Looks like it's going to be Pink and Bobby McGee

Bet Renee's thinking 'you make me sick'I have to admit, when I think Janis Joplin, Pink isn't exactly the first person I would think of casting. But then again, I sure as heck don't think of Renee freakin' Zellweger either; especially after having seen her "sing" in Empire Records. But it's official, according to Empire, Pink has signed on to play Janis in a project that's already on the fast track to start shooting this summer.

The scary thing, I think it might not be a half-bad idea. I mean, who knew Courtney Love could actually act (and well!) before The People Vs. Larry Flynt? Sure, one could make the argument that playing an irresponsible promiscuous druggie wasn't so much of a stretch for her, especially lately. Regardless, she had the chops. And besides, Pink's going to be playing a singer, so I wouldn't call this project a stretch either. Even though I don't consider myself a fan, she does have the lungs and the whole R&B vibe going on. I shall take a rare step back from snarkitude and not criticize this casting decision.

Of course the director, Penelope Spheeris, hasn't ever made a movie that I could call "watchable". So there is that tiny detail. So, will there really be two "Pearl" movies, one with Pink and one with Zellweger? Nah. Remember a couple of years back when the big news was that there were going to be two Frida movies, one starring Jennifer Lopez and the other starring Salma Hayek? We all know that one went down. So I'll go on the record as predicting not only that there shall be only one Joplin flick in the near future, but that Zellweger will be the one to back down in this cinematic game of chicken.

While I'm prognosticating, I'll also predict that Renee Zellweger will continue to pose in that "I'm peeking at my butt" fashion at least 1,000 more times in her lifetime.

posted by drew on 4/03/2004

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