't have to fire me.
That's a classy move and your fatherwould have done the same.
It's okay, Tommy.
I became incompetent.
Is there anything more unbecomingthan an aging mascot?
I cared for your father.
I lived and breathed for him.
These guys, the Seven Dwarfs...
they think you're stupid--
a corporate hazard,a rogue.
They are gonna find a wayto get you out, David.
They're lined up for your office,your life...
They're lined up for your office,your life...
your position.
They're working day and night...
to cheat you outof your 51% vote.
And they're gonna sellthis tradition of words...
so they can eatin a better cafeteria.
But what they don't know is this.
People will read again!
I got it.
They even got a nickname for youbehind your back.
Citizen Dildo.
You got great instincts...
but I say this with complete love.
Claim your life...
learn to be an asshole--
Two's enough.
Forgive me.
I still believein this family, David...
even if it's only you.
Get Tipp out of here.
Drive him home,and in the morning...
tell him he's rehiredwith a 50% raise.
Give him that big office acrossthe hall from the Seven Dwarfs.
And set up a meetingwith the other attorneys.
I'm gonna be in early tomorrow.
Well, earlier than usual.
Hello, handsome.
I've come to wish youa happy birthday.
Oh, man.
I didn't invite you,Julie.
- That was a little weird.- That's how it works with parties--
you have to be invited.
I'm mad at you, you dick.
We made love four timesthe other night.
- Is that good?- Two's good.
Three is very good.
- But four--- Four's pretty good?
Four is--
Four is what?
Hold me, and then I'll leave.
And you can go back and talkto that cute brunette.
Four is what?
I don't wanna meet your fancy friends.I knew them when I was fancy too.
Four is what?
She looks like a moth.
A moth?
Sometimes I worry about you,that some clever girl...
in a big silly coat is gonna comealong and play you just right.
Then I'll lose my friend.
And there won't be any chicken soupparties for me and you.
When will you call me?Don't say "soon."
I hate it when you say "soon."
Danny Bramson gave him thatfor his birthday last year.
So this is what's becomeof rock and roll--
a smashed guitar behind a glass casedisplayed on some rich guy's wall.
It was a gift, actually.
- I like it.- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
So how did youget all this stuff--
this apartment, this life?
I see.
How 'bout if you help me,unless I'm horning in here.
- You are, but the food's good.- I have a problem. I got a stalker.
It doesn't sound life threatening.
I need for you to pretend we arehaving a scintillating conversation...
and you are wildly entertained.
- I know it's tough.- I'll improvise.
She's across the room and burninga hole in my back now, isn't she?
Red dress, strappy shoes?
Wow. She's really staring at you.
- Shit.- And she seems to be crying.
Less happy.
I think she's the saddest girlto ever hold a martini.
-Jennifer Kelly.- Hi,Jennifer.
- You have another apartment.- Sort of a day office. Come on.
- I am not going in there.- I am. Good night.
- I hear her coming.- Really?
- Hi.- How are you?
We're safe, but I've gotnothing to drink.
Who did these paintings?
This is Joni Mitchell.
This one is Monet.
And this one...
was done by me.
It is a snowboard.
Well, two of them are geniuses.
That is the real thing.
His paintbrush paintedthe vanilla sky.
And his canvas.
My mother's.
- I'm surprised you're surprised.- I can't keep this banter going.
- Me neither.- I caught you.
Brian, come in here.
- What's going on?- Your friends are fun and I'm drunk.
-Julie Gianni is stalking me.- She looked dangerous.
Nobody stalks me,so I drink.
- We're all out up here.- Finish my Jack and Coke.
- Stupid glass.- I got it.
- It's the stupid guy holding it.- Don't worry. No big deal.
I'll go get us something.Jacks and Cokes?
I better hit it. I dranktoo much and I didn't eat.
- The party's just starting.- For you it is.
You cannot go.You are my guest of honor.
Fuck you, David.
You're paying me to write my novel,so you own me.
I don't own you. You are brilliant,good-looking, handsome.
But why'd you have to hiton Sofia?
- I wasn't hitting on Sofia.- Fine. Whatever you say.
- I'm crazy. I'm blind.- You're not blind.
You're drinking Jack and whenyou do you start in with that...
Frank Sinatra,she shot me down...
give me a cigaretteking of sad thing.
- That I do. Give me a cigarette.- I'll find one.
Wait. You're rich and women loveyou and I'm from Ohio and drunk.
- Can I tell you the truth?- Everybody does.
I dig her.
And I've never said this to youbefore about any girl...
but she could be--could be-- could be--
could be the girlof my fucking dreams.
- You're not from Ohio.- I know.
But if she fucks up our friendship,she can go to hell.
I won't allow it.We are bros.
- I feel the same way.- Sure you do.
- Hi.- How you doing?
- Thankyou.- You're welcome.
Where are you going?
I am Frank,and Frank must go.
- What?- I good you bid evening.
Wait. I'll go with you.
- Stay, baby.- I'll give you a ride home later.
- No, I have to work tomorrow.- You--
You are in great hands.
I'm just humoring myselfthat my opinion matters.
You will never knowthe exquisite pain...
of the guy who goes home alone...
because without the bitter, baby,the sweet ain't as sweet.
Have a good time.
The sweet and sour speech again.
- Why are you scared of heights?- Many people are scared of heights.
It's not the heightthat bothers me.
It's the impactthat terrifies me.
I won't stay long.
Hey, Paolo.
I have to take you for a walk.
I'm glad he protects you.He's a lethal canine.
I love living here,and I refuse to clean up.
No problem.
I have to work around the clockto keep this place.
- You really are a dancer.- For 14 years.
But I don't dance like you dance.
Do you want something to drink?
Hey, beautiful, beautiful boy.
What do you wantfor dinner tonight?
Do you want fried chicken?
I like your life.
Well, it's mineand you can't have it.
I don't wanna know the storybehind this photo.
- Who's Sergio?- It's a nickname.
- Your nickname is Sergio?- It's a long story.
And we don't know each other.
- So many secrets.- That's because I'm an arms dealer.
- I've never known an arms dealer.- You do now.
What about you?What's your nickname?
Citizen Dildo.
You are not staying over.
Never run a company. Stay an artist.Stay an arms dealer.
Oh, please. SomehowI can't play the violin for you.
Although, it must be difficultcontrolling all those people's lives.
Everyone at that party is connectedto you for survival in some way.
It seems.
Ever been married?
Did you ever accept anyof your 12,000 proposals?
Twelve thousand and eight. No.
And you moved to New York to dance,paint, act and deal arms?
Do you wanna hear Jeff Buckleyor Vicki Carr?
Jeff Buckley or Vicki Carr?
Both simultaneously.
Everyone said,"Don't go to New York."
I just think good thingswill happen...
if you're a good personwith a good attitude.
Don't you think?
You think I'm naive?
No. I really don't.
I dug her completely.
Some how I'd found the lastsemi-guy less girl in New York City.
I have to get to sleep.
Truthfully, I also work morningsas a dental assistant.
Boy, am I goingto the wrong dentist.
And you didn't immediatelywanna sleep with her?
Well, you know,I'm a pleasure delayer.
- How does that work?- Pleasure delayer?
You don't know?
You keep a relationship casual...
until the absolute breaking point.
And then one eveningor afternoon or morning--
it could be months from now.
You know how it works.
No, actually I don't.
I've been married for 22 years.
You've got dinnerwith your daughters.
That's right, I do.
Back then I had intricate systemswith women...
you wouldn't believe.
Like what?
Hey, Doc, don't get melancholy overthe 30 seconds you were single...
a long time ago.
- That's what you think I'm doing?- Oh, yes.
You might be right.
Let's continue.Time is not our friend.
Just our shortcomings,that's all we're allowed to draw.
I've never drawn sucha true likeness before.
Mine's finished.
- That's how you see me?- Maybe I didn't add enough money.
No, something you'd see on a wallin a steak house in hell.
It's wonderful.Sign it.
Let's see yours.
Give me that.
I feel bad.
You said to draw a caricature.
I know. I couldn't.
I saw you like that.
It's very good.
I'll sell it to you.
You monster.
How much for it?
One kiss.
That smile is gonna bethe end of me.
And what happens whenyour friend calls you tomorrow?
He just met you a few hoursbefore me. He'd do the same.
I see that friendshipis important to you.
It is. It is.
And as his best friend...
I know he's trying to finish a novelabout inadequacy and rejection.
So the longer that I stay,the better it is for his career.
Your career is the oneI'd worry about.
No. No, you're more rightthan you even know.
I used to be one of those guysthat just...
snowboarded through his life...
with no focus...
When did you change?
About five minutes ago.
Every passing minute is anotherchance to turn it all around.
And to those who thinkthat you're a charlatan?
I understand.
The perception of a headfrozen somewhere...
waiting for reanimationsounds like science fiction.
- What are you watching?- It's the greatest show.
It's called Sofia.
It is at the frontierof a new science.
Life Extension.
How do you accomplishsuch a thing?
I've seen this 30 times.
Life is full of surprises.
But the greatest surprise of all isthat this doesn't have to end ever.
We did a story on this guy.He owns half of Arizona.
- Is he a fraud?- How would you ever know?
Good point.
Can you unfreeze a human life?
Take the case of Benny the dog.Benny's a dog.
He was frozen for three months andthawed out to live a normal life.
That's comforting?
It's safe for Benny.I'm in.
We'd better watch out.
Raymond Tooley,creator of Life Extension.
The book is Life: The Sequel.
- Where are you going?- I left my number on your fridge.
Come here.I want to tell you a secret.
I meant that to be your forehead.
Thankyou for the inspiration.
I will now attempt to runmy company showing compassion...
for the seething throngof my partners...
who root quietly for me to fail.
And for things you don't even know.
I'm gonna go to work.I have a company to run.
Pleasure delayer.
Hey, handsome.
You're following me.
Just a little bit.
I wanted to finishwhat we were talking about.
How did it go with our moth girl?She turn into a butterfly for you?
Yes, she did.
She did.
I can tell by the way you werewalking you didn't sleep with her.
Let me guess. You haven't sleptwith her because...
it's more funwhen you can draw it out.
Sex just isn't as good if a womanhasn't told her friends...
she'd never sleep with you.
Right on the money,Julie.
She must be exhausted from tryingto be witty for you all night.
It's okay.
You never seem to be there for yourfriends until they've given up on you.
I'm not blowing you off.I just--
I wanna be alonefor a little bit. Trust me.
I have a lot of thingsI have to take care of.
And if we're friends,which we are...
okay, thenyou'll understand that.
I'm sorry.I got weird.
I missed an audition and...
it just made me feel bad youdidn't invite me to your party.
You wanna make it up to me?
I won't tell a soul.
Would you do a story on meif I made a CD?
Sure I would.
Do you like my music?
It's vivid.
Well, if I weren't me,I would buy a CD by me.
Well, you know,if you can reach one person--
What's happiness to you, David?
What's happiness to me?
- What is happiness--- 'Cause for me...
this is happiness--
just being with you.
There's one thingthat bothers me.
Why did you tell Brianthat I was your fuck buddy?
I didn't tell him that.I didn't say that.
- When did you stop caring, David?- Caring about what?
About the consequences ofthe promises that you've made.
- Promises?- Yeah, the promises.
I thought--
Get the fuck--What are you talking about?
Do you understand how hard it isto pretend to be your buddy?
David, I love you.
I fucking love you!
I fucking love you!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Don't do this.Don't do this.
You fucked me four timesthe other night.
You've been inside me.
I swallowed your cum.That means something.
Slow down.
Four times-- it means something.
- Four times.- Stop the car.
Twenty-four hours a day, I livewith this aching possibility...
that you might call meto do something.
Let's go to your house.I wanna see where you live.
Just slow down.I want you to stop the car!
Don't you know when you sleepwith someone...
your body makes a promisewhether you do or not?
Tell me something, David.Do you believe in God?
What are you doing?
Okay, I love you.I love you.
Don't do it!
You're amazing.
Did you get to work all right?
No, actually,I had a horrible dream.
You dreamed you'd neversee me again.
I left your apartment,I went downstairs to the car...
and my friend, the stalker,had followed me there.
Yes. And she wantedto talk to me.
And I remember I had this buzz,you know...
that buzz from you and me.
I think my mind was still onthat terrible drawing of me.
But she was upset...
about-- I don't know.
I got in the car and...
she drove offa bridge...
and committed suicidewith me in the car.
I thought you were goingstraight to work.
But I survived...
with my arm and my face...
And what's worse...
is that I can't wake up.
And how was your houseafter the party?
What party?
The party.
Red dress, strappy shoes.
I spilled somethingon your shirt.
Sweet and sour.
And the saddest girlto ever hold a martini.
My dreams are a cruel joke.
They taunt me.
Even in my dreams,I'm an idiot...
who know she's aboutto wake up to reality.
If I could only avoid sleep.
But I can't.
I try to tell myselfwhat to dream.
I try to dream that I'm flying.
Something free.
It never works.
Is that the only thing you dream?
I don't-- I don't remember.
Do you dream aboutthe car accident?
Here's what you rememberfrom a coma.
What happened next?
What really happened?
What, didn't you readthe file?
I was out forthree-and-a-half weeks.
My face and my arm shattered andmy jaw was broken in four places.
No surgery could be performedbecause of the coma.
You can't feel the darkness...
or numbness.
You can't even feel.
And then...
I came back to life.
Just like that dog.
Benny. You know, Benny the dog.
Benny. Benny the dog.
Only my lifewas no longer normal.
There are blinding migraine snow--nerve damage.
This is howbig business operates--
random accidents...
a lifestyle mishap.
They are not coincidences.
How do you thinkairtight contracts are broken?
These are power upheavals.
I'm from Ohio.
We don't have power upheavals.
They are in the news every dayright between the lines.
Someone did this to me.
My father wrote about thisin his book.
Chapter one, page one...
paragraph one--
"What is the answer to 99out of 100 questions?
David, look,I don't wanna worry you.
I'm holding them off,but we got a situation here.
The bylaws of the boardprotect your 51% vote...
only if you're mentally acute.
I'm sorry that poor girl died...
but you've handed the boarda real gift with your mishap.
They'd like to declare youincapacitated.
But you're back.
You sound good to me,so let's fight the fuckers...
and have a full recovery.
And maybe you should letpeople see you, yeah?
The last time we were togetheryou were in a coma...
and you were veryfucking rude to me.
You didn't say a word.
Yes, well, the rumors of my deathhave been mildly exaggerated.
Who could I trust?
The ants were taking overthe anthill.
Who could I trust?
The cranial structurewas based on 30 pins...
and fastened by micro-panelsand bits of bone from the mandible.
It appears the cartilage graphshave maintained your cheek structure.
Unfortunately,because you were in a coma--
Doctors. Their power is in jargon,so you study up.
Is that the procedure for allbilateral periorbital hematomas...
in a LeFort Three fractureof a comatose patient?
- In a LeFort Three?- You do your best.
The potential for intracranialbrain damage was too great.
Beyond the cheek grafts,Dr. Pomeranz...
are the pins fastened with any kindof aluminum which could ionize...
and cause that pressurein my head?
- I'm ready for another operation.- We are working on processes.
But you're specifically not atthe stage where we can experiment.
Experiment. Use me.
The headaches will go away.
These are more than headaches.
These are like steel platesslicing through my every thought.
We're not cowboys.We can't just wing it.
Because I can't think straightmost of the time.
- We can increase your medication.- Oh, yes, medication.
And there are thingsthat we'll continue to investigate.
However, there are so many otherswho've not had the aesthetic benefit...
of plastic surgeryas you have.
This isn't about vanity,Dr. Pomeranz.
This isn't about vanity.
This is about functioningin the world.
It's my job to be out therefunctioning.
I've got the money.I'll pay any amount.
Just invent something.
Just play jazz.
You say you'rethe best face man in New York.
Fucking prove it.
- We could do something about your arm.- Fuck my arm!
Nobody here takes your feelingsfor granted.
We did prepare something for youbased on the preliminary examination.
Tell me. Bring it on.
It's sometimes usefulin the early stages of rejection.
It's a facial prosthetic.It was two weeks in the making.
- Thankyou, Carly.- You're welcome, Doctor.
A facial prosthetic.
The aesthetic replacementdoes work...
emotionally and actually.
The plastic in the aesthetic shieldalso blocks out abusive rays...
and assists inthe regeneration of cells.
So it's an aestheticregenerative shield.
That's correct. Exactly.
The ergonomics of the plate barrierallows it to interact reflexively...
with the movementsof your own face.
I see.
- It's a helpful unit.- Good.
Because for a minute there,I thought we were talking...
about a fucking mask!
It's only a mask...
if you treat it that way.
It's great. This completelytakes care of Halloween.
But what about the other364 days of the year?
A new form of mebegan to take shape.
I planned my reemergence...
like the Normandy invasion.
Sofia. Sofia.
Sofia Serrano.
I'll just say it.
I did my homework.
I read every memo.
Thomas Tipp was right.
People will read again.
I attended the monthly board meetingwith the Seven Dwarfs by video hookup.
Because peoplearen't buying books.
- Let's invest.- Oh, baby, this was war.
I grew stronger in waysI'd never known before.
Andon December5...
my planes filled the sky.
The return of David Aames,Jr...
Citizen Dildo.
You won't believe this...
but this is me smiling.
It's been a long time.
I tried to see you,but your people wouldn't let me.
I didn't want to see me, okay?
But then...
I woke up todayand finally...
a good hair day.
You wanna get together?
- What?- Let's go out and do something.
This weekend.
I'll cancel an operation or two.
We'll have fun...
because I am all about fun.
Okay, folks, our first guest tonightis an amazing survival story.
Please welcome Benny the dog.
So welcome to the show.Thankyou very much for being here.
- You bet. My pleasure.- I have so many questions.
To start off, tell us allwhat has happened to Benny.
What's Benny been through?
Well, Benny fell into the waternear our home.
And he was frozenin the Skykomish River.
In Washington.
l went fishing, thinking he'dbeen gone now for three months.
And I see himin a block of ice.
He is thawed out now.Is that correct?
He's not moving a lot.I'm worried.
Should I get out some tongs?I'm worried about the dog.
No, he's fine. He's just losta little bit of his friskiness.
l would think so, yeah.
It's David.I'm back in your life.
I saw you earlier today.
I was just watchingour old friend Benny the dog...
on Conan...
and I thought of you.
I loved seeing you today.
So I will see you soon.
You're a great dancer.
- What you drinkin'?- Nothing.
I'm in the mood for a cheap,sugary, overpriced rum and Coke.
- So you want one?- Is there any other kind?
I'll get us some.
Where is the bathroom?
It's behind--over there by the place...
by the girl who looks like Bjork.
- I'll be right back.- Maybe I should--
Hey, man, you look good.How's your book?
- Take it off.- No, this is a facial shield.
It's an aesthetic prosthesisthese fucking doctors--
Take off the mask, man.It's freaking me out.
I can't.
It's my face.This is my face.
Trust me.It's a little different.
If you're embarrassed, just go.Nobody asked you to chaperone.
- Sofia asked me.- What?
She didn't want to be alone with me?That's bullshit!
Because I think I'm being prettyfucking cool about this whole thing.
Talk to a shrink.
Or you can call me sometimeinstead of hiding in your apartment.
Don't take it out on a girlyou only met once.
Did she say that--
Did she saythat I met her once?
Just cut it out, okay?
I miss the old you.
We all miss the old you...
because the new guy is shit.
That came out wrong.I love you.
- How's your arm, man?- Fuck you, Brian.
How 'bout...
no sympathy.
How 'bout that'sthe deal we make, okay?
Give me a Budweiserand a shot of tequila.
What kind of tequila?
- What did you say to me?- I said, what kind of tequila?
Why don't you ask meto my face, bitch?
Patr n, if you have it.
Another shot, another Bud.
- This is on the house.- Why?
It just is, bitch.
Patr n!
Dude, fix your fucking face.
- Hello again.- Hello again.
Let's start over.
How 'bout if you help me?Unless I'm horning in here.
Oh, you are,but the food is good.
See, I've got this little problem.I've got a stalker.
Doesn't sound life-threatening.I need a cover.
I need for you to pretend that we'rehaving a scintillating conversation...
and you are wildly entertained.
I know it's tough.I'll improvise.
I don't talk like that.
She's right across the room.She's burning a hole in my back now.
Red dress, strappy shoes.
That's right.
I think she is the saddest girl...
to ever hold a martini.
- Are you okay?- No.
Why? What's wrong?Is it me?
- Is it me?- I'll tell you later.
- I'll tell you later.- Something's wrong. Tell me now.
Talk about it all right now.
- Talk about it. Get it all out.- I'll tell you later!
Say everything now.
Just say everything now.Now! Now! Now!
I'll tell you in another life,when we are both cats.
I can't believeyou just said that.
That is the greatest thingthat I've ever heard.
That's hilariousthat you said that.
See, that-- You said that.
That is what I love about you.
That's hilarious.
I'll tell you in another life,when we are both cats.
Well, this is where I leave you.
I'll walk you to your door.
- I live just around the corner.- I've got my bike here.
- I'd rather walk.- Don't be a drag.
Can't you seeshe wants to go on her own?
Shut up. You're drunk.
I may be an idiot,but I'm not drunk.
Seriously, I don't need youto walk me home.
Thank you.
Okay, then.So we'll call you.
We'll go catch a movieor something.
So we'll meet up soon.
We'll meet up soon.
We'll call you againto go out with me!
We'll call you.
It's been a real blast.
I bid you good evening.
Wait, wait.Where are you going?
My bike-- it's back over there.We'll hang soon.
And bring your mask if you want.I'm getting used to it.
Wait a minute.
I don't know.
You drank a little too much.Call me tomorrow if you want.
Tomorrow I'll wish I was dead.
No, you won't.You just need to sleep.
What did you say to Julie Giannithe night of the accident?
You told hershe was a fuck buddy.
She was a little morethan pissed about it.
Have you been harboringthis shit all along?
I never talked to her.
who am I if I can't be the oneto tell you you're not ugly?
Come on.
Give me a courtesy laugh.
Oh, Brian, I'm so fucked up.
I'm just so fucked up.
Hey, Brian, come on.
We're best friends!
We're bros!
Come on, man, we're bros.
Open your eyes.
This is a cheap ployfor sympathy.
I'm okay. I'm okay.
And it worked. Get up.
I agree.
This is a joke.
I'm not gonna lie to you.
I liked the way you looked.
you have to pull itthe fuck together.
Because if not,I'll forget the other guy.
You know that other guy?You.
I'm still that guy.I'm still that guy.
I don't have a mother-savior bonein my body.
It's not about that.You are coming inside.
But if this turns outto be a big mistake...
I do have the abilityto fall out of love with you...
like that.
We createdour own world together.
- I am still that guy.- Shut up.
Us versus them.
- Where's Brian?- Brian?
He went with you, didn't he?
I thought you guys hooked up.
I wish you hadn't gottenin the car with that girl.
Sofia, l--
Your eyes apologize better.
Come on.
Holy God, this is goingto change my life...
in a zillion different ways.
I must be nuts.
And we were quite a pair.
Her believing in me,me believing that...
I actually deserved it.
I see you haven'tbeen wasting your time.
Do you ever drawanything else?
Did you sleep last night?
No, I did not sleep.
Got to leave early today,so you'll have to be brief.
Now, what can you tell me...
"about the name ""Ellie""?"
Is that a girl you knew,a girl you were in love with?
I've only been in love once.
Apparently, you keptrepeating it last night.
You did sleep, David.Your advisor said you cried out.
- You had a nightmare.- Everything's a nightmare.
You cried out for Ellie, David.Do you remember what happened?
Dig deep, David.
Dig deep.
You cried out for Ellie.What do you remember about Ellie?
Show me your face, David.
Help me open the door.
It's true you had an accident.It's true you were disfigured.
But not anymore.
Do you remember?
They did fix your face.
Take off that mask, David.
You'll see your faceis perfect under there.
I never trusted the doctors.
What happened next was surreal.
That same arrogant bastard,Dr. Pomeranz, called me.
Suddenly he wasmy new best friend.
David! Hey, my brother.
I felt really badabout our last conversation.
He said he'd discovered a new formof reconstructive surgery...
with the help of a doctorfrom Berlin.
Next thing I knew, they shot mefull of drugs I'd never heard of...
and away we went.
What if God was one of us
Just a slob like one of us
Trying to make his way home
He's got a good voice.
The odds, they said,were one in three...
that the headachescould be reduced by 50 percent...
and facial tissuecould be regenerated.
The first to incorporate the conceptof endoscopic periorbital fiber optics.
Where are we gonna eat later?
I can't even tell youwhat they did.
It seemed likescience fiction to me.
"Madonna had that song,""Borderline."""
- That was a hell of a song.- And another snip.
This is gonna be onegood-looking guy when I'm done.
Obviously, I was suspicious.
Wouldn't you be?
Suspicious of whom, of what?
once you've been drivenoffa bridge at 80 miles an hour...
somehow you don't invite happiness inwithout a full body search.
At the risk of boring you...
I can presentthe alternate argument.
I once knew a guy...
who was a real loner.
One day he woke up at 40...
with two daughters thatlit up his life with purpose...
and he suddenly goesto endless school plays...
and he gets home at 9:20for the evening discussion...
and he has the time of his life.
His favorite Beatle was once John,and now it's Paul.
I always liked George.
It all depends onthe individual, doesn't it?
Tell me,what's happiness for you?
What's happiness to you, David?
- How 'bout another question?- You won't show me your face.
Will you?
So back to the time line.
Hurry. Let's move through this.
You've got to takethe plates off.
I don't want to knowwhat's under here.
It's gonna be fine.You'll see.
- I'll go tomorrow.- Today.
I already called Pomeranzand switched it to Wednesday.
I hope that woman at the front deskgave you shit about it.
Another day won't matter.Besides, the Mustang will be fixed.
The plan was going in the Mustang.The Mustang's not ready.
So we'll go tomorrowin the Mustang.
- Good.- We'll go when it's fixed.
I know that the problem...
wouldn't be you delayingsomething you were dreading.
Couldn't be that.
Couldn't be that.
I mean--
I mean, I agree.
I think it's very important...
to have...
the right car...
to take you...
where you want to go...
24 hours a day.
How bad is it?
Well, your earsare in the right place.
And the rest of it...
is not too bad at all.
It's perfect.
Do you love me?
I mean, really love me?
Because if you don't...
I'll just have to kill you.
You see, my next life?
In my next life...
I'm gonna come backas this mole right here.
Seriously, this mole.
You'll have to wear bikini topsto work and loose-fitting shirts...
so that I can breathe.
I love you.
Love you.
I love you.
I can live right there.
Is this a dream?
We talked about the big things,the little things...
and the big things.
But in truth, with Sofia...
it was the in-between times.
What did she say?
I have no idea.
- How's things, Brian?- Fine.
- How's things?- Don't flattery yourself.
I'm fine.
Besides, Sofia is greatbut by no means one of a kind.
She was a proximity infatuation.
And don't use that. It's mine.Thanks.
Where'd you get this camera?
I'm into things.You have no idea, my friend.
Just as long as you're okay.
And anyway,we're friends, aren't we?
- Always.- That's right.
What's up with your face?
- Fuck!- What?
There's a seam opening!
- David Aames.- You fucking asshole.
I know.
Was I snoring?
I think it was me.
I was thirsty, that's all.
I'm dreaming about you.
"I could listen to you say ""mmm""..."
for the rest of my life.
Baby, what's wrong?
Where is she?
I'm Sofia.
Now, I'm gonna make surethat I tie it four times.
You know why, Julie?
Because four timesreally means something.
David, don't hurt me.
I'm freaked out.It worked.
You know you're notgonna get away with this...
so tell me now,where is Sofia.
I am Sofia.
- Where's Sofia?- I am Sofia!
- Where is she?- I am Sofia!
I'm calling the police,and you can tell it to them.
- You survived the accident.- What accident?
Whose body was it?It was the Seven Dwarfs.
- I wasn't in an accident.- You're trying to steal my life!
Of course you weren'tin an accident.
Now it's fucking attempted murder!
I'm Sofia. Please.
Tell it to them.
This is David Aames.
I need help.
I have an intruder--I've captured an intruder...
who's entered my home.
God. Wake up, man.
Are you for real?
Kept me waiting here for three hours.They won't even tell me any news.
These guys think that I hadsomething to do with this.
Give us a minute here, yeah?
Detective Larson, Detective Andrews,thanks very much.
They think that I hadsomething to do with this.
I'm gonna handle this exactlythe way your father would.
I've got it solved.
You got it solved?
Where is she?
She's gonna be fine.Now, this whole file is gonna--
Thank God you're here, man.
It's okay.
- I love her.- Yeah.
Right now I want you to look at thesephotos, then I'm gonna destroy them.
Sofia's testimonyis also in here.
It won't exist.
She's not gonna press charges.
Press charges against me?
David, wake up.
Now, as a friend...
I think you should seewhat you did to Sofia.
The press won't get hold of thisif you get away quickly.
The press won't get hold of thisif you get away quickly.
Tommy, this is Julie.This is not Sofia.
This is Julie Gianni.
I didn't do this to her.Tommy, someone's setting me up.
David, the board and Ihave taken care of everything.
Okay, they've been really great,really great, actually.
All this is gonna disappear.
We're all behind you,even the board.
Get out of here.
This is a revolutionof the mind.
You're in fuckin' sad shape!
Don't fucking ever hit a girl.
Hit me, but don't fucking everhit a girl!
Listen to me.It wasn't Sofia.
It was Julie.
- It was Julie.- It was Julie Gianni.
So Sofia was abducted by Julie...
and now Julie is posingas Sofia.
You're in O.J. land, man.
Julie Gianni is fucking dead!
I don't care what they told you,I can assure you Julie Gianni is alive.
- She is alive.- I didn't talk to them.
I talked to Sofia.
- Where is she?- I just dropped Sofia off.
I saw everything you did to her.
Let me tell you something.I did not do that to her.
Look at me.Look me in the eye.
You tell me that's the girlyou brought to the party.
You tell me thatthat's your dream girl...
your proximity infatuation.
And you stole her from me.
The one girl I really wanted,and you took her from me.
You're insane.You're losin' it, man.
- You have revealed yourself.- Oh, yeah.
I'm with them.
Where'd you get the coat, Brian?
Where'd you get the camera?
How much did they pay you?
Listen to me, 'cause this isthe last time we're ever gonna speak.
I was your only friend.
You have revealed yourself to me.
I'm in no mood to be fucked with,so do yourself a favor--
There's an explanationfor all this, David.
You and I know each other.You found me on the Internet.
I'm here to help you, David.
Who the fuck are you?Why are you following me?
First of all, it's very importantthat you calm down.
Calm down?
Calm down.
You must overcome your fearsand regain control.
Take ahold of your life again,David.
It's as easyas holding that glass.
What if I were to tell youthat you can take control...
of all of this, everything?
Even me.
Look, I'm straight. Okay?
David, look at all these people.
Seems as though they're justall chatting away, doesn't it?
- Nothing to do with you.- No.
And yet...
maybe they're only here becauseyou wanted them to be here.
You are their god.
Not only that, but you can make themobey you or even destroy you.
Well, what I'd love for them to dois shut the fuck up.
Especially you.
You see?
You and Isigned a contract, David.
Who is the man in the restaurant?Who is it?
I can't--
Can you tell the differencebetween dreams and reality?
- Of course. Can you?- Think about it.
Think with your head.
You signed a contract...
did you not?
I signed something.
Was the manin the restaurant there?
- Fuck--- Accept your body's resistance.
Let your head answer.
Sign the contract, David.
- Yes.- That's right.
Who is Ellie?
- I don't know what's real.- What happened that night?
- Somebody died.- I don't want to remember.
You hold the keysto this prison.
- It wasn't Sofia.- Who was it?
- No.- Who was it?
I'm afraid ofhow powerful this is.
You wanna let it out,don't you, David?
You're about to tell me.
Tell me...
what your heart and soulwill not allow you to forget.
Did you kill Sofia?
I thought you were a vandal.
Who are you?
I'm Sofia.
You are not...
I'm Sofia.
We're gonna be together again.
You're gonna forget about Julianaand we're gonna be together.
I'm not gonna be afraidof you anymore.
I'm gonna get you a cold towel.I'll be right back.
I love you.
Pleasure delayer.
I am Sofia.
I love you.
Oh, I missed you so much.
Where were you?
Forget it.
I don't need to know.
It doesn't matter.
Just tell me that you love me.
I love you.
What is happiness to you, David?
For me...
it's being here with you.
What the fuck...
is happening?
What is fucking happening?
David was a real delightas a child.
Oh, God!
I'm so afraidof how powerful this is!
Oh, David!
That is the greatest thingI've ever heard.
In another lifewhen we are both cats.
What's happening?
Hey, man, what's happening?
You bitch!
I don't wanna see your face!
I did it, didn't l?
But I don't feellike I killed someone.
- David...- I feel like...
- who was the man...- I'm in a dream.
at the restaurant?
the mind behavesas if it were in a dream.
Faces change.People become other people.
The subconsciousis a powerful thing.
You treated Julie carelessly,didn't you?
Your feelings of responsibilityor guilt over Julie...
might have easilyturned Sofia into Julie.
Do you know what derangement is?
I need your help.
All I know is,you killed your girlfriend...
and I don't knowwhat's in your mind.
I need your help.
I would work on this case foreverif I could, but we're out of time.
What will you plead?
Temporary derangement.
That's your best chance.
I don't think they'll believe me.
What do you believe?
Believe it or not,I care about you.
You've become like family to me.
I don't want to give up on you,David, but I needed more.
I needed--
I needed an answer.
I mean, I even thought there wasmore than a good chance...
somebody was playinga trick on you.
Maybe it was the board.
But I can't exceed my duties.
I'm just a psychologist.
And I have to go now.
Will I see you at the trial?
No, I'm--
I'm just the opening act.
Reassurance is our specialty.That is the Life Extension credo.
Benny is a dog who was frozenfor three months...
and thawed outto live a normal life.
Life Extension can translateto the human form too.
How do you accomplishsuch a thing?
Seventy-two cryonized patients...
are currently held at our facilityin New Brunswick.
And we feature the finest scientifictechnicians on the planet.
Come back!
Life Extension Corporation,please.
- Can I help you?- LE.
We hold a court order.
I think I've been here before.
Her name is Libby.
Good morning, Mr. McCabe.
I'm Libby.I'm here to assist you.
He's my son.He's very shy.
You're not with the media or a partof any legal consortium, correct?
Welcome to Life Extension.
Take a look at our proposal.Please follow me.
You can wait out here.
You'll be meetingRebecca Dearborn...
my personal role model.
I didn't need the pain anymore.I already experienced that.
They want you to lay down and die.Life Extension wants you to live.
I don't think that Goddisapproves of this.
Cryonization.:a journey of reawakening...
"after the preservation of the humanbody at extremely low temperatures."""
They laughed at Jules Verne too.
You are not--
Mr. McCabe, how are you?I'm Rebecca Dearborn.
Life Extension,or LE as we like to refer to it...
is a glimpse of the future.
It's a ticket.
Not in the juvenile sense, butin the deeply meaningful sense...
that can only be bornin the human heart.
The DNA codes of the human bodyhave been broken.
Soon, heart ailments, cancer...
so much morewill be a thing of the past.
Very simply,your anguish, your discontent...
even your deathis no longer necessary...
in a traditional sense.
Whatever malady hides behindthat mask, it's temporary.
Within an hour of your passing...
LE will transfer your bodyto a vessel...
where you will be sealed and frozenat 196 degrees below zero.
Power outages, earthquakes--
nothing will affectyour suspension hibernation.
Did you sign a contractwith these people, David?
What's the Lucid Dream option?
Good choice.
The Lucid Dreamis Life Extension's newest option.
For a little extra...
we offer the cryonic union...
of science and entertainment.
Some find this presentationhelpful.
I have a universe
Inside me
Portrait of a modern human life.
American, male...
birth and death.
Imagine that you are sufferingfrom a terminal illness.
You'd like to be cryonized,but you'd rather be resurrected...
to continue your own lifeas you know it now.
LE offers you the answer.
Upon resurrection...
you will continuein an ageless state...
preservedbut living in the present...
with a futureof your choosing.
Your death will be wipedfrom your memory.
Your life will continue asa realistic work of art...
painted by you,minute to minute...
and you'll live it with theromantic abandon of a summer day...
with the feelingof a great movie...
or a pop song you always loved--
with no memoryof how it all occurred...
save for the knowledge...
that everything simply improved.
In any instanceof discontent...
you'll be visitedby technical support.
It's all just around the corner.
The day after tomorrow,another chapter begins seamlessly.
A living dream.
Life Extension's promise to you.
Life, part two.
A living dream.
Your death will bewiped from your memory.
I guess I missed that onein USA Today.
A dream.
What if there was a mistake?
What if the dreambecame a nightmare?
Of course your subconsciouscan always play tricks on you.
The subconsciousis a very powerful thing.
Did you sign a contractwith these people, David?
But this is a serious business.
The Lucid Dreamis worth the risk.
And what is any lifeif not the pursuit of a dream?
The dream of peace...
the dream of achievement...
the dream of hearing someonesay these words...
when they really,truly mean them.
I love you, David.
I love you.
Roam free, David.
Most of uslive our whole lives...
without any real adventureto call our own.
It's hard to comprehend.
But they laughedat Jules Verne too.
is a revolution...
of the mind.
I wanna wake up!
Tech support!
Hey! Face!
It's a nightmare!
Tech support!
Tech support!
David Aames.
I think it's time we hada proper reintroduction.
I'm Edmund Venturafrom the Oasis Project.
Formerly Life Extension, LE.
- Tech support.- Yes.
Yes, I'm your tech support...
and we first met150 years ago.
Oh, shit.
You sold me the Lucid Dream.
What the hell happened?
I tried to warn you in the bar.
I told you you must exercise control,that it all depended on your mind.
All of this...
everything is your creation.
And now we're heading towardyour true moment of choice.
True moment of choice?
When did the Lucid Dream begin?
Remember the dayof the nightclub?
We'll meet up soon.
That night, after Sofia left you andyou fell asleep on the pavement...
that was the momentthat you chose for the splice.
- Splice?- Splice.
The end of your real life andthe beginning of LE's Lucid Dream.
A splice of many, many yearswhich passed...
while you were frozenand dreaming.
From the momentyou woke up on that street...
nothing was realin the traditional sense.
Open your eyes.
Your Lucid Dreamis monitored by Life Extension...
and a panel of experts who arefollowing your every thought...
even at this moment.
Forgive me.I'm blowing your mind.
I'm not a big fan of heights.
I know.
We erased what really happenedfrom your memory.
- Erased?- Replaced.
By a better life...
under these...
beautiful, Monet-like skies.
My mother's favorite.
A better lifebecause you had Sofia.
You sculpted your Lucid Dream outof the iconography of your youth.
An album coverthat once moved you.
An album cover?
There are some things...
that you're not old enoughto understand just yet.
A movie you saw once that showed youwhat a father could be like...
or what love could be like.
This was a kind woman...
an individual...
more than your equal.
You barely knew her in real life,but in your Lucid Dream...
she was your savior.
What happened in my real life?Something happened.
What did you erase?
Do you really want to know?
Tell me everything.
The morning after the nightclub,you woke up on that street...
hung over and alone.
You got up, walked away.
You never saw Sofia again.
I didn't kill Sofia.
You battled your boardfor control of the company...
You battled your boardfor control of the company...
and in the end it was Thomas Tipp,your father's friend...
the man whose job you saved...
who wrenched the companyback into your control.
But then...
somebody died.
You longed for Sofia.
You shut yourself away for months.
You were alone.
You couldn't standthe pain anymore, the headaches.
You could barely function.
I found you on the Internet.
I signed a contract with you,and then--
I remember.
Somebody died.
It was me.
And on a day in late December...
you gave your self to us.
You're now in a suspended state.
Your friend Brian Shelby threw athree-day memorial in your old home.
He was a true friend.
You were missed, David.
It was Sofiawho never fully recovered.
It was she who somehowknew you best...
and like you, she neverforgot that one night...
where true love seemed possible.
Consequences, David.
It's the little things.
The little things.
There's nothing bigger,is there?
Your subconsciousdid create problems.
Your dreamturned into a nightmare.
The glitch has been corrected.
So all I have to dois imagine something.
Like, if I wanted...
McCabe to come back right now--
Listen to me.
These people are dangerous.
We're in trouble.We need to get off this roof now.
We're now on pause...
and you're about to returnto your Lucid Dream.
With all the upgrades...
you won't remember any of this...
nor will you be chargedfor technical support.
It's now your moment of choice.
You can return to your Lucid Dreamand live a beautiful life...
with Sofia or whomever you wish...
or you can choosethe world out there.
The world out there.
And you can bring me back...
just like Benny the dog?
Just like Benny the dog.
Your face and bodycan be fixed now, of course.
But thingsare very different now...
and your financeswon't last long.
Your panel of observersare waiting for you to choose.
There are no guarantees...
but remember...
even in the future...
the sweet is never as sweet...
without the sour.
How do I wake up?
The decision is yours.
And I chose this scenario,didn't l?
Yes, to face your lastremaining fear of heights.
David, don't listen to him.
You were right. This isthe seven dwarfs. It's a setup!
You can't trust him.
Don't feel bad for him, David.This winning man is your creation.
It's in his nature to fight forhis existence, but he's not real.
I'm real.
I'm real.
I have two daughters...
and you know that.
What are their names?
I'm real.
I'm mortalityas home entertainment?
This cannot be the future!
Can it?
Can it?
It's been a brilliant journeyof self-awakening.
And now you've simply got toask yourself this--
What is happiness to you, David?
I want to live a real life.
I don't want to dream any longer.
Any last wishes?
Let them out thereread my mind.
I wish you well, David.
Look at us.
I'm frozen, and you're dead.
And I love you.
It's a problem.
I lost youwhen I got in that car.
I'm sorry.
Do you rememberwhat you told me once?
That every passing minute...
is another chanceto turn it all around.
I'll find you again.
I'll see you in another life...
when we are both cats.
Relax, David.
Open your eyes.
Open your eyes.


Donated by SergeiK