Volcano Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the Volcano script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the movie starring Tommy Lee Jones and Anne Heche.  This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Volcano. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You won't hurt my feelings. Honest.

Swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts!

Volcano Script



It's  9am. Temperature is   72 degrees...



In a back-up on the 10 westbound at Hoover

due to police activity, is a drive-by shooting...



Eyelid surgery,

body sculpting, citric-acidpeels,



whatever it takes

to create a whole new you.



..sensibilidad y delicadeza...



Can plankton cure cancer?

The answer may surprise you.



According to a study published

by the lnstitute for Holistic Research...



A boy of   

is sentenced to ten years for armed robbery.



The judge sends him to an adult prison...



In other news, a crowd of     

greeted recording artist Chilli B



on his release from County Jail this morning.



So test-drive

a new orpreviously-owned Mercedes



at your local dealer.



You'll get a chance to get this rhinestone

bracelet if you're dialing now for $  



item number       ...



The devil knows the wickedness of the city.



He knows he can prey on ourignorance.



He knows he can stoke

unrighteous thoughts in ourheads,



and tha the can turn those thoughts

into unrighteous deeds.



Citizens living near Olvera Street

are unhappy this morning



over a proposed plan to turn the site of one

of the city's oldest churches into a minimall.



Is this the right time to be investing?

ls love waiting just around the corner?



Dial    *. A certified

psychic astrologistis standing by



to guide you

through the mysteries of the cosmos...



More trouble

for the beleagueredMetro Rail this morning



as angryBeverly Hills residents protest

the newest extension of the RedLine Subway



into their neighbourhood.



The demonstration, called outside

the Beverly Centershopping mall,...



The people I see here today

never voted for this subway.






And they certainly never voted to see it

stop in the heart of this neighbourhood.



Hey, Councilman! Councilman!



The people ofyour district

want us to clean their houses



and watch their kids.



If we have no cars, how we getting to work?



These buses run every ten minutes.



- How would you know?

- How would I know?



I know this: every time

this line gets extended there's blasting.



It's dangerous, it's expensive, it's noisy.



Nuke the whole city! Nuke the whole city!



Kelly, your eggs are ready!



Hello? I already told you.

I don't eat in the morning.



The people of my district

have to provide overhalf the taxes...






Max, clean that up.



Kelly, cornflakes are ready.



All the subway's gonna do is make it easier

for downtown's problems to come up west.



What have we got?



Gunshots to the back,

two exit wounds. BP:    over, palp.



- Heart rate?

- Heart rate    .



Get a CBC, chest X-ray and an EKG.



- What have we got?

- Drive-by.



- County full or what?

- Must be some holiday we don't know about.



Ready,      !



- How many exit wounds?

- Two. Here and here.



- Decreasing respiration and a weak pulse.

- Can I have a number   swab?



- Cool watch. Tag or Rolex?

- Rolex. Hubby's big on anniversaries.






That was refreshing.



I hate it when that happens.



OK, quake's over.

Let's tube him. Give me a seven.



 .  ?



 .  . Right.



Everything all clear?

Folks, I don't know what to say.



OK, you can come out of there now.



Grab a jacket.

We have to go by the office for a while.



- You told Mom you'd take the week off.

- I am taking the week off.



I'll just wait here, OK?



- I can't leave you here after an earthquake.

- Why not? I'm   . I know what to do.



OK. What do you do?



Get in the door frame, put your head between

your knees and kiss your ass goodbye.



All right. That's it.



Who are you calling?






- Dad!

- Shut up. I need a baby-sitter.



..not to panic. Please stay calm.



Damage from

this morning's shaker, time dat  .  am,



seems to be confined

offender-benders and jangled nerves...



We have a non-injuryaccident,

 th and Stanley. Altercation reported.



Oh-oh, we're cool now. It's the LAPD.



Officer! How about

giving us a ride back to civilisation?



What's up?

You gonna come out or what? It's our 'hood.



You wanna tell me what this is about?



- Get outta my face.

- If I'm in your face, you'd know it, bro!



Huh, right!



No official word

on the quake's magnitude...



- Have we got any power failure?

- Blue Line running.



- What's the status on Green Line?

- Green Line good.



- We got radio contact with the train.

- Radio up andrunning on Blue.



OK, let's get some business done.



Epicentre and magnitude?

Who's in for a ten spot?



Vegas,  . .



Vegas. I love that.



..we hope to get confirmation of

the shaker's magnitude from seismologists.



I can't.



I can't.



A couple of sentences, a question or two.



Why don't you do it?



People wanna hear from a seismologist,

not a pencil pusher.



If I go out there, I'm gonna throw up.



That won't send

the sense of calm we're looking for.



- Hey, you guys feel anything this morning?

- You're off the hook, Flash.



You weren't gonna

make her talk to those nasty reporters?



I got some stuff I wanna show you later.






Good morning, good morning.

How are you?



Hi, Amy.



- Morning, Doc.

- All righty. You ready?



You're on air.



This was a small-to-moderate earthquake,

epicentred in Palmdale...



Palmdale! Ah!



- Who's got it?

- Gobby's got it!



Gobby's the winner.






Get outta here!



- ..there couldbe aftershocks that

- Get back to work. Think this is a party?



could potentially

reach the range we felt this morning.



- As you have heard, it was a  . .

- Yes, baby, you can go to work



because the building's been retrofitted.



- It's myjob to know that, sweetheart.

- Hello, Emmit. Hello, feet.



It is so you to blow a vacation day

for a little tremor. What are you doing here?



- Vacation means you don't come in.

- Roark, your ex-wife called.



If a dam breaks, the Mayor calls,

I don't want you saying I'm fishing.



Mayor's in Aspen.

We don't pull her off the slopes for only a  . .



- Besides, I'd cover for you.

- Yeah, you look comfortable at my desk.



Yeah, it was like I belonged there.



I thought he had the week off.



Yeah, it's that Midwestern work ethic.



Oh, what is that? What is that?



- Water main...

- ..ruptured. Gas is gone, too. I sent crews out.



Other than that,

the phone and power lines are all up.



Thank you.



Gotta be fast, fast, fast.



- Look, watch. You see that...?

- Yeah, I've got...



That man loves to hover.



Yeah, like you don't!



Seismologists are saying today's

quake mayhave revealed a new fault system



- not previously thought to be active.

- I don't care what your supervisor said!



Nobody ran a work order past me

and this vehicle is on public property!



- You gonna ticket us?

- You're the cute one.



How 'bout I tow your ass, honey?



Jesus! Get an ambulance!






- What the hell happened?

- Ohhh!



- Gently, gently!

- Help's coming. Where's Danny?



Danny! Danny? Where are the others?



They burnt up...






A code   from Public Works.



MacArthur Park. Possible fire or explosion.

Casualties reported.



Word is coming in of a possible

gas explosion in the MacArthurPark area.



We don't have any details as yet

as to the precise nature or size of the blast,



which is said to have injured

a number of city workers, some seriously.



- Rescue crews are responding at the site...

- Oh, God.



- What are you doing here?

- Got a call. Said Public Works lost   guys.



Freak accident on a storm drain job.

They hit a steam pocket and got scalded.



No fires, no explosions, no continuing threat.

We'll copy you on a report.



Steam did that?






Where's the survivor?



He's at Saint V's right now.

Critical, last time I checked,



but I'd like to notify the families before they

hear about it on Geraldo, ifyou don't mind.



Mind if I have a look for myself?



Roark,... we'll copy.



- Mike! Mike!

- OK?



Stan! Get over here.

I wanna show you something.



How's the choo-choo behaving?



All right. This is where your problem is.






This... is your Red Line tunnel.






What I wanna do is shut down this section

just as a precaution until we know.



Why should we look bad

because DWP blew some pipes out?



Nothing blew down there, Olber.

They hit a steam pocket.



- Steam?

- Yeah.



The tunnel walls are five feet of concrete.

Where's the threat to my trains?






- Can we wrap this up?

- Maybe the earthquake tore something out.



- Shit.

- Let's find out before we...



You're only happy declaring an emergency!



No, I actually enjoy motor sports, music

and the company of close friends,... sir.



      people think they're taking the train

home tonight. What am I supposed to do?



Put on extra buses.



It's his mess. Let him take the shit for it.



..all around me

I can see rescue workers and body bags.



This is an awful tragedy for the families of

the workers who perishedhere this morning.



..intersection of th andAlvarado.



Bodies are spread across the sidewalks.



We're told one worker did survive,

but his identity has not been released yet.



-     over    .

- Let's give him some more morphine.



- Start another line of ringers.

- Let's cut away his burnt clothing.



Fran, look.

Steam doesn't char clothing like this.



This is a flame burn.









Something else.



The trouble was not caused by steam,



which, if you'll recall from our briefing

this morning, was our position all along.



This is such a bad idea, Mike.

This isn't OEM. This is DWP's show.



- I wanna know what's in that hole.

- Let Public Works send a crew in.



I can't wait three days for a report.

Can you, Gator?



- Hell, no.

- OK, let's go.









I'm the one that praised the land...



This is Emmit Reese.

Emmit Reese to Ground Control.



Los Angeles, do you copy?



Yeah, we copy. It's hot as hell down here.



You all right?




Is it too late to switch jobs with Emmit?



He doesn't want your job.

He wants mine, Gator.



Yes, and a company car, Mike.

Don't forget that.



- OK, we're coming up... Whoa!

- Look at that. A rat!



OK, we're coming up on the storm drain now.



This is where those guys died.

Seven guys right here.



Must have died in a hurry.



Let's have a look.



Go on.



- Emmit Reese.

- Roark! Roark, is that you? Roark!



- Mike, it's Chief Sindelar on the line.

- Take a message.



You want me to tell the Chief of Police



I gotta take a message?




Tell him, uh... I'm slightly busy right now.



That's the issue he wants to discuss with you.



What's he doing!

Public Works is sending a crewin.



Those guys are idiots. He knows that.



Mike felt this was too time-sensitive to wait.



Tell him we've got procedures.

He's not in Kansas anymore!



- You're notin Kansas anymore, Michael.

- St Louis. I'm not in St Louis.



- St Louis. He's not in St Louis.

- I don't give a shit where he's not!



- He has a desk now! That's where he works!

- You have a desk. That's where you work.



Got a reading here.



There is a steam vent.



Water and Power had it right.



Steam's coming up

through a crack in the concrete.



Tremendous heat!






No. Subway. We're right up against it.



- Mike?

- What's going on?



Hold on one minute, sir. Mike!



Wait a minute. I can't hear you.



Mike, I lost you. You there?



Look at those rats! They're cooked!



Damn, Gator! I'm cooked, too.



So are you. Emmit, this is no good.

Let's get outta here!



What the hell's going on?



Hah! Shit!



Get LAPD to clear everybody

out of this park. You all right?



Call Olber

before we lose a coupla trains down there.



Close off everything in this sector, gas lines...



Mike, what's going on?



Big jet of gas coming up outta that tube.

Sparks, hot as hell.



He ain't lying.



Find me a scientist! Somebody

that can tell me what the hell is going on!



Got it.



Situated on Wilshire Boulevard's

famous Museum Row,



the La Brea Tar Pits are one of the

LA Basin's most active geological features.



Here for the past       years

a deep fissure in the Earth's crust



has allowed oily tar and methane to bubble

up to the surface from far underground.



Evidence of  the ceaseless activity

below our very feet.



The   -storey Beverly Heights

apartment building will open on schedule



in spite of construction delays.



That's the word

from developer Norman Calder.



Many see the new land mark tower

as a sign the LA economy's on the rebound.



Now here's Jere Laird

with the rest of the business news.









I think I married a genius.



Three years, four banks, $    million,



but the doors are open.



I am so proud of you, honey.



You never gave up.



You didn't let me.



Here's how I see our future.



We move into this penthouse,

and then you transfer to Cedars,



which is right down the block.






I don't want my wife treating gunshot

wounds. I want her treating tennis elbows.



Right. Finished?



Hardly. This is only the beginning.



- I can't believe he got a baby-sitter.

- Yeah, well, I'm doing him a favour.



A big favour. I'm gonna miss my class.









Oh, fine. A perfect little ray of sunshine

like I was after my parents separated.



Every couple of minutes her head comes

off her shoulders, rotates     degrees,



then she starts watching TV again.



It's been hours.



Well, we've got a situation here.

I'll come home as soon as I can.



We'll go to OJ's house,

then the Beverly Center, right?



- I thought we said Disneyland.

- We talked about getting my nose pierced.



Not in this life, baby.



I'll be home soon. What can I do for you?



- I'm getting my nose pierced.

- It's a nice look, especially when you sneeze.



You can't do this!



What?! You're talking about       customers

with no cooking and no heat.



- Gas will be restored once it's safe.

- When?



You're talking about

sending a crew to every house



to turn on every damn pilot.

This could take weeks, if not more.



Excuse me just one second, please.



- Having fun yet?

- I'm starting to miss the Mississippi.



- The mud, floods?

- Mike, you have a call on your private line.



That'll be my girl wanting a tattoo.

Help me with this guy.



- How you doing? Oh, Wendy.

- Why did you leave Kelly alone?



- Pulling one of your usual stunts.

- What? It was an earthquake.



- She hates earthquakes. She's only   .

- Nobody likes an earthquake.



- She's been alone...

- She has not. I left her with a baby-sitter.



- Who?

- A neighbour.



How's she supposed to know

what to do if there's another earthquake?



- Kelly knows what to do...

- You never change, Mike.



Hello? Hello?



Phone went dead.



Yeah, they been doing that all over the city.

I'll get a crew out right away.



Why not do more underground blasting

to see if there's a fault line?



- No, let's do it your way.

- My way?



- We'll empty every building over two storeys.

- God, you're a geek.



- Mike, Emmit.

- You're a geek.



Nice shirt, Stan.



You Roark? Amy Barnes.



- Hi.

- I'm from CIGS. Nice to meet you.



Careful not to disagree

with anything Dr Barnes says.



Would you give it a rest? All we said was

Cahuenga was geologically unstable.



- The whole city is.

- That's why we don't want tunnels blown up.



Thanks for coming on short notice,

but save the fight for later.



Sure. Two o'clock good for you?



- Huh?

- Go ahead. Encourage her.



Dr Barnes, can you tell me

what's under MacArthur Park?



Not with any certainty, no,



- That's a shock.

- but l...



We ran trains through all day. No incidents.



This analysis from the guys

who collapsed Hollywood Boulevard.



My engineers were there - no demonstrable

risk. You got conflicting evidence?



Some reason to strand passengers?

I'm all ears.



Until then, we stay on schedule.



I'm sorry, Mike.



Oh, lah!



He's gotta change his nicotine patch.



- So?

- So.



So? How do I find out

what's underneath MacArthur Park?



..low-grade evacuation ofMacArthurPark.



City officials won'tsayif

it has anything to do with the deaths today



of those seven public workers.



Take a look at this.



OK. Um, what am I looking at?



That lake was    degrees yesterday.

Today it's up to   .



- Yeah, it's a sunny day.

- It is lovely, isn't it?



It takes a geological event to heat a million

gallons ofwater by six degrees in    hours.



What is a geological event?



I'm sure you're aware of this,

that our continents sit on tectonic plates.



- Great big rafts on an ocean of molten rock.

- Yeah.



When they shift, like they did this morning,

we get an earthquake. OK?






Same mechanism

can sometimes open a fissure, sometimes.



Magma can find

one of those fissures and rise up through it.



What's magma?



- Lava.

- Lava? Uh, here in LA?



It's one of several possibilities.



It is unlikely, but it is a possibility.



We have a history of that

in the downtown area?



Paracutin,      a Mexican farmer

sees smoke coming out of his cornfield.



A week later there was a volcano     ft high.



There's no history of anything

until it happens, then there is.



Well, thanks, ladies.






enjoy your day in the park.



- Ooh, yeah, that was subtle.

- What? You want me to humour him?



He asked us for a hypothesis.

You have a better one?



It's lava.



Lava, hm.



Hey, hey, that's me!

My God, I'm gonna call my mom.



- Uh-huh.

- I'm on the TV, man!



Excuse me.



You invited us, remember?



You want me to call Olber

and tell him the demonstrable risk is lava?



- Just give me time to do my work.

- Cos a lake went up a few degrees?!



No, because seven men baked to death

and nobody knows why.



MTA does not answer to the city.



I cannot go to the mat with them

unless you know something.



I do know something,



just not with any certainty.



Is that the company line?



I'm a scientist. Certainty is a big word.



I need time to collect my data.

I've gotta get down there and get samples.



- I can't let you do that.

- Why not?



It is too dangerous.



That's why.



I'm sorry.






What did he say?



Oh, it's too dangerous.



It's man's work and you're girlies.

I can't let you go down there.



- He likes you. I can tell.

- He's OK.



In a macho, controlling, "suspicious of

anyone not from his home town" kinda way.



So you like him. This is good.



We've got to go down there.



I don't see how we can.

This place is swarming with cops.






Let's do it in the morning

before the cops come on duty.



All right. I'll pick you up at four.



Four it is. Bring coffee. What have you got?



More harmonic tremors.



Good morning. It'sjustafter .  .



Didn't take long

to get ourfirstalert this morning.



A jack-knifed truck on the westboundside

of the    is spreading tomatoes everywhere.



One lane open...






Earthlings, we come in peace.



God, these suits weigh a ton.

I feel like I'm wearing a car.



Hey, look at this.



- What's that?

- Looks like sulphur.



I can't smell it.



- Ah, shit! My flashlight's going out.

- It's everywhere.



Could be traces of magnesium, nickel.

What d'you think?



Take some samples. That's how we'll find out.



My battery's dead. Hold on a sec.






What? What you got?



I don't know.






Kelly, baby!









Hang on, baby!



Come on, sweetie.

Back! Get under the door frame.



Oh, God!






Amy! Argh!



Help! I've got...



Amy! Amy!






Give me your hand!



- Oh, God. Come on!

- Help!



- Someone help me!

- I'm burning up!



I'm burning up! My legs are burning!



Hold on, Rachel!



Oh, b...



How 'bout that wake-up call, everybody?



OK, we have phone lines. Phone lines are up.



Generator's switching.



Emergency power's up.

What you got coming in, Phil?



I got...



- Katie, DWP?

- DWP - I'm doing that right now.



- Anybody seen Billy?

- He's stuck on the   . He's not in yet.



Listen up, people.



I want a meeting of all department heads

in exactly five minutes.



That's a very cool hat, Emmit.



Thanks. Your wife rolled over

and said the same thing to me this morning.



- Hello.

- That's a pink slip.



Any more quips, or can we work this thing?



Like you, we here at the Channel   

newsroom felt that big jolt this morning.



It was a powerful earthquake.



We're having trouble

contacting emergency officials...



Put your seat belt on, honey. Remember?



That's OK, baby. There you go.



I wanna go home.



We're going to

the safest room in town, I promise.



- Operations.

- Yes, this is Roark.



- Got Roark, line one.

- Got him.



Mike, listen. There's no reports of damage yet

to any hospitals, but     is off the hook.



- ATSAC's reporting all freeways are clear.

- We got good news. All freeways are clear.



I want you to get all helicopters up now.



Bob, we need pictures.

I need those choppers in the air now.



I'm heading east on Wilshire.

We're coming up on the Tar Pits.



Poles are all up, but there's no light.

A lotta haze here.



Let me in there, Brian.



Yeah, looks like

power's down everywhere in the city.



How'd you get in so fast?



Get in? Come on, Boss,

you know I sleep on your desk.



Disaster is my life.



He's kidding, right?



It's too early to hear from

the California lnstitute of Geological Studies...






Hold it. Wh-what was that?



That something on your end, Mike?



- Mike, come in. What's going on?

- I got Burbank up.



Daddy, what is this?



I don't know, baby.






Mike, come on!



- We're gonna die!

- No, we're not. I need both hands!



Emmit, what's the nearest fire station

to Wilshire and Stanley?



What you looking at, Mike?



Mike? Mike, come in. What's going on?



Fire! Heavy! Underground and structural!



There's smoke coming from the Tar Pits

and something like meteors coming out.



Sounded like you said "meteors"?



Look out!



There's bombs. Emmit,

get hold of that geologist, Amy Barnes.



- You have Amy Barnes, Katie?

- Check again.



- No.

- We're looking. Nobody knows where she is.






- Where are we?

- Power failure on all the lines.



Contact with the trains?



All but one. I think we got a problem.



Number four train westbound

on the Red Line at MacArthur Park.



Temperature on board

reached    degrees above normal.



It's still going up.



What d'you wanna do, Stan?



I'm going down there. Get a team together.



- What happened?

- Is everybody OK in here?



- How you doin'? What's happening?

- Fine. I think we had an earthquake.



- Earthquake?

- Yeah. You OK?



- What's causing the heat?

- I don't know.



- Hey, I'll help you.

- No. Stay where you are. Nobody move.



Why is it so hot in here?



- I'll try and open a door.

- I cannot breathe.



The damage is pretty widespread.

A number of fires are breaking out...



Refinery info's coming in. I got Marty on that.



Hyperion's got no damage.

We're still waiting on Tillman Reclamation.



Call DWP and stay on it.



Yes, Chief?



- Roark!

- No, Reese, sir.



- Where's Roark?

- He's on his way.



Gonna be delayed. My car's stuck

behind my gate cos we have no damn power!



Yeah, I got it. "No damn power".

Very good. Reese out.






- Lisa, get me a bottle and a half of aspirin...

- Staffis caughtin traffic due to the quake.



This is KNX, continuing

our live coverage of today's quake.



A situation's developing in Wilshire.



Our Bob Davis is there now,

reporting from his car. Bob?



Mitch, I'm approaching the scene now.

There's ash falling everywhere,



almost looks like a grey snow.



Several buildings are burning out of control.



It began a few minutes after the quake,

started by an undetermined source.



There was an explosion,

breaking windows, then flames.



Bob, could it be a ruptured gas line?



No. It sounded like something

just slammed into one of the buildings.



Calm down.

The fire department's on its way.



Put some pressure on that right away.



Emmit! It's a mess here. Can you hear me?



I need a traffic perimeter for three blocks

in every direction round Wilshire and Stanley.



OK, I'm on it, Mike.



   is down.   's engine is down.

Wilshire and Curzon. Wilshire and Curzon.



..several outbreaks of looting

following this morning's strong quake.



These pictures just coming in to the Channel

   newsroom verify the looting is going on.



We are now hearing that the National Guard

has been activated and is on its way to LA...



Stay with me. You still with me?



It's gonna be OK.



We've got help on the way.



Don't move, sweetheart. You'll be safe here.



- You're leaving me here?

- No, just going over there.



I'll be right back.

You'll be able to see me the whole time.



If you get scared,

you honk that horn, OK?



- Mitch, I'm at the Tar Pits...

- Get outta here!



- Don't touch that man!

- Watch out!



Don't touch that man, ma'am.

The ambulances are on their way.



I'm a doctor. He has a skull fracture.

The other man has a compound structure.



Can you get him off the street



and see if there's anything

in that fire truck we could use as a splint.



There are fires right next to me here.



There's a man in the truck.



Help! Help!



Get me outta here!






It's getting harder and harder

to hear anything. The roar is constant.



It's loud. I can barely hear myself think.



There's steam going up from manholes

and all I hear is just this roaring sound...



Oh, my God!






Mitch, I don't know how to describe this,

but the Tar Pits are on fire



and are spilling out

on to Wilshire Boulevard.



It's coming right up out of the ground itself.



It's as if the tar caught fire,

melted and somehow expanded.



- The downed fire truck is still on its side,

- Help!



- injured firefighters in need of medical help.

- Hang on!



Rescue personnel are starting to arrive.



I know this sounds crazy, but it looks like

volcanic lava pouring onto the street.












Dad, hurry! My leg, it's burning!



Stay calm, don't panic.

We'll get you out of here. Come on.



- OK, baby, here we go. You're gonna be fine.

- Ah! Look out!



Dad, your feet!



Don't worry. Look, we're gonna jump.



All right?



Here we go.



We're gonna be fine. OK?



There seems to be a downed...



- It seems to be a fireman in the truck.

- Driver still inside! Somebody get him out!



Get me outta here!



I can't move! Help!



- Give me your arm! Your arm!

- Get me outta here! Get me outta here!



My God, two firemen just burned alive!



This is horrible... horrible!



Get those out!



They're dragging other firemen off the street

now in an effort to save their lives.



- Watch his left leg.

- Somebody give me a hand!



All the suffering and human carnage

alongside incredible bravery...



Pull back. Pull back.

We gotta get more units here.



Watch out for his leg.



This girl has a burn on her leg.

Can you help her, too?



I'm taking these men to Cedars.

You want me to take her, too?






Don't worry, darling. You'll be OK.



Stay calm. Give me that telephone!



That was a large truck, and now it's just

a huge fireball burning out of control.



Emmit, we're at level one here.



I want you to have CHP close all off-ramps

on the    at La Brea, La Cienega, Fairfax



and bump that traffic perimeter

to ten blocks away from the Tar Pits.



- Got it. What...

- I will give details later,



just get it done!



Get some hoses

on those trees up there, fellas.



Turn the traffic round on Wilshire.

Back up, get outta here.



- You're OEM, right?

- Yeah.



You need to be here. She doesn't.



- She's my daughter.

- Yes.



This is a second-degree burn.

I'll take her to Cedars.



- Ow!

- It'll be fine, but it could get infected.



Here's my name and my pager number.



This is no place for her, you know it.



- Dad, we're going home, right?

- This is not a safe place for you to be.



- You need that leg taken care of.

- I wanna stay with you.



She got any allergies?



No. This lady's name is Dr Jaye Calder,

honey. She's a doctor. She's gonna help you.



Watch your feet there.



I want you to go with her. I'll talk to you

by phone as soon as you get to the hospital.



- There's my card.

- Please, you can't leave me.



Honey, you cannot be here and I have to stay.



- Why?

- Because it's my responsibility.



So am l.



Please, I promise I won't get in the way.



Just go.






- Go!

- Dad!






- Hand me the radio. I really need it!

- No!



You guys got any radios?



We've gota lot ofconfusedpeople below us

running round terrified.



This man,...

well, I can't even guess where he's running.



I don't think so, Chief.

Why would Mike be running around?



- That's Mike Roark.

- Shut up! What?



No. I just talked to Michael. He was in the car.

And, besides, this guy's a lot... taller.



Look, Chief, I'm swamped right now.

I'll call you back.



- What the hell is that?

- Yes. All right, Reese out.



You guys seeing this shit?



What can only be described as lava



is now snaking its way

down Stanley Avenue,just off Wilshire.



This is StanleyAvenue,just offWilshire. The

house behindmejust explodedinto flames



and, to put it bluntly,

all hell is breaking loose.



You can see the panic in residents' faces.

The fear and distress...



God knows what it is,

but something fiery is raining down.



It's a warzone here!



- My dog is in there.

- You can't go in.



But my dog is in there. Phil, come here, boy!



- My dog is in there!

- You just gotta hang on in. He'll be OK.



Phil! Come here, boy.



Come here, Phil.



Oh, Phil! Oh, you good dog.

You got it. You got it, boy.



It's my house, man. I was born in that house.



I know, I know.



Fire trucks! How come I see no fire trucks?



- They're up on Wilshire.

- I'm gonna get some help.



- Um, I think you should pull over.

- Why?



Because this guy's leg, it's like gushing.



There's a blanket underneath him.

Get it and press it down over the wound hard.



I think you should just...



If I don't get to the hospital, I'll lose

both these guys. Now, do what I tell you



and help me out here.



Look, Kelly, I know you're scared.

I'm scared, too.



So I'm gonna need your help.



Help me, OK?



No-one has any idea

what to put in the way of this lava.



Declaration of emergency,

assistance from county, state and federal.



All available National Guard units

and air tankers. We need water dropped.



OK, listen, Mike. I've got a bunch of meds

coming in. I'll ride 'em over to Midway, OK?



No, send 'em to Cedars. That's where

we're sending patients. Safest place.



All right, Cedars. Good.



I got a message from Sindelar. He's stuck

on "the damn freeway." Wants me to tell you..



- I've got a desk. That's where I work.

- ..yadda yadda yadda.



- Tell him not to expect me. Out.

- No problem.



Mitch, it's a chaotic scene,



with emergency personnel

desperate to stop this thing.




do you know where the driver of that bus is?



- What are you talking about?

- Come with me. Come on.



..rolling past

the foot of County Art Museum,...



We now have a name for this crisis.



It is, according to the US Geological Survey,

a volcano.



Yes, you heard that correctly.

As remarkable as itsounds, a volcano here



- Excuse me!

- is wreaking havoc throughout the city...



Oh, my God.



You would have loved this, Rachel.



- Cover! Cover!

- Hey.



Hey, no. Look at it. Keep watching it.



Now! Move, you guys!



It's a lava bomb.



You don't do anything un...



until you know where it's gonna land.



I need    strong men standing right here.



Go get those firemen right now,

and those officers right there.



Get over here, guys. Over by this bus.



- Right now. Let's go, hurry up.

- God, this Hieronymus Bosch is heavy.



That's cos he deals with man's inclination

to a thing, in defiance of God's will.



I didn't mean it like that.






Fellas, come over here.



- Right over here. You were right.

- Hardly.



Gentlemen, I want to move the bus

up against the museum like so.



Like so!?



Yes, like so. Then I wanna

shoot out the tyres on the other side.



I cannot turn it over

unless the tyres on one side are flat, all right?



What we wanna do is build a corridor

to keep whatever this is...



It's lava.



All right, it's lava.

Get round to the front, fellas. Hurry up.



Get around the front of the bus.



All right, on the count ofthree, fellas.

One,... two






Come on. Police officers on the other side,

shoot out those tyres.



The rest of you guys, along this bus.



Come here.



All right, on the countdown, aim low.



Three, two, one, fire.



All right, we know that stuff is lava.

What do I do next?



You have to evacuate the West Side. This'll

burn through the city till it hits the ocean.



- It has a million people.

- There'll be a million dead or homeless.



This is going to destroy

everything it touches.



- He's still breathing. Can you grab this arm?

- Yeah.



Grab him right there.



Let's go, let's go!



Let's get this guy out.



Are you realising what we're dealing with?

This is a volcano.



- All we can do is get out of its way.

- Run for the hills and hide?



- Right.

- I can't do that.



Look out!



Look out!



Stay with this guy. Stay with him.



Hey, get that ladder over here now!



Bring it down!



- What're you gonna do?

- Get us outta here if I can.



Hey, watch out for those flames!



Get that ladder out of the fire!

The hose is gonna burn!



- Clear!

- Ah!



- Outta here. Move!

- We're not gonna do this.



Pull him out!



- Move!

- Oh, my God.



- Oh, God. Oh, God.

- Hang on.



- Push him in!

- I can't. The ladder's bust. Too much weight.



- I'm gonna have to swing 'em over.

- Move it!



- Couldn't he swing us the other way?

- I'll ask him when we get down.



The hose is burning! The hose is on fire!



- Argh!

- Shit!



- Hold on!

- I'm holding on!



Faster. Move it. They're cookin' up there!



My feet are burning! My feet are burning!



Keep the guy still!

The ladder's gonna give!



- My foot!

- Keep it still!



- The ladder's going. We're losing it.

- Keep still! You're moving us!



- Move it.

- Hang on!



Stop kicking! Argh!






Oh, my God!



This guy needs oxygen!

Get him over to Cedars right away.



You all right?



Oh... I'm sorry. Sorry.



- Are you all right!?

- Yeah, I've never been better.



So, what do we do now? Come on.



That lava is coming from a vent.



Bad news is there could be other vents,

bigger ones, maybe ten times as big,



which means we may not have seen

the main eruption yet.



- You think that's gonna happen?

- I need specifics, a phone.



- Your phone! Give me that.

- Hey! I need that back.



- I'm on the air. I need that back.

- Stay where you are. Stay where you are!



- Hey, lava's moving round the bus!

- Give me that phone.



- Hey, that's property of KNX.

- Not any more, pal.



All right, Emmit,

get me     K-rails to build a corridor.



- What are K-rails?

- They're concrete freeway dividers.



You planning on channelling this?



- I'm on the telephone, all right.

- Sorry.



Mike, I'll call Public Works.

They could have some.



- Roark?

- Yeah, and any private contractor we have...









And call Gator. Cedars is gonna be swamped.

I want him over there.



You don't want him with you?



No, Kelly is on her way to Cedars now.



She got burnt, Emmit.






She'll have a suite

by the time the sun comes up, all right?



All right. Out. What?



The bus is just deflecting this, OK?



It is coming back around. It's got in the store.

We are dealing with determined stuff here.



All right,

we'll build berms until the K-rails get here.



- With what?

- We'll dig up the streets, we'll improvise.



Literally hundreds of firemen,

police, city workers have grabbed pickaxes



to try to channel this down...



..the ash and the smoke in the air right now.



..to make a dentin this latest attack on LA.



That wall has to be five or six metres tall.

Stay with it.



It's hitting every street. We've got

structural fires and inhalation cases.



- I can't keep it out without help.

- I'm working on it.



Meantime, do all you can to keep it

on Wilshire. Use fire trucks, if you have to.



My street's on fire.

You gotta get some trucks down there.



- What street?

- The one with smoke coming out. Stanley.



- Once this is under control.

- There won't be houses left by then!



Look, I'm sorry. We'll get to 'em when we can.



Yo, I'm talking about people's houses.

You're up here saving museums.



D'you wanna get this guy off me?



- Oh, great. Mark Fuhrman.

- Let me see your hands.



- You gotta be joking.

- Give me your hands!



Get your goddamn hands off me!



Hey, what's going on?



- He was harassing a firefighter.

- Bullshit. I was asking for help.



- This is stupid. Let him go.

- I'm taking him in.



Aw, he's all yours.



- Shouldn't you be saving lives?

- Don't move!



Watch that third rail.

I don't want anybody hitting that.



Hey, watch for the rubble right there!

Watch for the rubble.



Oh, Jesus.



- There she is.

- Looks like we got a hell of a fire, Stan.



Yeah, we sure do.



Right, let's go, let's go, double time!



It can't be gas, they turned off

the whole quadrant. Gotta be electrical.



Call LAFD! Tell them there's a fire

    yards from MacArthur Park station!



Get those first-aid kits

and those oxygen masks down here now!



Here, give me that.



Come on. Hit it.



Come on, hit it!



Oh, my God.



Give me a push.



- Let's check these people out in here.

- Check 'em out.



I got a pulse! Get the other one.



How many we got?

Give me a count here! Give me a count!



Some oxygen up here.






Just a second. Just a second.






Let's get everybody out on the station floor.



What you got, Pete?



What the hell is that?



Get off the train...



Get off the train! Get off the train!



Every one of these bodies off the train now!

Fireman's carry, go, go!



- We can't get 'em all.

- Anybody see the driver?



Give me your gloves.



- What're you doing?

- I gotta find the driver.



Every one of these people off the train now.

Come on, move it! Move it! Go! Go!



Stan, get back here!



We are in the parking lot at Cedars Sinai

and this is an incredible scene.



These people are staying in the parking lot



because the emergencyroom

is filled to capacity.



The injuredjustkeep coming here

one afteranother.



This, to me, seems more like a MASH unit

than a majormetropolitan hospital...






- Gator, you got my girl?

- Right here.



- Doc says she's gonna be fine.

- Nearly done.



All right, let me talk to her.



Man's got a direct line to the governor,

but he's calling you.



- I'm fine, Daddy. Honestly,... I'm OK.

- This is gonna sting.






- I love you, baby.

- Then stop sending us bodies.



- We have gota full house overhere.

- I don't have any choice.



Cedars Sinai is the only emergency room

that's still safe and north of the flow.



We got earthquake victims,

burns, smoke inhalations.



They're doing triage on the sidewalk.



Put the post-ops in the mall.

Beverly Center's gotta have its own power.



- The mall, huh?

- Yeah.



Anything good at the cineplex?



Have the cops close the streets for you.



Oh, goddammit.



Jesus H Christ.



- See that? The flow's gonna turn.

- Yeah, I saw it.



- What's south of here, Lieutenant?

- Convalescent homes, hospitals.



I'll tell you. A big gas station,

a million houses and everyone I know.



Get back in there.

We need everybody we can get.






Emmit, where are those K-rails?

I need 'em right now.



Hey, what were you trying to do?

Take that guy downtown?



- Better take the freeway. Wilshire looks bad.

- Hey, enough!



Let's get these people on the cart.



Come on, Stan. Come on, Stan.

Where the hell are you?



Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners

now and at the hour of our death.



Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.



Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners

now and at the hour of our death.



Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.

Blessed art thou amongst women,



and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.

Holy Mary, mother of God...



- Get on the walkie...

- Hey, it's Stan!



Jump, Stan! Come on, Stan! Go!



Stan, get outta there!






- Get outta here!

- No, Stan! You can't save him!



Come on, jump!



- Come on!

- Come on! Save yourself!















- Emmit, FAA want an update.

- Where are we with the airports?



No more outgoing.

Incoming is being re-routed to Ontario.



No, no, no, no. Marty, no.



Look at the screen. That cloud is blowing due

east. We gotta send everything to San Diego.



Emmit, they got two gas lines burning on

Fairfax. They can't get any hydrant pressure.



- Swimming pools.

- What about them?



Pump out all the swimming pools.

That's all the water we need.



Emmit, just got a call from La Brea.

Total gridlock from Pico to Sunset.



- Didn't we send over those traffic cops?

- That's who's calling.



Cars keep stalling out because of the ash.



- It's clogging up the air filters.

- Chevettes, right?



OK, nowyou can see it coming rightat us.



Just a relentless tide oflava melting the street

itself. Itincinerates everything it touches.



They're using concrete, they're using cars,...



- You gotta get me some water pressure!

- I can't. The city's out.



- Hydrants are dry!

- Lights are out in San Francisco.



- We gotta get these guys some help.

- Yeah, I can see that.



Don't you hear me?

I said the lights are out in San Francisco.



But this street's on fire.

Nobody gives a shit about San Francisco!



All right, good to see you.



We want a corridor outta these K-rails. Keep it

flowing down Wilshire and headed west, OK?



- Where are the rest of them?

- This is it.



- There's only about    here.

-   . Everything else is stuck on the   or   .



We're trying to keep the city in one piece.

   rails won't do it!



- What you blaming me for?

- Convenience!



- Maybe we can chopper more in?

- One at at time, forget it!



Why not knock down a couple of buildings

and block this son of a bitch?



All right, come with me.



You guys, come with me.



- Open a reservoir!

- And the city drinks what?!



- There won't be a city, ifyou don't move.

- I'm doing my best!



Knock this shit off! What is with you people?



Chief, how long will it take this stuff

to get to Fairfax?



- About ten minutes, give or take.

- Enough time to build a barricade?



All right, look.

Wilshire Boulevard, Fairfax.



   K-rails, double stacked in a horseshoe.






A cul-de-sac.



That's gotta be a wall at least  ft high.



- D'you have any helicopters, water tankers?

- Not yet, but they're on the way.



Once you get this lava to pool, dump

everything on it, all at once, to form a crust.



Maybe it'll dam itself like one did in lceland.



- Thank you.

- You're welcome.



This is putting a Band-Aid on a broken leg.



I don't know how many men

to keep putting in front of this thing.



As many people as it takes.



Listen up, let me tell you what's south of us.



No more museums or department stores,

just homes, people.



If we run now, they're defenceless.



You don't like my plan, give me another one,

but don't say we're backing out.



- Is everybody clear on that?

- Yeah!



All right, let's go. Build a wall.



Come on, push him over.



Push him over.



All right, come on. Push 'em on in.



Give me    or    guys

on each of these things.



Right over here on this K-rail.



Right in here. Hold it.

On the other side. Watch your leg!



Right over here, fellas.

There's room by there. Pick 'em up.



Let's go. Lift!



- Come on.

- We need more guys on this one.



Shit, it's too heavy.



Hey, man, you know what they say.

No pain, no gain.



All right, that's it!



I knew it, I'm about to be

the volcano version of Rodney King.



Give me your hand.



- Roll the tape. Y'all got this?

- Give me your hands.



Go home.



- I'm supposed to say thanks?

- No.



- What did you do that for?

- Let's go.



Still don't have enough guys over here!

Give us a hand.



Come on.



Come on!



You block this,

it stays out the neighbourhood?



Yeah, that's the idea.



Come on. Let's go. Come on, move! Move!



Come on! What you waiting for?



- Come on.

- All right! Let's move this thing!



 ...  ...  !






OK, keep moving.



Put it over there!



With so manypeople injured,



it is so easy to forget the victims

who can't tell you where ithurts.



And, fortunately, these wonderful

veterinarians have put their lives on hold



to help these animals.



This is a greatstory. This pot-belliedpig

was trying to findhis owner...



OK, just one more stitch.

You're really brave, you know that?



We got internal bleeding here.



Can you watch her?



Are you OK?






- Is the boy hers?

- Yes.



- We're putting kids in the mall. Prep her.

- Mommy.






How are you at baby-sitting?



- Hi.

- Hi.



You OK?



- Step up, we don't have a lotta time!

- Roark!



- Yeah?

- There is lava in the Red Line.



Just came through on the emergency band.

It destroyed a train near MacArthur Park.



- Is it still flowing?

- It's stopped, but I think there's more.



There's got to be something

feeding this from below. A source.



It broke through here, at the Tar Pits,

created this vent.



We now know it broke through at MacArthur

Park, so it's travelling laterally underground



over the course of at least eight miles.



- You said it blows up.

- I've never tracked lava under a city before.



I don't know what it'll do

with man-made tunnels to travel through.



I need everything to deal with what's

in front of me. I don't have time for a theory.



- All right, but somebody's got to.

- I can only fight what I can see.



I know.



Good luck. I'm gonna check it out.



All right.



Here's a recap of the crisis as itstands.



Throughout the city

shelters are being hastily erected



out of schools, churches and synagogues

in an attempt to house the shaken citizens.



OK, ready, you guys? OK,      .






Rock beats scissor and scissor beats paper.



I'm not paper. I'm lava.



What beats that?



My dad...



I hope.



Save your hoses, Chief.

I wanna let it pool up all the way to the top.



Save your hoses!



Not a drop until I give the word.



We'll just have to wait it out now.



This is the moment of truth.



- The entire streetis now engulfedin flames.

- The weight of this lava has to be intense.



- ..um das Lava zuruckdrangen.

- Will this plan work?



- Hubschrauber!

- All right, that's it, Chief. Open 'em up!



Open hoses.



Open hoses!



There must be thousands of gallons of water

being dropped over this entire area.



The entire area is drenched



and the steam coming off this thing

is unbelievable.



Oh, shit.



Oh, God.



I don't believe it. It looks possible

that this whole thing maybe nearing an end.



This incredible gamble

seems to be paying off.



- Did we just beat this bastard?

- It looks like it!



Flood control!



Ladies and gentlemen, it is a miracle.

And look at the faces of these people.



Look at these guys!

It looks like they've done it.



They have accomplished the impossible.



They've beaten MotherNature and claimed

an extraordinary victory over the volcano.



One lastheroic stand

here on the corner ofFairfaxand Wilshire.



Hell of a party!

I probably should have brought a hat.



Chief, they need some help over on Stanley.

Structural fires, residential.



- Miller, get your engine over to Stanley.

- Yes, sir.



I guess that's my bus.



Hey, good luck.



You, too, man.



Show me what this baby can do.

You ready or what?



Yo, I always wanted to ride one of these

things, man. Stanley Ave, here we come!






You're a good man, Jerry.



- All right, Roark.

- Thanks, fellas.



Way to go, guys!



Roark! Hey, way to go.



How fast can you get to

Wilshire and Western? We got a problem.



Not any more, we got it stopped.



Volume of ash is too hot to be out of danger.



How come it's stopped?



- Maybe it went some place else.

- How d'you know it didn'tjust stop?



I don't, but when Mount St Helen's blew

the force was       times greater



than that of the Hiroshima bomb.



You think that vent

released that much energy?






Let's assume we haven'tseen

the realbulk of the magma yet.



Trust me, get down here.






Hey, hey, that's my bike.



As crews battled the flow on Wilshire,



emergency rooms at Cedars Sinai

and Midwayhospitals have all reported



that their staffs andsupplies

are being overwhelmed...






Jaye, I wantyou home with me

where it's safe.



Norman, can we talk later?



I don't like his breathing. Let's tube him.



Jaye, you've been there hours.

Let someone else take over!



God knows

what those "people" are coughing up on you.



Calder, we need help.



- I'm hanging up.

- Jaye!






- Right over the Red Line.

- That steam could come from anywhere.



- Maybe the quake broke a water main.

- How'd it get heated?



- I don't know.

- Lower me down. I'm gonna find out.



- No.

- Why? Too dangerous?



- Yes.

- I thought it was a water main.



- All right. I'll go.

- How you gonna get up? I'm gonna lift you?



- I'm not letting you go.

- Then what are we gonna do?



Oh, God, this is so stupid.

This city's finally paying for its arrogance.



Which particular arrogance is that?



Building a subway

under land that's seismically active.



It was a foolish man

that builthis house upon the sand.



Matthew  :  . A favourite among geologists.



All right, there's the tunnel.

I don't see anything.



Hm. What way are we facing?



I don't know.



I can't see anything.



- Hey!

- Wha...









Ow! Damn!



Oh, God.



The tunnel's insulating it.



It's like a lava tube.



It's keeping it fluid,

which is why it's moving so fast.



But moving where?



It's gonna go through the tunnels until it hits

a block. Once there, it'll punch through.



You mean erupt.






One, two,






One, two, three.



- How far between tunnel sections?

- How should I know?



- Guess!

-    or    feet.



This is Roark.

I need to know where the Red Line stops.



We gotta figure out

how fast this shit is moving.



- You mean where the last station is?

- No, where did you stop the tunnel?



We stopped drilling

under the Beverly Center, La Cienega.



My God. That's where Cedars Sinai is.



That's where Kelly is.

How long before it hits La Cienega?



Hold on.



- How long before it hits La Cienega?!

- I don't know.



If a tunnel's caved in, it'll be slower.



God.    minutes, maybe less.



- That's not enough time!

- No kidding.



We gotta move those people.



No, no, that ain't a possibility, Mike.

We don't have any hands left.



We got secondary fires popping off all

over the city. They're looting in Beverly Hills.



Then we have to re-route it or block it

in some way. We got      people in the way.



Listen, Moses couldn't re-route this shit, OK?

It's everywhere.



We got a flow in a storm drain...



The Genesee transformer's out.

That means the West...



- Where's that storm drain go?

- It dumps into Ballona Creek.



What did you just say?



Hold it!



It dumps into Ballona Creek.



- Ballona Creek runs into the ocean.

- We caught a break on that one.



Yeah. I would say! How close is it to Cedars?



It's close enough. All right, listen up, Emmit.

I need a demolitions team,



LAPD, National Guard, private contractor,

or all three at San Vicente



and  rd right now!



We want 'em with all they've got.



Oh, shit.



Man, I wanna be like Mike.



Right outside Cedars

we don'tknow what's going on rightnow.



Officials have toldpeople here

to evacuate immediately.



And realise, these are injuredpeople,

some severely, so something is going on.



All right, here's what the lava is doing.



It will flow down the Red Line subway tunnel

until it comes to a dead end: this intersection.



This is the Holly Hills storm drain extension.

It connects here to the Holly Hills trench.



Anything that flows into that trench will come

through the storm drain, on to the ocean.



- We got    minutes...

-    minutes.



   minutes to extend the San Vicente trench

    yards up San Vicente Boulevard



to this place here.



- Extend it?

- Yes, extend it.



- Where are we at?

- Ground zero. Lava'll break through here.



- Right here?

- Yes.



I want you

to drill holes in San Vicente Boulevard,



Iower enough charges into it to blow up

a trench     yards long, as wide as the street



- and as deep as you can make.

- What!



- We're gonna take this thing to the ocean.

- Wait, this won't work.



The street slopes the other way.

Look at the contours.



It is not going to move into the trench. It will

go the opposite direction into the patients.



- Maybe some can be diverted...

- No! It won't. Would you trust me?



It is going to flow that way.



Now, everybody grab some stretchers.

Let's save as many lives as we possibly can.



That's      patients.

We can't possibly save everybody.



I know.

I sent them over there with my daughter.



I.. I...



I... I don't know...



I don't know what to do.



What about a dam?



Something we can drop in front

of the hospital and divert the flow this way?



- What?

- What she said, knocking a building down?



Are you serious?



Yes, I'm serious. It's gotta be       tons

of steel and concrete. Would that work?



- You are gonna knock a building down?

- Yes, I am. Would it work?



I think it might. I think it might.



You wanna bring it down against the mall?






That's a precision drop.

That takes days to plan.



Set a speed record.



You wanna

knock down a building in    minutes?






Split the squad, let's go.



What d'you want me to do?



Find my daughter,






I left her with a Dr Jaye Calder.



I gave that woman my child,

she gave me this card. Find her.



OK. I'll find her, OK?



Trust me, I'll find her.



Sergeant, bring your men

and follow me right now!



Come this way.

Put your first hole right there.






Where's Tommy?



He went through there.

Can I have those French fries?



Remain calm.

We are evacuating the triage unitnow.



- Excuse me, I'm looking for a little boy.

- Un momento.



Have you seen a little boy?

He has blond hair.



- You should be back in there.

- No, I'm looking for a little boy...



- Red Cross people will find him.

- No, he's my responsibility.



Everybody out.

We're evacuating the Hard Rock.



All right, people, evacuate.

We must leave right now.



Put down what you're doing. Let's move...



Come on, let's go. Coming through.



- Is the building empty?

- Yeah, all clear!



We're toldlarge amounts

of explosives are being brought in



from National Guard armouries,

private contractors and LAPD depots.



It's an extraordinary effort under way...












This urgent advisory

from the city's Emergency Operations Centre.



Stay inside and stay away from the window.



Stay clear of the Beverly Center.



They put some kids in the mall.

In the Hard Rock.



- OK, you've done your duty. Can we go now?

- D'you think she might still be there?



Maybe. She was watching some children.

Norman, hold this. What we got?



Thank you.



Here. Take this.



These people are strangers, Jaye.

Are you gonna die for them?



- Jaye! Answer me!

- I am answering you, Norman.



This man's in cardiac arrest. I'm defibrillating!



- Charging.

- Shit!



- Clear!

- I'm outta here.



Not much time. Hurry up.



An amazing scene here,

as demolition teams pour into the area.



Ifyou live in the Beverly Centerarea,

stay inside and away from the windows.



- Kelly Roark!

- Expecta series of explosions.



- Kelly Roark!

- Beware of flying glass.



Kelly! Kelly Roark!



- Lou! Are you set?

- Ready.



Danny, are you all ready?



Here it comes.



- Ten seconds away.

- You haven't got ten seconds!



It's coming! It's coming!



Everybody out! Everybody out!



- Get outta here! Move it! Move it!

- Come on, come on!



- Give me a hand!

- Put them in.



We gotta move, buddy!



It's gonna blow! It's gonna blow!



I'm done!



- Whoa!

- Where the...



My God.



This is just an incredible scene.



We are watching a stampede desperately...









My leg. I think it's busted. Get me outta here.



It's broken.



Kelly Roark!



Kelly Roark!






Start detonation sequence.






It isn't gonna budge.



- Get outta here. You'll make it, ifyou run.

- I won't leave a man down.



I'm gonna get you outta here, pal.



- La Cienega, we clear?

- La Cienega clear.



- Lower San Vicente?

- Lower San Vicente all clear.



- Upper San Vicente?

- Upper San Vicente all clear.



Tower, can we go?



We have to go. Irepeat, are we clear?



I gotall hell breaking loose up here.

We gotta go now. Irepeat, are we clear?



- Tower clear.

- I copy.






Hold it. There's a kid out there.

There's a kid out there.



There's a kid out there in San Vicente, hold it!






Get outta there! Kelly, get outta there!

Abort! Abort!



Stop the explosions!



A skyscraper  -storeys'high...






Get out! Kelly, get outta there!



As faras we can tell

through the clouds of rubble,



this audacious plan seems to be working.



Officials are breathing

their first sigh of relief in hours



as this strategy looks like it's paying off.



In the triage area there is rejoicing.



Mike Roark?



Mike Roark, are you there?






You can see through the dust

there is an atmosphere of celebration here.



People are laughing andsmiling,

feeling a sense of more than just relief.



And about    feetawayis a   -storey

apartment building lying on its side...






Roark, can you hear me?






Roark, can you hear me?



Flow is at Crescent Heights and turning.



The trench is holding.



The flow is down the storm drain.



The re-routing through the storm drains

seems to be holding.









- Approaching Wilshire intersection.

- Passing under the   .



We can see that fiery flow

moving along the creek.



The concrete walls are holding up against

the lava as it streams towards the Pacific.


















- Roark!

- Over here!



I just got word on Mike. He's OK.



His little girl, too. Roark is OK.



Thanks. Yes.



And itis goodnews atlast.



Satellite pictures show

the volcano is shutting down.



The lava is subsiding.



This maybe the first chance

for stunned Angelinos to finally look around



and take stock,



for, with nearly     dead, thousands injured

and damage in the billions,



this crisis has surely touched everyone ofus.



Let's go find your mom. What she look like?



She looks like...



Look at their faces.



They all look the same.












had I been in charge,

I would have evacuated the West Side,



sacrificed half the city, maybe made

parking a little easier in Beverly Hills, but



I would have been wrong.



If you'd been in charge, we'd have

known about it    hours in advance.



You saved a lot of lives today.



Aw, shucks, Roark.



I let the guy outta my sight for one minute.



Max, go! Go!



Kelly, look who we brought you.



- Max! Oh!

- Hey, Maxie.



- Just another day at the office, huh?

- Yeah!



Mr Roark!



We've got a phone call for you.

It's Chief Sindelar.



Yeah, just a moment.



- He finally made it in, huh?

- Yeah.



Says we got mud slides in Malibu.



A couple of hundred structural fires,

power's down over half the city,



gridlock on all of the freeways.

Hope you got some bright ideas for this.



I do.



You handle it. I'm on vacation.



I'm going home with my daughter.



Come on, Max!



You know, I could get used to this, Mike.



All right, let's go. Hello, Chief.



No, it's still Emmit.



I know. I don't know what to tell you. It's not

personal. Yes, it's raining here, too, sir.



Guys, it's a little wet out here. You want a lift?






Well, you said you wanted to go

to the Beverly Center. How did you like it?






It was cool, Dad.



- Cool?

- Cool.

Special help by SergeiK